stevenl Posted March 14, 2014 Posted March 14, 2014 <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script> This what the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources has to say about blacktips. "The Blacktip Reef Shark (Carcharhinus melanopterus) is a common and wide-ranging species, regularly caught by inshore fisheries. Globally, populations are not considered to be in immediate danger of significant depletion. However, this species is currently fished, and due to small litter sizes and long gestation periods, is vulnerable to depletion." Sort of go ahead, but be careful. That is worldwide. Unfortunately locally it is 'much more vulnerable to depletion' than indicated in that quote. Perhaps then go hang <deleted> on the Thai fisherman with powered boats, dynamite, nets, long lines and whatever other apparatus they use and most likely throw 95% of the shark...still alive mind you....back into the ocean, rather than one loan farang with no tank and most probably a lucky shot....... I really don't get that people think the argument 'he does it so I can do it as well' makes any sense when something is clearly not good.
transam Posted March 14, 2014 Posted March 14, 2014 In the UK the main fish at a Fish and Chip shop is Cod and Rock salmon. Rock Salmon looks very similar to a small shark, just in case you didn't know. Transam, Rosk salmon is a shark. It is more commonly known as the spiny dogfish. Spiny Dogfish (Squalus acanthias), are also known as Spurdog and Piked Dogfish and were once amongst the most abundant species of shark in the world. However intense fishing pressure has brought many populations around the world to the brink of catastrophe. The IUCN Shark Specialist Group estimated that the Northeast Atlantic population has declined by over 95%, in this region and are now considered to be Critically Endangered on the IUCN Red List, with their global status listed as Vulnerable. They are in much worse shape than the blacktips. I have caught many, Tope, Huss, Dog Fish, Spur Dog. Tope go back but the rest are eaten. When I was angling, few years back now, we could not bring Cod ashore because of the deleting stocks, but the big boys could hoover them up.
Mudcrab Posted March 14, 2014 Posted March 14, 2014 Are we not killing stuff to eat every day......? Dont include me, i am 100 percent Strict Vegetarian, and have been for years. No ''Beef Stock,Chicken Stock,Fish Stock''... My beliefs are i dont have the right to kill a living thing, for my pleasure... just my two cents worth... Kudos to you. I respect your compassion. But a vegan would call you a cold blooded killer. And every time you walk out in public, you stomp on millions of living critters. Where we each draw our line is a personal decision. No doubt a fruitarian will come along soon. And no I am not talking about fans of ladyboys.
nedkellylives Posted March 14, 2014 Posted March 14, 2014 It was very delicious apparently. BBQ'd with some spicy dipping sauce really hit the spot. 555. But I know your lying because shark meat is generally not very good, so "spicy dipping sauce" and other flavoring is usually needed. Offsets the high levels of murcury in shark meat, not that I have ever tried shark. Actually some small types of sharks are good eating and quite often sold in fish and chip shops as other species of fish, Gummy shark a bottom feeder which eats lobster and octopus etc is delicious and expensive to buy The only fish you see in documentarys about diving in Phuket are the ones people don't eat
Mudcrab Posted March 14, 2014 Posted March 14, 2014 It was very delicious apparently. BBQ'd with some spicy dipping sauce really hit the spot. And a fair chance that all the Brits here have been eating shark for a long time with their chips and mushy peas without even knowing it. Beautiful white flesh and no bones. Also known as flake in Oz. Beautiful eating fish. The biggest waste to the shark fishery is the people who catch them just for the fins and throw the carcass back. Just to satisfy the Asian (Chinese market). 1
transam Posted March 14, 2014 Posted March 14, 2014 It was very delicious apparently. BBQ'd with some spicy dipping sauce really hit the spot. And a fair chance that all the Brits here have been eating shark for a long time with their chips and mushy peas without even knowing it. Beautiful white flesh and no bones. Also known as flake in Oz. Beautiful eating fish. The biggest waste to the shark fishery is the people who catch them just for the fins and throw the carcass back. Just to satisfy the Asian (Chinese market). I believe Tope and Shark have small bones where Dog fish do not.
stevenl Posted March 14, 2014 Posted March 14, 2014 <snip>The only fish you see in documentarys about diving in Phuket are the ones people don't eat You mean like blacktips, which are the issue here.
LivinginKata Posted March 14, 2014 Posted March 14, 2014 Now that this story has (at last) been reported by Phuket media, please continue discussion ---> This topic now //CLOSED//
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