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Thai Airlines Online Booking cannot be changed online?

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Just booked an international flight thro the TG web site for first time ever and notice I cannot change it on their web site? Is this for real or am I missing something? Their webs site FAQ says its real (unbelievable) - below. Looks like Air Asia next time.


>Change of reservation can be made at THAI city offices or contact THAI contact centrr 66-2356-1111 (24 hours)

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It could well be that there are conditions to the airfare you purchased, insofar as you may not be able to change reservations at all, or there are fees & penalties applicable to any changes, depending what the change may be. These conditions & penalties would have been available for you to see at time of booking online, but in fairness, most people just skip over them and don't look until something happens - by which time it may be too late!

So just pick up the phone & call TG. My experience has been that they speak good to sufficient English and I've always found them to be very helpful. Give it a try!

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This has happened to me before

Just contact on line via email to a thai airways office and ask them to confirm the changes to you via return email you may have some fees to pay depending on what level of ticket you paid for.


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I have never understood booking an international Thai Airways ticket online as they only offer the highest price, the equivalent of rack rate. This is the same if you go to a Thai Airways office in one country and want to purchase a ticket for a journey beginning in another country. They are heartless about enforcing this, no matter what the reason for your journey (including when I was trying to get back to my home country for my mother's funeral!).

If you want a Thai Airways ticket online, go to the websites of any of international booking agencies - I find that ebookers is about the best.

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This has happened to me before

Just contact on line via email to a thai airways office and ask them to confirm the changes to you via return email you may have some fees to pay depending on what level of ticket you paid for.


and good luck with getting any reply to any email you send to any department of Thai Airways...

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It all depends on the booking class. For instance economy class is not just one booking class but many and with different prices, e.g. booking classes M and B are valid for one year and they can allways be changed without a fee.

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I use Thai a lot. Wont fly Muslims as they hate my kind ...GAY...its their religion. BUT NEVER had an,issue at a Thai office and changed many flights with often them waiving the fee.

Marcusd. Via tapatalk

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Flew Thai a couple of years ago (when they still had a non-stop LA-BKK route). Booked the flight online but reviewing it afterward there'd been a glitch. I had to call them to fix it - 'could not accomplish it online. But the phonecall was relatively painless and there was no extra fee tacked on. Their rates aren't competitive, at least not from LA, so I haven't flown them again. Sometimes it just takes a phonecall.

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