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Doctor for consulting swine flu in bangkok


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Dear all,

Its an emergency.

My sister back in my country is diagnosed with swine flu recently. She is in critical condition. Doctors says the injection against the disease is not effecting her of any kind. She was diagnosed with pneumonia some weeks back. Now this new news is a sudden and alarming.

I want to show the report of my sister to doctor in Bangkok. I have asked my parents to send me copy of all the reports till now. Please suggest me the best doctor here in Bangkok with whom I can consult with.

Thanks and waiting for you prompt reply.

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Let's wish your sister a speedy recovery.

Assuming you have recently been in contact with your sister, If I were in your situation I would go to the Thai Travel Clinic Hospital for Tropical Diseases Faculty of Tropical Medicine, Mahidol University. If you haven't been in contact with her I'm not sure what you hope to accomplish.

There is a lot of contact information on the above website and directions in English. The reason I recommend them is because while there recently getting my Yellow Fever vaccination (for work in Africa) I had a good look around. They will be the go-to place if there is a pandemic of anything in Thailand.
I would just go see them right away. It won't cost you an arm and a leg like one of the big costly private hospitals will. I'd much prefer a university hospital than a big commercial one and I am certain you can find out who is Thailand's premier expert on H1N1. They will know for sure.
See also here.
Edited by 96tehtarp
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I understand your anxiety , however, I am not sure what you hope to achieve.

If you really want an "opinion" the best doctor to consult would be a person specialising in infectious diseases.

Which country is your sister living in ?

It would make more sense if a second opinion (if that is desired) be sought there.

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Thanks both.


I am not in contact with my sister (actually my friend's sister) as I haven't returned to my home country since a long time. I am only inquiring for a doctor to whom I can show her history and get some advice from that doctor. And thank you for that link. I will try finding information from there.


My sister is in Nepal. And yes, actually I am looking for a doctor in Bangkok for getting a second advice. We are also consulting with other doctors in Nepal.

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