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DSI begin crackdown on illegal Russian Tour Guides in Pattaya


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i think thailand should be handed back to the thais in its entirety, stop all foreigners from working so the tourists and guests in this country can enjoy the fine quality of service, language and trade skills the thais are well renowned for

"i think thailand should be handed back to the thais in its entirety"

I think you have blinkers on and hopefully you are only referring to the Tourist and low life industries that thrive off gullible people here in Thailand. For one, there are a lot of International Expats here on major Module construction jobs for international export that are required to oversee these projects to ensure standards and requirements are stringently adhered to. Otherwise corners get cut and sub-standard equipment gets exported. Please engage brain efore opening mouth. And....... how would you find out any information regarding Thailand without the Expats at Thia Visa? wai2.gif

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What bothers me are the Russian prostitutes and dancers. Get RID of them. I came to Thailand to see Thais not Russians. I can fly to Russia if I want to see them.

Agree. This is so blatently a Police and Immigration snout in the trough job.......This should be a Thai Proffession only, here in Thailand. biggrin.png

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"complaints from Thai Tour Guides who claim that the Russians are employed in jobs they are more than capable of doing themselves."

Not just capable, but MORE THAN capable! rolleyes.gif

"the DSI who are the Thai equivalent of the FBI."

Not "federal bureau of investigation" (as in USA), rather Thai FBI (fawning bureaucratic incompetents)

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I take it it's OK for Thai Tour-Guides to transport the flocks of tourists on dangerously unsafe mini-vans and coaches with drivers drugged up to their eyeballs and drunk.

Money more important than life I guess in Pattaya.

Do Thai Tour-Guides really think they can communicate with rowdy Russians in Russian language ?? cheesy.gif Beggars belief

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You don't even need a work permit to work at the biggest and best companies in Thailand. The officers and HR staff don't care at all if you work with one or without one. As long as they don't need to be disturbed or bothered by doing the paperwork or have to pay out money or pay taxes, then you are always on the right track for promotion and longevity.

If you are lucky enough to obtain a work permit, then it is a great blessing for sure. But, it isn't necessary. The only people who seem to care are the foreigners who want to turn people in, or jealous Thai's, as in this case. Other than that, if nobody knows about your situation (foreigners, strangers, bar drinkers, jealous idiots), then truly, not even the big firms in Thailand care at all about it. I was even asked by an HR manager at a very large Thai firm, "Why do you think you need or should get a work permit"? The other foreign staff members don't have one, so why should you be so special to get one? It is all about money, scams, corruption and the locals are mostly part of the scams, or simply don't wish to be troubled by these types of things, unless ordered to obtain one by a multinational firm.

I have obtained this information from many interviews and colleagues who have lived and work without a work permit in the Kingdom of Thailand for over 20 years!!! and never, ever had any problems. Do I agree with this?

ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I favor obtaining a work permit for sure. It is the right way to work and live and contribute to the society. It is the criminals who deny and block people from getting them, easily or even with tremendous effort. Consider yourself very lucky if your firm takes care of you properly.

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What bothers me are the Russian prostitutes and dancers. Get RID of them. I came to Thailand to see Thais not Russians. I can fly to Russia if I want to see them.

well in that case why dont you go back to your country ? When I go to London I dont complain about seeing Indian, Pakistan or any other nationalities.When I go to Sydney , its hard to see only Australian as the aborigines are the REAL Australian ....but I dont mind to see other people ... and it is the same in Thailand ...

For a French man, please tell me why you are always so quick to jump to their defense?

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Another TIT report with "protected" monopolistic, mafia areas which at end limit the competition, drag down the quality and service level and dangerously increase the number of scams. Too many of the (mafia) Thai tours are just plain scams, dangerous, no safety, no control. Considering the very poor level, opening to (foreign) operators can only be beneficial to all, including to the Thai mafia operators who will have no other choice than to improve their skills and service level. All this with a smile of course.

I have no specific comment on the "Russia" operators. My comments are valid for all.

Your comments are incorrect. If what you know of the tourism business is indeed from working in the tourism business in Thailand then you are working for the wrong people or are yourself a Russian tour guide.

Most of the Thai tour guides and companies are NOT scammers. A small percentage are. If as a tourist you book with reputable guides and programs you have no problems. And just because you are a foreign tour guide or company does not make you any better than the locals.

How exactly can you explain your comment "Thai tours are just plain scams, dangerous, no safety, no control. " It seems to imply that if you are not Thai you are not scammers, are safe, are not dangerous and have total control.

Absolute sh&t statement toonsai. I work in the tourism business and all my Thai partners would run circles around any foreign tour guide as far as knowledge, safety and customer service.

But you are entitled to your opinion.

RCT99q, Of course there are always good Thai tours and good examples. But based on my (10 years) experience here, I have to disagree. The proportion of scams in tourists tours in Thailand is very very high. We are not talking about the whole Tourism Industry. I explain this by several facts in cascade: No law enforcement + high corruption + no standard + no control + poor english. I do not mean that only Thai scam, foreigners also, that's not the point. The POINT is that this area of business, like many others in TIT, is protected, restricted to Thais only. What are the results? Just to name a few in no specific orders: Phi Phi island is a garbage, destroyed by uncontrolled mass tourism, tour buses crash on a very regular basis, tourists boats sink every few days, most of tour without proper english documentation or translation, inexistent safety standards in most (if not all) outdoor activities. I have done enough "tours" to have my own very poor opinion of most of tourist tours being TRAPS, nothing else. 80% of my experiences, I just have the feeling to be a number, a piece of meat, not a customer. Now, I can understand that this bad reputation might hurt a minority. Then group yourself and implement strict standards.

Tell me, how do you define the word "reputable" in Thailand where there is no standard, no safety and no control?!?!?! Precision: I am not talking about the few agencies who have a quality approach. I am talking about the majority of local agents for which the only objectives are: load the maximum of people on a boat, load 20+ people in a minibus with an inexperience and drunk driver, false advertisement about "eco" tours on island full of garbages etc etc etc... Tons of examples.

My message is that opening the Tour Industry to foreigner might also improve the quality and service level. Basic standards and controls in Europe or in the US are already much higher than here.

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Is it just me or is the DSI focusing on minor problems while they let the major problems fester. Who sets the priorities down there. Maybe they could prioritize and actually do something important for the country. Rice scam, jet ski scam, murders, tuk tuks running the show in Phuket, public land being sold on the beach , and they are chasing a few Russian tour guides??? Great use of resources huh?

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i think thailand should be handed back to the thais in its entirety, stop all foreigners from working so the tourists and guests in this country can enjoy the fine quality of service, language and trade skills the thais are well renowned for

And J.J the Jetski operator gives you a standing ovation. clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif

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Another pattaya money and coruption story...not the first one and not the last one ...but honestly who want to go to pattaya or phuket today ? the russians ? ok .then..go..go ..i give them my place for free.These citys are not representative of what thailand is in general...these places are made for foreigners to take their money asap only.

you won't get any consideration or respect there because you are considered as a wallet full of dolars , not a man....they stop smiling to you when you don't have money in it anymore......to me they are places to avoid at once.....!

and to the guy who said this:Russians are employed in jobs that thais are more than capable of doing themselves....cheesy.gif. i really would like to ear a thai tour guide speaking in russian......!

good day and good luck


Edited by VINCENT2012
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i think thailand should be handed back to the thais in its entirety, stop all foreigners from working so the tourists and guests in this country can enjoy the fine quality of service, language and trade skills the thais are well renowned for

Can't really agree about language, but I have definitely been "serviced" with some great "trade skills" in Thailand.

Edited by aguy30
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Instead of having to go chasing after illegal foreign workers why doesn't Thailand just make the necessary qualifications clear and for those who are qualified, make the process easy and straightforward instead of being xenophobic.

I would think if you are Russian with a background as a guide and are familiar with Thailand you'd probably make a better tour guide for Russians then a Thai who doesn't speak the language.

If we don't accept fair competition how are Thai's going to better themselves? Its called free trade.

The qualifications are clear...working as a tour guide is an occupation reserved for Thais. Therefore, one must be Thai to perform this work in Thailand. How much clearer does it have to be for you to understand it?

So round up all these illegal workers, fine them, and deport them

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With the headliner concluding "Without fear of prosecution from the police"

Investigations should begin with the resident police officers who allow these to be rampant.

I'm sure sure, they won't turn a blind eye for nothing : )

somtam palah

Edited by holeyman1
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What bothers me are the Russian prostitutes and dancers. Get RID of them. I came to Thailand to see Thais not Russians. I can fly to Russia if I want to see them.

well in that case why dont you go back to your country ? When I go to London I dont complain about seeing Indian, Pakistan or any other nationalities.When I go to Sydney , its hard to see only Australian as the aborigines are the REAL Australian ....but I dont mind to see other people ... and it is the same in Thailand ...

For a French man, please tell me why you are always so quick to jump to their defense?

"For a farang man, please tell me why they are always so quick to jump in to defend thais ?

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i was forced once to take a thai guide when i visited kuiburi national park, watching wild elephants. the guide spoke zero english except for the word "elephant" which he used repeatedly (100+ times, haha). i also got a leaflet with some info... in thai. anyway, i don't mind all that if i didn't have to pay 10x the price of a thai, and yes i have thai driving licence and yes i speak thai and no i did not get the standard price... the only reason i didn't turn back (i have seen wild elephants in burma and india before) was that i went with western friends and didn't wanna spoil their day out. mind you, if the guide would be able to speak english and if i had received a leaflet in english i would consider 10x the thai price no issue as there was "added value" and the price was only 500tb anyway.

Your story is exactly the truly reason why tour companies employ Russian native speakers instead of Thais. I am stunned of naivety of some answers here like "law is law. Foreigners cannot be guides". Whoever made the law forgot to specify "hey farang, come here, get an overpriced tour and do not complain if your guide, rolling a spliff, will answer 0.01% of what you will ask him. Not to mention, do not ask for safety standards here as your guide will take care YOUUUU"

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sadly its human nature to be xenophobes it seems,it may have worked 10000 years ago but it works against most peoples self interest in modern economies, even if it is law and democracy etc. Im all for open borders, be nice to return to my country of birth without having to endure an anal probe and confiscation of my phone and laptop as well

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