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Chalerm says Yingluck still caretaker prime minister


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Chalerm says Yingluck still caretaker prime minister


BANGKOK: -- Centre for Maintaining Peace and Order (CMPO) director Chalerm Yubamrung insisted today that Ms Yingluck still remains the caretaker prime minister even if the House cannot convene within 30 days after the February 2 election.

Citing Article 172 of the Constitution which stipulates that the prime minister must be chosen within 30 days of the convening of the House, Mr Chalerm said that the 30-day timeline for the election of the prime minister is yet to start because the House is still unable to convene and, hence, the prime minister will continue to serve in the office.

Mr Chalerm’s confirmation of Ms Yingluck’s status came in wake of the opposition’s challenge of the status of her premiership by petitioning the Constitution Court to rule on the issue.

The labour minister also cited Article 93 of the charter which requires the Election Commission to complete the holding of election within 180 days so that there will be at least the House will be represented by 95 percent of the MPs to make a quorum for the holding of the first meeting of the House.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/chalerm-says-yingluck-still-caretaker-prime-minister/

-- Thai PBS 2014-03-04

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Yes you can, It's up to the Constitutional Court to rule on the issue, and former-DPM caretaker-Labour Minister Chalerm is not part of the court, is he ?

So "Mr Chalerm’s confirmation of Ms Yingluck’s status" means diddly-squat, until the Court agrees or disagrees, it's only his personal opinion. wink.png

Not that he's biased, in any way, or also affected by the decision himself ! facepalm.gif

The Constitution Court will never rule on this issue! The Reds will make sure of this!

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He's been pretty quiet of late, so we were due some Chalerm nonsense.

No need to make too much of a scene when your'e so clearly winning.

No need to highlight or rub in the utter rout over the street mob

It's called being a gracious victor

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Yes you can, It's up to the Constitutional Court to rule on the issue, and former-DPM caretaker-Labour Minister Chalerm is not part of the court, is he ?

So "Mr Chalerm’s confirmation of Ms Yingluck’s status" means diddly-squat, until the Court agrees or disagrees, it's only his personal opinion. wink.png

Not that he's biased, in any way, or also affected by the decision himself ! facepalm.gif

The Constitution Court will never rule on this issue! The Reds will make sure of this!

The odd grenade over-the-wall, release the judges home-addresses, pour a little blood or have a peaceful protest outside, it's all just 'harmless fun', no message being sent, Honest Guv ! facepalm.gif

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Yes you can, It's up to the Constitutional Court to rule on the issue, and former-DPM caretaker-Labour Minister Chalerm is not part of the court, is he ?

So "Mr Chalerm’s confirmation of Ms Yingluck’s status" means diddly-squat, until the Court agrees or disagrees, it's only his personal opinion. wink.png

Not that he's biased, in any way, or also affected by the decision himself ! facepalm.gif

Rule on what?

The constitution states that the election must be completed within 180 days of parliament being dissolved and the PM must be elected within 30 days of the new parliament sitting. Looks like it's Yinglucks'show until July - enjoy.

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He's been pretty quiet of late, so we were due some Chalerm nonsense.

No need to make too much of a scene when your'e so clearly winning.

No need to highlight or rub in the utter rout over the street mob

It's called being a gracious victor

I don't think anyone is winning at present, lest of all the country.

The government has failed, it's now in limbo, up to its neck in corruption charges, delayed rice payments, secession threats , probable murder charges comng soon and thats just for starters

If that's a winning position, Id love to see what a losing one is.

You'd love to see the losing position?

Just go turn on Bluesky TV.

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And while they continue to squabble and hang onto power in this lockjawed way, another day dawns on the unsafe roads and in the unattended basic needs of the masses. If they put all the energy they put into staying in power and toppling each other, into infrastructure and regulatory reforms, this nation would have been a world leader ages ago. So much misdirected energy from all the political players, it is actually breathtaking really. And the poor normal people keep struggling on in adversity, made a hundred times harder by the very leaders elected to improve living standards for all.

This squabble is largely about one side trying to deal with the issues you list above and implementing policies aimed at improving the lives of the poor and the other side going all out to prevent them from doing so as it adversely affects their already bulging bank accounts.

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Yes you can, It's up to the Constitutional Court to rule on the issue, and former-DPM caretaker-Labour Minister Chalerm is not part of the court, is he ?

So "Mr Chalerm’s confirmation of Ms Yingluck’s status" means diddly-squat, until the Court agrees or disagrees, it's only his personal opinion. wink.png

Not that he's biased, in any way, or also affected by the decision himself ! facepalm.gif

...... or that he's ever been wrong before on any important matter.

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Yes you can, It's up to the Constitutional Court to rule on the issue, and former-DPM caretaker-Labour Minister Chalerm is not part of the court, is he ?

So "Mr Chalerm’s confirmation of Ms Yingluck’s status" means diddly-squat, until the Court agrees or disagrees, it's only his personal opinion. wink.png

Not that he's biased, in any way, or also affected by the decision himself ! facepalm.gif

Rule on what?

The constitution states that the election must be completed within 180 days of parliament being dissolved and the PM must be elected within 30 days of the new parliament sitting. Looks like it's Yinglucks'show until July - enjoy.

Parliament was dissolved on the 9th of December. So 180 days after that is the 9th of March (or there about) Not July.

See now why the constitutional court needs to be involved.

Not that any of that matters with the impending negligence case coming up.

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MORN I don't watch Bluesky, and have no reason to.

You've conveniently managed to avoid though all the other points mentioned previously.

Corruption charges - plenty of accusations but it's the number of CONVICTIONS that counts and as of this moment to government has been found guilty of exactly ZERO.

Delayed Rice Payments - Pretty much caused by Sutheps' antics in the street, now almost resolved (probably the main reason the Yellows attention is now focused on the secession red herring). Notice the lack of farmers in the streets - basically problem solved.

Secession threats - red herring, if the Yellow nutters weren't ranting about this they would have nothing to say - they've lost every fight/argument they've been in to date. YInglucks' low key, non confrontational management of this insurrection has utterly destroyed the Yellows.

Murder charges - This is where it gets truly ridiculous. Some unidentified thug fires a grenade into a crowd, killing innocents, and you somehow think Yingluck is responsible. May as well charge her with beating up and robbing the Danish tourist in Sukhumvit the other day. Murder charges = drivel.

Fire up that TV, tune in to Bluesky - you'll have a front row seat to the end of days for this anti-democratic minority mob.

Keep sipping your Red koolaid. Well see.

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MORN I don't watch Bluesky, and have no reason to.

You've conveniently managed to avoid though all the other points mentioned previously.

Corruption charges - plenty of accusations but it's the number of CONVICTIONS that counts and as of this moment to government has been found guilty of exactly ZERO.

Delayed Rice Payments - Pretty much caused by Sutheps' antics in the street, now almost resolved (probably the main reason the Yellows attention is now focused on the secession red herring). Notice the lack of farmers in the streets - basically problem solved.

Secession threats - red herring, if the Yellow nutters weren't ranting about this they would have nothing to say - they've lost every fight/argument they've been in to date. YInglucks' low key, non confrontational management of this insurrection has utterly destroyed the Yellows.

Murder charges - This is where it gets truly ridiculous. Some unidentified thug fires a grenade into a crowd, killing innocents, and you somehow think Yingluck is responsible. May as well charge her with beating up and robbing the Danish tourist in Sukhumvit the other day. Murder charges = drivel.

Fire up that TV, tune in to Bluesky - you'll have a front row seat to the end of days for this anti-democratic minority mob.

There you go again repeating your lies about Suthep and the rice scheme.

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MORN I don't watch Bluesky, and have no reason to.

You've conveniently managed to avoid though all the other points mentioned previously.

Corruption charges - plenty of accusations but it's the number of CONVICTIONS that counts and as of this moment to government has been found guilty of exactly ZERO.

Delayed Rice Payments - Pretty much caused by Sutheps' antics in the street, now almost resolved (probably the main reason the Yellows attention is now focused on the secession red herring). Notice the lack of farmers in the streets - basically problem solved.

Secession threats - red herring, if the Yellow nutters weren't ranting about this they would have nothing to say - they've lost every fight/argument they've been in to date. YInglucks' low key, non confrontational management of this insurrection has utterly destroyed the Yellows.

Murder charges - This is where it gets truly ridiculous. Some unidentified thug fires a grenade into a crowd, killing innocents, and you somehow think Yingluck is responsible. May as well charge her with beating up and robbing the Danish tourist in Sukhumvit the other day. Murder charges = drivel.

Fire up that TV, tune in to Bluesky - you'll have a front row seat to the end of days for this anti-democratic minority mob.

Keep sipping your Red koolaid. Well see.

Oh, how to respond to this well thought out post?

How about...

"You've conveniently managed to avoid though all the other points mentioned previously."

Sound familiar??

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MORN I don't watch Bluesky, and have no reason to.

You've conveniently managed to avoid though all the other points mentioned previously.

Corruption charges - plenty of accusations but it's the number of CONVICTIONS that counts and as of this moment to government has been found guilty of exactly ZERO.

Delayed Rice Payments - Pretty much caused by Sutheps' antics in the street, now almost resolved (probably the main reason the Yellows attention is now focused on the secession red herring). Notice the lack of farmers in the streets - basically problem solved.

Secession threats - red herring, if the Yellow nutters weren't ranting about this they would have nothing to say - they've lost every fight/argument they've been in to date. YInglucks' low key, non confrontational management of this insurrection has utterly destroyed the Yellows.

Murder charges - This is where it gets truly ridiculous. Some unidentified thug fires a grenade into a crowd, killing innocents, and you somehow think Yingluck is responsible. May as well charge her with beating up and robbing the Danish tourist in Sukhumvit the other day. Murder charges = drivel.

Fire up that TV, tune in to Bluesky - you'll have a front row seat to the end of days for this anti-democratic minority mob.

There you go again repeating your lies about Suthep and the rice scheme.

What lies? You need to flesh out your arguments a little more. The above is no more than a baseless accusation - put some meat on the bones.

In response. Are you claiming that it wasn't a tactic of the mob to do all they could to prevent the farmers from being paid, no matter how much it destroyed their lives, in the hope that they could enrage these poor folk enough to come and join the insurrection?

If that is your position - the facts don't support it.

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And while they continue to squabble and hang onto power in this lockjawed way, another day dawns on the unsafe roads and in the unattended basic needs of the masses. If they put all the energy they put into staying in power and toppling each other, into infrastructure and regulatory reforms, this nation would have been a world leader ages ago. So much misdirected energy from all the political players, it is actually breathtaking really. And the poor normal people keep struggling on in adversity, made a hundred times harder by the very leaders elected to improve living standards for all.

This squabble is largely about one side trying to deal with the issues you list above and implementing policies aimed at improving the lives of the poor and the other side going all out to prevent them from doing so as it adversely affects their already bulging bank accounts.

Yes, they care so much about the poor, who they've been ripping off.

Yes,it could be that they're ripping them off. But if they are you can be sure that they're doing far, far less thievery than the elites were doing for the decades prior to the advent of the Red Shirt movement. Why do you think the Reds have so much support?

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Yes you can, It's up to the Constitutional Court to rule on the issue, and former-DPM caretaker-Labour Minister Chalerm is not part of the court, is he ?

So "Mr Chalerm’s confirmation of Ms Yingluck’s status" means diddly-squat, until the Court agrees or disagrees, it's only his personal opinion. wink.png

Not that he's biased, in any way, or also affected by the decision himself ! facepalm.gif

What part of the law(s) did he cite is in dispute?

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