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pattaya gals vs bangkok and others


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What a strange thread really!!!!! Have some of you guys ever been in Thailand or what???? I can tell you... it is exactly the very same girls that are working in

Pattaya and in Bangkok. They come from the same placs for God sake..


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I know it is off subject. But what about Phuket?

Also, I'm from Nevada USA (where paid is legal in some counties). And I find that the honesty of some "short term relationship" type people can be somewhat refreshing. But Thailand is different. Emotions are involved. With western men fantasizing about finding some form of true love in an alien society (with women 1/2 their age). It seems that most of the confusion comes from our lack of true perception when it comes to what we are dealing with. I have some young Thai gal friends that can't understand why I don't entertain for money at night with them. And a long term connection friend that still wants to hustle me, just because I am a Firang (sp?). Yes there are variations. But this just depends on the territory and exposure. Years ago I lived in Las Vegas and the predominate theme was "just be cool girl, your just another pretty face, and nothing special". Try that with a small town beauty who is used to being the alpha girl in the territory. Some things don't change.

150 years ago in western societies it was the norm to have older established men with younger child bearing age women. A woman did not want a young man that couldn't support her. And an older man would want a woman that would not die in child birth. And men often wanted big women that would carry there own weight. Also Cleopatra was 150lbs and very bright. And the real Romeo was 14-15 and Juliette was 12-13. How many men paid dearly for the sex they had during their marriage when they settled up during the divorce. Not to mention the cost of dinners and such during the 3 date courtship. But then, we make more money on average.

I find the Thai situation interesting and stimulating. There was a lot of damage done to the western woman man relationships from the western church dogma. And the established Thai society is older than ours.

I think we should just enjoy it in all the variations. I have to hold back on my western self some times. I don't even know what I am looking at most of the time.

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Friday night in Pattaya was Bangkok night. A considerable influx of girls from the capital who wanted to experience everything that more upmarket Pattaya had to offer

So the distinction between Bangkok girls and Pattaya girls became totally blurred, and as one poster has suggested most girls mingling with farangs were not indigenous to Bangkok or Pattaya but girls from somewhere in the hinterland

Most of these girls said they were from Bangkok but that was only to give them a sense of superiority. In truth they seemed to commute between the two cities in search of excitement and fiscal reward.

I looked forward to Friday nights, there was always a fresh face or twenty to be ogled after days of the same tired old offerings.

The usual mix of 'starfish' and 'nymphos' wherever they said they came from and all seemed to accept the going rate at the time

I suppose I should be opining on other qualities other than the physical, but speaking only pigeon Thai physical intimacy seemed the best option

Mind you, if I had been offered the pick of the students at the elite Thammasat Uni would I have been able to enjoy an intellectual discussion on World affairs? The likelihood is that we'd still have ended up in the sack maybe blowing whistles in harmony or tearing up pieces of paper to show our disaffection with the political system

So, despite my extensive research over many years I could find no significant difference between the girls I spent time with, 'short time' 'long time' 'interminable time' they were all Thai and all shared the same national complexity

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Well guys I been here and bought the t shirt its the same what do you want that s the real question

theres good and bad every where just dont fall into the honey pit as it can get sticky and messy there is usually a mama in the driving seat and us older guys get infatuated by a younger womans attention

One guy 65 lived on his own sold up last year lives with a womsn in Chaiyaphum 38 ohhhh and theres a brother well all the village knows he's not plus he thinks he owns the house he doesnt

so we have good and bad mine well I met and went for looks been a great wife but got cancer at 44 im 55 but I have also been a good husband and piad all the medical bill's hey us western guys have mmorals while they all sit back do look at you self what do you really want

love his here but comes in many forms

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always tell an "Issan Girl" when you want to go out to eat and all she wants, is to eat the beetles and live "shrimps" from the street traders, a dead give away lol !! happens every time.

Ahem....have seen only a very few Isaan girls eating bugs in Udon....and believe me, the girls are all 100 percent Isaan, born and bred. Normally they eat the papaya salad, small clams, and lots and lots of noodle soup. Sticky Rice and BBq, and lots of fish (cooked in various ways). Have seen more bug carts in pattaya than up here!

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Slipperylobster's got the right idea and approach. I found my wife (http://zaidpub.com/welcome/about-2/zaida/) online. School Teacher, widow, two grown kids. Best woman I've known and I've know far too many. Stay awar from the ladybars guys. Get an educated woman from the NW, and you can't go far wrong.

Lot of warmth and happiness on your site.

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I find the Thai situation interesting and stimulating.

That feeling lasts a while, oh, a year max. Then it's just the situation, take it or leave it. The farang situation can also be interesting and stimulating, though you'd never know it by reading here.

I don't even know what I am looking at most of the time.

Finding that out takes time and money--a little, if you're lucky, but possibly quite a lot in the worst case.

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Slipperylobster's got the right idea and approach. I found my wife (http://zaidpub.com/welcome/about-2/zaida/) online. School Teacher, widow, two grown kids. Best woman I've known and I've know far too many. Stay awar from the ladybars guys. Get an educated woman from the NW, and you can't go far wrong.

Clever conversation can be so overrated. After a couple of months together you're probably not going to be talking about nuclear physics anyway, if anything at all.

My uneducated (but smart) wife talks my ears off. You can learn a lot from uneducated people. A whole different spin on life. Education doesn't make a person smart. Intelligence is innate. A lot of uneducated people are very smart, but they just didn't have the opportunity to go to school/college.

Remember this old song:

"I don't want clever conversation

I never want to work that hard

I just want someone that I can talk to

I want you just the way you are."

Edited by tropo
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I don't find them any different but you ain't going to find love in Thailand as you know it. A Western guys concept of a relationship leading to love is totally different to any Thai girls conception. Generally Western man / woman relationships start with mutual physical attraction followed by conversation. The resulting conversation will determine any possibility of things leading to a future relationship Couples are normally of similar age , of similar standing in the looks department and have simlilar interests. It's very rare to see that compatability in a farang / Thai relationship. Thai women don't seem to be too bothered about age , looks or your interests. Conversation , well forget that unless it's basic stuff. Try to take said conversation to any depth or logic and you'll be pulling your hair out. Sure some girls do speak very good English and have a certain level of conversation but even so i've never met one who's going to challenge the old grey matter of a Western guy with an average education. I guess there may be some capable of discussing nuclear physics but you won't really see those with a farang. Even then it's odds on they've never heard of Elvis or the Beatles. You have to adapt but it does work. I've been with my bit of fluff for 12 years and no problems. She speaks great English but for real conversation i have to seek farang mates in Pattaya every 2 months. If i couldn't do that i'd go crazy. Oh yes ... Your financial status is very important to all Thai ladies irrespective of her being a bar girl or one from the perfume counter in Robinsons. Yes Western women are interested in your financial standing but it's not so important as you see here in Thailand.

Thanks of that post.

BTW what is an elvis, a beatle? rolleyes.gif

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Slipperylobster's got the right idea and approach. I found my wife (http://zaidpub.com/welcome/about-2/zaida/) online. School Teacher, widow, two grown kids. Best woman I've known and I've know far too many. Stay awar from the ladybars guys. Get an educated woman from the NW, and you can't go far wrong.

Clever conversation can be so overrated. After a couple of months together you're probably not going to be talking about nuclear physics anyway, if anything at all.

My uneducated (but smart) wife talks my ears off. You can learn a lot from uneducated people. A whole different spin on life. Education doesn't make a person smart. Intelligence is innate. A lot of uneducated people are very smart, but they just didn't have the opportunity to go to school/college.

Remember this old song:

"I don't want clever conversation

I never want to work that hard

I just want someone that I can talk to

I want you just the way you are."

You bring up a MOST excellent point thank you very much.

I realized at a very young age, 17 or18, i can learn something from everyone.

Even the 'uneducated' thais i meet, they usually surprise me with some interesting take on things i did not have, know or think about before. Goddess bless them.

I had a wonderful Thai GF in BKK from issan (i think) who could barely add one plus one, but she had emotional intelligence that far surpassed me. And her attitude and disposition was something truly worth loving and being loved by.

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I don't find them any different but you ain't going to find love in Thailand as you know it. A Western guys concept of a relationship leading to love is totally different to any Thai girls conception. Generally Western man / woman relationships start with mutual physical attraction followed by conversation. The resulting conversation will determine any possibility of things leading to a future relationship Couples are normally of similar age , of similar standing in the looks department and have simlilar interests. It's very rare to see that compatability in a farang / Thai relationship. Thai women don't seem to be too bothered about age , looks or your interests. Conversation , well forget that unless it's basic stuff. Try to take said conversation to any depth or logic and you'll be pulling your hair out. Sure some girls do speak very good English and have a certain level of conversation but even so i've never met one who's going to challenge the old grey matter of a Western guy with an average education. I guess there may be some capable of discussing nuclear physics but you won't really see those with a farang. Even then it's odds on they've never heard of Elvis or the Beatles. You have to adapt but it does work. I've been with my bit of fluff for 12 years and no problems. She speaks great English but for real conversation i have to seek farang mates in Pattaya every 2 months. If i couldn't do that i'd go crazy. Oh yes ... Your financial status is very important to all Thai ladies irrespective of her being a bar girl or one from the perfume counter in Robinsons. Yes Western women are interested in your financial standing but it's not so important as you see here in Thailand.

Thanks of that post.

BTW what is an elvis, a beatle? rolleyes.gif

typo, thanks FOR that post

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I met a 19 year girl born in BKK( speaks English) at Nana Plaza. There is NO prostitution at Nana.

I met a 20 year old girl born in Pattaya(also speaks English) working at Happy. Just because you haven't met any doesn't mean there aren't any.

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

There is NO prostitution at Nana ? . . Did you ever been to thailand ?

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Pattaya is a terrible place to find a normal, long time partner. Mostly due to:

  • Big 'Farang' scene that is separate from the regular middle class society in the larger Pattaya area: you're not meeting the normal ones.
  • Big 'Farang' stigma (you know the one) so the people you do meet will be hesitant: the normal ones are less likely to give you a chance.

*Note: the use of 'normal' here is intentional. You all know what it means, but feel free to have a go at its use anyway. I always enjoy that.

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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Slipperylobster's got the right idea and approach. I found my wife (http://zaidpub.com/welcome/about-2/zaida/) online. School Teacher, widow, two grown kids. Best woman I've known and I've know far too many. Stay awar from the ladybars guys. Get an educated woman from the NW, and you can't go far wrong.

Clever conversation can be so overrated. After a couple of months together you're probably not going to be talking about nuclear physics anyway, if anything at all.

My uneducated (but smart) wife talks my ears off. You can learn a lot from uneducated people. A whole different spin on life. Education doesn't make a person smart. Intelligence is innate. A lot of uneducated people are very smart, but they just didn't have the opportunity to go to school/college.

Remember this old song:

"I don't want clever conversation

I never want to work that hard

I just want someone that I can talk to

I want you just the way you are."

You bring up a MOST excellent point thank you very much.

I realized at a very young age, 17 or18, i can learn something from everyone.

Even the 'uneducated' thais i meet, they usually surprise me with some interesting take on things i did not have, know or think about before. Goddess bless them.

I had a wonderful Thai GF in BKK from issan (i think) who could barely add one plus one, but she had emotional intelligence that far surpassed me. And her attitude and disposition was something truly worth loving and being loved by.

It's a hard concept for people to grasp as most people are convinced the best choice is an educated girl on their level.

Chemistry is number one when choosing a partner.

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Slipperylobster's got the right idea and approach. I found my wife (http://zaidpub.com/welcome/about-2/zaida/) online. School Teacher, widow, two grown kids. Best woman I've known and I've know far too many. Stay awar from the ladybars guys. Get an educated woman from the NW, and you can't go far wrong.

Clever conversation can be so overrated. After a couple of months together you're probably not going to be talking about nuclear physics anyway, if anything at all.

My uneducated (but smart) wife talks my ears off. You can learn a lot from uneducated people. A whole different spin on life. Education doesn't make a person smart. Intelligence is innate. A lot of uneducated people are very smart, but they just didn't have the opportunity to go to school/college.

Remember this old song:

"I don't want clever conversation

I never want to work that hard

I just want someone that I can talk to

I want you just the way you are."

You bring up a MOST excellent point thank you very much.

I realized at a very young age, 17 or18, i can learn something from everyone.

Even the 'uneducated' thais i meet, they usually surprise me with some interesting take on things i did not have, know or think about before. Goddess bless them.

I had a wonderful Thai GF in BKK from issan (i think) who could barely add one plus one, but she had emotional intelligence that far surpassed me. And her attitude and disposition was something truly worth loving and being loved by.

It's a hard concept for people to grasp as most people are convinced the best choice is an educated girl on their level.

Chemistry is number one when choosing a partner.

I would say cooking skills are number one.

When the sex wears off at least you can get a good meal.laugh.png

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I would say cooking skills are number one.

When the sex wears off at least you can get a good meal.laugh.png

LOL. I'm the one who does the cooking in our family... which is probably the reason I don't get fat.

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when i first came to pattaya many years ago there were'nt any issan girls they mostly came from rayong and i thought (and still do) they were better girls, more trustworthy and not as greedy, alas i forgot myself and married an issan girl (my own fault).

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when i first came to pattaya many years ago there were'nt any issan girls they mostly came from rayong and i thought (and still do) they were better girls, more trustworthy and not as greedy, alas i forgot myself and married an issan girl (my own fault).

.....Thats interesting, as Rayong is just a small piece of Thailand. The high schools must have been empty. You mean all the Isarn gals just recently found their niche?

On the other hand, maybe there is an explanation for all these farang built homes in Isarn, thatI could never afford while working in America! These ladies are not young..and several actually admit they worked in both Pattaya and Phuket in their earlier years.

There ya go. Just a matter of figuring out population statistics and employment. High employment in Rayong Look at the factories...mostly Agricultural here.

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I think the real question may be where in Pattaya, BKK, or anywhere in Thailand do you meet them. Not so much Pattaya or BKK themselves.

I would say a girl doing a normal job in Pattaya or BKK would be very different from a girl who is working in the nightlife industry in either of these places. There are exceptions of course.

Perhaps try to meet a nice waitress at MK restaurant or something like that, rather than an entertainment/tourist related girl. You are probably less likely to find a girl who simply wants to suck all the money she can out of you (no pun intended) and then hop over to the next guy (again excuse the pun).

And yes as some guys have pointed out most of these girls are Isaan girls anyway and if you met them in their home town they would probably be just as evil.

Anyway to try to answer the question,most BKK girls in the tourist areas are after money and have no sense of morals when dealing with farang. Although i met my partner there and all is well. However, her ex- colleagues, despite being lovely to me, were blatantly scamming every guy they could. And if i am not completely deluded, i must have found 1 in a million.

My ex, on the other hand, was a school teacher and til this day is the most venomous viper there is. You never can tell.

If i were a newbie, i would chance my hand in BKK. Bigger place, different industries, and girls come here from all over without the idea of screwing farang (again with the pun, i know).

Pattaya, however, is a place that brings the 'wrong type of girl' flocking in large numbers and it's a relatively small place. I mean, what else is there in Pattaya? Sorry, for my aversion to Patts - maybe i never gave her a chance.

Edited by Water Buffalo
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And yes as some guys have pointed out most of these girls are Isaan girls anyway and if you met them in their home town they would probably be just as evil.

IME, it's not just Isaan : Chumphon is a long way from Udon Thani, but I saw many of the same attitudes and behaviours in both towns. People are people, and some girls just want to party without having to worry about mundane things like a job or raising their kids - that's my take on it. We have women like that all over Australia - don't know why Thailand would somehow be any different, particularly given the yaba problem.

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Perhaps try to meet a nice waitress at MK restaurant or something like that, rather than an entertainment/tourist related girl. You are probably less likely to find a girl who simply wants to suck all the money she can out of you (no pun intended) and then hop over to the next guy (again excuse the pun).

I think that is a common misconception. A lot of families at the bottom end of society simply always need money, and lean on their offspring to provide it. Those folks ALWAYS need money, sometimes for legitimate reasons, as the poor in Thailand tend to get screwed, regularly and institutionally. The chance to get out of that through the funding of some business, farming equipment, takes money. And that's for the good/ambitious ones. Then there are the ones who are into drinking or gambling and that's even worse. Note that this is the same for families of girls who work in bars and girls who work in a shop or restaurant.

Now, some (a tiny minority) of those girls from that segment of society turn to work in bars, the vast majority indeed works as a waitress, in a factory, a shop or whatever else. But that basic, urgent and continuous need (to provide for) money hangs over all her actions, also for those who can't/won't deal with the messy life of a sex worker.

So as soon as you pick a girl from that segment, regardless of what she does for a living, 'money' will always be a thing in your relationship. And then secondly for guys who have a bit of an education or other interests in life it also helps if a partner is on a similar level. That level also tends to mean she has a meaningful and fulfilling career of her own, which again reduces pressure on a relationship, just because she has something better, more fulfilling and more profitable to do with her life than hang in front of the TV or -worse- succumb to temptations like gambling, drinking, etc.

So that would be a second reason to not get overly excited at the prospect of dating waitresses, massage therapists, shop attendants and whatever else Farangs tend to drag in proclaiming victory over (and looking down on) 'those silly guys' dating ex sex workers. Yet they're marrying into the exact same level of society, so good luck with that.

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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Perhaps try to meet a nice waitress at MK restaurant or something like that, rather than an entertainment/tourist related girl. You are probably less likely to find a girl who simply wants to suck all the money she can out of you (no pun intended) and then hop over to the next guy (again excuse the pun).

So that would be a second reason to not get overly excited at the prospect of dating waitresses, massage therapists, shop attendants and whatever else Farangs tend to drag in proclaiming victory over (and looking down on) 'those silly guys' dating ex sex workers. Yet they're marrying into the exact same level of society, so good luck with that.

Are you for real "Winnie",. Most Thai people will tell you a prostitute is not for dating or marrying, and only a loser farang would think about it. Would you date/marry a Ho. in your own country ? ( UK I guess) ?

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