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Thai AirAsia to begin major push to lure back tourists


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Thai AirAsia to begin major push to lure back tourists
Bamrung Amnatcharoenrit
The Nation

AirAsia has joined with Counter Service to offer easy access to air tickets across the nation, starting yesterday.

Joint effort with regional network for return of steady flow into Kingdom

BANGKOK: -- Thai AirAsia is preparing to work with the AirAsia network regionally to promote Thailand more aggressively to revive a stable flow of foreign tourists into the Kingdom after it was hit by prolonged political turmoil, while in the process meeting its cabin-factor projection of 84 per cent this year.

The Thai unit is working in cooperation with AirAsia's offices in other jurisdictions including the Philippines and Malaysia, and also its marketing offices in Hong Kong, mainland China, Indonesia and Singapore. Major markets are the primary focus, concentrating on mainland China, Singapore and Hong Kong.

Santisuk Klongchaiya, director of commercial affairs at Thai AirAsia, said the carrier would work even harder in the remaining months

of the year to achieve its goal. Regional media outlets will be exploited via campaign promotions and familiarisation trips would be organised, inviting journalists to witness peaceful tourism scenes across the region.

The message to be delivered is that Thailand still has many places to explore, outside the capital city.

Since political tension started late last year in Bangkok and escalated after the government declared a state of emergency, the airline has faced a drop of foreign passengers. Its cabin factor this quarter has declined to 80 per cent, against 84-85 per cent in the first three months of last year.

The number of Chinese passengers has decreased 10-20 per cent year on year. Santisuk said mainland China was the major market on which the campaign would focus with the hope of restoring tourists' confidence. Singapore and Hong Kong are also targeted because arrivals from those two markets have been hit hard by travel warnings issued by their governments.

However, the state of emergency is still a main enemy of the tourism industry. Santisuk said that if the decree is lifted in the near future, it will be boon to tourism. The hope

is for a revival during the low season in the second and third quarters, especially next month's Songkran Festival.

If the campaign is a success, Thai AirAsia's cabin factor in the next two quarters will be better than last year. And if the situation returns to normal, the cabin factor in the fourth quarter may reach 90 per cent.

Given easing political tensions, Thai AirAsia X, the country's first medium- and long-haul low-cost carrier, is expected to launch its first flight in the second quarter.

An official announcement will be made in the near future.

Yesterday, the carrier joined with Counter Service Co to offer easy access to AirAsia tickets across the nation, the first to offer international flights through the system. The airline hopes this new collaboration will expand its sales distribution channels and increase passenger traffic. Currently, online sales make up 75 per cent of the total. Counter Service is expected to contribute 3-5 per cent of offline sales.

-- The Nation 2014-03-18

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If they want to lure me back, start with some smiles instead of frowns and continue with some snacks or meals.

Then go to work on the website and stop trying to trick me into paying for things I don't need.

I like Nok air much better and prices are about the same.

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If they want to lure me back, start with some smiles instead of frowns and continue with some snacks or meals.

Then go to work on the website and stop trying to trick me into paying for things I don't need.

I like Nok air much better and prices are about the same.

I do not have to be lured back I fly with them, All you have to do when booking on line is delete the service you do not require. you get the basic flight.

Udon Thani -Don M. 55 mins who is bothered about food, you not starve. As for Nok Air, I have never seen their price below Air Asia, in fact where are their mega discounts ???

You get frowns only if YOU are not prepared to smile------sorry something wrong with your thinking, I never have had a frown.

I am waiting to get long haul back to the UK from Don M. it will be fantastic. Come on A.Asia go for it.

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Interesting; maybe; I was looking to book a promo flight with AA from CNX to Hong Kong and found that Hong Kong Express normal fares were actually cheaper, without all the sneaky add-ons which you have to delete, and for me; in Chiang Mai; they offered a direct flight. Just sayin.

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Articles such as this only serve to illustrate that the majority does not even begin to understand the problems here in Thailand. We are constantly inundated with facile comments regarding the tourist industry and how to improve tourist revenue following the recent downturn due to the protest.

The answer to insuring tourist revenue lies not with the travel agents and budget airlines but with the government and administration.

The dwindling tourist numbers are due to the aura of this country caused by the corrupt administration lack of law enforcement, tainted tourist resorts , scams,road carnage, drugs, and violence all of which have little to do with budget airlines. Thailand is all smoke and mirrors with regard to their perceived artist impression of this country.

Fix the problems that are staring everyone in the face and perhaps then the tourist will come back.

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First of all drop the prices across the board to lower than the current budget airlines as you are defiently sub budget. Secondly, put a rocket up the cabin crews. You prima donnas are not something special in society you are on a level with bus attendants (no offence meant to the bus attendants). Have you ever heard of service with a smile or any service full stop.

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First of all drop the prices across the board to lower than the current budget airlines as you are defiently sub budget. Secondly, put a rocket up the cabin crews. You prima donnas are not something special in society you are on a level with bus attendants (no offence meant to the bus attendants). Have you ever heard of service with a smile or any service full stop.

At least they are trying to do something positive, we will always get the ones who for some silly reason---I DON'T LIKE THEM-- no rockets needed on the Udon to Don M flight 55 mins, Do not need a belly full of food, or 3 cups of coffee and when I fly I do not have time to see if anyone offers me a smile, or notice cabin crews are sprinting up and down the isle.

On these flights all I want is quick check in, on time flight, a seat. I have had flights for 99 baht--175 baht--699 baht regular, the most I have paid is 1,500 baht---Udon to Don M.---------------------

Speaking about trying to promote, WHAT is the national carrier doing to promote, ??? now YOU do have a grumble.

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How about luring them back with a website that doesn't deliberately try to rip off customers with needless additional charges. The website is absolutely insidious.

I fly Air Asia a lot which has taught me their website. I do not choose a seat ( click continue. it will prompt you to pick a seat but ignore) then untick checked baggage if not needed and finally untick insurance ( its hidden at the bottom of the page) You then have the basic flight. Meals seem to be the only thing not preticked, and as it happens the only add on I pay for on the KL to Melb leg. I also usually buy my tickets when they have a sale as this saves heaps as well. Air Asia just sent me an email upgrading me to 'Big Shot' but I am yet to find out how this benefits me. I try to close my eyes for the whole trip so I don't notice the cabin staff to much but they can be a bit abrupt sometimes. Hope this helps. Oh one other thing, if you dilly dally to long the website times out quite quickly.

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How about luring them back with a website that doesn't deliberately try to rip off customers with needless additional charges. The website is absolutely insidious.

I fly Air Asia a lot which has taught me their website. I do not choose a seat ( click continue. it will prompt you to pick a seat but ignore) then untick checked baggage if not needed and finally untick insurance ( its hidden at the bottom of the page) You then have the basic flight. Meals seem to be the only thing not preticked, and as it happens the only add on I pay for on the KL to Melb leg. I also usually buy my tickets when they have a sale as this saves heaps as well. Air Asia just sent me an email upgrading me to 'Big Shot' but I am yet to find out how this benefits me. I try to close my eyes for the whole trip so I don't notice the cabin staff to much but they can be a bit abrupt sometimes. Hope this helps. Oh one other thing, if you dilly dally to long the website times out quite quickly.

I also got that Big Shot mail, and I've flown Air Asia exactly once Bankok-Krabi-Bangkok several years ago. I deleted it since it looked like spam.

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