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Luang Poo Buddha-issara rejected check in at SC Park Hotel


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The whole thing was a well calculated set-up. The hotel has a history of supporting the reds, this is in fact the same hotel that Arisman nearly (unfortunately didn't) broke his neck climbing out of to escape the hoards (!) of police trying to arrest him. It is so blatantly obvious why of all the hotels in Bangkok to book, the abbot chose this one. Meanwhile Thaksin and all the rest of his guppies took the bait and fell for it hook line and sinker reacting in a way that will now see the demise and closure of the hotel. Good move.

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There are "farmers" and there are "farmers".

They are a power but there are many among them who see that they have been duped by one government and are being used by another.

Who among them actually believes that they would be paid by the likes of Suthep if he succeeds in toppling the gov't and then has no further use for them.

Another point here is that although there is kindred feeling, a three-crop speculator has little in common with a sustainable-farm Isaan smallholder.

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit."

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Park hotel manager announces the hotel is closed for today.


How can you close a hotel? Kick everybody out? Or only closed for certain people?

Think rationall and be reasonable. If you run a hotel and a group of people check in with an intention to intimidate or cause trouble, what would you do ?

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bugger, I liked the SC Park, stayed there a few times now, wasnt aware it is a thaksin establishment but now I am we will not stay there again.

BUGGERS, I never heard of the place but I will stay there on my next trip to Bangkok, great to know you will not be there!

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Park hotel manager announces the hotel is closed for today.


How can you close a hotel? Kick everybody out? Or only closed for certain people?

Think rationall and be reasonable. If you run a hotel and a group of people check in with an intention to intimidate or cause trouble, what would you do ?

Well the hotel didn't seem to have a problem when Bangkok was under siege for two months in 2010 and the red leaders stayed there.

bugger, I liked the SC Park, stayed there a few times now, wasnt aware it is a thaksin establishment but now I am we will not stay there again.

BUGGERS, I never heard of the place but I will stay there on my next trip to Bangkok, great to know you will not be there!

What a nasty SLT.

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A message for tonytigerbkk; As my posts has too many blocks I will answer you here. You say I've not been here more than 6 months? I arrived here in 2001, the year Thaksin became PM and I've been here since, married a local girl in 2003. I also worked here in 1999 for 12 months. Pompous. egotistical little people like yourself are one of the things about Thailand that keep me constantly amused so keep up the good work!

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A message for tonytigerbkk; As my posts has too many blocks I will answer you here. You say I've not been here more than 6 months? I arrived here in 2001, the year Thaksin became PM and I've been here since, married a local girl in 2003. I also worked here in 1999 for 12 months. Pompous. egotistical little people like yourself are one of the things about Thailand that keep me constantly amused so keep up the good work!

Maybe if you had opened your eyes during your (presumed) stay in Thailand you would see what was going on around you.

I corrected you on the 2 main parts of your post, as they were very wrong and now you see me as pompous and egotistical.

What do you do if someone upsets you, give them a Chinese burn?

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A message for tonytigerbkk; As my posts has too many blocks I will answer you here. You say I've not been here more than 6 months? I arrived here in 2001, the year Thaksin became PM and I've been here since, married a local girl in 2003. I also worked here in 1999 for 12 months. Pompous. egotistical little people like yourself are one of the things about Thailand that keep me constantly amused so keep up the good work!

Everyone has an Ego,but that doesn,t make them Little. Obviously Tonytigerbkk presumed, by your usual Blind following of the Shinamafia, that you could only possibly be a Newbie.I had the same thoughts.

Unlike you or the other chap, I'm not following anybody when it comes to the politics of this country. You have your views, does that mean you're right? No it means you have your views. I have my views which again, as they're my views it means that they're my views, not that they are necessairly correct. I always get amused when the ultimate put down comes out to people who who post something oanother doesn't agree with- "you're a newbie"!! I think it's amusing to assume that a person knows less than another because he hasn't (in the head of the 'accuser') been here as long! Stupendous leap of illogic

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A message for tonytigerbkk; As my posts has too many blocks I will answer you here. You say I've not been here more than 6 months? I arrived here in 2001, the year Thaksin became PM and I've been here since, married a local girl in 2003. I also worked here in 1999 for 12 months. Pompous. egotistical little people like yourself are one of the things about Thailand that keep me constantly amused so keep up the good work!

Maybe if you had opened your eyes during your (presumed) stay in Thailand you would see what was going on around you.

I corrected you on the 2 main parts of your post, as they were very wrong and now you see me as pompous and egotistical.

What do you do if someone upsets you, give them a Chinese burn?

How old are you? 14? It takes more than words from somebody full of their own pomp to upset me! As I said, it's amusing. So.. keep up the good work!

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So we've gone from what was meant to be a mega rally yesterday ( flop) to a handful of protesters outside an office block, to some patetic attempt to smear a reputable company and now all they have is the phony monk in the lobby of a minor hotel no one ever heard of? PR disaster and show just how thin they are for strategies

Farmers to the rescue!

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So we've gone from what was meant to be a mega rally yesterday ( flop) to a handful of protesters outside an office block, to some patetic attempt to smear a reputable company and now all they have is the phony monk in the lobby of a minor hotel no one ever heard of? PR disaster and show just how thin they are for strategies

Brutal but accurate.

But the behind the scene forces will soon prevail and the fools on TV will laud the downfall of the TS family.

It will happen, the "powers that be" cannot accept a democratic principle, there is too much to lose.

Wait for the aftermath of a main event, when the real power plays start.

Meanwhile, about 20 million voters will become increasingly unhappy about their voting rights and opinions being ignored and disrespected.

The fuse is probably already lit.

How sad for Thailand.

somewhat off topic those 20.5m voters, but with 5.88m 'invalid/spoiled/no vote' it would seem that a 'few' Thai have little faith in the retention period of the value of their vote. It would seem some know from experience that 'respect my vote' ends the very moment that vote has been counted sad.png

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