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PCAD guard arrested, identified as Thai Navy officer


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What's the big fuss? We already know the military have been protecting the protestors because of the cowardly daily bomb and gun attacks. Police want to be tools of the Shinawatras and do nothing? No problem, the Navy will do their job.

It is never the job of the military, to attack citizens of it own country, the military's job is to protect "all"

citizens in any country deemed to be civilized!


What do you mean by civilised? The politicians you openly support cheering and celebrating the death of children and innocent civilians upon hearing the 'good' news? Is that your idea of civilisation?

The military has not attacked anyone yet. The military's job is clearly defined by the Thai constituion. Read it carefully, and read between the lines before you post your next misleading and nonsensical post.


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*Those of you with western military backgrounds may have noticed that in quite a few eastern countries the lines between services are a bit more blurred than they are in the west; naturally a bit more 'purple', if you will.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

I am led to believe that purple is the colour that in Thailand is associated with "alternate lifestyle" not approved of in military circles.

Ohh, why then was Abhisit's entourage called "the purple crowd"? Surely, you can't be suggesting......... blink.png

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It's a bit difficult for the police to PROTECT them, when they are being shot at by them too, no?

Yeah but what you failed to mention is the fact that the police started shooting and killing unarmed people first. That's an excellent way to build the trust between two opposing side. No?

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It's a bit difficult for the police to PROTECT them, when they are being shot at by them too, no?

Yeah but what you failed to mention is the fact that the police started shooting and killing unarmed people first. That's an excellent way to build the trust between two opposing side. No?

I think you'll find sources vary on who fired first, no?

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What's the big fuss? We already know the military have been protecting the protestors because of the cowardly daily bomb and gun attacks. Police want to be tools of the Shinawatras and do nothing? No problem, the Navy will do their job.

Very violent comment ! shame on you.

Why does the truth always bring the best out of you reds?

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It's a bit difficult for the police to PROTECT them, when they are being shot at by them too, no?

Yeah but what you failed to mention is the fact that the police started shooting and killing unarmed people first. That's an excellent way to build the trust between two opposing side. No?

I think you'll find sources vary on who fired first, no?

Let's put that one to rest, shall we? The bottom line, Chalerm is not on a trust building mission, is he? Putting a man like that in charge of security operations says it all. No wonder Thailand is in trouble, no wonder innocent people are dying. There is a clear strategy and pattern from PTP controlled media and PR team to smear the army by publishing sc-fi stories on a daily basis. The crux of the matter is, someone out there has been continually conducting a campaign of terror against unarmed protesters, opposition politicians and just about anyone who disagrees with PTP/UDD led caretaker government. The police has not arrested a single culprit. Telling, eh?

National police chief admits men in black are police

in Politics | January 2, 2014January 2, 2014(3,584 views)


Edited by Mackie
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What's the big fuss? We already know the military have been protecting the protestors because of the cowardly daily bomb and gun attacks. Police want to be tools of the Shinawatras and do nothing? No problem, the Navy will do their job.

It is never the job of the military, to attack citizens of it own country, the military's job is to protect "all"

citizens in any country deemed to be civilized!


Who have they attacked? And at this moment, the only attacks that seem to be taking place are from the cowards who are shooting and tossing grenades at the protestors. And since non protestors near the areas are getting hit as well, aren't they protecting all? Oh yeah it's so civilized to cry over the military protecting civilians when the police don't!

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I would not like to be a police officer if martial law is enacted,Thais have a thing for revenge. Looking on the bright side, it is one way of thinning out the dud police ranks, instant reform.

Why the drama? What do you think happened the last time the military threw a hissy fit and had a coup? There was no thinning of the ranks. They had a few days off, and were back on the job when the soldiers got tired of breathing traffic fumes or dealing with domestic quarrels. The army doesn't want to deal with the populace under such circumstances as it tarnishes their self image as Thailand's saviours.

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Another non-violent protester ??? Except from the two Glock's and ammunition.

So you say, having a gun in order to defend means being violent? In particular when the need for defence is highly ovious, isn't it?

What about the police that buy their own hand guns and walk around with them stuck in their holsters - are they breaking the law??

Owning a gun is not breaking the law - using it in circumstances that don't warrant it's use is!!!!

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What's the big fuss? We already know the military have been protecting the protestors because of the cowardly daily bomb and gun attacks. Police want to be tools of the Shinawatras and do nothing? No problem, the Navy will do their job.

Guess you don't see a conflict of interest here. If the Navy, under government auspices, was furnishing these people for security at government checkpoints that would be one thing. It the Navy is providing security under its own authority that is not proper without civilian oversight. Most probably these guys are nothing more than hired guns and I am not sure that there is not some impropriety for military members moonlighting in such fashion. Isn't this the very problem in Thailand. There is no rule of law. People just do whatever they like.

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What's the big fuss? We already know the military have been protecting the protestors because of the cowardly daily bomb and gun attacks. Police want to be tools of the Shinawatras and do nothing? No problem, the Navy will do their job.

What a pity that the Army and the Navy always denied active serviceman to be part of PCAD Guards...

At least we know what they speak is exactly the same Yingluck speaks almost every day: utter lies.

If you knew anything about the military then you would also know that any activity that is not authorised by those in charge is always denied. It is done of their own volition and if caught then they have to face the consequences. That is not to say it does not have the tacit support of senior officers and why not. Unarmed and/or untrained guards are not going to be effective against those trained to use war weapons.

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What's the big fuss? We already know the military have been protecting the protestors because of the cowardly daily bomb and gun attacks. Police want to be tools of the Shinawatras and do nothing? No problem, the Navy will do their job.

Guess you don't see a conflict of interest here. If the Navy, under government auspices, was furnishing these people for security at government checkpoints that would be one thing. It the Navy is providing security under its own authority that is not proper without civilian oversight. Most probably these guys are nothing more than hired guns and I am not sure that there is not some impropriety for military members moonlighting in such fashion. Isn't this the very problem in Thailand. There is no rule of law. People just do whatever they like.

Yes, but the entire RTP from top to bottom are hired guns for the government, so what is wrong with 1 Navy SEAL earning a little bit more money to feed his family by doing a little moonlighting!!!

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Let's see... protestors told police to stay away, under threat of being beaten or worse. Police caved and stayed away. Shootings and grenade attacks and police are blamed for not protecting, told they should be doing their job (like arresting Suthep who has a warrant? Oh, not that part of the job....). Then various posters said cops should be at some unspecified safe distance and screening who can get near protest sites for those who are armed etc. Seems police did that. And now those same posters are again livid because police arrested man carrying some Glocks. Cops for once did their job, and now being defamed for what? Preventing armed trained (I assume) individuals from reaching protest sites. Are the cops supposed to say "Oh, you're navy and on protest side, so okay for you to go in armed to the gills"? Navy seals have no legitimate reason to be allowed to go to protests armed and dangerous.

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Let's see... protestors told police to stay away, under threat of being beaten or worse. Police caved and stayed away. Shootings and grenade attacks and police are blamed for not protecting, told they should be doing their job (like arresting Suthep who has a warrant? Oh, not that part of the job....). Then various posters said cops should be at some unspecified safe distance and screening who can get near protest sites for those who are armed etc. Seems police did that. And now those same posters are again livid because police arrested man carrying some Glocks. Cops for once did their job, and now being defamed for what? Preventing armed trained (I assume) individuals from reaching protest sites. Are the cops supposed to say "Oh, you're navy and on protest side, so okay for you to go in armed to the gills"? Navy seals have no legitimate reason to be allowed to go to protests armed and dangerous.

Why don't you just admit, the police are not doing their job, they are useless, are being used as tools for the government and are less than worthless as an investigative and protectionist force!!! Dismantle them and put some people in that are capable and will work with integrity and are neutral (like the army at the present moment).

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What's the big fuss? We already know the military have been protecting the protestors because of the cowardly daily bomb and gun attacks. Police want to be tools of the Shinawatras and do nothing? No problem, the Navy will do their job.

Very violent comment ! shame on you.

If by violent you mean truthful... then i agree!

Sometimes the truth will have Violent repercushions. If it hurts... Then maybe people should rethink their understanding of Honesty... I really thought that the Main purpose of any Countries Military was to "Protect, Honor and Serve!" For trying to do his Basic Duty as a Navy Seal... I... Salute Him!! May his family be proud!!

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What's the big fuss? We already know the military have been protecting the protestors because of the cowardly daily bomb and gun attacks. Police want to be tools of the Shinawatras and do nothing? No problem, the Navy will do their job.

Very violent comment ! shame on you.

If by violent you mean truthful... then i agree!



Lucky I save as I type so to enable other to read!! (If Thai Visa not doing... Someone is... my system was openned by someone...)

I salute this Navy Seal for doing what is the Basic Duty of Every Military Personnel!! "To protect, Honor and Serve!" The People of Thailand!!! Not just the Government... if there is anything questionable about those in Office and what their "Hands and Doing..."

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What's the big fuss? We already know the military have been protecting the protestors because of the cowardly daily bomb and gun attacks. Police want to be tools of the Shinawatras and do nothing? No problem, the Navy will do their job.

Very violent comment ! shame on you.

If by violent you mean truthful... then i agree!



Lucky I save as I type so to enable other to read!! (If Thai Visa not doing... Someone is... my system was openned by someone...)

I salute this Navy Seal for doing what is the Basic Duty of Every Military Personnel!! "To protect, Honor and Serve!" The People of Thailand!!! Not just the Government... if there is anything questionable about those in Office and what their "Hands and Doing..."

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What's the big fuss? We already know the military have been protecting the protestors because of the cowardly daily bomb and gun attacks. Police want to be tools of the Shinawatras and do nothing? No problem, the Navy will do their job.

Very violent comment ! shame on you.

If by violent you mean truthful... then i agree!



(what is this I do not have permission to Post.... I am signed in... I am not condemning Thailand... Using The Kings Name wrongly... quite the opposite!!)

Lucky I save as I type so to enable other to read!! (If Thai Visa not doing... Someone is... my system was openned by someone...)

I salute this Navy Seal for doing what is the Basic Duty of Every Military Personnel!! "To protect, Honor and Serve!" The People of Thailand!!! Not just the Government... if there is anything questionable about those in Office and what their "Hands and Doing..."

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What's the big fuss? We already know the military have been protecting the protestors because of the cowardly daily bomb and gun attacks. Police want to be tools of the Shinawatras and do nothing? No problem, the Navy will do their job.

Very violent comment ! shame on you.

If by violent you mean truthful... then i agree!



(what is this I do not have permission to Post.... I am signed in... I am not condemning Thailand... Using The Kings Name wrongly... quite the opposite!!)

Lucky I save as I type so to enable other to read!! (If Thai Visa not doing... Someone is... my system was openned by someone...)

I salute this Navy Seal for doing what is the Basic Duty of Every Military Personnel!! "To protect, Honor and Serve!" The People of Thailand!!! Not just the Government... if there is anything questionable about those in Office and what their "Hands and Doing..."

exactly what I mean... I posted once! someone else desided to post my other tries..... Sorry!

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What's the big fuss? We already know the military have been protecting the protestors because of the cowardly daily bomb and gun attacks. Police want to be tools of the Shinawatras and do nothing? No problem, the Navy will do their job.

Guess you don't see a conflict of interest here. If the Navy, under government auspices, was furnishing these people for security at government checkpoints that would be one thing. It the Navy is providing security under its own authority that is not proper without civilian oversight. Most probably these guys are nothing more than hired guns and I am not sure that there is not some impropriety for military members moonlighting in such fashion. Isn't this the very problem in Thailand. There is no rule of law. People just do whatever they like.

Once again, who else are the protestors going to rely on to protect them from the cowardly attacks that are happening almost daily? The CMPO? The police? You talk a crap about the country having no rule of law. Of course there isn't! People are lobbing grenades every night and shooting up other people and the police are doing nothing. bah.gif

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The real shame in all of this is that protesters feel the need to have guards to protect them from attack and because those attacks have been with guns and grenades the guards have felt the need to arm themselves to repel these attacks.

It is indeed a sad indictment on authority and the police in particular that they either can not or will not protect Thai citizens.

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these PDRC guards were originally only to stop suthep himself getting arrested

it was relaitvely peaceful until the first grenade attack and then the guards got more heavily armed every week

if suthep handed himself in to jail it would go a long way to stoping these nightly battles

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Yeah but what you failed to mention is the fact that the police started shooting and killing unarmed people first. That's an excellent way to build the trust between two opposing side. No?

I think you'll find sources vary on who fired first, no?

Let's put that one to rest, shall we? The bottom line, Chalerm is not on a trust building mission, is he? Putting a man like that in charge of security operations says it all. No wonder Thailand is in trouble, no wonder innocent people are dying. There is a clear strategy and pattern from PTP controlled media and PR team to smear the army by publishing sc-fi stories on a daily basis. The crux of the matter is, someone out there has been continually conducting a campaign of terror against unarmed protesters, opposition politicians and just about anyone who disagrees with PTP/UDD led caretaker government. The police has not arrested a single culprit. Telling, eh?

National police chief admits men in black are police

in Politics | January 2, 2014January 2, 2014(3,584 views)


Listen, you said

but what you failed to mention is the fact that the police started shooting and killing unarmed people first

What you failed to mention is that this is not a fact, this is just your opinion.

So you haven't put your 'fact' to rest in the slightest.

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