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Driving to Pai from C Mai and back.... best time of day?


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I have read a bit on the best and safest way to get to Pai... in terms of the vans I heard they move a bit slower going up hill to Pai than down to C Mai... but of course not very safe and seems many get sick. I was thinking of taking a van up and a bus down, or fly back even.... although flying is probably much nicer in a less smokey season....

But now I think i might drive by car there myself, and wondered what is the best time of day that would minimize other traffic, specifically the vans that love to pass on blind corners in both directions, which I have seen driving to and from Chiang Rai. My theory is that the vans and buses would be based in Chiang Mai, mostly leaving between 8am to maybe 11am, and returning from after 12pm... Does anyone know when most are on the road?

So my guess of best time to enjoy and survive the drive would be to leave C Mai early by 7am... perhaps only a few would catch up, and less traffic coming down and no vans. And then a few days later return late afternoon, behind most or all that have left from Pai, and perhaps not much traffic heading up to Pai later in the day.

haha I know I am over thinking this but interested in opinions of those who know. Also, although a windy road is it fine to drive? My Thai driving experience is to and from Mae Sai, and up and down Doi Inthanon... both would have been much more fun with less traffic, several near misses!

thanks in advance

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OP you have all the answers already, you don't even need to ask.

Spot on about the vans.......so as long as you start a good 2hrs ahead you should have a safe trip.

Watch for roadside fires now!

Just to add to the complications.

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I think you are worrying unnecessarily.... done it loads of times in a car/truck and bike and it's not that bad at all.

Only one time it was really busy.

I reckon it will be quiet, now cold season is over!

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I have travelled this route many times. To avoid the traffic especially vans, we usually begin at 0500-0600hrs as the light begins to dawn which is a safety-plus. A speed of 80-90kph safely navigates the bends.

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Thanks for the replies and advice....

We drove up Friday at 9am and back Sunday at 11am and it took 3 hours coming back without stops. As someone mentioned, since it is low season now the traffic was not bad, and the death vans were well behaved. Of course we still had some cars and trucks passing at dangerous spots but nothing too bad. I was thinking that by 9am 90% of the morning vans have probably left anyways. One pick up piled sky high with mattresses seemed ready to tip over as he flew by... I guess if they tumble down the mountain they have something to land on.

One piece of good advice I read on TV was that passengers can keep their eyes on the road to reduce the chance of being sick. When I looked out at the lovely views of smoke I started to feel sick... then went back to watching the road and was fine. Didnt need to use a puke stop...

And agree that this is a lousy time to go to Pai overall... more smokey than Chiang Mai, and much much dryer. On the way it is still basically green, but in Pai it is very brown and dusty... I assume they get less rain way back when it was raining. I will definitely go back again, but not until after it starts raining, and not after February. Easy to find a hotel though...

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