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heads up on ordering supplements from the US


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For over a year I have been ordering supplements from iHerb.com with no problems. I always keep the orders small but today I got a call from Bangkok that my last order was being held after a random inspection. I was told I would need to get an import letter and take it to customs in Bangkok to get it released, otherwise the products would be returned to the US. Of course, I am not an importer and there is no chance of getting an import letter so goodbye supplements.

I have no idea how random the inspection was but probably not worth the risk of trying to see if an order is going to make it or not in the future. Caveat emptor.

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Received an order from iherb last week, took three weeks to arrive, but no problems.

I keep the order under $50

If they want to keep it in Bangkok, then I wish them good health.

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Received an order from iherb last week, took three weeks to arrive, but no problems.

I keep the order under $50

If they want to keep it in Bangkok, then I wish them good health.

My order was under $50 also. Had 15 orders prior to this with no problems. It is pot luck whether or not they decide to flag your package and if they do you might get a call to go to customs in Bangkok with an import authorization letter which I know there is no chance in hell of getting. As with everything here, there is no consistency on how things are done and when something does happen it usually goes against you. Time to make the big move I was planning to do last year. Adios.

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Received an order from iherb last week, took three weeks to arrive, but no problems.

I keep the order under $50

If they want to keep it in Bangkok, then I wish them good health.

My order was under $50 also. Had 15 orders prior to this with no problems. It is pot luck whether or not they decide to flag your package and if they do you might get a call to go to customs in Bangkok with an import authorization letter which I know there is no chance in hell of getting. As with everything here, there is no consistency on how things are done and when something does happen it usually goes against you. Time to make the big move I was planning to do last year. Adios.

Yep, it must be bloody frustrating.

But as I said, if I get a call to go to customs, they can use the stuff for their health.

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Thanks for the heads up.

Got stuff delivered to me about two weeks ago with iherb. Made an order with them a couple of days ago to Thailand but no answer from them yet.

I found this thai site which seems to have a lot of products: http://amino10.com/, probably more expensive though, all in thai but you can search for the product you want in the search window and they seem to have a lot. Have not used it yet so cant vouch for it.....

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I found this thai site which seems to have a lot of products: http://amino10.com/, probably more expensive though, all in thai but you can search for the product you want in the search window and they seem to have a lot. Have not used it yet so cant vouch for it.....

Just checked on the stuff I use - prices from this website are 2 to 4 times more than I can buy similar products ex USA or UK, so probably double on average including postage.

Never had a shipment stopped in 3 years.

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Received an order from iherb last week, took three weeks to arrive, but no problems.

I keep the order under $50

If they want to keep it in Bangkok, then I wish them good health.

My order was under $50 also. Had 15 orders prior to this with no problems. It is pot luck whether or not they decide to flag your package and if they do you might get a call to go to customs in Bangkok with an import authorization letter which I know there is no chance in hell of getting. As with everything here, there is no consistency on how things are done and when something does happen it usually goes against you. Time to make the big move I was planning to do last year. Adios.

The fact that "there is no consistency" here has worked in your favour on the past 15 Orders, yet you immediately whine when the 16th Order is subjected to the actual regulations?

Legally, everything Imported into Thailand should be subject to Import Duty Assessment - note the word "assessment", many items are NOT subject to Import Duty but it is the responsibility of the Customs Department to decide that. The simple FACT is that there are so many parcels etc. coming through the normal Post Office system here that only a very small percentage ever get examined by Customs - as you say, it's pot luck, and on your 16th attempt you were caught out.

So take your ball and make the "big move".


Edited by p_brownstone
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Received an order from iherb last week, took three weeks to arrive, but no problems.

I keep the order under $50

If they want to keep it in Bangkok, then I wish them good health.

My order was under $50 also. Had 15 orders prior to this with no problems. It is pot luck whether or not they decide to flag your package and if they do you might get a call to go to customs in Bangkok with an import authorization letter which I know there is no chance in hell of getting. As with everything here, there is no consistency on how things are done and when something does happen it usually goes against you. Time to make the big move I was planning to do last year. Adios.

The fact that "there is no consistency" here has worked in your favour on the past 15 Orders, yet you immediately whine when the 16th Order is subjected to the actual regulations?

Legally, everything Imported into Thailand should be subject to Import Duty Assessment - note the word "assessment", many items are NOT subject to Import Duty but it is the responsibility of the Customs Department to decide that. The simple FACT is that there are so many parcels etc. coming through the normal Post Office system here that only a very small percentage ever get examined by Customs - as you say, it's pot luck, and on your 16th attempt you were caught out.

So take your ball and make the "big move".


I am whining because I got subjected to the actual regulations? First, I would have had no problem paying an import duty if that's what it came down to and that would have been a reasonable resolution. Instead I was told I would need to get an import letter from customs in Chiang Mai which makes no sense. There is no way they would issue one and second, there were only a few items, all of which were basic nutritional supplements for personal use so give me a break.

Along with all the other idiotic things one has to put up with over here, there is also no shortage of idiot remarks one gets when someone makes a post that could be helpful to some others on this forum. I think there are a number of expats who are really miserable over here and they just don't know it or are willing to admit it and Patrick you are one of them. Stay put and keep on posting as I am sure people are in need of the important advice and wisdom you so obviously possess.

You said adios, just go and good luck in finding consistency and a break.

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thai sports supplement dot com have most things people need also have a health store in phuket forgot the name (use google)but gets sent up to chiang mai in one or 2 days no problems .

They have 'things' but they certainly do not have 'most things' people need.

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OP " I was told I would need to get an import letter and take it to customs in Bangkok to get it released"

There are regulations in Thailand regarding certain supplements and even the maximum dosage of some supplements. If they open a package and it contains either, then they might want to know what authority you have to order these and need to show your import licence issued by the government. I know it's crappy, but when packages are opened and if they are basically 'illegal' then hit-the-fan.gif I'm afraid.

It's a chance many of us take, often without even knowing there are restrictions.

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I've also been ordering from iHerb for years without problems. My last delivery was about two months ago. Am wondering, did your package contain a variety of items or multiples of just one or two things? If the latter, then that may be the reason for the import letter demand, which is annoying ridiculous for an order under $50.

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Received an order from iherb last week, took three weeks to arrive, but no problems.

I keep the order under $50

If they want to keep it in Bangkok, then I wish them good health.

My order was under $50 also. Had 15 orders prior to this with no problems. It is pot luck whether or not they decide to flag your package and if they do you might get a call to go to customs in Bangkok with an import authorization letter which I know there is no chance in hell of getting. As with everything here, there is no consistency on how things are done and when something does happen it usually goes against you. Time to make the big move I was planning to do last year. Adios.

If you want consistency have them send it FedEx.

I think there is a bit of a problem now between I Herb and customs. I tried to place an order with them last week and they said they were no longer shipping with the Mail. Two days later I tried again and the order was accepted and I received a confirmation letter with the order number on it. They said they would be shipping it in the usual manner.

They mention orders under $80 for the mail system. This one was $76.

I believe I received the confirmation 3 days ago. Keeping my fingers crossed. Last time I used therm I got it in 8 daays and had to pay another 7 baht on the postage. No big deal.

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Received an order from iherb last week, took three weeks to arrive, but no problems.

I keep the order under $50

If they want to keep it in Bangkok, then I wish them good health.

My order was under $50 also. Had 15 orders prior to this with no problems. It is pot luck whether or not they decide to flag your package and if they do you might get a call to go to customs in Bangkok with an import authorization letter which I know there is no chance in hell of getting. As with everything here, there is no consistency on how things are done and when something does happen it usually goes against you. Time to make the big move I was planning to do last year. Adios.

The fact that "there is no consistency" here has worked in your favour on the past 15 Orders, yet you immediately whine when the 16th Order is subjected to the actual regulations?

Legally, everything Imported into Thailand should be subject to Import Duty Assessment - note the word "assessment", many items are NOT subject to Import Duty but it is the responsibility of the Customs Department to decide that. The simple FACT is that there are so many parcels etc. coming through the normal Post Office system here that only a very small percentage ever get examined by Customs - as you say, it's pot luck, and on your 16th attempt you were caught out.

So take your ball and make the "big move".


I am whining because I got subjected to the actual regulations? First, I would have had no problem paying an import duty if that's what it came down to and that would have been a reasonable resolution. Instead I was told I would need to get an import letter from customs in Chiang Mai which makes no sense. There is no way they would issue one and second, there were only a few items, all of which were basic nutritional supplements for personal use so give me a break.

Along with all the other idiotic things one has to put up with over here, there is also no shortage of idiot remarks one gets when someone makes a post that could be helpful to some others on this forum. I think there are a number of expats who are really miserable over here and they just don't know it or are willing to admit it and Patrick you are one of them. Stay put and keep on posting as I am sure people are in need of the important advice and wisdom you so obviously possess.

Would you be happy of you had to get the license every time. You beat the system 15 out of 16 times and are going to leave the country because of that.

Just make sure where ever it is you go it is a nanny country. You won't make it any other country.

Never ceases to amaze me the number of people who come to Thailand and expect things to be the way they were back home.

If I had an inkling of a thought like that I would not have come. No I don't enjoy all the differences but the positives far and away out weigh the negatives.

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Wow! In Japan up to about $160 (16,500 yen) worth of supplements is duty free and iHerb charges $4 for shipping while getting the stuff to me in less than a week. I' m now in Bangkok for an extended stay and will soon have to deal with Thai Customs. I hope that my supplements don't get stopped. If they are, maybe getting an import license and submitting it would be easier here in BKK. Still a hassle though.

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Thailand FDA Registration

Importing pharmaceuticals, food, food supplements, products for animal health, or other medical, narcotic and toxic substances into Thailand requires registration with the Food and Drug Administration of Thailand (FDA). The time required for filing product registration application in Thailand and receiving registration certificates with the FDA can vary widely. Approximate times for registration are as follows: cosmetics one week, general medical devices and toxic substances between one month to four months, whereas food products and pharmaceuticals can take several months.

Thailand Drug Registration

The Thai FDA requires importers and manufacturers in Thailand to obtain FDA approval prior to importing or manufacturing drugs or medicines in Thailand. The FDA categorizes drugs into modern, general medicines, traditional medicines and veterinary medicines, each having a separate registration requirements. General medicines are grouped into separate categories of generic medicines, new medicines and new generics. Each category of medicines has a distinct set of requirements. The Thai FDA issues drug licenses for indefinite periods of time.

Thailand Medical Devices Registration

Medical devices in Thailand are regulated by a specialized division in the Thai FDA. Medical devices will require either licensing or registration. The Thai FDA groups medical devices into 3 classes' sub-categories as follows:

Class 1 medical devices: condoms, surgical gloves, syringes and diagnostic test kits.

Class 2 medical devices: rehabilitation devices, blood alcohol level measuring kits, silicone implants, and test kits other that for diagnostic purposes. Class 2 requires a USFDA certificate.

Class 3 medical devices: Lowest-risk devices category.

Thailand Cosmetics Registration

The Thai FDA classifies cosmetics into two categories according to the ingredients content of the cosmetics:

  1. 1. Controlled Cosmetics: controlled ingredients content of a cosmetic product will require product notification to the FDA before it is allowed to be released onto the market. The notification process is normally completed in 1 one day.
  2. 2. Specially Controlled Cosmetics: if specially controlled ingredients are used in a cosmetic product this will require registration. The Registration process generally takes 30 working days.

Cosmetics containing no controlled or specially controlled ingredients are currently classified as general cosmetics.

Hazardous Substances Registration

Pursuant to the Hazardous Substance Act of Thailand, the Thai FDA classifies hazardous substances into four types according to degree of hazard:

Type 1 hazardous substances: Products with a low degree of hazard that need to be monitored. Importation, exportation, manufacturing or possession of a Type 1 substance in Thailand will not require licensing or registration but are required to meet specific criteria and procedures.

Type 2 hazardous substances: Products that need to be both monitored and controlled. Type 2 requires product notification to the FDA, registration and compliance to specific criteria.

Type 3 hazardous substances: Products with a greater degree of hazard require a stricter control procedure. Type 3 must obtain FDA permit and registration certificate.

Type 4 hazardous substances: Products that may endanger wellbeing of consumers, animals, plants, property or the environment. Thai law prohibits the importation, exportation and possession of Type 4 in Thailand.

Thailand Food Registration

Importing controlled food products into Thailand must be registered with the Thai FDA with labels fully translated into the Thai language. The food must be analyzed, including the details of processing and ingredients to ensure meeting Thai FDA standards for a separate manufacturing license must also be approved. Import licenses must be renewed every 3 years.

Obtaining Thai FDA Licenses

Acquiring a license to import or manufacture food or drugs in Thailand requires a large amount of documentation. Registration certificates and supporting documents from other jurisdictions are useful in assembling a Thai FDA application. A complete and thoroughly reviewed application completed by a specialized Thailand FDA lawyer with all obtained documents can assist with expedition the filing process. FDA fees vary depending on the item being registered.

Edited by uptheos
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"But did you know that at least every minute somewhere in the world somebody dies, who didn't take supplements ? coffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJ.gif"

But did you realise that in the Western world longevity is increasing and most elderly people just eat " ordinary " food mostly home cooked!

The majority are not fooled by the false claims made by those who peddle expensive "supplements"

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"But did you know that at least every minute somewhere in the world somebody dies, who didn't take supplements ? coffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJ.gif"

But did you realise that in the Western world longevity is increasing and most elderly people just eat " ordinary " food mostly home cooked!

The majority are not fooled by the false claims made by those who peddle expensive "supplements"

Well I would have to agree with you on a lot of supplements. But I am in a sort of remission on my knee thanks to some supplements. I would be interested in hearing what the elderly people are using. I know most of them see doctors. Also and it might sound cynical but some of them living so long because of supplements have no life now they have been hit with other debilitating fatal diseases that had nothing to do with the supplemental's they could have taken.

Also I have been in three different facilities where people go to wait and die. Just sit in a wheelchair all day long starring into no where or 100% bed ridden. It is not a pretty sight.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

"But did you know that at least every minute somewhere in the world somebody dies, who didn't take supplements ? coffee1.gif width=32 alt=coffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJ.gif>"

But did you realise that in the Western world longevity is increasing and most elderly people just eat " ordinary " food mostly home cooked!

The majority are not fooled by the false claims made by those who peddle expensive "supplements"

Well I would have to agree with you on a lot of supplements. But I am in a sort of remission on my knee thanks to some supplements. I would be interested in hearing what the elderly people are using. I know most of them see doctors. Also and it might sound cynical but some of them living so long because of supplements have no life now they have been hit with other debilitating fatal diseases that had nothing to do with the supplemental's they could have taken.

Also I have been in three different facilities where people go to wait and die. Just sit in a wheelchair all day long starring into no where or 100% bed ridden. It is not a pretty sight.

Let me guess !

Glucosamin/Chondroitin for the knees.

No evidence of efficacy beyond "placebo effect" but if it works for you I am delighted !

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"But did you know that at least every minute somewhere in the world somebody dies, who didn't take supplements ? coffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJ.gif"

But did you realise that in the Western world longevity is increasing and most elderly people just eat " ordinary " food mostly home cooked!

The majority are not fooled by the false claims made by those who peddle expensive "supplements"

Depends on what you call a supplement. Is 1/2 an aspirin tablet per day for those who have heart issues or who want to avoid a stroke a supplement?

A couple of years ago I had a workup and my "bad" cholesterol numbers were a bit too high. It was recommended that I take two fish oil tablets per day and within a month all was well. Is fish oil a supplement? Am I not healthier?

Now, as for commercial concoctions of supplements and whether they help someone who eats properly, I don't know.

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Alas, you will be just as healthy without them.

Over 40 years experience in the health field that included formulating supplements. Can assure you there are nutritional supplements that can greatly impact on your health in a positive manner if you know what they are and the reason to take them. Do some research and I'm sure you'll find some very well done peer reviewed studies to support my claim.

I'll vouch for that.. Started taking some new supplements with my whey protein work out shake and they're making me stiff from the stiff wind of a pair of hot wheels in heels stroll by like when I was a teenager... HA! Don't need viagra!

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Received an order from iherb last week, took three weeks to arrive, but no problems.

I keep the order under $50

If they want to keep it in Bangkok, then I wish them good health.

My order was under $50 also. Had 15 orders prior to this with no problems. It is pot luck whether or not they decide to flag your package and if they do you might get a call to go to customs in Bangkok with an import authorization letter which I know there is no chance in hell of getting. As with everything here, there is no consistency on how things are done and when something does happen it usually goes against you. Time to make the big move I was planning to do last year. Adios.

gonna make "the big move" over one <than $50 box nabbed at customs??? c'ya, adios....blink.png

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Alas, you will be just as healthy without them.

Over 40 years experience in the health field that included formulating supplements. Can assure you there are nutritional supplements that can greatly impact on your health in a positive manner if you know what they are and the reason to take them. Do some research and I'm sure you'll find some very well done peer reviewed studies to support my claim.

Absolutely agree, I take 16 tablets, soft gels, capsules a day - from milk thistle, krill oil, sea buckthorn to potassium, chromium, magnesium and vitamins K2, D3 etc: and I have never felt this good in my life time. If you knew the catalogue of things I had wrong with me beforehand and how I felt when waking up in the morning before this regime then you would think the transformation a miracle!!!

The real killers, yes killers, are those dished out by your GP (especially the unnecessary statins and diabetes type 2 drugs).

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