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My 24 y/o Niece is Coming to Thailand tomorrow to do Some Backpacking Alone.


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Certainly increases the risk if she looks good. As said here both locals and foreigners need to be watched.

Travel in groups, hopefuuly meet some other intelligent travellers and do not trust anyone that you have known for 30 minutes.

Do not walk home alone, especially if drunk. Although there was one rape not long back from the friend that walked a girl home for safety.

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Alone is the key word in my post. You need to hook up with others and certainly have due diligence as to who they are. Thailand is one of the most dangerous places for single women to run around willy nilly so she should have a fairly well thought out plan and especially of what not to do.. If she be very ugly and very smart she is still not assured of great problems. There is no problem until there is!

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Well I traveled all over Asia alone at that age. It is certainly possible to do safely IF one exercises reasonable caution.

She'll easily enough run into other backpackers in her travels, but that is not always good -- some of them are more dubious/dangerous than the locals. Again, it all reverts to how shrewd she is and how good her instincts are.

I think from your side all you can do is ensure that she is aware that things like rape, robbery etc are fairly common here, the seeming "gentleness" of people in SE Asia is misleading and she needs to be very careful, never hitch-hike, be wary of people putting drugs into her drink, don't walk alone down empty streets at night etc. And also be wary of taxi/samlor drivers especially at night or in remote locations. Tell her to take her cue from local women (non-bar girls, obviously - "normal" local women) wherever she is. If she doesn't see any of them on the street, she probably shouldn't be there unaccompanied either; better to take a longer detour and stick to routes she sees local women about on.

She'll likely roll her eyes a bit when you give her this talk, but some of this will sink in, at least she'll know that these sorts of crimes exist here too.

She's from the States, a very smart and attractive young woman. Not looking to hook up with young men, just wants to do some exploring before she starts her Masters degree. I will show her this, thanks.

Your post describing her as "attractive" gave me some thoughts, as I'm aware how some Thais here feel, regarding such a girl.

Please tell her to avoid wearing shorts, always clothes that don't "attract" strangers, as this seems to be already an invitation for some bastards.

Tell her everything about the full moon parties, the drug cocktails in Krabi, with insecticides inside, created by Muslim people.

If it was my niece, I'd try to find somebody, who's traveling with her, knowing this country, honestly speaking.

Had a friend's son here who travelled through Laos, Cambodia and then Thailand, but it was a tall guy...

Let her know what's going on in Pai, it's not just the drugs like heroin. Many people there seem to not understand that wearing a helmet is common sense here. Last time, I'd seen so many injured people.

Please also let her know that trains can be very dangerous, cops "find" drugs in her luggage, others want to give her downers, to later rob her.

Then the lonely fishermen, when walking alone at an endless beach. Hope she's good in martial arts.-wai2.gif

P.S. And please look for the right pepper, or even worse spray, if something goes wrong.

Edited by sirchai
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Thousands backpack through here every year. Not all are solo females but some are. Yes there are risks but there are risks leaving your house anywhere. As long as she has a head on her shoulders then she won't have any problems.

I backpacked SE Asia and never had a problem. I backpacked Central America including the murder capital of the world, Hondorus, and never had a problem. And enjoyed ever second of it even though everyone backhome believed I would be kidnapped and beheaded. SE Asia has an extensive network of backpacking trails where it's in the interest of locals to make sure foreigners have a safe and good time. You talk to travelers and get an idea of good places and bad places.

Yes she needs to be self aware, yes there are risks, but if this is something she truly wants to do than she should do it.

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I'm also going to go out on a limb and assume she is going to be following a Lonely Planet guide book. In which case she will have info on trusted hostels, bars, tour groups and more. I would guess everything she does can be found in this book and all of it is double checked by backpackers. The LP forum has up to date info on places as well as security risks. These books are so thorough they can actually take some of the adventure out of traveling but they help ensure you are talking to and dealing with trust worthy people and businesses.

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And finally maybe try reading through some other forums, including the libel planet horn tree forum for info for backpackers by backpackers. Seems like some people on here are scared of their own shadow or have the " it's okay if I do it but if others do then they are irresponsible" mentality.

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Well I traveled all over Asia alone at that age. It is certainly possible to do safely IF one exercises reasonable caution.

She'll easily enough run into other backpackers in her travels, but that is not always good -- some of them are more dubious/dangerous than the locals. Again, it all reverts to how shrewd she is and how good her instincts are.

I think from your side all you can do is ensure that she is aware that things like rape, robbery etc are fairly common here, the seeming "gentleness" of people in SE Asia is misleading and she needs to be very careful, never hitch-hike, be wary of people putting drugs into her drink, don't walk alone down empty streets at night etc. And also be wary of taxi/samlor drivers especially at night or in remote locations. Tell her to take her cue from local women (non-bar girls, obviously - "normal" local women) wherever she is. If she doesn't see any of them on the street, she probably shouldn't be there unaccompanied either; better to take a longer detour and stick to routes she sees local women about on.

She'll likely roll her eyes a bit when you give her this talk, but some of this will sink in, at least she'll know that these sorts of crimes exist here too.

She's from the States, a very smart and attractive young woman. Not looking to hook up with young men, just wants to do some exploring before she starts her Masters degree. I will show her this, thanks.

I like that 'shes not looking to hook up with young men'. Is this what you would like to believe. Girls in their mid 20's like sex..... just like anyone else!

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It all depents.

If she never had a boyfriend before .......maybe she wants to be ....euh...

if not ,it is perfectly safe ......if she weights more than 100 pound and has a black belt.......

I would not advise it !

Even uglyness will not protect you from a drunk or stoned thai .coffee1.gif

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I certainly would advise against a single girl backpacking around Thailand . It would be another thing if she were travelling with a group of compatriots , but meeting up with strangers backpacking is not so certain unless you agree to all move together . Thailand is not a guaranteed safe place for single young people travelling cheep , there are too many robberies , rapes and murders .

To visit Thailand on a world tour would be different , to stay a little while in reasonable hotels in say Bangkok , Koh Samui , Krabi to visit Phee Phee islands , might be safer .

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Is this a good idea? I'm worried about her, she has never been to Thailand and her back pack is almost bigger than she is.

She will be staying with me for a week then go to a Buddist retreat for 10 days. After that do the backpacking for 2 months alone. She says she also wants to go to Burma, Lao, Cambodia, and Vietnam.

Is there a place where I can take her to meet other single female backpackers, so she wouldnt be alone?

backpacking is not taking a bus all over Thailand and staying in Hostels, Please....
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I've got several nieces about her age.

If they decided to visit me in Thailand (It would be against my advice), I'd Google and print out the stories of recent tragedies- rapes, murders, death by insecticide, full moon assaults, spiked drinks, scooter deaths, etc. A few pictures from a Thai newspaper could be more impactful than all the words I could come up with.

If my nieces would come I would lock them up in a room with some barbie dolls. I would be sure nothing happens to them.

Hahahaha, you are laughable. Precaution certainly but in my eyes you go far over the reasonable limit.

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My 25 year old American niece did it for 5 months in 2009. Was usually with new friends but at times on her own. Went to Cambodia and Laos as well. She has a good head on her shoulder and had the time of her liffe. I supported her decision and you should too. Show her a Good time for the first week!

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Just make sure that she has good travel insurance. Give her some sound practical advice as outlined in these posts, then try to smile and wish her a good time as you wave her off.

The young need to explore (the world and themselves).

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I live near Khao Sarn road - I see many many of similar girls doing what your niece is doing every year - So this is not an unusual thing.

There are also thousands of young individual travelers on Khao Sarn road doing the same as your niece, but importantly all helping each other.

There is a strong bond and helpful culture all providing tips and trying to give each useful community along the journey - So to certain aspect she will not be alone or at a disadvantage being alone.

South East Asia in not the same as Europe,Australia or North America - Its much easier to connect with fellow travelers.

​I will be surprised if she did not return with a huge increase in new friends - More than she every imagined - With memories that will last a lifetime.

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Well I traveled all over Asia alone at that age. It is certainly possible to do safely IF one exercises reasonable caution.

She'll easily enough run into other backpackers in her travels, but that is not always good -- some of them are more dubious/dangerous than the locals. Again, it all reverts to how shrewd she is and how good her instincts are.

I think from your side all you can do is ensure that she is aware that things like rape, robbery etc are fairly common here, the seeming "gentleness" of people in SE Asia is misleading and she needs to be very careful, never hitch-hike, be wary of people putting drugs into her drink, don't walk alone down empty streets at night etc. And also be wary of taxi/samlor drivers especially at night or in remote locations. Tell her to take her cue from local women (non-bar girls, obviously - "normal" local women) wherever she is. If she doesn't see any of them on the street, she probably shouldn't be there unaccompanied either; better to take a longer detour and stick to routes she sees local women about on.

She'll likely roll her eyes a bit when you give her this talk, but some of this will sink in, at least she'll know that these sorts of crimes exist here too.

She's from the States, a very smart and attractive young woman. Not looking to hook up with young men, just wants to do some exploring before she starts her Masters degree. I will show her this, thanks.

Your post describing her as "attractive" gave me some thoughts, as I'm aware how some Thais here feel, regarding such a girl.

Please tell her to avoid wearing shorts, always clothes that don't "attract" strangers, as this seems to be already an invitation for some bastards.

Tell her everything about the full moon parties, the drug cocktails in Krabi, with insecticides inside, created by Muslim people.

If it was my niece, I'd try to find somebody, who's traveling with her, knowing this country, honestly speaking.

Had a friend's son here who travelled through Laos, Cambodia and then Thailand, but it was a tall guy...

Let her know what's going on in Pai, it's not just the drugs like heroin. Many people there seem to not understand that wearing a helmet is common sense here. Last time, I'd seen so many injured people.

Please also let her know that trains can be very dangerous, cops "find" drugs in her luggage, others want to give her downers, to later rob her.

Then the lonely fishermen, when walking alone at an endless beach. Hope she's good in martial arts.-wai2.gif

P.S. And please look for the right pepper, or even worse spray, if something goes wrong.

She is a black belt in karate but only weighs a 100 pounds.

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Two great guesthouses frequented by young backpackers where I've observed them meeting up and sharing a significant amount of travel information:

The Hostel @ Hualapmhong (BKK)

Mut Mee Guesthouse (Nong Khai)

Both are clean and well-run establishments with reasonable prices. Great places to rub shoulders with like-minded backpackers.

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I live near Khao Sarn road - I see many many of similar girls doing what your niece is doing every year - So this is not an unusual thing.

There are also thousands of young individual travelers on Khao Sarn road doing the same as your niece, but importantly all helping each other.

There is a strong bond and helpful culture all providing tips and trying to give each useful community along the journey - So to certain aspect she will not be alone or at a disadvantage being alone.

South East Asia in not the same as Europe,Australia or North America - Its much easier to connect with fellow travelers.

​I will be surprised if she did not return with a huge increase in new friends - More than she every imagined - With memories that will last a lifetime.

I'm taking her to Khao Sarn Road tomorrow.

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I've got several nieces about her age.

If they decided to visit me in Thailand (It would be against my advice), I'd Google and print out the stories of recent tragedies- rapes, murders, death by insecticide, full moon assaults, spiked drinks, scooter deaths, etc. A few pictures from a Thai newspaper could be more impactful than all the words I could come up with.

Oh come on... you could do the same with any country or city. Following your advise no one would see any new place. Safety is important, but allowing fear to dictate what one sees and explores then better to stay at home and watch your local news and see how 'dangerous' even home is.

Get out there and explore and drink it all in, See the world and enjoy it all. If you practice caution (not fear) and be smart you will be fine.

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i would recommend she does not travel in the mini busses the kings of the road as they are often called here,difficult i know,but wow are those guys crazy and often very tired, better to go on the bigger buses,don't go on motorsais either,and do not go to one of the full moon partys alone but with a group,also avoid being alone with thai men, a lot of them think falang girls will have sex with anyone, but like sheryl said,waking up in the morning and going out the house is a risk,but with care and good judgement risks can be minimised, better Thailand than India.

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I live near Khao Sarn road - I see many many of similar girls doing what your niece is doing every year - So this is not an unusual thing.

There are also thousands of young individual travelers on Khao Sarn road doing the same as your niece, but importantly all helping each other.

There is a strong bond and helpful culture all providing tips and trying to give each useful community along the journey - So to certain aspect she will not be alone or at a disadvantage being alone.

South East Asia in not the same as Europe,Australia or North America - Its much easier to connect with fellow travelers.

​I will be surprised if she did not return with a huge increase in new friends - More than she every imagined - With memories that will last a lifetime.

I'm taking her to Khao Sarn Road tomorrow.

Good Call - Khaosan Road is the general area - Its the most famous, but the best place to go is a few streets away Soi Rombuttri (walking away from Khaosan Road keeping it to your right you will see a bank with lots of yellow ATM's on left side of road after about 100 metres go down this soi keeping the ATM;s to you right) - Here is the soi where the backpackers stay - Its cheaper and she will find it a much nicer place - Most of the rooms are basic, but there are also better if she needs hotels (and these hotels are at much reduced costs to being on Khaosan Road) - To give an idea: Top costs = Rombuttri village inn (900 Baht) or New Siam 2 (there many New siam's 1-3) http://www.newsiam.net/ns/newsiam2.php The old part of building = 840 Baht & New build = 890 Baht (Worth the extra 50 Baht) and at the other extreme are the basic, but are the backpacker favorites - Merry V (180/200 Baht) - The hostel next to this is also basic, but probably the most popular hostel on the soi with backpackers in the know and this is 'My New House' (250/600 Baht - depending on size own/shared toilet or fan/Air con) - Since this is very popular need to get there before midday to get a room - Food is very good and very reasonable price (50 - 70 Baht per meal) and excellent networking happening here (I see new arrivals and strangers making friends with others in the same boat everyday here) - There is a bar further along called Gecko bar they have a few rooms (only 12 months old), but not sure of the quality since not seen inside them - However take some food here or coke or a coffee or a beer at some point and get chatting to the locals and travelers - You will get a mine of info, but in a much more accelerated way - If you walk past the Gecko bar (keeping it on your right - and not going down the small soi off from the bar to extreme right) there are lots of low cost hostels further down - One to watch for is new built the rooms are low cost, but very clean (can not remember the name, but its just after Four sons bar/restaurant - with a Japanese menu board outside - this is part of the hostel.

Lastly here is a hand drawn map I found useful when I first got here - Its now out of date for prices, but the map is useful for navigation - And do not take any notice of the star rating for the places to stay - They are horribly incorrect and confusing http://cdn2.vtourist.com/4/5840945-Khaosan_Road_map_Bangkok.jpg?version=2

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