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Driver's License Renewal Period

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I have always heard that is a strange rule regarding the renewal of a driver's license that says you cannot (or perhaps I should say, you should not) try to renew it before it expires, rather wait until afterwards.

If this is the case, then what rule is there about how long after it expires? Is there like a 5-day grace period or some such quaint issue t be aware of before it completely goes bugger up and you are back to sqaure one? Any special thing to do besides take in your license and politely wait for the new one?

Thanks for any information.

Dr. B

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Hello, doctor. I had no idea that burritos could get a doctoral degree. :o

If you look through the thread that's pinned at the top of the motoring forum, you'll find the opinions. The consensus seems to be that you appear on the very next day after the license expires. I wouldn't want to wait any longer than that.

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