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Thai Tourist Police: 2000 more officers needed


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The Tourist Police, a division of the Thai Royal Police, recruits qualified foreigners to assist the 30 million tourists that visit Thailand, every year. It is such a successful program, the Thai Royal Police, are looking for an additional 2000 qualified men and women to fill their ranks. I believe this is a step in the right direction to professionalize Thailand's law enforcement. The next time you see these foreign volunteers, let them know how much you appreciate what they do. smile.png

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I don't appreciate what they do. I don't need their help. They own girlie bars, promote sex tourism, gambling and 'underage' sex, sell meth and are convicted pimps.

Next time I see one I will let him/her know how much I appreciate their services. However, I don't take drugs, gamble or want sex with 'underage girls' so we won''t have much to discuss.

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I don't appreciate what they do. I don't need their help. They own girlie bars, promote sex tourism, gambling and 'underage' sex, sell meth and are convicted pimps.

Next time I see one I will let him/her know how much I appreciate their services. However, I don't take drugs, gamble or want sex with 'underage girls' so we won''t have much to discuss.

How do you know all this?

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I don't appreciate what they do. I don't need their help. They own girlie bars, promote sex tourism, gambling and 'underage' sex, sell meth and are convicted pimps.

Next time I see one I will let him/her know how much I appreciate their services. However, I don't take drugs, gamble or want sex with 'underage girls' so we won''t have much to discuss.

Agree with you, and i can't help feeling that the OP supporter of this group has only started this thread purely to carry on with the same crap as on the other one which was closed...

Totally bad form...bah.gif

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I don't appreciate what they do. I don't need their help. They own girlie bars, promote sex tourism, gambling and 'underage' sex, sell meth and are convicted pimps.

Next time I see one I will let him/her know how much I appreciate their services. However, I don't take drugs, gamble or want sex with 'underage girls' so we won''t have much to discuss.

How do you know all this?

Read the other thread that was recently closed. Also Google

"foreign volunteer police phuket meth"

"foreign volunteer police pattaya pimp"

and read Chiang Mai police volunteer Chris' website.


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I don't appreciate what they do. I don't need their help. They own girlie bars, promote sex tourism, gambling and 'underage' sex, sell meth and are convicted pimps.

Next time I see one I will let him/her know how much I appreciate their services. However, I don't take drugs, gamble or want sex with 'underage girls' so we won''t have much to discuss.

How do you know all this?

Read the other thread that was recently closed. Also Google

"foreign volunteer police phuket meth"

"foreign volunteer police pattaya pimp"

and read Chiang Mai police volunteer Chris' website.


Are you with the "Vice and Virtue Police?"

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Do successful applicants get to paint their cars like police cars & stick flashing lights on the roof?

OK OK........I do have a TPV sticker on my truck, but I still got a parking ticket........sad.png ...........Cos it was pointing in the wrong direction...........w00t.gif ..............cheesy.gif ............And I was sitting in it with a crash helmet on tooooooooooo.........cheesy.gif

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I don't appreciate what they do. I don't need their help. They own girlie bars, promote sex tourism, gambling and 'underage' sex, sell meth and are convicted pimps.

Next time I see one I will let him/her know how much I appreciate their services. However, I don't take drugs, gamble or want sex with 'underage girls' so we won''t have much to discuss.

How do you know all this?

Read the other thread that was recently closed. Also Google

"foreign volunteer police phuket meth"

"foreign volunteer police pattaya pimp"

and read Chiang Mai police volunteer Chris' website.


Are you with the "Vice and Virtue Police?"

So you feel it's Ok to be a meth dealer, pimp. girlie bar owner and promoter of underage sex and be a foreign police volunteer? This is where we disagree. It's a moral position. Our positions are very different Chris.

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I don't appreciate what they do. I don't need their help. They own girlie bars, promote sex tourism, gambling and 'underage' sex, sell meth and are convicted pimps.

Next time I see one I will let him/her know how much I appreciate their services. However, I don't take drugs, gamble or want sex with 'underage girls' so we won''t have much to discuss.

Agree with you, and i can't help feeling that the OP supporter of this group has only started this thread purely to carry on with the same crap as on the other one which was closed...

Totally bad form...bah.gif

Thailand's Tourist Police are being recognized world wide for being a positive program. I'm not on this site pointing fingers and making accusations about this group or any people that belong to it. Why do you think submitting this post is "totally bad form" whatever that means?

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Do successful applicants get to paint their cars like police cars & stick flashing lights on the roof?

OK OK........I do have a TPV sticker on my truck, but I still got a parking ticket........sad.png ...........Cos it was pointing in the wrong direction...........w00t.gif ..............cheesy.gif ............And I was sitting in it with a crash helmet on tooooooooooo.........cheesy.gif

strange response sad.png

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I don't appreciate what they do. I don't need their help. They own girlie bars, promote sex tourism, gambling and 'underage' sex, sell meth and are convicted pimps.

Next time I see one I will let him/her know how much I appreciate their services. However, I don't take drugs, gamble or want sex with 'underage girls' so we won''t have much to discuss.

Agree with you, and i can't help feeling that the OP supporter of this group has only started this thread purely to carry on with the same crap as on the other one which was closed...

Totally bad form...bah.gif

Thailand's Tourist Police are being recognized world wide for being a positive program. I'm not on this site pointing fingers and making accusations about this group or any people that belong to it. Why do you think submitting this post is "totally bad form" whatever that means?

Recognized by who? The Gambinos?

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I don't appreciate what they do. I don't need their help. They own girlie bars, promote sex tourism, gambling and 'underage' sex, sell meth and are convicted pimps.

Next time I see one I will let him/her know how much I appreciate their services. However, I don't take drugs, gamble or want sex with 'underage girls' so we won''t have much to discuss.

Agree with you, and i can't help feeling that the OP supporter of this group has only started this thread purely to carry on with the same crap as on the other one which was closed...

Totally bad form...bah.gif

Thailand's Tourist Police are being recognized world wide for being a positive program. I'm not on this site pointing fingers and making accusations about this group or any people that belong to it. Why do you think submitting this post is "totally bad form" whatever that means?

Recognized by who? The Gambinos?

They are being recognized by other countries.

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I don't appreciate what they do. I don't need their help. They own girlie bars, promote sex tourism, gambling and 'underage' sex, sell meth and are convicted pimps.

Next time I see one I will let him/her know how much I appreciate their services. However, I don't take drugs, gamble or want sex with 'underage girls' so we won''t have much to discuss.

Who is selling meth and having sex with under age girls?

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I don't appreciate what they do. I don't need their help. They own girlie bars, promote sex tourism, gambling and 'underage' sex, sell meth and are convicted pimps.

Next time I see one I will let him/her know how much I appreciate their services. However, I don't take drugs, gamble or want sex with 'underage girls' so we won''t have much to discuss.

Who is selling meth and having sex with under age girls?

stop playing games.

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Thailand's Tourist Police are being recognized world wide for being a positive program. I'm not on this site pointing fingers and making accusations about this group or any people that belong to it. Why do you think submitting this post is "totally bad form" whatever that means?

Recognized by who? The Gambinos?

They are being recognized by other countries.

link(s) please

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Thailand's Tourist Police are being recognized world wide for being a positive program. I'm not on this site pointing fingers and making accusations about this group or any people that belong to it. Why do you think submitting this post is "totally bad form" whatever that means?

Recognized by who? The Gambinos?

They are being recognized by other countries.

link(s) please

I haven't seen anything about the CM Tourist Police selling meth or having sex with under age girls.

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This must be a joke, and you know that you are going to get flamed, so why even bother posting this.

The tourist police in Chiang Mai are a joke, and what exactly is it that they do?

If I were you, I'd just keep my tourist police musings to myself.

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They are being recognized by other countries.

link(s) please

I haven't seen anything about the CM Tourist Police selling meth or having sex with under age girls.

You distort the content of posts Chris. Read post number 6 again.

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I don't appreciate what they do. I don't need their help. They own girlie bars, promote sex tourism, gambling and 'underage' sex, sell meth and are convicted pimps.

Next time I see one I will let him/her know how much I appreciate their services. However, I don't take drugs, gamble or want sex with 'underage girls' so we won''t have much to discuss.

Agree with you, and i can't help feeling that the OP supporter of this group has only started this thread purely to carry on with the same crap as on the other one which was closed...

Totally bad form...bah.gif

Thailand's Tourist Police are being recognized world wide for being a positive program. I'm not on this site pointing fingers and making accusations about this group or any people that belong to it. Why do you think submitting this post is "totally bad form" whatever that means?

Why its bad form? my meaning you are just shit stiiring by starting a similar thread to one that was closed today already...

And as i said above, the main sentence of which you conveniently omitted ...here again..;

Agree with you, and i can't help feeling that the OP supporter of this group has only started this thread purely to carry on with the same crap as on the other one which was closed...

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They are being recognized by other countries.

link(s) please

I haven't seen anything about the CM Tourist Police selling meth or having sex with under age girls.

You distort the content of posts Chris. Read post number 6 again.

I don't even know who Chris is, and as far as his web site, I didn't see anything wrong with it. This is the first time I have seen grown men get upset over having sex with a hooker or university girl. If you know a foreigner who is selling meth or is involved in having sex with children, you need to report that to the police.

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Despite the fact that it is clearly stated that by 'underage' he was referring to girls too young to go to a nightclub, for which you need to be 20, but at university (18-20 ) you guys insist on using the word to suit your needs. Sex with an 18 yo is not underage, or illegal.

The scariest post by far on the previous topic was namajitra's in which he/she somehow figured that a 32 yo going with an 18 yo student was "a psychopath" and "borderline kiddie fiddler" . I wouldn't like to see what's in this guys head.

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I believe this post from mamborobert in the previous thread sums it all up....

Sorry I got confused when they are diving round in big red vehicles with flashing lights with chequered flashing and POLICE written on the hood, door, tailgate etc etc. This is what they DO as you say ....and then we have another issue of what a member of this organisation does by his own admission.

Not a labelling issues for me at all...given them uniforms, guns whatever...but if you are going to be calling yourself "Police", much like Teachers and Nurses you are expected to be held to a higher level of conduct as you are in a position of TRUST. I would for example condemn a "police" pornographer (as opposed to a pornographer in general) as much as I would condemn a Teacher who abuses chidlren in their trust.

This is a job fit/integrity issue rather than a moral issue (for me anyway)......If you want to have a web site fine, if that web site is contrary to a professional working standard not so fine.

Would love to to see the commentray if such as site was being run by a known Thai Police Officer smile.png.pagespeed.ce.CwSpBGGvqN.png or Teacher....or Nurse

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I wonder of these three nay-sayers are simply jealous? Envious of these activities, but need to protect their own psyches with walls of denial.

Righteous indignation, which they seem to have plenty of, is little more than jealousy with a halo.

Since the last post, I have heard from someone who I trust as an honest, unbiased observer, who has actually met this fellow Chris who made the website.

He confirms that the person he met did fit the profile of someone who would write such things talked about in the site.

But as to the idea that he is better or worse than other people... Sorry. There are sex scandals everywhere.

How many Roman Catholic priests have been out-ed recently for child sexual abuse? Priests?!?

University sports coaches? City mayors shagging their secretaries, and state governors doing the same? Members of Parliament? Presidents?

And police...

Yet you expect that there will be some magic difference because he's an expat?

Do you think we'll believe you are perfect just because you put down others more vociferously than is needed?


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I remember sitting in a bar with a friend, who had his teenage daughters sat next to him. They were maybe 12 - 14 years old and he was playing and joking with them as any father would do. His Thai wife was sat just a few feet away having an orange juice. A girl from another table went over to his wife and started chatting to her, which I thought was odd, whilst another girl kept looking over at my friend in an odd way. We later learnt that these two girls had put 2 and 2 together and got 9. They assumed that my friend was a paedophile, his wife was a pimp and his daughters were being rented out!

You guys going on about a guy who is having sex with 18 yo students as if he is a criminal and using expressions like kiddie fiddler reminds me of these girls. Sad, judgemental, demonising losers.

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I remember sitting in a bar with a friend, who had his teenage daughters sat next to him. They were maybe 12 - 14 years old and he was playing and joking with them as any father would do. His Thai wife was sat just a few feet away having an orange juice. A girl from another table went over to his wife and started chatting to her, which I thought was odd, whilst another girl kept looking over at my friend in an odd way. We later learnt that these two girls had put 2 and 2 together and got 9. They assumed that my friend was a paedophile, his wife was a pimp and his daughters were being rented out!

You guys going on about a guy who is having sex with 18 yo students as if he is a criminal and using expressions like kiddie fiddler reminds me of these girls. Sad, judgemental, demonising losers.

Hi Joe, I agree with your post.....However

I think that many people feel a person working as a foreign policeman here in Chiang mai should have the communities best interests at heart, not a person who runs a website promoting prostitution, gambling, using and exploiting girl for profit, etc.... They have a certain responsibility because as mamborobert says...."They are put in a position of trust"

I would not trust someone who's purpose here in Chiang Mai is to make money from promoting prostitution and gambling, I'm not sure but I think that's illegal anyway? Never mind the moral issue.

I don't believe it is a case of selfless volunteering but rather a sham so this person can continue his lifestyle.


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