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Thai Culture


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I have noticed that many Thai's act like that they are the most decent family life people in the planet when talking with Foreigners and among themselves.

Last week...

My company staff were looking at almost half a page Near Naked Thai Model in one Thai paper and talking very serious about it.

Then they said that KTB (Krunsri Bank New Credit Card) has put that add.

Actually it has this girl covering her tits with two Credit Cards hanging around her Neck. :D

I asked them that, whether they published that specifically in this public newspaper? and then got to know that it has been published in the Image Magazine.

I asked them, what do they think if Newspapers start commenting on some add published in a Mens magazines? Instead they were telling me..

Thai Culture and Thai Women not like this and Thai's do not approve this kind of behavior.

Oh..poor me.. .I have been living in Thailand for some years now..when it comes to sex..I have never seen any Thai Culture here.. :D

I have seen the keen interest of Thai Girls/Women dress closer to near Naked designs.

I have seen Thai magazines filled with near naked Thai Women.

I have seen Public Newspapers with similar Models before..

They all know the girls hanging out in Patpong and other tourist Destinations are Thai.

They all know about the Tall Standing Massage Parlors and what is going inside.

They all know that Thai Men have several Women.

They all know that Thai girls/boys are freely exchanging sex with each other (Gigs)

Don't they know that Thailand is known as the Cheap Sex Destination in the world?

For example, if a Western designer comes out with a dress to wear for Night, these girls here will wear it in day light inside Public Transport.

I have not seen such low quality taste among people, media in western countries. You get some off the hook, Janet Jackson stuff or a guy running naked across the Lords Cricket pich...

But nothing can be compared to this insane behavior..

Do Thais have a culture to talk about anymore..? I seriously doubt.. :o

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An interesting post kwiz. I think as farang most of us mis-understand what the real situation is in Thailand. My knowledge is made up of bits and pieces gained from reading articles, books, newspapers and watching tv. Also, from talking to people, chattting on the internet, living here in Thailand and mixing with Thais. So my understanding is based on mixed messages, half truths, observations and experiences (yes some of those experiences too :o )

So, what am I saying ? Well, when we talk about places like Patpong we have to understand that this part of 'that' industry only makes up about 15% of the industry (prostitution) the rest is domestice market. Obviously the 15% gets much more media coverage and puiblicity to taint Thailands image worldwide.

But as farang we dont understand what really the attitudes to sex are ! For example if you read about Thai culture you will find anecdotes from everyday people such as Teachers who give their opinions. One example I have read is about a group of students who are on a weekend school trip with their teachers. Their bus pulls into a roadside service centre for food and toilet breaks. Some of the male students rush to eat and then go to an upstairs brothel above a restaurant for a quick session. The rest of the groups and teachers wait in the bus for them to return and then off they go singing their songs like nothing happenned. (This was written by a female teacher).

Can you imagine the stink if a student did that in the west !!??

So I dont think we can begin to question Thai culture when we dont understand it. But as I am a farang. I think and react just like you !!

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I think its just the 'in your face' bit. Victorian times are thought of in the west (especially Britain) as being a highly morale time - yet we sent small children up chimneys, into moving machinery and Victorian men though a cure for Syphilis was to sleep with 9 y/o virgins!

The Thais, like all of us, know such things go on. We may even use them ourselves, but this is personal - to make it public, to bring it up and to the forefront is embarrassing and shows our weaknesses. To buy pornography for personal use is one thing, to post it all over the news paper is another. Thai's are Buddhists - the eight noble paths to the four noble truths point away from deviousness and gratification in any form. We all sin, but how many of us revel in it openly.

As people of our own nations, we all have things that we are not proud of our country for. Things that we would rather not be reminded of over and over (like the southern hemisphere being without Web Ellis trophy :o ) and if there is one thing that the west makes synonymous with Thailand it is sex and so called sexual depravity. We farangs know this, how many times have we heard from our countrymen that know less than nothing about LOS such connotations.

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Don't they know that Thailand is known as the Cheap Sex Destination in the world?

America and other strongly female dominated and christianity orientated countries belittle the Thai and other Buddhist Asian countries for their openess.

In fact however, the only difference I can see, is that what is done in hiding in Western countries, is openly admitted in Asia. Just close the one eye, and with your fingers quickly point to the others, like to Thailand.

Cheap Sex Destination?

First I recommend you to take a look to Latin America. But sorry, this is an American controlled area, with white population and Catholic orientated. -

So better not to mention that place.

Next we look to the Philippines: Of course nothing wrong there, this is also a Catholic country, controlled by America .... So we should not talk about that.

Let us take a look to Europe: The former Iron Curtain line between West and East Europe is the busiest sex area of this world....Hmmm, we know, these are the pervert Western Europeans and the poor Russian girls.... better not to talk about it. All is fine and OK there.

Not to forget, USA is by far the biggest porno-provider and porno-producer in this world. But this is only the internet.....And of course prostitution is totally illegal, only escort services are allowed... Always this crazy American bashing....

We really have to look now to Thailand: Unbelieveable, so many poor girls, all sold by their drunken parents, everywhere these many many (almost nud_e) pictures, how offending. - And these many many drugs.....Really, people without culture...

I am living in Japan, I hear the same story from foreigners all the time....

Culture? Yes, depending on your culture..... there is a culture, oppressing all and everything - but the American/European way of life is not the only culture in this world.

I like the openess in Asia.....why to hide, what we enjoy? Why should Thailand change its life-style to fit American/European culture?


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Yohan..you are correct..but it is not what I am trying to say..Not comparison with USA or what country have most of them, compare with other regions, under American control.. etc.. That we have discussed in this forum many times under various different threads and you are correct with what you have said..

The point I am trying to highlight is, Thai people talk about Thai Culture. Do they have a Thai culture anymore? :o

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The point I am trying to highlight is, Thai people talk about Thai Culture. Do they have a Thai culture anymore? :o

I think that they do still have their own culture, albeit it is being diluted by Western influence and TV, particularly soap operas.

Part of that culture appears to me to be unashamed pride in their own bodies, nudity is less of an issue. Although blatant exhibitionism does become somewhat passe!

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Yes openness is part of the Thai way. I have heard that typically in a village when a young couple have been married and spent thier first night together, the talk all around the village the next morning centres around 'how many times did they do it ?' or 'how big was his willy ?'....... even the small kids will be running around asking these questions.

So if the culture is like this then no wonder it is no big deal what goes on between adults. When I say no big deal I mean it is accepted to a certain extent. When it comes to the worst case scenario's then if a person is supporting a family, fine, close the eyes and accept it but prey to the Buddha.

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Kwiz I agree with a lot of your post but have you lived and worked in other regions of Thailand or just Bangkok? As with most capital cities Bangkok is not wholly indicative of the countries culture , dilution,corruption are only a few things that spring to mind. But yes the double standards is a thing that can be levelled at Thai society as much as in any other country.

Have a look at IT Managers post " A sense of community" to see what I mean about different attitudes in other regions of Thailand.

In my wife's home village , about 70kms from Kalasin, there a few lads that work in Bangkok as Civil Engineers, when they come home they talk about the way people act and are expected to act when in Bangkok, some of it blames the Western way of looking at things , I disagree with that issue a bit , but these chaps will act in a wholly different way when back in the Heartlands.

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Yohan..you are correct..but it is not what I am trying to say..........

The point I am trying to highlight is, Thai people talk about Thai Culture. Do they have a Thai culture anymore?

All big cities in this world are getting more and more similar, everybody who is travelling around as tourist or as businessman will tell you that. High buildings are requiring some certain construction, highways too, they look similar, many goods in supermarkets and department-stores are produced by international companies, they look similar, even cars or traffic signs are getting more and more similar....Of course, people living in big cities need housing in big condominiums, and even the furniture for such accomodations is similar to any other city in this world. Medical treatment and medicine require an international standard....international banking.....Yes, such people living in such big cities are accepting more and more an international style for their daily life.

In this sense, all big cities are changing more and more into an international *look* - especially city districts with many foreign residents do not offer any surprise anymore for the experienced traveller.

Bangkok is no exception for this trend.


However if you try to travel to places, where no foreigners are - one poster (Chonabot) in this forum mentioned KALASIN - or my friend's place is in KANTHARALAK - I myself as a South Thai traveller recommend you to try it out in THUNG SONG or in PHATTALUNG/LAMPAM

(see my homepage at http://www2.gol.com/users/johann)

then you will see how different Thai life is there compared to the life in Bangkok.

There is Thai culture and still very much alive.


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