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Military calls for legal action over sedition; Chalerm insists there's no evidence


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"THE CALL for secession by pro-government groups and red shirts in the north has become a new subject of a dispute, with legal action being sought for the seditious act by the military and the anti-government movement using it to strengthen its attacks against the caretaker government"

Permit me to say this about that.

This thing reeks of double standards and coup-monger support by the military. Are they saying all that stuff that has been spewed from the Coup-monger stage by you know who, is all sacrosanct? There was NOTHING there with which to pillorize these people about attacks on the current form of Govt. and Democracy?...But somehow that is OK?

And why this mis-characterization about "pro-Govt. groups" when talking about "Pro-Democracy" entities?

And what about this mis-characterization of the coup-mongers as being "anti-Govt.".....They would be on the streets even if the PTP and Ms. Y. were the most effective Govt. and Prime Minister in the history of the world..... Simply because they are not in power.

This is clearly demonstrated in the final words of this quote, using fabricated issues as cover for "it to strengthen its attacks against the caretaker government", or more aptly characterized, as attacks against an elected Govt..

I have asked many times how you and your red mates think a coup could possibly benefit Suthep and have not go an answer just the usual coup-monger BS,

The only ones who could possibly benefit from a coup are Thaksin, Yingluck and PT.

They could then scream to the world that a legitimate elected democratic government was overthrown by the military.......again.

As we see the reds are prepared to raise an army to fight any coup a move which would probably degenerate into a civil war, as per the south.

Thaksin cares northing how much death and destruction he causes, as we saw in 2010, if he can not be in power he will do anything to harm those who are.

And you presume that the general population fighting against a military coup is instinctively a bad thing.

The world is littered with history of people fighting an overarching military. I do not see how anyone could criticise the logic of fighting an army during a coup in order to protect democracy, whether that democracy was corrupted or not.

I do not for one second see the thai Army as some benevolent force for the good of the country. Their role has been to repeatedly intervene to mess with democracy, not to enhance it.

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Gen. Prayuth Chan-ocha and his ilk are so worried about succession and his younger brother’s future post that secession is just a distraction he is willing to highlight to no end to make him feel powerful before he retires shortly with his fat pension.

He knows his Army in 2014 are not going to go along with another coup. If he does there will be a Civil War. Millions of reds

Will I assure you fight back this time. I am sure Gen. Anupong his boss before him is off in retirement enjoying the mess he helped create in 2006. Most Thai's know where he lives as well.

Take a look at who he (General Prayuth Chan-ocha) really is on foreign media and where he was groomed. Younger Thai’s have all this information at their fingertips and as one poster stated these bloated old Army generals most likely cannot even operate a smart phone & wish the internet was never invented.

Younger Thai's I know are just now waking up. They have been dumbed down their entire life. Made to believe fairy tales and lies. The ones that can read English fairly well go to many websites the Royal Thai Army / ICT would let's just say have a real problem with. Red shirt leaning websites as well as many foreign media have for over 7 years since the 2006 coup discussed who was behind all of it........??? and how to stop it from ever happening again.

Real constitutional change is needed to bring this country into the modern world and the next generation of younger Thai's will need to fight hard to change many draconian laws that their parents and grandparents had to endure.

Great change is coming & about time.

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So nice for the Army to show again who they support here.

Won't make anybody bend the knee. Show you are in the PDRC camp.. we all knew anyway.

YL Government choose terrorist camp.......

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So nice for the Army to show again who they support here.

Won't make anybody bend the knee. Show you are in the PDRC camp.. we all knew anyway.

You may want to google "Role of the Thai Military."

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"THE CALL for secession by pro-government groups and red shirts in the north has become a new subject of a dispute, with legal action being sought for the seditious act by the military and the anti-government movement using it to strengthen its attacks against the caretaker government"

Permit me to say this about that.

This thing reeks of double standards and coup-monger support by the military. Are they saying all that stuff that has been spewed from the Coup-monger stage by you know who, is all sacrosanct? There was NOTHING there with which to pillorize these people about attacks on the current form of Govt. and Democracy?...But somehow that is OK?

And why this mis-characterization about "pro-Govt. groups" when talking about "Pro-Democracy" entities?

And what about this mis-characterization of the coup-mongers as being "anti-Govt.".....They would be on the streets even if the PTP and Ms. Y. were the most effective Govt. and Prime Minister in the history of the world..... Simply because they are not in power.

This is clearly demonstrated in the final words of this quote, using fabricated issues as cover for "it to strengthen its attacks against the caretaker government", or more aptly characterized, as attacks against an elected Govt..

I have asked many times how you and your red mates think a coup could possibly benefit Suthep and have not go an answer just the usual coup-monger BS,

The only ones who could possibly benefit from a coup are Thaksin, Yingluck and PT.

They could then scream to the world that a legitimate elected democratic government was overthrown by the military.......again.

As we see the reds are prepared to raise an army to fight any coup a move which would probably degenerate into a civil war, as per the south.

Thaksin cares northing how much death and destruction he causes, as we saw in 2010, if he can not be in power he will do anything to harm those who are.

"I have asked many times how you and your red mates think a coup could possibly benefit Suthep and have not go an answer just the usual coup-monger BS"

Let me never be accused of avoiding a debating point.....I would be happy to answer this question....with regards to a fellow political junkie.

"How could a coup possibly benefit Suthep?".....At risk of being over simplistic to a question for which the answer is self-evident I think, one merely needs to ponder why Suthep and the people who he is fronting for, are agitating against elections, and by extension for a coup.......The same thing they pulled off in 2006 but tried to hide themselves, by blaming it on the military by erroneously calling it a 'military coup'..

They want to depose an elected Govt....Isn't that clear?....If that isn't a coup, what is?......But in a macro sense, in the process of deposing a Govt., they want to do away with elections and run the country with minority rule, based on their non-elective selections.

That is the benefit Suthep and friends are looking for in deposing this Govt.

Any other questions left unanswered?

Yes, there is one last question ... are your blinkers a permanent fixture, or are you able to take them off before retiring to bed...?!

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