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Missing in Cambodia: Still 'no news' on journalist Dave Walker, who worked in Thailand for years


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Still 'no news' on missing journalist


BANGKOK: -- The Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Thailand (FCCT) yesterday sent a letter to Prime Minister Hun Sen asking him to ensure an adequate investigation is being carried out into the disappearance of veteran journalist and author Dave Walker in Siem Reap town on February 14.

“We recognize that as prime minister you have many other matters to concern you,” reads the letter, signed by FCCT Professional Committee chairman Dominic Faulder.

“We would, however, request that you take a few moments to satisfy yourself personally that all Cambodian, police, military and intelligence resources are being adequately mobilized to take this investigation forward, and also that every effort has been made to tap outside assistance that might be helpful in resolving the case.”

A spokesman for Hun Sen declined to comment yesterday, saying he was in a meeting.

Walker, who worked in Thailand for years, disappeared from his Siem Reap guesthouse on February 14, leaving behind his passport, laptop, mobile phone and other belongings.

Siem Reap Provincial Immigration Police officer Yut Sinin said yesterday that his department was working on the case and had informed provincial police that Walker was missing.

Walker’s business partner Sonny Chhoun, who first reported the disappearance, said that there was still “no news”, but that immigration and military police officials had contacted him about the case.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/still-news-missing-journalist/

-- Thai PBS 2014-02-26

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

would be interesting to know what he had been working on and what he has been writing about, would certainly open up a few prospects as to why this happened.......

You hit the nail on the head ,what had he been working on, this has been the norm in Thai since time began , I remember a couple of decades back an account from Australia was investigating corruption in the Thai sugar industry , he came very close to solving the riddle , unfortunately he was gunned down from a motor bike pillion passenger , that put a stop to any investigation finishing , the human rights lawyer is another one.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

This sounds ominous, especially as he was apparently developing a story on the past activities of the Khmer Rouge in the region, and victims of the KR. This would involve interviewing numerous people who very literally had blood on their hands. It is to be hoped that his pursuit of a story that was worth telling isn't related to his disappearance. Journalists like Dave, who I don't personally know, deserve the upmost respect for their pursuit of the truth and determination to give acknowledgement to hitherto voiceless victims. My thoughts are with his friends and family at this difficult time.

The only danger from investigating KR era events here is if you start trying to question any current politicians, many of which were mid to high level KR. However, that said, killing foreigners is not the national past time it sometimes appears to be in Thailand and is very very rare here.

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phuketrichard Posted Today, 10:31 look at his website, working on a film about the KR. http://www.animistfa...the-poorest-man

Animist Farm Films was created in July 2012 by veteran journalists and filmmakers, Dave Walker and Sonny Chhoun...a Cambodian registered, limited company, based in Siem Reap, Cambodia.... mission is to develop and produce realistically budgeted, high-concept, human-interest films, and distribute them to a global market.

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Here's a bunch of links on Mr. Walker in case anybody desires to

assist in any way they can. It would be much appreciated.

Although I never met the man I know of him through fellow

journo's. This whole sordid mess is a mystery.

Let's stop the TVF speculations until something is actually

known OK. Links below...


Canada's Official Handling Dave Walker's Case:

Jean-Francois Parizeau
Embassy of Canada
Case Management Officer
for Southeast Asia in Headquarters

[email protected]

Canadian Embassy phone (66) 26 46 4323
If telephoning from within Thailand: 026 46 4323


Canada's Official Handling Dave Walker's Case:

Ms. Allison Catmur
Second Secretary and Vice Consul
Embassy of Canada
Bangkok, Thailand

[email protected]

Allison Catmur's mobile phone (66) 81 831 3502

Canadian Embassy phone (66) 26 46 4323
If telephoning from within Thailand: 026 46 4323


Canada's Bangkok Consular Section Handling Dave Walker's Case:

[email protected],
[email protected]

Consular Section
Embassy of Canada
Bangkok, Thailand

Canadian Embassy phone (66) 26 46 4323
If telephoning from within Thailand: 026 46 4323


Canada's Bangkok Consular Assistance Handling Dave Walker's Case:

[email protected]

Consular Assistance
Embassy of Canada
Bangkok, Thailand

Canadian Embassy phone (66) 26 46 4323
If telephoning from within Thailand: 026 46 4323


Canada's Office Handling Dave Walker's Case:

Emergency Center Officer
Canada's Emergency Response Center
Ottawa, Canada

Canada: (613) 996 8885
or 1-800-387-3124 (toll-free)


A Cambodian Involved in Finding Dave Walker

(an individual trying -- in his private capacity -- and
not in an official capacity for the Embassy of Canada):

Mr. Bunleng Men
Trade Commissioner
The Canadian Trade Commissioner Service
No. 155E Sisowath Quay
Phnom Penh, Cambodia

If phoning from a foreign country to Cambodia:
(855) 12 951 130
(855) 12 902 696

If phoning within Cambodia:
012 951 130
012 902 696

[email protected]


Dave Walker's Cambodian colleague Sonny Chhoun, in Siem Reap, Cambodia:

If phoning from a foreign country to Cambodia:
(855) 96 720 5219
(855) 12 877 307

If phoning within Cambodia:
096 720 5219
012 877 307


Find Dave Walker (English & Khmer):


If phoning from a foreign country to Cambodia:
(855) 96 720 5219
(855) 12 877 307

If phoning within Cambodia:
096 720 5219
012 877 307


Free "Missing" Posters Available for Distribution in Siem Reap:

Ian Richard Croft
New Leaf Book Cafe
Siem Reap, Cambodia

Ian Croft has printed posters, available for free for any volunteers
to distribute.


[email protected]

If phoning from a foreign country to Cambodia:
(855) 16 606 874

If phoning within Cambodia:
016 606 874


The following people are available for media interviews:

Mr. Noel Boivin
"Friend of Dave Walker"

[email protected]

Mr. Erich Fleshman
"As an actor and filmmaker, Dave and I ran in the same circles. Known
him for ten years and have stayed in touch even when he left for
Canada and I for the US."

[email protected]


Toronto Sun:






Edmonton Journal:



Cambodia Daily news story:



Cambodian Video by Dave Walker & Sonny Chhoun:



Dave Walker & Sonny Chhoun report their research in Cambodia:



Committee to Protect Journalists:



Time magazine:



Canada's Globe & Mail:



Help Find Dave Walker Group



Bangkok Post:



Phnom Penh Post:






Foreign Correspondents Club of Thailand:

Canadian Journalist Missing in Cambodia
The Foreign Correspondents Club of Thailand:


1986 Video of Canada's TV interviewing Dave Walker and others when he
searched and rescued a Cambodian girl who was lost among refugees on
the Thai-Cambodian frontier, enabling her to arrive in Canada to meet
her family who thought she had died.


Edited by sunshine51
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Given Nate Thayer's wide experience in, and of, Cambodia - he found Pol Pot not long before his death - I wonder the FCCT don't contact Nate and ask how he might be able to assist.

Apols for not posting this earlier but I had to do some verification...Mr. Thayer knows about

the situiation with Mr. Walker.

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