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claiming benefits if I take my Thai children to the UK


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No but if the people running the country always put themselves first. Why should you not

Would you jump off a mountain because somebody else did?

Is that not a stupid question?

Not at all, it is something learned as a child in perhaps the playground. When someone supervising the children sees a child doing something wrong they usually ask why they did that. Children will at some stage answer 'because he/she did it', meaning another child. Asking the child 'Would you jump off a mountain because somebody else did' is part of developing a child's moral code at an early age. Simply telling the child not to do something without giving a reason is akin to rote learning used in the Thai education system. The actual example which in this case involves jumping of a mountain is simple but it is also irrelevant because it is the logic that needs to be learned. If you know the logic behind not jumping of a mountain then you know the logic why you should not....

No but if the people running the country always put themselves first. Why should you not

Unsurprisingly, I don't remember the specifics of when I personally learned this valuable lesson but I do have a fragmented memory of it and would have been around 6 years old. I'd just washed my hands and was lining up for dinner. Perhaps I had not washed my hands and was seen not to do so. After being pulled up I may have said that I did not because someone else had not done so! 40 years ago so I really don't recall. I do remember the name of the teacher.. Mrs Harrie (Harry?)

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Not at all, it is something learned as a child in perhaps the playground. When someone supervising the children sees a child doing something wrong they usually ask why they did that. Children will at some stage answer 'because he/she did it', meaning another child. Asking the child 'Would you jump off a mountain because somebody else did' is part of developing a child's moral code at an early age. Simply telling the child not to do something without giving a reason is akin to rote learning used in the Thai education system. The actual example which in this case involves jumping of a mountain is simple but it is also irrelevant because it is the logic that needs to be learned. If you know the logic behind not jumping of a mountain then you know the logic why you should not....

No but if the people running the country always put themselves first. Why should you not

Unsurprisingly, I don't remember the specifics of when I personally learned this valuable lesson but I do have a fragmented memory of it and would have been around 6 years old. I'd just washed my hands and was lining up for dinner. Perhaps I had not washed my hands and was seen not to do so. After being pulled up I may have said that I did not because someone else had not done so! 40 years ago so I really don't recall. I do remember the name of the teacher.. Mrs Harrie (Harry?)

I am not interested in what other people do or do not do. I live my own life as I see fit, and I will not do anything that interferes in anybodys life, and I expect the same from other people, whether it is governments or companies. If anyone treats me unfairly in any way, then they will get the same in return, if people treat me fairly, I will again do the same in return.

If anyone, governments, companies, individuals charge me too much for anything, I will look for an opportunity to do the same back in anyway I can, and have done many times in my life back in the UK.

I do respect your opinion, but if people want to jump off mountains, that is up to them, but I will not be following them.

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Which is a perfect example of the problem and why it is so difficult to fix.

No but if the people running the country always put themselves first. Why should you not

I am not interested in what other people do or do not do.

You have contradicted yourself. You don't care what other people do but you will do something because other people do it. Which is it? So you have no morals but expect others to have them for you to lead you? That would make you a slave and glad of your chains by all accounts.

It is a sad state of affairs when people poor ladies get raped every day and people stand by doing nothing because it is others who are doing it. To make it ever worse, people will justify raping themselves because others are doing it. No moral compass whatsoever and a despicable human being that would be.

Oh oh oh, doesn't include rape! Why? It just doesn't?

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