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Hi CM Expats,

I am looking for any input on Koolpunt 7 - along Canal Rd, as I am thinking of buying a house in the Estate.

Before I am going to visit the place, I would like to have an idea what to ask for.

How`s about the location? Is where any shopping place nearby or do I have to drive to Hang Dong? Is thearea flooded during the rainy season? Anyone would recommend it?

Thx from BKK


I'm also just off Canal Rd, but a few km further north in Moo Baan Hi Land View if you look on Google Earth..

Koolpunt 7 is close to the new Rimpings, and if you go back up the highway and across to Hangdong Rd, you'll find Big C,(general home goods) Home Pro (modern hardware) and nearby is MAKRO. (bulk buying, good prices, wine, beer cheese.) Good parking weekdays at all these stores.

I get slight to moderate noise from aircraft landing and taking off, but no more than a bus going past really, and nothing like the expensive areas where the planes fly directly overhead. I'm sure you'd get far less.

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I'm also just off Canal Rd, but a few km further north in Moo Baan Hi Land View if you look on Google Earth..

Koolpunt 7 is close to the new Rimpings, and if you go back up the highway and across to Hangdong Rd, you'll find Big C,(general home goods) Home Pro (modern hardware) and nearby is MAKRO. (bulk buying, good prices, wine, beer cheese.) Good parking weekdays at all these stores.

I get slight to moderate noise from aircraft landing and taking off, but no more than a bus going past really, and nothing like the expensive areas where the planes fly directly overhead. I'm sure you'd get far less.

We live in Koolpunt Five, off Hang Dong Road, Koolpunt six and seven are adjacent. We love the area, in fact we bought our house several years ago and then went abroad for a few years, leaving the house full of furniture and personal items. We had relatives check every week or so and people to take care of the garden.

We came back to CNX with the intention of building in a newer development but then decided that what we had was perfect. We have 24/7 security, (not even an attempted break-in while we were away) clean roads and a very good "Village Manager" located by the swimming pool @ Koolpunt Six.

Sure the entrance to Koolpunt Five, leading to KP 6 and 7 (off Hang Dong Road) is a little less than "pretty", it is in fact looking old and tired but come on in and take a good drive around, I think you'll find it a great place to live and excellent value.


An advantage you have for Koolpunt 5, 6 and 7 (which are all connected) is that you can enter/exit the place either on the Hang Dong road or on the Canal Road. And Big C / Makro and Mae Hia fresh market (which has a small Rim Ping) are close by.

So it's a good spot, if at the right price. If you can get one of those 3 Bedroom, 2 storey houses in a reasonable condition for around 2 mil then that's a good deal. The plot sizes in Koolpunt 7 are sometimes small though.


OP, exactly how do you plan on buying the house? Thai girlfriend?

What business is this of yours, Mesquite?

Koolpunt Ville 7 is a solid estate, good value, which does not flood. I have rented a house as an office there for 7 years and have a friend who has owned a house there for about 16 years and is very happy with it.

I hope that helps the OP.

Oh - and my friend is a non-Thai national. Perhaps you would like to contact him and offer counseling, Mesquite? Maybe for me too, as I have a house and land in Tha Kham. Would you like to know how or why I bought it?

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Thx to all of you!!

I think I check it out and let you know.

Does anybody know about additional fees that I have to face living in this moo ban - I never thought about that?

For the pessimists - yes I am married (she is from Thailand) for over 15 years, have been working here for some years, living in BKK now and I am still happy with it!

Greetings from BKK


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Thx to all of you!!

I think I check it out and let you know.

Does anybody know about additional fees that I have to face living in this moo ban - I never thought about that?

350 Baht/month moo bahn maintenance fee and 1000 Baht/year for garbage collection. Two water bills, one from the Moo Bahn that is added to the maintenance fee bill and one from the government/tesabahn. The Moo Bahn water bill is negligible. I don't know if there is an annual property tax, perhaps someone else can answer that.

//edit - just found a site that indicates there are no property taxes unless it is a business. Land and building tax

//edit2 - some more information on taxes - http://www.samuiforsale.com/real-estate/property-law-building-and-land-tax.html


OP, exactly how do you plan on buying the house? Thai girlfriend?

What business is this of yours, Mesquite?

Koolpunt Ville 7 is a solid estate, good value, which does not flood. I have rented a house as an office there for 7 years and have a friend who has owned a house there for about 16 years and is very happy with it.

I hope that helps the OP.

Oh - and my friend is a non-Thai national. Perhaps you would like to contact him and offer counseling, Mesquite? Maybe for me too, as I have a house and land in Tha Kham. Would you like to know how or why I bought it?

Looks like my 12-word post that was addressed to someone else really did a number on you.

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