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The most dangerous countries to drive in; Thailand ranks #2


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I would put 2 criteria into the mix.

1) A lot of motorbikes & a lot of SUVs - the two don't mix particularly well at speed

2) The main roads are pretty good here compared to other third world countries, therefore you can get a good head of steam up. I've noticed once they widen or relay a road it seems to get more dangerous as people can drive quicker on them.

'compared to other third world countries'! Am I reading this correctly? You've referred to Thailand as a third world country?!!Ha.. That old fashioned imperialistic categorizing of countries is a relic of the Cold War era. Anyone with any level of intelligence and global awareness would agree so. Thailand is far from being a 'third world' country. This country produces a large part of the world's rice, rubber, textiles etc etc.

Back to the topic at hand. Cambodia, Vietnam, and especially China are much more dangerous than here. These so called surveys are never a true reflection and only tools would believe them...

Wrong, only a tool of a Thai apologist would not want to believe them.

I've lived in China before and the roads there, in my opinion,(this is a forum after all) are far more dangerous. The Chinese drive on the wrong side of the road constantly and pass out going around corners. Thai roads, in my experience, are safer. In Vietnam, as a pedestrian, the roads were impossible to cross. In Cambodia the roads are in a very poor condition...Do you think that all the statistics are accurate? Of course not.

I stick up for the country that we have all chosen to live in and I'm called a tool of an apologist. I think you'll find that your a tool for saying so!!

So when you lived in China, did you stick up for China. You Thai apologists are sad.

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