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Poll: Thais want both govt and PDRC to take a step back


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Poll: Thais want both govt and PDRC to take a step back

BANGKOK, 17 February 2014 (NNT) – A majority of Thais have expressed the hope that both the government and the People's Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) will take a step back in order to ease the political tension.

Suan Dusit Poll has revealed the results of its survey of 1,300 people nationwide, saying nearly eighty-four percent of respondents thought that the current social conflict was being stirred up by only two political parties, Pheu Thai and the Democrats, as they have different viewpoints and are not willing to reach a settlement.

Twenty-six percent of the people questioned said the current impasse was affecting their lives, while eighteen percent thought it was hurting the nation as a whole, causing instability and damaging the country’s image.

When asked what would be the best solution, forty-four percent of the respondents said the government and the protesters needed to take a step back and put the country’s interests first, whereas seventeen percent thought that the best way out was to find a mediator who could help the two sides reach a compromise.

-- NNT 2014-02-17 footer_n.gif

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Poll: Thais want both govt and PDRC to take a step back

Not much chance of that. This is a winner takes all fight and I can't see the government winning in the long run.

Edited by uty6543
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It's a bit ruddy late for the caretaker government to take a step back, and put the country's interests first.

There's only one interest the caretaker government puts first. It sits in Dubai with a big smirk, and is to where all the stolen money has gone, less some to the personal coffers of those in top government positions, i.e. MPs who thieved on his behalf, and got rewarded for it.

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Once Yingluck looses control of the Thai financial books all hell will break loose

the courts will be full till way into next year

the logical thing is both side agree to a new election after the 180 days has passed for Taskin to get his "get out of Jail free Card"

or form a joint government with non of the present MP's in it

But this can not happen as lines 1 and 2 cancel lines 3 & 4


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It's a bit ruddy late for the caretaker government to take a step back, and put the country's interests first.

There's only one interest the caretaker government puts first. It sits in Dubai with a big smirk, and is to where all the stolen money has gone, less some to the personal coffers of those in top government positions, i.e. MPs who thieved on his behalf, and got rewarded for it.

Sadly it's people with this pig headed attitude on both sides which create an impasse........ if there is no middle ground where is the way out?.

Sent from my GT-S7562 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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It's a bit ruddy late for the caretaker government to take a step back, and put the country's interests first.

There's only one interest the caretaker government puts first. It sits in Dubai with a big smirk, and is to where all the stolen money has gone, less some to the personal coffers of those in top government positions, i.e. MPs who thieved on his behalf, and got rewarded for it.

That is an overly simplistic view, and doesn't describe the realities at all. The Shinawatras and Suthep are merely bit players in a larger game. The future of Thailand will be decided in negotiations which will take place well out of the glare of media attention.

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It's a bit ruddy late for the caretaker government to take a step back, and put the country's interests first.

There's only one interest the caretaker government puts first. It sits in Dubai with a big smirk, and is to where all the stolen money has gone, less some to the personal coffers of those in top government positions, i.e. MPs who thieved on his behalf, and got rewarded for it.

where is the evidence for this? I'm not saying it's not true, but I have yet to see evidence

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Once Yingluck looses control of the Thai financial books all hell will break loose

the courts will be full till way into next year

the logical thing is both side agree to a new election after the 180 days has passed for Taskin to get his "get out of Jail free Card"

or form a joint government with non of the present MP's in it

But this can not happen as lines 1 and 2 cancel lines 3 & 4

Already had a Election.....what you didn't vote.....I did

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Yingluck already 'took a step back' when she dissolved parliament, she didn't have to do that and it was probably a mistake, she should have just had by-elections in the effected districts once the spoiled brat party(democrats) resigned..

Suthep and the other fascists have even rejected a unity government after academics floated he idea, according to Suthep; the Phua Thai party must not have ANY role in a future government, even though it wins elections convincingly, he insists that democracy must be suspended so an appointed 'people's council' runs the country autocratically, and his group does the 'appointing' but doesn't specify who else appoints, but the entire north of the country must be disenfranchised and learn to like it.

Only the spoiled brat party is boycotting this election, all other parties are trying to move forward.

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It's a bit ruddy late for the caretaker government to take a step back, and put the country's interests first.

There's only one interest the caretaker government puts first. It sits in Dubai with a big smirk, and is to where all the stolen money has gone, less some to the personal coffers of those in top government positions, i.e. MPs who thieved on his behalf, and got rewarded for it.

Sadly it's people with this pig headed attitude on both sides which create an impasse........ if there is no middle ground where is the way out?.

Sent from my GT-S7562 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I disagree you can not blame the people for the greed of others

Fact is there is so much corruption in this government they have been backed into a cnr and like rats if you do this to will just fight with no logic to what they do

It is to far gone now

This is not about who can rule the country

This is 1 big cover up for the family that has raped Thailand for the last 6 years

How can they ste back if by doing so all that they have done will be revealed

The proof is in the pudding

If they have been a good government

If they have only done for Thailand the best

Then step back and allow the Thai people to see all the good things that they have done

I am a dreamer as well but reality tells they will hold the books rather than reveal it secrets

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It's a bit ruddy late for the caretaker government to take a step back, and put the country's interests first.

There's only one interest the caretaker government puts first. It sits in Dubai with a big smirk, and is to where all the stolen money has gone, less some to the personal coffers of those in top government positions, i.e. MPs who thieved on his behalf, and got rewarded for it.

Sadly it's people with this pig headed attitude on both sides which create an impasse........ if there is no middle ground where is the way out?.

Sent from my GT-S7562 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I disagree you can not blame the people for the greed of others

Fact is there is so much corruption in this government they have been backed into a cnr and like rats if you do this to will just fight with no logic to what they do

It is to far gone now

This is not about who can rule the country

This is 1 big cover up for the family that has raped Thailand for the last 6 years

How can they ste back if by doing so all that they have done will be revealed

The proof is in the pudding

If they have been a good government

If they have only done for Thailand the best

Then step back and allow the Thai people to see all the good things that they have done

I am a dreamer as well but reality tells they will hold the books rather than reveal it secrets

I just think that the idea that the removal of one family will make things right is naive, ok it might be a start i'll grant you that but the fact remains that people voted for PT and by default that family. Those people should also have a say right?.

Sent from my GT-S7562 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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