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Redshirts imitate their rivals at NACC siege for the second day


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Redshirts Imitate Their Rivals At NACC Siege
By Khaosod English


BANGKOK: -- The pro-government Redshirts continue to lay siege to the office of anti-corruption body for the second day.

The People′s Radio For Democracy (PRD) - splinter group of the Redshirts in Nonthaburi province - marched to stage their rally in front of the National Anti-Corruption Commission on Sanambin Nam Road yesterday in the bid to test the validity of a court ruling which endorsed the rights of the anti-government protesters to besiege state agencies and occupy roads.

In its verdict delivered last week, the Civil Court ruled that the campaign to oust Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra by the People′s Committee for Absolute Democracy With the King As Head of State (PCAD) is in accordance with rights to peaceful assembly guaranteed by the Thai Constitution.

Incensed by what they view as the court′s siding with anti-government protesters, the PRD imitated their rival′s tactics, such as sealing off roads around the NACC, chaining the office′s gate, and preventing NACC officials from entering their workplace.

At around 11.00, a PRD activist announced on the stage that the officials should remove their vehicles from the NACC parking lot before noon, as the Redshirts would construct concrete barrier to lock-down the NACC compound - as the PCAD protesters have done to Government House earlier this month.

A number of Redshirts from Ratchaburi province also arrived at the campsite this morning.

Police said only one lane of the main road in front of NACC is open to traffic, resulting in heavy congestion throughout the morning.

The PRD′s siege also coincides with the appointed date for Ms. Yingluck to meet with NACC chiefs and hear charge of her alleged corruption in the rice-pledging scheme, as summoned by anti-corruption commissioners. It is not clear whether Ms. Yingluck herself will visit the NACC today.

Pol.Col. Somphol Wongsrisunthorn, a police commander in Nonthaburi, said the authorities have deployed 600 police officers and 150 soldiers to maintain order inside the NACC compound.

Source: http://www.khaosod.co.th/en/view_newsonline.php?newsid=TVRNNU16UTNOekE0TUE9PQ==

-- Khaosod English 2014-02-27

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Shut down the NACC do not allow them access to their offices, a proper response to the partiality of the Thai court system. The Red shirt can also be peaceful protesters!

How fitting!!!


Haha government demonizes Suthep and his protestors but it's okay for red shirts to do it!

What hypocrisy!

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resulting in heavy congestion throughout the morning.

Its sad that in response to one group causing traffic congestion and local area problems for three months, the other group imitates them to make traffic congestion even worse. Surely a better course would be to make a statement by avoiding causing extra misery to traffic users, who have already suffered enough in recent months.


Edited by Yunla
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It's a pale imitation!!!

Look the amount of supporters they mobilized cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

It is not about numbers. It is about a principle. What is actually happening is that the neutrality of the courts is being tested. If you had engaged your brain you would understand the serious consequences that would flow from the courts being seen as partial.

It this still on the fake protest to provoke the Civil Court? Wouldn't that in itself not be seen as illegal by most law abiding people?

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Shut down the NACC do not allow them access to their offices, a proper response to the partiality of the Thai court system. The Red shirt can also be peaceful protesters!

How fitting!!!


The commies can, but those who support freedom can't? More BS and hypocritical comments. Any words of wisdom to offer for the first time?

Their reputation for extreme violence precedes them; good thing the singers and the show is cancelled to prevent inevitable problems with the feudal pawns.

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resulting in heavy congestion throughout the morning.

Its sad that in response to one group causing traffic congestion and local area problems for three months, the other group imitates them to make traffic congestion even worse. Surely a better course would be to make a statement by avoiding causing extra misery to traffic users, who have already suffered enough in recent months.


Kudos +1

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Shut down the NACC do not allow them access to their offices, a proper response to the partiality of the Thai court system. The Red shirt can also be peaceful protesters!

How fitting!!!


Well the red shirts appear to be 'peaceful' right now... if you exclude the burning of coffin effigies...

We all knew the Red Police Force wouldnt disperse them anyway, even if ordered by the courts, so this symbolic protest is just that... symbolic.

But lets wait until the NACC file charges against YL, i bet the 'peaceful red protesters' aint gunna be so 'peaceful' after all...

... i might go set up a whiskey bottle petrol stall nearby, i reckon i'd make a few quid

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It's a pale imitation!!!

Look the amount of supporters they mobilized cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

It is not about numbers. It is about a principle. What is actually happening is that the neutrality of the courts is being tested. If you had engaged your brain you would understand the serious consequences that would flow from the courts being seen as partial.

Principles? What principles?

Because up to them the pro-government side was calling the actions of the PDRC sedition, unconstitutional, illegal, etc, etc...

If they have principles they would stick to them, instead of doing the exact same thing they were decrying just a few days ago.

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Shut down the NACC do not allow them access to their offices, a proper response to the partiality of the Thai court system. The Red shirt can also be peaceful protesters!

How fitting!!!



They haven't even been there 10 minutes and they were setting fires in the road burning mock coffins.

I see more people queuing at mo chit bus ticket offices than this.

What did the red shirt posters say when they blocked the farmers from assembling in Korat???

Oh yes.... 'Democracy is not about blocking roads'.... that was it.

Anyway, I think it may be a bit dangerous for you to urge people to block the NACC considering the courts can get the physical address where you are posting from in around 10 minutes.

I should be very careful what you type, someone could be sending links to certain individuals... know what I mean?

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The Civil Court had decided that the CAPO must allow people to peacefully demonstrate their political views.

The reds aren't doing that here, because the courts are non-political.

So the drunk has to come over and kick them back from where they came from

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Shut down the NACC do not allow them access to their offices, a proper response to the partiality of the Thai court system. The Red shirt can also be peaceful protesters!

How fitting!!!


Yes,that right! lock up the offices so that they can't investigate any corruption charges anymore.

Mdm Yingluck also no need to come to face her charges.

Yipeeee hooray!!!!

We are the democracy!!

Suthep is a fascist! They are anti-democracy.


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The problem when the rule of law starts to break down is that people on all sides stop following the rules. That is why it is so dangerous when a protest movement embarks on the extra-constitutional path. Personally I would urge people who support the government to obey the law, but I can see that recent court rulings may have made the law less clear.

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Makes me laugh when the red crowd go on about the minority forcing their principles onto the majority.

8 million votes out of 48 million and a tiny fraction of that 8 million actually considering themselves red shirt activists of which a large amount have to be paid to be active, and the tiniest slither who are active, are the one's making all the noise.

Yep... some majority that is.... Look at the 'majority' in the picture that have promised to crush the nation to its will.... cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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It's a pale imitation!!!

Look the amount of supporters they mobilized cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

It is not about numbers. It is about a principle. What is actually happening is that the neutrality of the courts is being tested. If you had engaged your brain you would understand the serious consequences that would flow from the courts being seen as partial.

Or they are making a statement that they support corruption (on their side at least).

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by all means, the reds are allowed to protest just like pcad but lets look at the reasons behind it. Pcad are protesting due to the corruption that is rife in the ptp govt, the reds are protesting to block those that investigate charges of corrupttion because they know that yl and the ptp/reds are guilty as sin. They simply want investigations into their side stopped and the red supporters in here are behind them 100% which means they are also all for corruption. BY the way, where is the pcad are fascists crowd, arent you lot going to apply the same principles to these idiots and call them the same names or is everything you have been saying just a load of lies/innuendo.

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Shut down the NACC do not allow them access to their offices, a proper response to the partiality of the Thai court system. The Red shirt can also be peaceful protesters!

How fitting!!!


maybe you'd care to explain what the coffins represent ?

any little tiny coffins

shame on them

What coffins? I did not see any in this picture.

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Shut down the NACC do not allow them access to their offices, a proper response to the partiality of the Thai court system. The Red shirt can also be peaceful protesters!

How fitting!!!


maybe you'd care to explain what the coffins represent ?

any little tiny coffins

shame on them

What coffins? I did not see any in this picture.

Then you don't look at many pictures.

Yesterday, the red-shirts outside the NACC burnt coffins to represent the Director of the NACC and the investigators into Ying-outta-luck. The photos were in the newspapers and on the net.

To me, the coffin-burning represents what they'd like to do to the Director and investigators - kill them. Don't forget, these Red shirts are uneducated animals, in the main, especially the louts in Nonthaburi. I know, I live there.

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I stopped at a recent red gathering in Chaing Mai and there were no more than 15 people there, including the 4 or 5 on stage ranting and raving like lunatics. They simply don't have the support they used to and have shown time and time again they have no real power and lack the cojones to get the job done.

Doesn't matter to me either way. They can burn this place to the ground if they want. As so many, including the Thais, like to say... it's their country.

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well since 'they've lost so much support' then there's no reason for the democrats to continue to boycott and sabotage the election is there..

didn't expect any more - the reds have lost huge support because the people have realised what they are and what they stand for - it's over

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Well the reason they are calling for the country to be split in 2 is because the PAD/PDRC/Democrats refuse to accept the results of every election in which the PhuaThai wins by a large margin.. usually in situations like this it is the minority that tries to break-away from the central government, but in this case the PAD* are so arrogant that they want dictatorship powers via a fascist 'people's council' (their people that is), AND they want the PhuaThai completely removed from the political scene-disenfranchising the entire north and north east of the country..AND they demand the rest of the country go along with their plans..it should be the PAD/PDRC that are demanding succession so they don't have to dominate the lives of 3/4s of this countries population.

The notion that the NACC 'is an independent agency' is very challenged, first of all they didn't start with these 'corruption' cases until after the protests started, and in the more serious case, the NACC threatens to sack more than 300 MP's just because they voted for an amendment to the constitution that would have made the upper house elected not appointed.
The upper house being appointed is the whole problem because it prevents the courts from being independent, the appointed upper house is closly aligned with the Democrat party and is highly influenced by Thailand's old money establishment that controls most of this countries wealth.
It shows you how extreme the courts are to hold on to this power, the Constitution court rejects the amendment, that's one thing-but then the courts take this leap into the lunatic fringe by attempting to mow down almost the entire parliament, at a time when most of those MPs would have been re-elected-an obvious attempt to bring about an entirely 'appointed' regime with dictatorship powers, which is exactly what the Democrats want.

Khaosod may be framing this is a mirrored tactic of the PDRC, but the PDRC have never targeted the independent agencies or the courts. Only the UDD has. The PDRC have never called for the country splitting into two. Only the UDD has. The PDRC have never called for the elimination of the independent agencies. Only the UDD has. The PDRC has never called for the neutering of the courts. Only the UDD has. The PDRC have never called their supporters to be ready for combat. Only the UDD has.

Only one party poses a great danger to the constitution and the constitutional process. The UDD.

The actions of the UDD today are directed towards impeding the constitutional process. Period. Yingluck has given tacit approval by being as far away from the NACC as possible. Khaosod know full well she will not show up, and has no intention of showing up. That is a constitutional dereliction of duty of a most dangerous kind. If the UDD is successful in impeding the NACC from proceeding with this key meeting today, it will be the first time that the constitutional process has been successfully impeded, and a very dangerous line will have been crossed. That is the clear aim of the UDD. The clear aim of the UDD is to prevent the NACC from functioning in their constitutional capacity towards this impeachment investigation. Therefore, if the UDD succeeds, a dangerous and unprecedented line will have been crossed, and the very existence of the independent agencies - which the UDD has sworn to demolish - will be for the first time be directly in peril. The army is sworn to protect the constitution and the constitutional process. The very system would collapse without it. The aims of the UDD - by their words and by their actions - are now directly in conflict with the aims of the constitution.

Edited by pkspeaker
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