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feel like im dying


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Amazing that you would put your life in the hands of us Thai Visa Posters. They have good doctors if you go to the right hospital..

Dehydration is only a symptom. You treat the sympton by falling some advice on rehydration posted.

You have an underlying condition....Nobody here knows. Possibility of food poisoning/ possibility amoebic dysenteria....(most likely)

Go to to a doctor who has a good history of treating tourists in you location. Somebody here might have an address for you. If you were in Udon Thani, I would send you to Aek Udon.

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Food poisoning does not last four days. Could be a serious stomach virus or stomach flu. Such a virus killed a few people in China in 2009-10. Recommend a proper hospital. You can Google "stomach flu" and get a lot of information.

Yes it does. It's called Salmonella and can last up to a week.

Likely what the OP has.

But I'm not a doctor and even if I were, I am not going to offer my advice here on TV.

He should get himself to the Emergency of an inexpensive local Hospital, with any luck there will be a pretty nurse to care for him and he won't feel like dying anymorebiggrin.png

Edited by djhotsox
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I've had that pretty nurse experience in Paolo! First farang body she'd seen. Got a bit much when she shouted to her friends from all over to come see that our body hair goes down our backs! Never mind, when they went, it was time to wash the front. Big discovery. If you pour loads of talc, then pat that hairy chest, you create clouds. If you do it again, you get bigger clouds ............................ You get the picture. One messed up room. One nurse collapsed in fits of giggles!

Anyway, that's not why I write. Just to say that I went into Bangkok Christian Hospital a couple of weeks ago; and got absolutely brilliant, immediate (and cheap) service in their ENT Department. One to add to the list. To be honest, I'd scheduled to go to Bumungrad, but found myself down in Silom, with time on my hands, a couple of days earlier: "What the hell, let's give it a try". Pleased I did!

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You need to go to the hospital and get a proper analysis done by a doctor ...

It doe's sound like food poison .... but get a correct evaluation done ..

For food poisoning :

if so .... go to the pharmacy and get NORXACIN 400mg. take 1 morning & 1 night. Also Boscopan 10mg for the stomach cramps from the toxins. Drink plenty of water and it will clear after a few more days.

Edited by steven100
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You need to go to the hospital and get a proper analysis done by a doctor ...

It doe's sound like food poison .... but get a correct evaluation done ..

For food poisoning :

if so .... go to the pharmacy and get NORXACIN 400mg. take 1 morning & 1 night. Also Boscopan 10mg for the stomach cramps from the toxins. Drink plenty of water and it will clear after a few more days.

Am curious about this BUSCOPAN. First I've heard of it, but just looked at their website. Has anyone taken it for painful cramping due to food poisoning? Does it really work? It's been a few years since I've had any, but for me the cramping pain can be unbelievable even though it'll only last overnight up to maybe a day or so. 'Has just about made me paranoid about where & what I eat when traveling. I wasn't aware there was anything you could do about it. Do most pharmacies carry it in Thailand?

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You need to go to the hospital and get a proper analysis done by a doctor ...

It doe's sound like food poison .... but get a correct evaluation done ..

For food poisoning :

if so .... go to the pharmacy and get NORXACIN 400mg. take 1 morning & 1 night. Also Boscopan 10mg for the stomach cramps from the toxins. Drink plenty of water and it will clear after a few more days.

Go to the hospital and get a thorough examination done to confirm the exact cause of your illness.

It could be food poisoning or it could be a number of other bacteria's in the body ...

Don't wait .... go to the doctor today and get it checked out NOW. !!!

we all hope you get well soon ... wai2.gif

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I had exactly the same symptoms a few weeks ago.I really don't believe in " wasting time and money " going to a clinic or a hospital for a " common problem " in Thailand. Its normally " food poisoning " or from the " water machines " If it hasn't cleared up after 5 days then perhaps take a " run " to the nearest pharmacy and buy some " anti bacterial " tablets ( 50 baht ).Just drink plenty of water ( not cold ).Also in future be careful which " water machine " you are using as there are a lot of problems at the moment with them " not changing the filters " very often which would then mean that the " refreshing water " you are guzzling down is probably a " non filtered version of the " Mekong River " ............

" farang jaidee "


2 months here and I was bed ridden for 4-5 days... shits the first night with power puking, followed by more shits the next days... sweats and chills...

Drank lots of water, ate white rice and bananas, slept a lot...

IF it got worse beyond those symptoms no hesitation would have gone to doctor/hospital.

Never knew what it was... could have been food poisoning (girlfriend ate about the same stuff I did that night) could have been dengue (no cure for that from what I read)...I lost a about 20 lbs over that time...

I refused to go and get randomly prescribed antibiotics and I never take drugs that suppress the bodies natural ability to flush stuff out.

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OP ... long ago in Thailand as a result of drinking contaminated water I came down with amoebic dysentery. It sounds a lot like what you have. I too thought I was going to die. The amoeba you may have in your gut is pretty nasty and won't go away easily. You may want to seek a clinical check for the presence of this amoeba. Stay hydrated... as far as too much medication to stop the diarrhea -- be careful with that... your body is trying to expel what ever nasty organism that has infested your gut. Sometimes IV fluids is the only real way to get balanced electrolytes back into your body.

If it keeps up --- get to a hospital ...

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Get some imodium and antibiotics immediately for the squirts. Keep taking the antibiotics for another 5-7 days to kill the bacteria. The immodium will work almost immediately to stop the toilet trips.

Drink plenty of fluids as you are doing. Take Nurofen or similar for the general pain and help you rest.

Where are you man?? If you're anywhere in Jomtien I can do a Pharmacy run for you if you can't get more than 5 metres from your toilet.

Genuine offer - I've been where you are now and yeah, it does feel like you're dying!!

Edit: It sounds like compylabactor or salmonella to me. Both serious food poisoning and youi should also consider getting to a hospital for a proper diagnosis if you have no improvement in 24 hours.

thankyou very much,

i took your advice went, friend brought me norfloxin 400 mg and immodium and more electrolyte, i took sleeping tablets to make me sleep as i had been vitually awake and in pain for 4 days. today my fever is almost away. i still feel very very weak and sore everywhere but at least i can get up , thought of food would turn my stomach but i now i am now on road to recovery, i do not know what happened but i have learnt a very valuable lesson not to eat at them roadside food stalls ie kebab or burgers though i could of gotten infection anywhere. the reason why i didnt go to hospital was i could not even stand up or move therefore an ambulance would have had to come take me to hospital and i have heard from a friend of mine 2 years ago who broke his collar bone in a motorbike accident that hospital fees everyday were 120,000 b. also the clinic threw me out after giving me only half an iv drip because they were closing and still charged me 1500 baht which did no help whatsoever just greedy people in my book.

thanks mostly to the guy above, a real gentleman who pm,d me and even offered to have meds delivered to me , wish there were more like him. he has my greatest respect wai.gif


Sorry the clinic threw you our due to closing. Did you get there late in the day due to other more pressing matters?

If it's something of a more serious nature I prefer to take my wife to a private hospital but for general things, I've found the clinics to be fine.

I took a friend with a motorbike injury to one recently and found the treatment to be absolutely complete and through. AT least IMHO.

A possible way to determine if it was the road side food that caused all you health issues would be to not eat for a day and then go to your favorite food stall and eat to your hearts content. If you find yourself back at square one, you have narrowed down the cause of the problem without a doubt.

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I have had a quick look an have not seen anyone mention it but I maybe wrong.If you are spewing and shitting like a racehorse the main you need it that needle in the arse from the doctor

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Since Thai Visa can't very well AstroTurf its services, trolls or "Hit Pumpers" are a big part of the scene here in Thailand.

A sure sign that someone is trolling is that he informs his trollees of some half-@$$T remedy he's already undertaken.

That Clinic (tossed out at closing) was a classic.

The board filled up with comments from quality posters (most of us who stay here, comprise the market)

No one advised this guy NOT to see a physician.

This guy was trolling.

No harm. No foul.

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit."

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I think it's really important that we turn this thread into a veritable beef bus of opinion and commentary so that Thai clinics medical institutions will see it as a real go to advertising medium.

Just sayin'

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Imodium --> Airport --> Home --> Hospital in developed country

Have to disagree about the hospital in a developed country , some of the hospitals here are better than the uk , ie Bangkok hospital group and I'm speaking from personal experience .

The poster says he can't afford hospital ? How about useing his medical insurance ?

Sorry but if you're out here with no money or insurance I've no sympathy but I hope I'm wrong

Yeh uk nhs is an joke


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As you will see from above thread, asking health questions might not be the best idea. Whilst many posters are undoubtedly great hobby doctors (along with hobby sleuths, hobby economists, hobby everything), it might be a good idea to seek out a real medical professional.

I doubt that real doctors would freely disperse health advice on a public forumthumbsup.gif

Whilst I agree in principle, it doesn't take a Stanford qualified doctor of medicine to diagnose "the squirts" AKA dyssentry.

Symptoms are somewhat self-evident when one is pissing pure water from one's rectum every 15 minutes. thumbsup.gif

No shit?

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Despite seeing the topic related medical advertising banners, assuming the op is legitimate, a viable option is a thai public hospital. yes you may wait a long time and not have a 5 star experience but the basic care should be quite solid. a friend even had a heart bypass at ramathibodi hospital and the quality was rock solid.

The op omitted to mention age and other medical problems as they can impact greatly the symptoms described. lots of vomiting and diarrhea as described usually warrants blood chemistry including electrolytes and liver enzymes and a cbc. a major concern is electrolyte imbalance since it can lead to a catastrophic event. blood tests will show what needs to be replaced in addition to re-hydration. in an older person feeling so sick an ecg is also a good idea.

posters already came up with some possible causes of these symptoms. the flu can also present like this.

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Everybdy is is making a drama for a food poisoning and a KEE TAK ! Crazy and ridiculous.

It is not by taking antibiotics 3 times a year that you become resistant but by eating meat everyday ! All the meat you eat is full of antibiotics and you don't even know.

Whilst you are obviously one of the few real Doctors here on this forum, most of your esteemed colleagues would disagree with yourolleyes.gif

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Everybdy is is making a drama for a food poisoning and a KEE TAK ! Crazy and ridiculous.

It is not by taking antibiotics 3 times a year that you become resistant but by eating meat everyday ! All the meat you eat is full of antibiotics and you don't even know.

Whilst you are obviously one of the few real Doctors here on this forum, most of your esteemed colleagues would disagree with yourolleyes.gif

Thats true they give antibiotics to animals and then u eat it.

In uk they had horse mean scandal.

Yeh serving horse instead beef is bad enough, but wose part was horses get some strong shots that we not suppose to eat it...


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This post has attracted an unusual amount of very unsound advice, perhaps due to the dramatic thread title.

While we have a number of medically qualified people on this board, their counsel has been largely drowned out by (mostly unsafe) amateur advice.

In addition, OP has indicated he is feeling better.

Therefore the threrad is closed. OP, if you need further advice, please start a new thread in the Hea;th forum, preferrably without an overly dramatic title, so that you can benefit from the knowledge of TV members with medical backgrounds/familiar with the Thai public health system.

Just to reiterate:

- He should not have self-treated with antibiotics, may lead to problems later on

- Activated charcoal, readily available OTC, is helpful and safe

- He should have gone top a hospital. In the absence of insurance, a Thai government hospital where costs would have been very low.

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