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Annoying Girlfriends Friends?


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I know Thai people especially the kids call a friend fat its a Thai Thing But.. Ok if you know the person

I was waiting on a taxi with my Girlfriend a few months ago and out of the Blue a lady says to me "Are you Pregnant?" I turned to my girlfriend and said "What the *edited* is she talking to me for?"

"Oh That's my Friend from work, no problem"

Oh right I taught to myself funny way to introduce herself as I never seen her before.

Now every time I see her the first thing out of her mouth is something about me been Fat lol, I am 5 10 and under 13 stone, I have a bit of a belly but not much.

Today her spelt was you drink Ouisi and not beer and you look not fat and young haha

I was like what the *edited* your no supermodel but I said nothing. As I couldn't be bothered with her I don't even really know her, But what is it with this Girl is she a hater or is this the way some Thai girls behave? Very Rude if you ask me...

Edited by metisdead
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Be polite to her and start a conversation, and then drop the clanger, ''Gosh you are the first Lady Boy i have met and you seem nice''..

That should shut the *edited* up..

That's a great idea, I will definitely used that the next time I meet her ....biggrin.png

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Maybe she is giving you a hint to start going the gym

Maybe he should just slip her a length ?

Does the OP wear Speedos? That. Might be the issue. Otherwise look at the first sentence.

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OP, do not waste your time.

Thais and etiquette do not go together in the same sentence.

Christ, they think calling baby a fat pig is cute.

Explaining things would also be a waste of time.

Best you can do is speak first and mention something like "ohh your skin looks darker"

This will make her NOT want to speak with you and she will try to avoid you.

On the other hand, you can just ignore

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Op, you might have it the wrong way around, she might be paying you a compliment. Your thinking about your stomach when she's thinking about your ****.

Next time she says it, point to your **** and show her with visual sign language, an exaggerated size and length of the goods.

Edited by metisdead
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Be polite to her and start a conversation, and then drop the clanger, ''Gosh you are the first Lady Boy i have met and you seem nice''..

That should shut the *edited* up..


Preferably done in front of all of the gang of girls, for maximum loss of face.

No Problem, i can be a nasty old queen when i start....

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"I have a bit of a belly but not much."

Are you 100% sure about this? A good way to test is... Can you see your toes? What about your penis - look down... Can you see it?

Are you able to lay on the floor and roll over, without struggling like a pig? Have you looked at yourself from the side in a mirror and been realistic about what you actually saw? Some even believe it so much that they start giving away cars, houses and stuff like that to their 30 year younger girlfriend, who just loves them sooooo much!


Edited by khunpa
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That was a bit quick, thinking troll.

But if true, not only very rude but probably not smart if you're trying to build good relations with the locals.

For those coming to this later on I do either of these two options is kinder and smarter:

She has no idea you are taking offense at her joking around about the truth. Like a redhead getting offended by ginger jokes. Same with old man, Pappa, not disrespectful attributes here.

Let her know - gently but seriously - your feelings are hurt and she'll stop, not like lower Brits and ockers that will gleefully step it up like chickens pecking at the sight of blood.

Or just suck it up get used to it TiT they mean no harm.
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That was a bit quick, thinking troll.

But if true, not only very rude but probably not smart if you're trying to build good relations with the locals.

For those coming to this later on I do either of these two options is kinder and smarter:

She has no idea you are taking offense at her joking around about the truth. Like a redhead getting offended by ginger jokes. Same with old man, Pappa, not disrespectful attributes here.

Let her know - gently but seriously - your feelings are hurt and she'll stop, not like lower Brits and ockers that will gleefully step it up like chickens pecking at the sight of blood.

Or just suck it up get used to it TiT they mean no harm.

May i ask why do you think your way is the good way or the only way?

Why do you think i should waste my time to build a relationship with someone who does not either respect me or has enough brain?

She has no idea, so say pointing out she has no breasts would be ok? or perhaps that her breasts are too saggy for the liking?

Its called common sense, etiquette and respect for other people, it can not be taught if was not developed by now.

Personally, it would be cute if gf or wife made a comment, but most certainly 300% inappropriate for a total stranger to start a conversation like this and to continue.

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