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Thai Air Force radar may have picked up MH370


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My prayers are with the passengers and the crew, and their poor families who must be in anguish. My prayer-group has been meeting a lot to pray for these poor people. It is the uncertainty that makes it worse, there is no closure for the families and they can not embrace the grieving stage as they do not know what has happened.

Obviously this was a hijack, there is no doubt about that. For what reason is very mysterious to me, especially in this volatile global climate 2014. But I try to focus my energy on praying for all the poor people involved in this tragedy, instead of trying to understand the sordid and cruel reasons behind this hijack.

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I just read this on the other world feeds and had a bit of a chuckle. Here it is, 10 days since the disappearance of MH370 and the Thai military just now release their radar traces. When asked why they just released them now, their response was that no one had asked them. Priceless.

EDIT: As you would expect, the western media is now ripping Thailand a new one for taking so long to release this data.

Oh come on they have been busy with the passport thing and it just slipped their mind. No one asked them if they knew anything and they didn't think it was important.

Thailand's military says its radar detected a plane that may have been Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 just minutes after the jetliner's communications went down.

It also says it didn't share the information with Malaysia earlier because it wasn't specifically asked for it.


They did not have to be "asked for it" - they have been involved in the search from practically day ONE - !!

Maybe the Thais were shy of speaking out for fear of being wrong as so often happens? It wasn't until someone else mentions it first do they come out of the cave to say they had it a while ago. Typical.

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If you think Thailand is the only country , agency , withholding info on this I doubt it .... There is a lot more to this story and I believe a lot more info being with held ... time will tell ...I feel for the passanges families ... no closure is a heavy burden for anyone ....

Come on...It is not because it is your country that you should defend the total lack of commitment and unprofessional behavior of the army while a civil plane with over 200 persons has dissappeared. I am curious to know how you would react if your son, daughter or mother was on board that plane. How would you feel?

Your answer basically says that more people in Thailand believe the army handled properly, making the whole world think ALL Thai's have no common sense, are selfish and careless. STOP defending the indefensible just because it is your country.

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Thai Air Force either it did or it did'nt pick it up on a Radar.Scarey when you think how many planes are above us I was always under the impression that they knew exactly where a plane was every second it was in the air.

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What this report doesn't point out is that the Thai Military knew this ten days ago. The report I read quotes Air Vice Marshal Montol Suchookorn as saying "[/size]but did not share the data earlier because officials "did not pay any attention to it" and were not specifically asked for it."[/size]

Just let so many boats and aircraft search in the wrong places for ten days.[/size]

Malaysia knew from their radar that MH 370 had altered course and told no one, the flight never flew into Thai air space , it turned back towards K.L then banked and flew over Butterworth , an air-force base , as this is Malaysia air space over a airbase ,why the worry , Malaysia knew and never told anybody.


This... If the plane was over Malaysian airspace, Malaysia should have a better radar trace than Thailand, yes?

Find plenty of other reasons to bash the Thai governmental processes, procedures, people, etc. - this might not be one of them. Criticize for a valid reason.

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What this report doesn't point out is that the Thai Military knew this ten days ago. The report I read quotes Air Vice Marshal Montol Suchookorn as saying "but did not share the data earlier because officials "did not pay any attention to it" and were not specifically asked for it."

Just let so many boats and aircraft search in the wrong places for ten days.

Malaysia knew from their radar that MH 370 had altered course and told no one, the flight never flew into Thai air space , it turned back towards K.L then banked and flew over Butterworth , an air-force base , as this is Malaysia air space over a airbase ,why the worry , Malaysia knew and never told anybody.

For a minute this is not about Malaysia now. We all know they are doing a very poor job.

Is saying "yes but he did it too" a reason for you to have the same mistake and making that mistake less serious?

Come on...It is not because it is your country that you should defend the total lack of commitment and unprofessional behavior of the army while a civil plane with over 200 persons has dissappeared. I am curious to know how you would react if your son, daughter or mother was on board that plane. How would you feel?

Your answer basically says that more people in Thailand believe the army handled properly, making the whole world think ALL Thai's have no common sense, are selfish and careless. STOP defending the indefensible just because it is your country.

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Everyone who is wondering why this was never reported this immediately and bashing Thailand for it....

I would venture a guess that Thailand was expecting to find an aircraft that had painted a trail upward from Malaysia and out over the Gulf of Thailand where it would have ostensibly been handed over to Vietnam Air Control or been lost at sea along the way.

10 days ago the notion of the airliner being hijacked was nowhere near being disclosed. Seeing an unidentified airplane come on the radar and make an abrupt U-turn could have been anything and not what they were looking for at the time.

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If you think Thailand is the only country , agency , withholding info on this I doubt it .... There is a lot more to this story and I believe a lot more info being with held ... time will tell ...I feel for the passanges families ... no closure is a heavy burden for anyone ....

Come on...It is not because it is your country that you should defend the total lack of commitment and unprofessional behavior of the army while a civil plane with over 200 persons has dissappeared. I am curious to know how you would react if your son, daughter or mother was on board that plane. How would you feel?
Your answer basically says that more people in Thailand believe the army handled properly, making the whole world think ALL Thai's have no common sense, are selfish and careless. STOP defending the indefensible just because it is your country.

I have no Ida what you are dribbling on about ... Read my post again ! ... I stated that I believe there is a lot more to come out of this Plane Disalearance then any news agency has reported .... Get a life !! TROLL

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Various possible scenarios.

The Americans have interpreted the data for the Thais.

The Air Chief Marshal feels left out so just made something up including the word "might" to avoid being called on it later.

The Air Chief Marshal feels the need to have his name splashed all over domestic and international media.

You can trust this announcement.

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How to win friends and influence people - NOT.

And Thailand wants to be part of ASEAN - come on now - that means co-operation, it doesn't mean covering your arse, - just release what you know - right or wrong, someone may have been able to make good use of it.

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If you think Thailand is the only country , agency , withholding info on this I doubt it .... There is a lot more to this story and I believe a lot more info being with held ... time will tell ...I feel for the passanges families ... no closure is a heavy burden for anyone ....

Even Fox experts have said there is a lot of info that other countries are with holding. One of the supposed biggest ones is the US, India and China.

The problem is not the info it is how they got it.

I am sure that the Stan countries are really helping too.

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This must have happened when he was sitting down to his Khao tom in the morning and darn it

if anything will take him away from such feast,, strange and unusual maneuver of passenger's airline

or not....

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Thai Air Force decision process to release radar information related to disappearance of MH370:

1) It's PTP's fault?

2) It's due to Yingluck's neglect of duty?

2) It's the result of the rice program failure?

3) It's unconstitutional?

4) It's subject to fines?

5) Are Navy Seals involved?

That's why it took ten days to release the information.

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Just on CNN

Malaysia Investigators: Did you see the missing Malaysian Air 370 on your radar?

Thailand Government: Yes. It was going west, south of Thailand.

Malaysia Investigators: Why didn’t you tell us last week?

Thailand Government: Nobody asked us directly.

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i think the shadowing the Singapore airlines plane sounds the most plausible of the other hi-jack / terrorist theories. although i still think it most likely is at the bottom of the Indian Ocean

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i think the shadowing the Singapore airlines plane sounds the most plausible of the other hi-jack / terrorist theories. although i still think it most likely is at the bottom of the Indian Ocean

Sadly to say you're probably right.

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