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Chinese visitor "using" the canal in Chiang Mai


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And people wonder why I stay away from the Moat in Songkran.


I wouldn't go near the moat at Songkran even with this gear.

And what about all those fish in the moat opposite Darats......I wonder if........nah they wouldn't.


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^ Fortunately they dunk big tankers full of chlorine into the moat prior to Songkran.

And if it's any consolation, rats and whatever else also poo in it. wink.png

If they added enough chlorine to kill bacteria there would be a massive fish kill.

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Its from the anti Chinese tourists facebook founded by Thai so why would the person in the photo be Thai

Sent from my GT-I9300T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

An anti Chinese tourist FB page would never contain propaganda, I suppose?

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Not chancing (This is a family site, right?) to write a few ethnically derogatory terms , such as can be found here --- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ethnic_slurs --- I might bring the wraith of more than one moderator down on me in a hurry. My question is why does ThaiVisa permit the posting of such crap that has appeared on this thread ?! As benign as people think that might be, the permissiveness gives license to even worse sorts of things ultimately. And I won't get into a rant about how the Chinese invented gunpowder before Europeans could do anything more damaging than blow large farts.

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And what about all those fish in the moat opposite Darats......I wonder if........nah they wouldn't

they are ok :)

coz this picture shows she errrr uummm errr :(

opposite the petronas gas station next to dk bookstore !



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There can be no excuses for that type of behaviour in public.....and she is a woman judging by the slim shoulder bag cord. Plenty of businesses with toilets around the moat.

Having said that its damn sight better that walking in dog poo or seeing rats run around your favourite restaurant.

Dog poo or human poo ... both are disgusting ... don't want to see either in a public place.

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i wouldn`t say that the woman is Chinese, she`s dark like a Thai (I mean the face besides the rear end). That moat has been used as a public toilet for many years. I heard that if anyone fell in a disease would kill them first before they drowned. Take a look at the banks during the night, they are swarming with rats.

I`ve seen Farlang men peeing in there, Thai kids swimming and crapping on the banks of the moat, Thais washing pans and clothes. The only way is to fence it off so the public can`t get in there.

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Was in Australia earlier and lots of Chinese there too, however they were very different to the the noisy pushy groups here. Their behaviour in general was fine including at the airport, no one seems bothered at all.

Can only assume that more expensive destinations attract a different type just like with western tourists.

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