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Killing of monk seen as 'revenge for murder of three brothers


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Yeah, let's rearrange the global borders to before 1785...

Well apart from this being a generally stupid idea, it would actually leave us in an interesting position, especially Great Britain with colonies, a pre-Napolean German Alliance, and all oil in the hands of those who actually use it. Oh, and Palestine under the Ottomans, I believe.

But then we'd say silly things such as "the East Roman Empire was stolen by the Turks a couple centuries ago, no wonder the Italians are restless."

sadly it will never happen,england will not rule the waves annymore,

it is reverse now, the poor ex-conquered people are now flooding england (india,pakistan,......)

they come and will get back what is stolen from their ancestors ,they will slowly take over ,just by numbers !

And nobody can stop this wave !

Start learning arabique,it will be the nr 1 language in europe .

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I noticed a pop up Advert for the Jomthien Hostel that I was going to book a while ago, as I have to make a visa trip next week as I was about to confirm the booking I checked the price and found it was double the stated room rate , and discovered that The rate was per person and not like every other hotel in Thailand A Room rate so they lost a booking for being Greedy Most Hotels in the World are now charged at room rate an not per person So I suggest if the Jomthien Hostel read this they change their policy to conform with the rest of The World or they may loose a lot of single travelers like me - I know this has nothing to do with the subject about the monk being killed in revenge for the three children being killed, which I personally am appalled at not the Monk being killed we can afford to loose some of them but small children being shot I want non of that



Cheap? Who is cheap? You are cheap. Throwing such a tantrum about a booking over a hostel. Thailand will survive without you, so go to another country where they have dumbed down websites for you..

Edited by puanddavid
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It's not about revenge. It's about terror. Kill a monk before a Buddhist holiday and strike fear in the hearts of the infidels. What a bunch of evil freaks. Allah Akbar you animals!

maby you will think differently is you know:

thailand stole the south provinces by force in 1785

the population was forced to learn and speak thai (wich they hated)

Bangkok send thousants of poor thai to those provices (to give the example)

They tried to make them buddists(what a mistake)

Now after hundreds of years ,they still resist ,and they will never give up.

Imagine england conquered by germany and everybody has to learn and speak german .....

Well ,go educate yourself a bid ,it is easy to find out on Wikipedia.............

This time it is not the muslims who try to conquer,if they wished they would be in power in thailand for years!

But they wont , because thailand doesn't give support to poor or children of immigrants ,like those stupid european countries do .

I do agree with your"Allah Akbar you animals"

Best solution :give the south regions back ,get the buddist thais out of there,leave them allone .

It will save a lot of money and lives and will be good for the everybody exept the arm-traders and politicians.wai2.gif

Funny you mention the English and the fact they have conquered half the world and implemented that same rule of terror and the natives. My own language was almost completely eradicated because they would cut the tongues of people who spoke Irish. 800 years later and there is still unrest.

On this particualr issue, I can't see it ever getting better, even if the land was given back, Buddhists would then rise up against the Muslim government!

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It's always the Muslim's in the world killing as they wish.......Are there any other religious cults...killing like this anywhere?

Really? Funny I remember there was this Christian nation that went into Iraq and Afghanistan for no apparent reason except to 'kill as they wished'. Oh, and for the oil and to sell more arms to boost defense spending.

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Since innocents are dying every day, why not begin to stack the odds against all Muslims and make a clear statement.

No more non-Muslim innocents. We can't find you among your masses. You all look the same. So, rather instead of you killing our innocents, and the death of innocents is impossible to prevent as long as Islamic people's breed haters like this, then we are going to begin a clean sweep of every Muslim we come across until they begin to forsake their demon god and come crawling to us with information leading to your whereabouts.

Until that happens, then (and since the death of innocents is a moot point) we are going to wipe you off the face of the earth and every Muslim into the bargain until you begin to behave sensibly and and cease and desist this murderous behavior.

People die every day. Only cowards allow life to make it into a lottery.

Heroes turn the lottery into a barrel of apples and make it so decent people can move on in life.

Watch "Taken" to get an idea of how I feel if someone were to hurt one of my own.

None of this makes sense, but this is how I feel at the moment, so please forgive me.


Now could you please rewrite this?

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And on the World Stage .... Nothing !! ... No condemnation , Nothing ...... Maybe if there was OIL there it would be a different story ...whistling.gif

How would it be a different story if there is oil there ???

(And yes.............. there IS oil there)

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