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Pollsters point finger at government in Trat and Ratchaprasong lethal attacks


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GK, whilst I am not a fan of your political leanings, there is an element of truth in what you say about polls, but irrespective they are used around the world, in your country and mine. They're not always accurate, but I think it would be difficult to disagree that a significant amount of people are highly suspicious of Thai Rouge involvement in these atrocities, so it's not surprising to see these results.

I actually think it's an idiotic poll anyhow, but that was not my previous point. More about people being able to have an opinion.

In the end, people were murdered and that's the worst bit about it.

Edited by mrtoad
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One wouldn't expect anything else from a Poll such as NIDA, a PAD-Dem rooted Pollster pretending to be both independent and to represent Public Opinion.

These Polls are primarily "agenda laundering" vehicles for the Opposition.

Essentially trying to project their agenda through other people.

Most of NIDA is a bastion of PAD-Dem orientation, who also have a superiority complex...A Hi-So group reflecting the Elitist elements of society.

At least that is what UDD/RS's tell me.

The findings of this so-called public opinion Poll certainly support that point of view.

Edited by Fryslan boppe
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I find it amusing that those who denigrate polls (those that don't favour their own party) are the same group that advocate elections to solve all political problems.

Are they not similar means of finding the thoughts of the public?

That's a good point, but the Thai Rouge thought police are in action now, and all most follow the doctrines of Brother and Sister Number One, otherwise e they will be "crushed".

Thai polls have a long history of bias. They have not been particularly accurate in regard to the election outcomes either. The only poll that counts is the one called an election. Seriously, when only 0.64% of the respondents hold Thaksin accountable, one has to wonder as to the reliability of the data.

0.64% does seem low. Perhaps if they had asked for indirect rather than direct responsibility it would be higher, as no-one expects the money man to actually get his hands dirty.

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They're not "pollsters" they're NIDA who are firmly discredited as such. It's like called Fox News polling a "pollster", given their (NIDA's) past accuray.

Snig, you seem to be the typical example of kill the messenger when you don't like the message. They asked people what they think and published it. That doesn't mean that what people think is necessarily true, it's the opinion of those interviewed. Nothing more, nothing less.

NIDA "Discredited as such"? Have you any background information about this poll, which we don't have? If yes, please let us know.

Because to all others, NIDA is a highly respected second level university.

True, some of NIDA's findings and published opinions do not agree with the government, but that only adds to their credibility, don't you think? Unless of course, criticizing the government is considered as "discrediting" oneself.

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I find it amusing that those who denigrate polls (those that don't favour their own party) are the same group that advocate elections to solve all political problems.

Are they not similar means of finding the thoughts of the public?

That's a good point, but the Thai Rouge thought police are in action now, and all most follow the doctrines of Brother and Sister Number One, otherwise e they will be "crushed".

Thai polls have a long history of bias. They have not been particularly accurate in regard to the election outcomes either. The only poll that counts is the one called an election. Seriously, when only 0.64% of the respondents hold Thaksin accountable, one has to wonder as to the reliability of the data.

Why? People have all kind of crazy ideas. You of all should know. A poll just gathers opinions of people, trying to give it some statistical relevance, not truth.

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Yes, polls are conducted all over the world and they are very often carried out in order to create the impression that a majority of those polled believe in one position or another and thus sway the opinions of the uninformed. Polling is not an exact science and to conduct one with any appreciable degree of accuracy is extremely time-consuming and costly. The most difficult aspect of a poll is in crafting the questions so they do not lead the participants into a foregone conclusion. Sample size and randomness are very important and mitigating factors.

The poll in this article, conducted during a period of turmoil and high passions, is absolutely meaningless for gauging culpability of these tragedies.

I am piqued about one poster's reference to "Thai Rouge". If that reference is an underhanded attempt to smear the Red Shirts with being like the Khmer Rouge, then that poster needs to go read up on them during their vicious and murderous rampage in Cambodia. It is a hideous, odious stain on that country's history and must never be repeated. For all their faults, the Red Shirts are not similar to the Khmer Rouge in any fashion. A totally inappropriate application of the term.

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I take it that many people have forgotten that the Army has infact been deployed in and around Bangkok since the start of these protest and attacks on the protestors, and yet they were also brought in to protect them were they not? And not a single finger has been pointed towards them for also failing to stop these attacks?

Doesn't matter WHO is behind them, both the Police and the Army who were present have done little to prevent them.

The one thing that still baffles me is that all these attacks with M79's and very few casualties, it doesn't really make sense, why are they not firing these grenades into crowds during daytime? So many are wide off their targets too, don't missunderstand me, I'm delighted they're NOT killing mass numbers, there's better ways to intimidate and terrorise people.

Doesn't matter how many ECP's you put up around the city, that's not much use if the bad guys are already within the cordon.

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One wouldn't expect anything else from a Poll such as NIDA, a PAD-Dem rooted Pollster pretending to be both independent and to represent Public Opinion.

These Polls are primarily "agenda laundering" vehicles for the Opposition.

Essentially trying to project their agenda through other people.

Most of NIDA is a bastion of PAD-Dem orientation, who also have a superiority complex...A Hi-So group reflecting the Elitist elements of society.

At least that is what UDD/RS's tell me.

The findings of this so-called public opinion Poll certainly support that point of view.

So, Fysian boppe, your findings about NIDA are not based on your own findings, you did not study there or read any of their published articles or have any personal knowledge.

No, your elaborate post is based on your interviews with UDD/RS people. Have any of them studied at NIDA? Hardly so. Have any of them studied at all? Or have any of them even used their brain, once in a while? I mean other than for repeating Mr. T's indoctrinations? I guess not.

And then, what exactly is "agenda laundering"? Please help us non-UDD/RS idiots here in BKK.

BTW, why do you have such a deep rooted hatred for the "Elitist" elements of our society? Jealous?

Edited by dominique355
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I find it amusing that those who denigrate polls (those that don't favour their own party) are the same group that advocate elections to solve all political problems.

Are they not similar means of finding the thoughts of the public?

No, they're not similar at all. A poll is a small sample that purports to represent the larger population. An election is the actual choices of the actual population. One is hopefully representative but can be quite distorted if the polling agency is pushing an agenda rather than being objective and neutral.

A poll phrases questions to gain feedback, and the way said questions are phrased is a major influence on the feedback. An election simply asks respondents to select this candidate or that one, without ambiguity.

In one of the previous poll threads, I posted a picture from the Terminal 21 protest site that showed the NIDA booth within the actual protest site with the slogan "NIDA for change" plastered on the front of it. This at the very least calls into question the likelihood of NIDA being an unbiased and neutral polling organization.

In my opinion, the protesters threw away quite a golden opportunity with the election they boycotted. If they'd participated and made the Rice Scheme failure and Amnesty attempt the cornerstones of their campaign, they may well have won. Instead, they lost all credibility by pushing all their chips onto the table with Suthep holding the cards. They've now folded their hand and lost their chips.

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