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DigitalOcean VPS in Singapore for $5 USD / 1000GB BW Hurray!

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Here is my test on wifi, 20/2 true docsis (burstable up to 50 mbits). I tested it using my proxy on vps @ digital ocean singapore node.


I also get similar results in testmy.net (shockingly)

Minimum :: 4.05 Mbps | Middle :: 23.33 Mbps | Maximum :: 34.07 Mbps

I was using oneasiahost until now with limited bandwidth (200gb total, 100gb in + 100gb out in proxy/vpn usage so 100gb net bw) and I was looking for some other providers such as simplercloud. I just signed up with digitalocean and choose basic package, 1 cpu, 512mb ram, 1000 gb bandwidth!, singapore location (can choose other locations aswell).

There is no other company offers bulk singapore bandwidth for this price. Why am I posting this? Because by using singapore vpn/proxy/whatsoever you can bypass ISP throttling on a single connection. You can get faster than light youtube streaming (I'm getting over 1200-2000 kbyte/sec during a 1080p stream @ youtube). I am getting much better throughtput on digitalocean compared to oneasiahost, more bandwidth and less cost.

All you have to do is signup at digitalocean.com, make a one time payment of $5 usd via paypal, set up a node (smallest one) and choose singapore location. Under 60 seconds, you'll get your vps ready. Make sure you choose Centos 6.5 32 bit and nothing else.

Get a ssh2 client like putty or vandyke securecrt. Connect to your server via provided root password.

to Install squid:

yum install -y squid nano

cat > /etc/squid/squid.conf (hit enter)

Get squid config from here: http://pastebin.com/4b5TcTGm

copy paste to ssh program via right click/paste or shift + insert key combinations

hit ctrl + D to save file.


rm -rf /etc/squid/squid.conf

nano /etc/squid/squid.conf

then copy paste config to this screen

and hit ctrl + O, then enter, then ctrl + X to exit.

then issue command:

squid -z

chkconfig squid on

service start squid

Voila, now you have a public proxy server on your vps node on port 8888.

You can change it to some other port number, something hard to guess like 47217

http_port 47217

and restart squid by

service squid restart

Just enter proxy information to your browser and be amazed by the results.

By normal usage, it is almost impossible for you to use all 500gb (500+500 = 1000gb total) bandwidth in a month. You can also set up a pptp vpn or openvpn to this vps and use anyway you want.

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Why bother?

I think you own this service and are trying to pawn it off on to TVF viewers.

Call me when the US wins a court case with their digital millennium copyright act.


Why bother?

I think you own this service and are trying to pawn it off on to TVF viewers.

Call me when the US wins a court case with their digital millennium copyright act.

Yeah I own digitalocean.com, which has 150,000 (150K) cloud nodes and multi million company and wasting my time here.

You are awfully smart.

  • Like 1

Netflix USA test:

This singapore VPS using l2tp protocol + http proxy on my san jose, california server for US IP. I can also combine unblock-us / unotelly instead of using another proxy but it has to be done in server side so I don't bother.

stream speed varies 650 kbyte/sec to 1000 kbyte/sec, which can do 5800 kbit 1080p superhd very very easily.

However it seems house of cards node is overloaded, I get much less speed from house of cards, but great speed from other movies.

On second try, house of cards stream fine, over 1000 kbyte/sec streaming, totally watchable :)


It might bypass throttling but does it bypass metering?

What do you mean by metering?

What do you think I mean by a fairly simple word like that?



It might bypass throttling but does it bypass metering?

What do you mean by metering?

What do you think I mean by a fairly simple word like that?


Metering what? It is not a computer/networking term.


It might bypass throttling but does it bypass metering?

What do you mean by metering?

What do you think I mean by a fairly simple word like that?


Metering what? It is not a computer/networking term.

Isn't it? I must be in the wrong <deleted> job then.



Thanks for the OP for the tip. Unfortunately it came too late as I already made 3 year contract for a Amazon EC2 micro server.

Some time ago I asked from Digital Ocean if they are going to open a datacenter in Singapore and the answer at the time was negative.

Their prices seems to be very good.

(And I did not knew what kind of metering was talked about, it could have been several possibilities).


Thanks for the OP for the tip. Unfortunately it came too late as I already made 3 year contract for a Amazon EC2 micro server.

Some time ago I asked from Digital Ocean if they are going to open a datacenter in Singapore and the answer at the time was negative.

Their prices seems to be very good.

(And I did not knew what kind of metering was talked about, it could have been several possibilities).

Its just 5 bucks :)

Worth bypassing true online transparent proxy alone.



Isn't it? I must be in the wrong <deleted> job then.


I am just feeding the troll, i like feeding trollls.

Really? You're not very good at it.



Isn't it? I must be in the wrong <deleted> job then.


I am just feeding the troll, i like feeding trollls.

Really? You're not very good at it.

You aren't the best troll I have ever seen either. Now go troll some other topics.


It might bypass throttling but does it bypass metering?

To answer your question

This neither bypass throttling nor metering. (the package OP use is unmetered anyway)

Singapore basically has more bandwidth than Thailand and also fast to connect from Thailand.

However, just for tunneling purpose I consider it's a waste to use digital ocean.

I'll tell you some secret. I guess True set QOS on port 22 to something very high.

For just to bypass port 80 modification by True (and gain some speed) you can go with any cheap US based VPS.

and tunnel using ssh (use ssh client as socks proxy so the tunnel created on port 22)

that will cost you just little as $15/year.

Of course if you have websites it's a good idea to use DigitalOcean.


No way this is unmetered.

I mean True DOCSIS package not DigitalOcean

They limit bandwidth by sharing certain amount of bandwidth at a point of time (or you may call it throttling) not by something/month so no metering required.


Thanks for the OP for the tip. Unfortunately it came too late as I already made 3 year contract for a Amazon EC2 micro server.

Some time ago I asked from Digital Ocean if they are going to open a datacenter in Singapore and the answer at the time was negative.

Their prices seems to be very good.

(And I did not knew what kind of metering was talked about, it could have been several possibilities).

Its just 5 bucks :)

Worth bypassing true online transparent proxy alone.


If you have time, would you mind posting results with using your tot connection using digital ocean. A friend of mine is using tot ADSL but he gets really bad latency to international servers in gaming due to tot horrible routing. I was wondering would this fix his latency and routing issue?


Thanks for the OP for the tip. Unfortunately it came too late as I already made 3 year contract for a Amazon EC2 micro server.

Some time ago I asked from Digital Ocean if they are going to open a datacenter in Singapore and the answer at the time was negative.

Their prices seems to be very good.

(And I did not knew what kind of metering was talked about, it could have been several possibilities).

Its just 5 bucks smile.png

Worth bypassing true online transparent proxy alone.


If you have time, would you mind posting results with using your tot connection using digital ocean. A friend of mine is using tot ADSL but he gets really bad latency to international servers in gaming due to tot horrible routing. I was wondering would this fix his latency and routing issue?

My tot is in village and I don't plan to visit another 2 weeks. However, TOT's singapore connection is never stable. Sometimes 40-50 ms, but most of the time it is 160 ms. However TOT UK link is usually stable at 240 ms (linx.net london IX). If your friend is playing against people in EU, UK vpn might work better. Singapore won't help in TOT.

Here is my tracert from server to my tot in village

traceroute to 101.51.179.XX (101.51.179.XX), 30 hops max, 60 byte packets

1 ( 1.043 ms 0.896 ms 0.884 ms

2 ( 0.855 ms 0.616 ms 0.915 ms

3 ( 2.989 ms 2.900 ms 2.866 ms

4 38040.sgw.equinix.com ( 3.333 ms 3.153 ms 3.111 ms

5 * ten-gi-0-0-0-6.kkm-core-01.totiig.net ( 128.743 ms *

6 ten-gi-0-7-0-7.kkm-core-01.totiig.net ( 128.233 ms ten-gi-0-7-0-3.kkm-core-01.totiig.net ( 130.157 ms 130.052 ms

7 in-addr.totiig.net ( 130.033 ms in-addr.totiig.net ( 129.926 ms 129.968 ms

8 * * *

9 * * *

10 * * *

11 * * *

--- CTRL + C



If you have time, would you mind posting results with using your tot connection using digital ocean.....

I am not Muratremix, but I've booked the same package like him.

So my tracert to my VPS on digitalocean: not really spectacular rolleyes.gif

Interesting is the lost time between hop 7 and hop 8 (seems to be TOT's "sniffing server")

Routenverfolgung zu 128.199.xxx.xxx über maximal 30 Abschnitte

  1    <1 ms    <1 ms    <1 ms  router.asus.com []
  2    32 ms    29 ms    30 ms  node-9hd.pool-125-27.dynamic.totbb.net []
  3    30 ms    33 ms    32 ms
  4    44 ms    43 ms    39 ms
  5    39 ms    39 ms    40 ms  hundred-gi-0-6-0-1.cwt-gw-01.totisp.net []
  6    36 ms    37 ms    36 ms  ten-gi-0-0-0-5.cwt-core-01.totiig.net []
  7    51 ms    50 ms    52 ms  ten-gi-0-7-0-3.knl-core-01.totiig.net []
  8   169 ms   169 ms   173 ms  po-0-4-0-0.sg-pop.totiig.net []
  9   170 ms   166 ms   163 ms  p133165.sgw.equinix.com []
 10   167 ms   165 ms   165 ms
 11   166 ms   167 ms   165 ms  128.199.xxx.xx

Tracert to Germany via oceandigital's VPN (which I set up, just after booking the VPS)

  1   169 ms   168 ms     *
  2   168 ms   169 ms   170 ms
  3   169 ms   167 ms   170 ms
  4   165 ms   166 ms   173 ms
  5     *      171 ms   169 ms  ae-1.r20.sngpsi05.sg.bb.gin.ntt.net []
  6   340 ms   343 ms   342 ms  ae-3.r20.snjsca04.us.bb.gin.ntt.net []
  7   343 ms   347 ms   340 ms  ae-1.r07.snjsca04.us.bb.gin.ntt.net []
  8   354 ms   354 ms   351 ms  ae-4.r06.plalca01.us.bb.gin.ntt.net []
  9   353 ms   354 ms   357 ms
 10   524 ms   524 ms   520 ms  do-ec3-i.DO.DE.NET.DTAG.DE []
 11   487 ms   492 ms   499 ms
 12   517 ms   517 ms   517 ms xxxxxxxxx.dip0.t-ipconnect.de [79.226.xxx.xxx]   <---my server in Germany

Tracert to Germany without any proxies/VPN'S (TOT) --> faster than through Oceandigitals VPN

  1    <1 ms    <1 ms    <1 ms  router.asus.com []
  2    30 ms    30 ms    31 ms  node-9hd.pool-125-27.dynamic.totbb.net []
  3    29 ms    29 ms    37 ms
  4    43 ms    42 ms    45 ms
  5    43 ms    38 ms    40 ms  hundred-gi-0-6-0-1.cwt-gw-01.totisp.net []
  6    39 ms    36 ms    38 ms  ten-gi-0-0-0-3.cwt-core-01.totiig.net []
  7    48 ms    51 ms    50 ms  ten-gi-0-1-0-4.knl-core-01.totiig.net []
  8   167 ms   169 ms   169 ms  po0-1-3-0.sg-pop.totiig.net []
  9   166 ms   164 ms   167 ms  xe-0-0-0.singapore2.sin.seabone.net []
 10     *        *        *     Zeitüberschreitung der Anforderung.
 11   378 ms   377 ms   380 ms
 12   421 ms   417 ms   414 ms  do-ec3-i.DO.DE.NET.DTAG.DE []
 13   430 ms   420 ms   425 ms
 14   448 ms   449 ms   448 ms  xxxxxx.dip0.t-ipconnect.de [79.226.xxx.xxx]    <---my server in Germany

As one can see...it's crappy, so or so....bah.gif

  • Like 1


If you have time, would you mind posting results with using your tot connection using digital ocean.....

I am not Muratremix, but I've booked the same package like him.

So my tracert to my VPS on digitalocean: not really spectacular rolleyes.gif

Interesting is the lost time between hop 7 and hop 8 (seems to be TOT's "sniffing server")

Routenverfolgung zu 128.199.xxx.xxx über maximal 30 Abschnitte

  1    <1 ms    <1 ms    <1 ms  router.asus.com []
  2    32 ms    29 ms    30 ms  node-9hd.pool-125-27.dynamic.totbb.net []
  3    30 ms    33 ms    32 ms
  4    44 ms    43 ms    39 ms
  5    39 ms    39 ms    40 ms  hundred-gi-0-6-0-1.cwt-gw-01.totisp.net []
  6    36 ms    37 ms    36 ms  ten-gi-0-0-0-5.cwt-core-01.totiig.net []
  7    51 ms    50 ms    52 ms  ten-gi-0-7-0-3.knl-core-01.totiig.net []
  8   169 ms   169 ms   173 ms  po-0-4-0-0.sg-pop.totiig.net []
  9   170 ms   166 ms   163 ms  p133165.sgw.equinix.com []
 10   167 ms   165 ms   165 ms
 11   166 ms   167 ms   165 ms  128.199.xxx.xx

Tracert to Germany via oceandigital's VPN (which I set up, just after booking the VPS)

  1   169 ms   168 ms     *
  2   168 ms   169 ms   170 ms
  3   169 ms   167 ms   170 ms
  4   165 ms   166 ms   173 ms
  5     *      171 ms   169 ms  ae-1.r20.sngpsi05.sg.bb.gin.ntt.net []
  6   340 ms   343 ms   342 ms  ae-3.r20.snjsca04.us.bb.gin.ntt.net []
  7   343 ms   347 ms   340 ms  ae-1.r07.snjsca04.us.bb.gin.ntt.net []
  8   354 ms   354 ms   351 ms  ae-4.r06.plalca01.us.bb.gin.ntt.net []
  9   353 ms   354 ms   357 ms
 10   524 ms   524 ms   520 ms  do-ec3-i.DO.DE.NET.DTAG.DE []
 11   487 ms   492 ms   499 ms
 12   517 ms   517 ms   517 ms xxxxxxxxx.dip0.t-ipconnect.de [79.226.xxx.xxx]   <---my server in Germany

Tracert to Germany without any proxies/VPN'S (TOT) --> faster than through Oceandigitals VPN

  1    <1 ms    <1 ms    <1 ms  router.asus.com []
  2    30 ms    30 ms    31 ms  node-9hd.pool-125-27.dynamic.totbb.net []
  3    29 ms    29 ms    37 ms
  4    43 ms    42 ms    45 ms
  5    43 ms    38 ms    40 ms  hundred-gi-0-6-0-1.cwt-gw-01.totisp.net []
  6    39 ms    36 ms    38 ms  ten-gi-0-0-0-3.cwt-core-01.totiig.net []
  7    48 ms    51 ms    50 ms  ten-gi-0-1-0-4.knl-core-01.totiig.net []
  8   167 ms   169 ms   169 ms  po0-1-3-0.sg-pop.totiig.net []
  9   166 ms   164 ms   167 ms  xe-0-0-0.singapore2.sin.seabone.net []
 10     *        *        *     Zeitüberschreitung der Anforderung.
 11   378 ms   377 ms   380 ms
 12   421 ms   417 ms   414 ms  do-ec3-i.DO.DE.NET.DTAG.DE []
 13   430 ms   420 ms   425 ms
 14   448 ms   449 ms   448 ms  xxxxxx.dip0.t-ipconnect.de [79.226.xxx.xxx]    <---my server in Germany

As one can see...it's crappy, so or so....bah.gif

Your tot ping to singapore is too high, thats why. Substract 125 ms from these results for true online :)


Why bother?

I think you own this service and are trying to pawn it off on to TVF viewers.

Call me when the US wins a court case with their digital millennium copyright act.

Yeah I own digitalocean.com, which has 150,000 (150K) cloud nodes and multi million company and wasting my time here.

You are awfully smart.

Smarter than you. whistling.gif

What pretend throttling are you trying to by pass?


Why bother?

I think you own this service and are trying to pawn it off on to TVF viewers.

Call me when the US wins a court case with their digital millennium copyright act.

Yeah I own digitalocean.com, which has 150,000 (150K) cloud nodes and multi million company and wasting my time here.

You are awfully smart.

Smarter than you. whistling.gif

What pretend throttling are you trying to by pass?

Pretend throttling?

You have no idea what throttling is do you? I get 2Mbit on a single connection internationally and get max. speed (20mbit) to singapore destination, which is not throttled by true online. When you have server / vps / vpn / proxy in singapore imagine what happens? Yes yes you get max. speed on a single connection almost at all times!


Your tot ping to singapore is too high, thats why. Substract 125 ms from these results for true online smile.png

I know, that's why I want to get rid of TOT.

In my case (TOT), a Singaporean server is nice to play around with, but when it comes to performance increase, it doesn't help at all.


My connection is sync at 14mbit.

I'll let you get back to your throttling conspiracy.

No, there is no "throttling conspiracy".

"speedtest.net" uses multiple connections, like a Download-manager.

Thats why your results are so good.


As a short test, I've downloaded a testfile from my dropbox.

The first screenshot shows the speed with 8 connections, the second screenshot, the speed with only a single connection.

TOT throttles the speed/per connection at ~2 Mbit (night time)..At daytimes or peak times it goes down to 1Mbit or less!

BUT: A SG VPN/tunnel is useless, as it shows identical results.

TOT throttles every connection, even VPN, independent from location/destination.





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My connection is sync at 14mbit.

I'll let you get back to your throttling conspiracy.

Yeah yeah you get these numbers 7/24 and your youtube streams non-cached content at 1080p flawlessly. Your ping has to be faster than light in true online if you are not using a proxy, and when you do use a proxy, it is cheating. True online proxy is very unstable but lets you get correct ping times. You think i would not notice did you?

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