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Is This Misleading


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Watched above program with interest in the UK as I am considering retiring here.

They showed houses made of wood /modern / apartments, and how easy it was to form a company to buy, and hey presto thats all it takes???

This is not the impression I have got reading the stuff here, as most of you say rent and keep investments in the UK.

The couple in question ( mid sixties ) were happy, and even told spray some pesticide about and you will not be bothered by bugs for six month periods.

If I had not joined this forum and read loads, I would have happily felt secure about this as it was a very convincing program.


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Its all apart of advertising.

Just like a Mcdonalds add, the burger isnt really as big as your head.

The point im making is when they try to sell you something they always go alittle overboard to get your business

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Its all apart of advertising.

Just like a Mcdonalds add, the burger isnt really as big as your head.

The point im making is when they try to sell you something they always go alittle overboard to get your business

Donz, I reckon you would be a great time-share salesman. We need people like you here... the uneducated and ill-informed selling dodgy products to the equally uneducated, ill-informed ..... :o

ps. Would you like me to proof-read your CV for all your spelling errors? :D

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But I am a salesman, a good one too.

Well I am not the best speller in the world at school I was more interested in girls then spelling, if ya get me drift.

And im alittle intoxicated at the moment so my spelling is probaly alittle worse at the moment

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