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PM Yingluck to face probe for Nakhon Ratchasima's red-shirt rally


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Is there anything the PTP can do that doesn't need to be investigated, out of the two main groups of political parties , the PTP are the Bad Bad out of a bad lot, don't kid yourself, the others are painted with the same brush , only they seem to keep out of trouble with the law of the land more than the PTP , is this because they have far better advisers and a leader who has lived in a Democratic society , bad advisers , total lack of knowledge and disrespect of basic laws are not the PTP best points.

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So two people go to a rally & stand on a stage make a speach before or after someone is alledged to of also made a speach so not only the two that didn't say anything wrong being investigated but also the PM for not stopping them from doing nothing wrong . The mind just boggles

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Interesting to see all these attempts at a "judicial coup" unfold.

This is what Suthep and his handlers are waiting for, while hunkered down in Lumpini......They have passed the baton to their buddies in the judiciary.

Here, yawn, yawn...is another peel to this unfolding onion.

The electoral majority is on to this Elitist, anti-democratic game, and watching....watching....... preparing.....preparing.

There was a media hiccup in this headline however.....Where was the "caretaker" thing they have inserted at every opportunity....I don't recall ever seeing that in the media of other Electoral democracies, between when a Govt. calls an election and the election itself.........Just PAD-Dem folderol.

I hate to go ad hominem but this comment really does illustrate your complete lack of understanding of anything legal/political.

You do understand that a government and a caretaker government are hugely disparate things in terms of what they are legally entitled to do under the constitution. That is if you care about any other aspect of a functional democracy other than the election part....

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Interesting to see all these attempts at a "judicial coup" unfold.

This is what Suthep and his handlers are waiting for, while hunkered down in Lumpini......They have passed the baton to their buddies in the judiciary.

Here, yawn, yawn...is another peel to this unfolding onion.

The electoral majority is on to this Elitist, anti-democratic game, and watching....watching....... preparing.....preparing.

There was a media hiccup in this headline however.....Where was the "caretaker" thing they have inserted at every opportunity....I don't recall ever seeing that in the media of other Electoral democracies, between when a Govt. calls an election and the election itself.........Just PAD-Dem folderol.

She screwed up so if the courts bring her down, it's not a coup because prime ministers aren't above the law.

Red sympathizers are funny. I mean they really don't see it's wrong for cabinet ministers to attend a rally calling for secession? That's treason. And for the PM to do nothing about it is at best, negligent and at worst just as treasonous. So if the courts strip her of her premiership, she deserves it for this and all the other crap she's done, including the rice scam.

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Interesting to see all these attempts at a "judicial coup" unfold.

This is what Suthep and his handlers are waiting for, while hunkered down in Lumpini......They have passed the baton to their buddies in the judiciary.

Here, yawn, yawn...is another peel to this unfolding onion.

The electoral majority is on to this Elitist, anti-democratic game, and watching....watching....... preparing.....preparing.

There was a media hiccup in this headline however.....Where was the "caretaker" thing they have inserted at every opportunity....I don't recall ever seeing that in the media of other Electoral democracies, between when a Govt. calls an election and the election itself.........Just PAD-Dem folderol.

She screwed up so if the courts bring her down, it's not a coup because prime ministers aren't above the law.

Red sympathizers are funny. I mean they really don't see it's wrong for cabinet ministers to attend a rally calling for secession? That's treason. And for the PM to do nothing about it is at best, negligent and at worst just as treasonous. So if the courts strip her of her premiership, she deserves it for this and all the other crap she's done, including the rice scam.


Dear me I feel your pain , life must be really sad if that is the best you can do . Hows things going at kidnap park you know that Lump -em-in-the-river park . If the courts remove her it will be twenty years of pain for Thailand . Sadly

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Interesting to see all these attempts at a "judicial coup" unfold.

This is what Suthep and his handlers are waiting for, while hunkered down in Lumpini......They have passed the baton to their buddies in the judiciary.

Here, yawn, yawn...is another peel to this unfolding onion.

The electoral majority is on to this Elitist, anti-democratic game, and watching....watching....... preparing.....preparing.

There was a media hiccup in this headline however.....Where was the "caretaker" thing they have inserted at every opportunity....I don't recall ever seeing that in the media of other Electoral democracies, between when a Govt. calls an election and the election itself.........Just PAD-Dem folderol.

What like your "hiccup" in continually insisting that PTPs large minority vote is an electoral majority. clap2.gif

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PM, Ministers To Be Probed For 'Secessionist' Campaign
By Khaosod English

Mr. Nattawut Saikua on the Redshirts rally stage in Nakhon Ratchasima province, 23 February 2014

BANGKOK: -- The National Anti-Corruption Commission has launched an investigation into the claims that top governmental officials, including Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra, are advocating a secessionist agenda.

Citing power under the 1999 Prevention and Suppression of Corruption Act, Mr. Sansern Polchiak, secretary-general of the NACC, announced the inquiry yesterday.

According to Mr. Sansern, the NACC has received complaints that several Cabinet members such as Minister of Interior Affairs Jarupong Ruengsuwan and Deputy Minister of Commerce Nattawut Saikua have appeared on a rally stage alongside other Redshirts core activists in Nakhon Ratchasima province last month, where they allegedly called for "secessionist violence".

In the lengthy complaints received by the NACC, the activists have been accused of instigating violence, intimidating independent agencies and the court, campaigning for abolition of the 2007 Constitution, and calling for the Kingdom of Thailand to be separated into two entities.

The Thai Constitution bans any attempt of separatism.

As high-ranking officials, Mr. Jarupong and Mr. Nattawut might be guilty of negligence of their official duties which lead to grievous damage to the country due to their appearance on the stage, Mr. Sansern argued.

The investigation will also expand to include Ms. Yingluck, as the sec-gen of the NACC claimed that the Prime Minister deliberately refused to take any action against the Redshirts activists for their alleged separatist remarks.

"As a commander [of the government], Ms. Yingluck has the power to suppress and investigate the facts about these actions, but even when the media had reported about the criminal acts, Ms. Yingluck has not proceeded to launch any fact-finding committee," Mr. Sansern complained.

Furthermore, Mr. Sansern charged that Ms. Yingluck is also serving as the Minister of Defence, responsible for exercising powers to protect the stability and security of the Kingdom from all threats, either internal or external, yet the Prime Minister has refused to take action against the Redshirts activists who are allegedly causing damage to the country and the people.

"Therefore, her inaction amounts to negligence of her duty which would cause damage to the nation, or the people, or the Ministry of Defence," Mr. Sansern concluded.

The NACC's decision is certainly bound to have angered many supporters of Ms. Yingluck, who have already viewed "independent bodies", such as the NACC, collaborators with anti-government protesters in their conspiracy to overthrow the elected government.

Prominent Redshirts activists have also denied the allegation that their leadership is seeking to secede any part of Thailand.

Source: http://en.khaosod.co.th/detail.php?newsid=1395201637&section=11&typecate=06

-- Khaosod English 2014-03-19

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So two people go to a rally & stand on a stage make a speach before or after someone is alledged to of also made a speach so not only the two that didn't say anything wrong being investigated but also the PM for not stopping them from doing nothing wrong . The mind just boggles

So it's OK for the red/UDD/PT side to go on stage, applaud violence, instigate unrest, threaten war, promote secession etc etc, but when the anti-Govt side take to the stage, you immediately jump down their throats for doing so and charge them with whatever you feel like. The mind just boggles at the hypocrisy.

There was no "alleged" (spelling corrected) . . . it happened . . . and by not denouncing this at any point, the PM and the Govt are complicit in supporting it. It's not hard to understand if you take your head out of your a$$ the sand.

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Interesting to see all these attempts at a "judicial coup" unfold.

This is what Suthep and his handlers are waiting for, while hunkered down in Lumpini......They have passed the baton to their buddies in the judiciary.

Here, yawn, yawn...is another peel to this unfolding onion.

The electoral majority is on to this Elitist, anti-democratic game, and watching....watching....... preparing.....preparing.

There was a media hiccup in this headline however.....Where was the "caretaker" thing they have inserted at every opportunity....I don't recall ever seeing that in the media of other Electoral democracies, between when a Govt. calls an election and the election itself.........Just PAD-Dem folderol.

Some people just go their daily grind blind to reality, walking on air.

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Interesting to see all these attempts at a "judicial coup" unfold.

This is what Suthep and his handlers are waiting for, while hunkered down in Lumpini......They have passed the baton to their buddies in the judiciary.

Here, yawn, yawn...is another peel to this unfolding onion.

The electoral majority is on to this Elitist, anti-democratic game, and watching....watching....... preparing.....preparing.

There was a media hiccup in this headline however.....Where was the "caretaker" thing they have inserted at every opportunity....I don't recall ever seeing that in the media of other Electoral democracies, between when a Govt. calls an election and the election itself.........Just PAD-Dem folderol.

She screwed up so if the courts bring her down, it's not a coup because prime ministers aren't above the law.

Red sympathizers are funny. I mean they really don't see it's wrong for cabinet ministers to attend a rally calling for secession? That's treason. And for the PM to do nothing about it is at best, negligent and at worst just as treasonous. So if the courts strip her of her premiership, she deserves it for this and all the other crap she's done, including the rice scam.


Dear me I feel your pain , life must be really sad if that is the best you can do . Hows things going at kidnap park you know that Lump -em-in-the-river park . If the courts remove her it will be twenty years of pain for Thailand . Sadly

Is that the best YOU can do? Your posts are nothing but troll posts. Move along now. Your betters are trying to have a discussion here.

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This government buried itself ultimately.
Have already been disconcerting to see how ministers clap their hands for joy on stage,
as they have heard of the massacre from Trat.
I hope that the NACC also this Natthawut guy and his rice transportation companys check.
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The yellow nut-sacks are just about out of all options, all they are left with is the idiotic and the ridiculous to choose from to achieve their coup.

Games over clowns, pack up the tents and go home.

'Idiotic and Ridiculous' ???

I'm no fan of the PDRC's activities, but I'd love to spend a day in your amazing world.

The PDRC aren't brining down YLS and the PTP Government, they're doing it all by themselves.

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