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Post vaccination for chickenpox after contact with somebody affected

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Diddl wrote: “Wrong! The outbreak of the disease was going down before vaccinations were introduced if you look at the statistics and this due to better standards of hygienic living.”

Uh, sorry Diddl, you’ll gave to post some CDC or WHO data to confirm this.

Consider. Varicella (Chicken Pox) is never “cured.” The virus literally hides within nerve tissue. Then, when the person’s immune system weakens for some reason which can be as simple as emotional trauma the virus sees its chance and reawakens. The body in most cases still remember how to fight it, caused by either the vaccine or prior disease, and so it does, and Herpes Zoster, the sequella to the initial vaccine or infection is usually limited to an are specifically enervated by one nerve.

Now it is sort of uncommon to see Herpes Zoster in those under age 50, unless immunocompromised for some reason but it is very common to see it in those over 60. As many as 40% of those over age 60 will get Herpes Zoster, and probably less than 10% will get Zoster under the age of 50. The Herpes Zoster vaccine increases the body’s immune response with an efficacy of ~90% Some will still get an outbreak even with the Zoster immunization. Every one of these represent a virus reservoir, ready to start the cycle of infection again.

So Diddle, consider this. There are hundreds of millions of humans walking around appearing quite healthy, but each one harboring a sleeping virus and for every 100 million there will be ~40 million Herpes Zoster cases. Each and every case can act as a reservoir for transmission of virus to another. Therefore while it is true that practicing good hygiene can protect from transmission it is not likely that good hygiene will ever replace immunization. Though your statement is very true when related to the polio virus, in that case hygiene did indeed reduce transmission of disease.

Chicken Pox is a nasty illness, I can vividly remember the very first pox (vesicile) when I had Varicella so many decades ago. I agree the vaccine is neither totally effective nor without risks. Let’s talk risks: Nasty disease that most recover from. Ok, but there is one small, actually rare group that may never recover—that is a fetus developing within the mother’s womb whose fetal age is between 1-20 weeks. If mother contracts Varicella there is a slight risk (not all unborn are affected, it is fairly rare) that the baby that develops from the fetus will be born scarred, and may be born with brain, visual or limb defects. This actually is the foundation upon which Varicalla vaccination program is founded.

Another concept, which explains why there is always a push for vaccination of children in the “herd immunity concept.” Depending upon the infective disease (mumps is the lowest, measles and pertussis need a higher protected herd rate) if ~72-93% of the “herd” (we are the herd) are protected, while that infective disease may be present, contagion will not spread simply because there are too many protected humans around. The disease entity loses the ability to “jump.”

A bit on Herpes Zoster. I’d suggest that any person over the age of 50 consult with their medical practitioner about the Zoster vaccine though many doctors won’t administer it until the person is over age 60. Herpes Zoster’s nasty—very painful, but—the biggest problem is not Herpes Zoster initially it is an odd sequel to that secondary virus outbreak. That is called Post Herpetic Neuralgia.(PHN) This can occur to ~20% of those who get a Herpes Zoster infection. Talk about nasty—I had to ban one poor fella from working because, even months after he had recovered from Helpes Zoster, his PHN prevented him from bending over to put booties on. (This was in a factory where we all gowned with suits/gloves/booties. The fellow got kudos for effort but he was practically in tears simply trying to do what we do every day when we put our socks on. And guess what? That pain he has might disappear in a month, or three, or 18 or never. Imagine that. I’ll take the vaccination please.

As far as deadly components to vaccine—indee, here, let’s look at the deadliest.: latex and chicken protein. Yes last night I ate about 10 ounces of deadly chicken protein. Yet, for some—a minute amount is deadly and though every practitioner asks: “have you ever reacted to eggs, feathers or chicken?” Every so often someone could just be on the edge of a severe allergy reaction, and the same goes with latex. Now many will point to Thimerosol as the deadliest component and it is. Drink a few ounces—you die. But todays maximum Thimerosol content is about 50 micrograms/0.5ml. This equates to about 25 micrograms of mercury.

Albacore tuna has about 0.3-1 migrogram/gram mercury, and swordfish has about 1-4 micrograms/gram. When I make a tuna sandwirch I use the whole ~6oz can. Therefore on average I might eat about 85 micrograms of mercury in that one sandwich. This is why pregnant women are advised to be cautious when eating certain fish.

It’s difficult to determine excretion rates but from what I’ve read I’m inclined to believe that any thimerosol that I might receive in a vaccination will have said “bye, bye” within a week.

Also the adverse immunization reporting program is very difficult to analyze for one simple reason: There is no proof of cause/effect. Therefore any symptom close to immunization can be reported and may or may not be related. Also consider this: Fairly frequently people say: “I don’t want to take this medication—I looked up the adverse effects and found: seizures, fever, and whatnot.” So I sit down, pull up the med data from the manufacturer and one by one look at the data. Here’s an example: Med X: Treated group 3 seizures/10,000. Control group (placebo given) 2 seizures/10,000. Is that statistically significant? Nope.

Though I will admit openly that vaccinations have risks and it is a personal decision to weigh the risk/benefit, I advise by giving facts and respect what a person decides to do though I occasionally am told that I ought to be more (for lack of better words) pushy. Yet I will not do this. In 1986 my best friend had one class left to finish his BS degree in teaching. It was August, and a High School offered him a job in an area where he had relatives though the job was hours away by car. He was very excited and said yes. One condition: He must be immunized for influenza before start of classes. He looked and found only one available clinic and went to it. I’m sure the nurse said: “have you had any recent illness, have you any fever.” He said “No.” But had and he did. And two days later we was in an ICU with a de-mylenizing syndrome. The combination for him was tragic and the cause/effect almost certain. He was told he would never walk again, but he does, he even jog, but this does show that even though the benefits statistically far outweigh the risks—if you somehow fall into the tiny risk group the result could be tragic.

As far as what the OP should do: I think the post that starts with: "I"m a doctor" works for me.

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New England Journal of Medicine: Vaccines have prevented over 100 million cases of infectious disease.

[The study] analyzed public health records dating back to the 1800′s and focused on eight of the most common infectious diseases throughout history: smallpox, measles, polio, rubella, mumps, hepatitis A, diphtheria, and pertussis. Researchers analyzed the number of cases occurring before and after the vaccinations for each of the eight diseases became available and calculated the growth patterns of the diseases with and without the availability of vaccinations.

[W]e estimate that more than 100 million cases of serious childhood contagious diseases have been prevented, thanks to the introduction of vaccines, but we also are able to see a resurgence of some of these diseases in the past several decades as people forget how devastating they can be and start refusing vaccines.


Diddl wrote: “Wrong! The outbreak of the disease was going down before vaccinations were introduced if you look at the statistics and this due to better standards of hygienic living.”

Uh, sorry Diddl, you’ll gave to post some CDC or WHO data to confirm this.

Consider. Varicella (Chicken Pox) is never “cured.” The virus literally hides within nerve tissue. Then, when the person’s immune system weakens for some reason which can be as simple as emotional trauma the virus sees its chance and reawakens. The body in most cases still remember how to fight it, caused by either the vaccine or prior disease, and so it does, and Herpes Zoster, the sequella to the initial vaccine or infection is usually limited to an are specifically enervated by one nerve.

Now it is sort of uncommon to see Herpes Zoster in those under age 50, unless immunocompromised for some reason but it is very common to see it in those over 60. As many as 40% of those over age 60 will get Herpes Zoster, and probably less than 10% will get Zoster under the age of 50. The Herpes Zoster vaccine increases the body’s immune response with an efficacy of ~90% Some will still get an outbreak even with the Zoster immunization. Every one of these represent a virus reservoir, ready to start the cycle of infection again.

So Diddle, consider this. There are hundreds of millions of humans walking around appearing quite healthy, but each one harboring a sleeping virus and for every 100 million there will be ~40 million Herpes Zoster cases. Each and every case can act as a reservoir for transmission of virus to another. Therefore while it is true that practicing good hygiene can protect from transmission it is not likely that good hygiene will ever replace immunization. Though your statement is very true when related to the polio virus, in that case hygiene did indeed reduce transmission of disease.

Chicken Pox is a nasty illness, I can vividly remember the very first pox (vesicile) when I had Varicella so many decades ago. I agree the vaccine is neither totally effective nor without risks. Let’s talk risks: Nasty disease that most recover from. Ok, but there is one small, actually rare group that may never recover—that is a fetus developing within the mother’s womb whose fetal age is between 1-20 weeks. If mother contracts Varicella there is a slight risk (not all unborn are affected, it is fairly rare) that the baby that develops from the fetus will be born scarred, and may be born with brain, visual or limb defects. This actually is the foundation upon which Varicalla vaccination program is founded.

Another concept, which explains why there is always a push for vaccination of children in the “herd immunity concept.” Depending upon the infective disease (mumps is the lowest, measles and pertussis need a higher protected herd rate) if ~72-93% of the “herd” (we are the herd) are protected, while that infective disease may be present, contagion will not spread simply because there are too many protected humans around. The disease entity loses the ability to “jump.”

A bit on Herpes Zoster. I’d suggest that any person over the age of 50 consult with their medical practitioner about the Zoster vaccine though many doctors won’t administer it until the person is over age 60. Herpes Zoster’s nasty—very painful, but—the biggest problem is not Herpes Zoster initially it is an odd sequel to that secondary virus outbreak. That is called Post Herpetic Neuralgia.(PHN) This can occur to ~20% of those who get a Herpes Zoster infection. Talk about nasty—I had to ban one poor fella from working because, even months after he had recovered from Helpes Zoster, his PHN prevented him from bending over to put booties on. (This was in a factory where we all gowned with suits/gloves/booties. The fellow got kudos for effort but he was practically in tears simply trying to do what we do every day when we put our socks on. And guess what? That pain he has might disappear in a month, or three, or 18 or never. Imagine that. I’ll take the vaccination please.

As far as deadly components to vaccine—indee, here, let’s look at the deadliest.: latex and chicken protein. Yes last night I ate about 10 ounces of deadly chicken protein. Yet, for some—a minute amount is deadly and though every practitioner asks: “have you ever reacted to eggs, feathers or chicken?” Every so often someone could just be on the edge of a severe allergy reaction, and the same goes with latex. Now many will point to Thimerosol as the deadliest component and it is. Drink a few ounces—you die. But todays maximum Thimerosol content is about 50 micrograms/0.5ml. This equates to about 25 micrograms of mercury.

Albacore tuna has about 0.3-1 migrogram/gram mercury, and swordfish has about 1-4 micrograms/gram. When I make a tuna sandwirch I use the whole ~6oz can. Therefore on average I might eat about 85 micrograms of mercury in that one sandwich. This is why pregnant women are advised to be cautious when eating certain fish.

It’s difficult to determine excretion rates but from what I’ve read I’m inclined to believe that any thimerosol that I might receive in a vaccination will have said “bye, bye” within a week.

Also the adverse immunization reporting program is very difficult to analyze for one simple reason: There is no proof of cause/effect. Therefore any symptom close to immunization can be reported and may or may not be related. Also consider this: Fairly frequently people say: “I don’t want to take this medication—I looked up the adverse effects and found: seizures, fever, and whatnot.” So I sit down, pull up the med data from the manufacturer and one by one look at the data. Here’s an example: Med X: Treated group 3 seizures/10,000. Control group (placebo given) 2 seizures/10,000. Is that statistically significant? Nope.

Though I will admit openly that vaccinations have risks and it is a personal decision to weigh the risk/benefit, I advise by giving facts and respect what a person decides to do though I occasionally am told that I ought to be more (for lack of better words) pushy. Yet I will not do this. In 1986 my best friend had one class left to finish his BS degree in teaching. It was August, and a High School offered him a job in an area where he had relatives though the job was hours away by car. He was very excited and said yes. One condition: He must be immunized for influenza before start of classes. He looked and found only one available clinic and went to it. I’m sure the nurse said: “have you had any recent illness, have you any fever.” He said “No.” But had and he did. And two days later we was in an ICU with a de-mylenizing syndrome. The combination for him was tragic and the cause/effect almost certain. He was told he would never walk again, but he does, he even jog, but this does show that even though the benefits statistically far outweigh the risks—if you somehow fall into the tiny risk group the result could be tragic.

As far as what the OP should do: I think the post that starts with: "I"m a doctor" works for me.

You say, "Uh, sorry Diddl, you’ll gave to post some CDC or WHO data to confirm this." Hahahaha! The CDC and WHO are the very ones that are paid by the pharmaceutical industry, it is a billion dollar industry. Do you really trust them? Why would they want to help you when it means that they would lose money! Sometmes you will actually get the truth from medical journals but most of the time you have to pay to subscribe to them so people don't see the facts. Even the CDC and WHO slip up and give the truth now and again but such documents disappear very quickly when too many people become aware of them.

I am actually in the middle of a move, packing, and taking breaks - no lie and no excuse! - so I haven't got all the data available to give you now because I have hidden piles of data on all subjects well into my belongings, but if you send me a PM I can send you a PowerPoint presentation I gave in 2010 that is still on my pc on various aspects of medicine and vaccines so that you will have an overall picture of what is happening. In any case, for those who are interested, you should do the research yourself - why should I always have to do it all for you.

I don't ask anyone to believe me, I just think they ought to be aware and take care, that is all. I could go on and on about my discoveries I have made but you probably wouldn't believe me or research them yourselves. I am really tired of having to repeat myself or justifying myself, so just take it or leave it, your choice. What I really do care about though is the children because they have no choice and parents tend to be totally ignorant. So many children have died or been damaged due to ignorance and I cry everyday when I hear of this.


Side note ; there has been a global shortage on reliable varicella vaccine (by GSK and Sanofi Pasteur)for over 6 months now, or at least 6 month in thailand that's why there is quite a mini out break of the chickenpox going around these days. The one that is used in thailand right now is Chinese made and I do believe one from Japan.

Working in medical field and been seeing many HZV infected patients the past two months made me think the vaccine has been helping most people from the nasty disease, well this is not an RCT and I am not an Internet researcher so it is just an experienced observation.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand


As always this type of topic attracts at least one detractor who has undertaken "research" but comes up with bizarre conclusions.


"The CDC and WHO are the very ones that are paid by the pharmaceutical industry, it is a billion dollar industry. Do you really trust them?" -----------A prime example of conspiracy theory !

If these people win the argument many vaccine preventable diseases will reemerge and I hope the detractors are forced to attend every burial /cremation of a child who dies from a vaccine preventable death.



As always this type of topic attracts at least one detractor who has undertaken "research" but comes up with bizarre conclusions.


"The CDC and WHO are the very ones that are paid by the pharmaceutical industry, it is a billion dollar industry. Do you really trust them?" -----------A prime example of conspiracy theory !

If these people win the argument many vaccine preventable diseases will reemerge and I hope the detractors are forced to attend every burial /cremation of a child who dies from a vaccine preventable death.


I hope you will not have to do the same.


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As always this type of topic attracts at least one detractor who has undertaken "research" but comes up with bizarre conclusions.


"The CDC and WHO are the very ones that are paid by the pharmaceutical industry, it is a billion dollar industry. Do you really trust them?" -----------A prime example of conspiracy theory !

If these people win the argument many vaccine preventable diseases will reemerge and I hope the detractors are forced to attend every burial /cremation of a child who dies from a vaccine preventable death.


I hope you will not have to do the same.

As I oppose the "detractors" and will do my utmost to ensure the world remains free of smallpox, polio and other potentially lethal diseases such as whooping cough , Haemophilus influenzae type b, and certain forms of vaccine preventable meningitis, TB , rabies etc I do not think I will be attending many funerals.

Fortunately the detractors remain a somewhat crazy ill informed minority .


Thepool wrote:

"As I oppose the "detractors" and will do my utmost to ensure the world remains free of smallpox, polio and other potentially lethal diseases such as whooping cough , Haemophilus influenzae type b, and certain forms of vaccine preventable meningitis, TB , rabies etc I do not think I will be attending many funerals."

No need to work on smallpox. Vaccination, with no question succeeded there. The last case that occurred on earth was in Somalia in 1977. There has never been another case. Smallpox virus's only reservoir is humans. It is gone.

Polio virus does exist "in the wild," so occasionally polio cases emerge, therefore polio will never be truly eradicated.


I am no doctor...but based on my recent experience I would strongly suggest getting vaccinated. The chickenpox virus (Herpes Zoster) never leaves your system once contracted, but stays incubated in your nerve ganglia. If your immune system becomes compromised later in your life it can reinstate itself as Shingles. I came down with Pneumonia last August and then before I could recover came down with Facial Shingles as my immune system had been compromised by the sickness and the meds (prednisone), something I would never, ever wish anyone to experience.

As a side note, there is an immunization for Shingles also....sure wish I would have had one!

One should review and understand thes the recommendations (pros / cons) for getting a "shingles vaccination' and not simply go get it blindly.


Diddl wrote: “Wrong! The outbreak of the disease was going down before vaccinations were introduced if you look at the statistics and this due to better standards of hygienic living.”

Uh, sorry Diddl, you’ll gave to post some CDC or WHO data to confirm this.

Consider. Varicella (Chicken Pox) is never “cured.” The virus literally hides within nerve tissue. Then, when the person’s immune system weakens for some reason which can be as simple as emotional trauma the virus sees its chance and reawakens. The body in most cases still remember how to fight it, caused by either the vaccine or prior disease, and so it does, and Herpes Zoster, the sequella to the initial vaccine or infection is usually limited to an are specifically enervated by one nerve.

Now it is sort of uncommon to see Herpes Zoster in those under age 50, unless immunocompromised for some reason but it is very common to see it in those over 60. As many as 40% of those over age 60 will get Herpes Zoster, and probably less than 10% will get Zoster under the age of 50. The Herpes Zoster vaccine increases the body’s immune response with an efficacy of ~90% Some will still get an outbreak even with the Zoster immunization. Every one of these represent a virus reservoir, ready to start the cycle of infection again.

So Diddle, consider this. There are hundreds of millions of humans walking around appearing quite healthy, but each one harboring a sleeping virus and for every 100 million there will be ~40 million Herpes Zoster cases. Each and every case can act as a reservoir for transmission of virus to another. Therefore while it is true that practicing good hygiene can protect from transmission it is not likely that good hygiene will ever replace immunization. Though your statement is very true when related to the polio virus, in that case hygiene did indeed reduce transmission of disease.

Chicken Pox is a nasty illness, I can vividly remember the very first pox (vesicile) when I had Varicella so many decades ago. I agree the vaccine is neither totally effective nor without risks. Let’s talk risks: Nasty disease that most recover from. Ok, but there is one small, actually rare group that may never recover—that is a fetus developing within the mother’s womb whose fetal age is between 1-20 weeks. If mother contracts Varicella there is a slight risk (not all unborn are affected, it is fairly rare) that the baby that develops from the fetus will be born scarred, and may be born with brain, visual or limb defects. This actually is the foundation upon which Varicalla vaccination program is founded.

Another concept, which explains why there is always a push for vaccination of children in the “herd immunity concept.” Depending upon the infective disease (mumps is the lowest, measles and pertussis need a higher protected herd rate) if ~72-93% of the “herd” (we are the herd) are protected, while that infective disease may be present, contagion will not spread simply because there are too many protected humans around. The disease entity loses the ability to “jump.”

A bit on Herpes Zoster. I’d suggest that any person over the age of 50 consult with their medical practitioner about the Zoster vaccine though many doctors won’t administer it until the person is over age 60. Herpes Zoster’s nasty—very painful, but—the biggest problem is not Herpes Zoster initially it is an odd sequel to that secondary virus outbreak. That is called Post Herpetic Neuralgia.(PHN) This can occur to ~20% of those who get a Herpes Zoster infection. Talk about nasty—I had to ban one poor fella from working because, even months after he had recovered from Helpes Zoster, his PHN prevented him from bending over to put booties on. (This was in a factory where we all gowned with suits/gloves/booties. The fellow got kudos for effort but he was practically in tears simply trying to do what we do every day when we put our socks on. And guess what? That pain he has might disappear in a month, or three, or 18 or never. Imagine that. I’ll take the vaccination please.

As far as deadly components to vaccine—indee, here, let’s look at the deadliest.: latex and chicken protein. Yes last night I ate about 10 ounces of deadly chicken protein. Yet, for some—a minute amount is deadly and though every practitioner asks: “have you ever reacted to eggs, feathers or chicken?” Every so often someone could just be on the edge of a severe allergy reaction, and the same goes with latex. Now many will point to Thimerosol as the deadliest component and it is. Drink a few ounces—you die. But todays maximum Thimerosol content is about 50 micrograms/0.5ml. This equates to about 25 micrograms of mercury.

Albacore tuna has about 0.3-1 migrogram/gram mercury, and swordfish has about 1-4 micrograms/gram. When I make a tuna sandwirch I use the whole ~6oz can. Therefore on average I might eat about 85 micrograms of mercury in that one sandwich. This is why pregnant women are advised to be cautious when eating certain fish.

It’s difficult to determine excretion rates but from what I’ve read I’m inclined to believe that any thimerosol that I might receive in a vaccination will have said “bye, bye” within a week.

Also the adverse immunization reporting program is very difficult to analyze for one simple reason: There is no proof of cause/effect. Therefore any symptom close to immunization can be reported and may or may not be related. Also consider this: Fairly frequently people say: “I don’t want to take this medication—I looked up the adverse effects and found: seizures, fever, and whatnot.” So I sit down, pull up the med data from the manufacturer and one by one look at the data. Here’s an example: Med X: Treated group 3 seizures/10,000. Control group (placebo given) 2 seizures/10,000. Is that statistically significant? Nope.

Though I will admit openly that vaccinations have risks and it is a personal decision to weigh the risk/benefit, I advise by giving facts and respect what a person decides to do though I occasionally am told that I ought to be more (for lack of better words) pushy. Yet I will not do this. In 1986 my best friend had one class left to finish his BS degree in teaching. It was August, and a High School offered him a job in an area where he had relatives though the job was hours away by car. He was very excited and said yes. One condition: He must be immunized for influenza before start of classes. He looked and found only one available clinic and went to it. I’m sure the nurse said: “have you had any recent illness, have you any fever.” He said “No.” But had and he did. And two days later we was in an ICU with a de-mylenizing syndrome. The combination for him was tragic and the cause/effect almost certain. He was told he would never walk again, but he does, he even jog, but this does show that even though the benefits statistically far outweigh the risks—if you somehow fall into the tiny risk group the result could be tragic.

As far as what the OP should do: I think the post that starts with: "I"m a doctor" works for me.

Really, on an internet discussion forum where posters are essentially anonymous, unknown entities who go by pseudonyms?

I would think bonafide doctors would refrain from announcing themselves on the forum.


Side note ; there has been a global shortage on reliable varicella vaccine (by GSK and Sanofi Pasteur)for over 6 months now, or at least 6 month in thailand that's why there is quite a mini out break of the chickenpox going around these days. The one that is used in thailand right now is Chinese made and I do believe one from Japan.

Working in medical field and been seeing many HZV infected patients the past two months made me think the vaccine has been helping most people from the nasty disease, well this is not an RCT and I am not an Internet researcher so it is just an experienced observation.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

i suppose its pure coincidence your forum name refers to wbc's ?


Why would you need a vaccination? You have already been in contact with the disease so your immune system is already working to counteract the infection. Vaccinations are supposed to do the same so, in reality, you have already been vaccinated. In any case, you should research the subject of vaccinations and you will see that they contain many toxic poisons so don’t damage your health.

Well said Diddl, Vaccinations can be worse than the disease.

OP, Ask yourself why Big Pharma is so rich? They only want to sell their poisons not actually find a cure....(Which in most cases they already have)

Why have they patented Marijuana? because it cures Cancer and is fat to cheap to produce and they love to poison people with Chemo which is a big money spinner for them.


Why would you need a vaccination? You have already been in contact with the disease so your immune system is already working to counteract the infection. Vaccinations are supposed to do the same so, in reality, you have already been vaccinated. In any case, you should research the subject of vaccinations and you will see that they contain many toxic poisons so don’t damage your health.

Well said Diddl, Vaccinations can be worse than the disease.

OP, Ask yourself why Big Pharma is so rich? They only want to sell their poisons not actually find a cure....(Which in most cases they already have)

Why have they patented Marijuana? because it cures Cancer and is fat to cheap to produce and they love to poison people with Chemo which is a big money spinner for them.

Although I don't disagree that big pharma is no angel if you were bit by a rabid dog how long would would you wait for your bodies immune system to counteract the virus?


There is no doubt that profit concerns influence research, development and marketing practices of pharm companies. But there is no big profit to be had with off-patent vaccines. Indeed, many governments have had to provide subsidies and incentives to persuade pharm companies to keep manufacturing them. They are not at all profitable.

It is governmental and multilateral health agencies which push for vaccines, not the pharma industry which would usually stand to gain far more by letting people get the diseases in question. And contrary to what someone earlier stated, governmental health authorities like the CDC, and UN health authorities like WHO, are not "on the payroll of Big Pharma". They are not for profit, and indeed they often go up against the pharm industry in ways the latter much dislikes.

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Should also note that vaccines in general are not a big money maker and especially the vaccine in question, which is long off patent. In many countries government have had to create subsidies and/or special incentives to persuade pharm companies to keep producing vaccines. And the decision of government agencies to recommend a particular vaccine is not in any way influenced by profit; indeed the incentive is in the opposite direction as governments stand to have to spend more money by recommending a vaccine.

The profit motive certainly influences pharmaceutical research, development and marketing practices, but not the continued production of off-patent vaccines nor the decision of government and multilateral health agencies to recommend a particular vaccine.

"During the past fifty years, the number of pharmaceutical companies making vaccines has decreased dramatically, and those that still make vaccines have reduced resources to make new ones. Pharmaceutical companies are gradually abandoning vaccines because the research, development, testing, and manufacture of vaccines are expensive and because the market to sell vaccines is much smaller than the market for other drug products......Pharmaceutical companies are businesses, not public health agencies; they are not obligated to make vaccines. Events during the past fifty years have made the manufacture of vaccines more expensive and their sale less profitable.....several market forces explain why pharmaceutical companies are gradually abandoning vaccines.

Small market for vaccines compared with drugs.
Vaccines are used at most several times in a lifetime; drugs are often used every day. Therefore, the market for drugs is much greater than the market for vaccines....

Effect of mergers.

During the past fifty years, companies devoted solely or primarily to manufacturing vaccines (such as Lederle and Praxis) have been acquired by other pharmaceutical companies; the number of companies making vaccines has decreased from twenty-six in 1967 to seventeen in 1980 and to five in 2004 (GlaxoSmithKline, Sanofi-Aventis, Merck, Wyeth, and Chiron).8 Previously, among companies that made vaccines only, resources for development of one vaccine would compete with resources for the development of another. Now, because of mergers, vaccines compete for resources with drugs and most often lose.

To determine where they should invest research and development (R&D) dollars, pharmaceutical companies evaluate a product’s potential to contribute to their bottom line. Among the four large companies still making vaccines (Chiron accounts for less than 1 percent of the worldwide vaccine industry), none has revenue from vaccines that exceeds 10 percent of total revenue...."


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Get a vaccine for shingles as soon as you can, even if you cant remember if you had chickenpox witch more then likely you did. I had them when I was young and now I'm 53 and just got Shingles for the first time THERE NO FUN let me tell you !!! When I get to Chiang Ma later this Month for my vacation I'm going to see if I can get the shot for them so I don't have to get them again.


Get a vaccine for shingles as soon as you can, even if you cant remember if you had chickenpox witch more then likely you did. I had them when I was young and now I'm 53 and just got Shingles for the first time THERE NO FUN let me tell you !!! When I get to Chiang Ma later this Month for my vacation I'm going to see if I can get the shot for them so I don't have to get them again.

Are you saying the vaccine will prevent further episodes of shingles?


Get a vaccine for shingles as soon as you can, even if you cant remember if you had chickenpox witch more then likely you did. I had them when I was young and now I'm 53 and just got Shingles for the first time THERE NO FUN let me tell you !!! When I get to Chiang Ma later this Month for my vacation I'm going to see if I can get the shot for them so I don't have to get them again.

Are you saying the vaccine will prevent further episodes of shingles?

That's what the Doc. here told me, there not cheap so I'm hoping to get mine there in Chiang Mai when I go there next week.


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Get a vaccine for shingles as soon as you can, even if you cant remember if you had chickenpox witch more then likely you did. I had them when I was young and now I'm 53 and just got Shingles for the first time THERE NO FUN let me tell you !!! When I get to Chiang Ma later this Month for my vacation I'm going to see if I can get the shot for them so I don't have to get them again.

Are you saying the vaccine will prevent further episodes of shingles?

That's what the Doc. here told me, there not cheap so I'm hoping to get mine there in Chiang Mai when I go there next week.

Be sure to inform us if you receive the "Shingles " vaccine , together with its name and if possible the manufacturer..

The reason for this request is that to date, it would appear that no Shingles vaccine is available or approved for use in Thailand.



One of our flights from micronesia recently our lead flight attendant noticed a woman boarding with two kids, both with faces covered with obviously active pox. "What up wit yo kits mama?" Oh, dey got 'em da Chikinpax 555.

Big No No, the ground staff are supposed to look out for this( also not to board drunks, but whatever).

Delay for all as their bags had to be located and offloaded.


Since I started this interesting discussion I would like to give you an update ...

My wife is fine again. I think she was lucky. She had 2 or 3 bad days but the rest of the time she was quite ok (just bored because she had to stay inside).

So far I did not get the chicken pox.

I read somewhere that the disease might even occur after two weeks (which will be in 2 days).

But it looks as if I am lucky.

Does this has something to do with my post vaccination? I don't know. But it might well be connected with that.

So, for me I did the right thing when I got the vaccine.

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