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Are thai people the most illogical people you have ever met?


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Not sure if "illogical" meets this situation.

Yesterday power failure at local 7/11. A standby generator was running.

The shop was wreathed in exhaust fumes, customers covering their faces and staff coughing.

No the generator was not inside the shop, but just outside the door with the exhaust about half a metre from the door and the gases being blown inside, the door being jammed open..

There was plenty of cable so I reversed it 180 degrees and pulled it away as far as possible.

I had tried by gestures to get the "approval" of the staff, only to be met by blank stares, maybe the carbon monoxide was already doing its work.

Of course I should have learned Thai, I might have foiled a mass suicide attempt.

Edited by drx13
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Not sure if "illogical" meets this situation.

Yesterday power failure at local 7/11. A standby generator was running.

The shop was wreathed in exhaust fumes, customers covering their faces and staff coughing.

No the generator was not inside the shop, but just outside the door with the exhaust about half a metre from the door and the gases being blown inside, the door being jammed open..

There was plenty of cable so I reversed it 180 degrees and pulled it away as far as possible.

I had tried by gestures to get the "approval" of the staff, only to be met by blank stares, maybe the carbon monoxide was already doing its work.

Of course I should have learned Thai, I might have foiled a mass suicide attempt.

logical, no.

this is an example of laziness,

dumbness on the person who placed it like that, and then, one after another, each customer who continued into the store,

and each employee who refused to take the initiative, for whatever reason?

don't tell me, if they are younger, they would make the senior employee on duty lose face, so therefore they all had to suffer?

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I don't see what logic has to do with the situations you mention. Bike guy might've been cautious. Bus driver has rules. Campers were being friendly.(Sex camping on VD? New one on me.) Most people are not mind readers.

Bus driver has rules?????? cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

I've seen them open the doors to let people out when they are two lanes away from the curb with traffic whizzing by. If it was a Thai person wanting to get out, there would have been NO problem.

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Logic?? In Thailand???? cheesy.gif

There was a time when I was driving up to a toll booth and there were four lanes open. Lane A had four cars, Lane B had five cars, Lane C had one car and Lane D had four cars. Take a wild guess which lane the Thai driver in front of me DIDN'T choose?

Logic and common sense are non existent here.

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All of your personal examples show nothing of the kind.

- the like shop owner was within his rights not to have wear and tear put in a bike which he has no guarantee of being bought, apart from an idiot flashing cash about implying he would.

- the bus driver was playing it safe. And he gets criticised for it?

- as for the campers, you were in a public place, in which case, they are within their rights to camp there too. But I guess they met you, and hightailed it.....which judging by your post, sounds like a perfectly logical thing to do.


OK samran,

I don't get wound up about logic or lack thereof but please defend or define this one.

I wanted to buy a motorcycle helmet and asked to try it on for a second to be sure it fit. Of course you guessed it. NO CAN DO! I offered to put the open plastic it had on it to protect the helmet from me. NO! I could only buy the helmet in order to try it on and then I could not get a refund for my purchase of an ill fitting.

WEll, of course I went down the Soi a few shops and bought a proper fitting helmet and wondered how the first shop keeper won with her position.

Based on her stance, bowling alleys should only sell and not rent bowling shoes.

Whatdaya think?

It was no sweat off my b.lls at all. I prefer to do business with accommodating business owners.

I even shower often each day. 555

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The logic is - it's my shop, I set the policies and you can take it or leave it.

Staff often would get fired for going against the boss' rules, they don't care if you buy or not.

And being "the boss" is often more important than making a profit.

Perfectly logical. . .

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The logic is - it's my shop, I set the policies and you can take it or leave it.

Staff often would get fired for going against the boss' rules, they don't care if you buy or not.

And being "the boss" is often more important than making a profit.

Perfectly logical. . .

A bicycle, like a condom, has to fit the body, in order to be effective,

without the pedals, you cannot know if it is the right size,

any Thai who refused to buy a bike with the pedals on, would be continuing their cultural beliefs of not questioning someone older than them, and thus, they stay dumbed down by their soceity, who wants it that way.

this is taking reespect for elders a tad too far in my view

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What seems illogical to us is often an attempt to not stray from the path, in the case of employees. They have been taught one thing and that is the way to do it, you cannot veer from the script.

Example: I was looking to buy a special edition truck. It came in 4 wheel drive and pearl white only. I had the special edition flyer in my hand so the girl knew exactly what I wanted. She first asked me if I wanted 2 or 4 wheel drive. I explained that it only came in 4 wheel drive showing the flyer. She told me,"No, have 2 wheel". So I said, "Ok 2 wheel then". We then got to the colour. I explained it had one colour only again pointing to the brochure. She insisted it came in 5 colours. So I thought, why not? So I asked for black. She went away and came back to tell me that 2 wheel drive was finished and black was sold out. I could only have white 4 wheel drive.

Example 2: My ex had joined the bank and was being pressured to get new accounts. I said I would open an account and so would 3 of my friends. I asked her to get me the details of exactly what was required. She told me and I turned up at the bank with the necessary documentation and 50K in cash. Her colleague dealt with the form while she stood behind watching. I gave her all the documents. She then asked for a work permit. We went back and forth that I didn't need a work permit according to the manager sitting 5 feet away in her office. She would not back down and my gf said nothing. I took my money and left. Afterwards my gf explained that the girl had never dealt with a foreigner before and so made up something to get out of a situation that could cause her to lose face. I asked why she said nothing and she told me the girl was one month older than her and had worked at the bank for 6 months. I asked why the manager wasn't called. She said that she would lose face. Better to lose 4 new customers.

Example 3: A member of my staff was sent to pick up a client. I showed him where to pick up the client on a map (stupid me) and asked several times if he was absolutely sure he knew where to go. He said he did. 45 minutes later the client is on the phone wondering why he had not been picked up. 90 minutes later my employee came back to tell me that the client was not there. After several questions I explained that I was sacking him if he told me one more lie. He then admitted he didn't know where to go so drove around for a while hoping that I would forget about it.

Not slamming all Thai's. That is three examples of cultural differences in thought process/priorities/logic/ stupidity (please pick your own word). These all happened to me. And I have loads more but I am tired of typing.

Great post, IMO! But according to "Beetlejuice logic" you are a thai bashing racist.

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If you want to take a stab at argument, use the words in front of you, and not your racist anti-racist creative writing.

I said, Mexicans working in restaurants, not expensive Mexican restaurants.

those prollobly have Thais working in the kitchen.

Many of the Thais are sending money to Thailand, as they are first generation immigrants

and they are not out in clubs, although 10% of them, prollobly are

Thai's cannot even say the word probably,

not that they would have to

So now you post an English word that you thinks all Thais cannot say after staying with a prostitute in Thailand for six months. Correct?

Thais can say any English word in the dictionary given the proper education. All Mexicans are not loud and there are Thai people who can say probably.

Why do you feel the need to stereotype people? I believe you have informed us that the fattest women in America are from Wisconsin, Mexicans are loud, Thai massage prostitutes are at the top of the prostitution ladder in Thailand and on and on. Why do you generalize/stereotype such outrageous things?

People are all different all the time. Try travel or education to learn some of the background and history of the places you so callously stereotype.

You must be exhausted, thailiketoo, surrounded as you are by racists and bigots and stereotypers everywhere you go - mostly because you continually feel the need to insult all those who don't share your opinions. Jesus! :-( You are not a good person.

Edited by Greydog
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If you want to take a stab at argument, use the words in front of you, and not your racist anti-racist creative writing.

I said, Mexicans working in restaurants, not expensive Mexican restaurants.

those prollobly have Thais working in the kitchen.

Many of the Thais are sending money to Thailand, as they are first generation immigrants

and they are not out in clubs, although 10% of them, prollobly are

Thai's cannot even say the word probably,

not that they would have to

So now you post an English word that you thinks all Thais cannot say after staying with a prostitute in Thailand for six months. Correct?

Thais can say any English word in the dictionary given the proper education. All Mexicans are not loud and there are Thai people who can say probably.

Why do you feel the need to stereotype people? I believe you have informed us that the fattest women in America are from Wisconsin, Mexicans are loud, Thai massage prostitutes are at the top of the prostitution ladder in Thailand and on and on. Why do you generalize/stereotype such outrageous things?

People are all different all the time. Try travel or education to learn some of the background and history of the places you so callously stereotype.

Actually in all reality, the fattest American women come from Philadelphia.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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These posts, we have to define what logic means? "Logic" is very specific. Driving, daily routines, even personalities don't apply to logic. Me, being an insomniac doesn't apply to logic, only that I am here. Be interested if someone actually posted something ref the logical question of the OP within a proper logic related answer.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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You call Thai's illogical but call a bicycle a push bike.

That's English for you!

RIP Pete Seeger!

English Is CUH-RAY-ZEE

Words by Josh White, Jr. and Pete Seeger

English is the most widely spoken language in the history of the planet.

One out of every seven human beings can speak or read it.

Half the world's books, 3/4 of the international mail are in English.

It has the largest vocabulary, perhaps two million words,

And a noble body of literature. But face it:

English is cuh-ray-zee!

Just a few examples: There's no egg in eggplant, no pine or apple in pineapple.

Quicksand works slowly; boxing rings are square.

A writer writes, but do fingers fing?

Hammers don't ham, grocers don't groce. Haberdashers don't haberdash.

English is cuh-ray-zee!

If the plural of tooth is teeth, shouldn't the plural of booth be beeth?

It's one goose, two geese. Why not one moose, two meese?

If it's one index, two indices; why not one Kleenex, two Kleenices?

English is cuh-ray-zee!

You can comb through the annals of history, but not just one annal.

You can make amends, but not just one amend.

If you have a bunch of odds and ends and get rid of all but one, is it an odd or an end?

If the teacher taught, why isn't it true that a preacher praught?

If you wrote a letter, did you also bote your tongue?

And if a vegetarian eats vegetables, what does a humanitarian eat?

English is cuh-ray-zee!

Why is it that night falls but never breaks and day breaks but never falls?

In what other language do people drive on the parkway and park on the driveway?

Ship by truck but send cargo by ship? Recite at a play but play at a recital?

Have noses that run and feet that smell?

English is cuh-ray-zee!

How can a slim chance and a fat chance be the same

When a wise man and a wise guy are very different?

To overlook something and to oversee something are very different,

But quite a lot and quite a few are the same.

How can the weather be hot as hell one day and cold as hell the next?

English is cuh-ray-zee!

You have to marvel at the lunacy of a language in which your house can burn down

While it is burning up. You fill out a form by filling it in.

In which your alarm clock goes off by going on.

If pro is the opposite of con, what is the opposite of progress?

Well, English was invented by people, not computers

And reflects the creativity of the human race.

So that's why when the stars are out, they're visible,

But when the lights are out, they're invisible.

When I wind up my watch I start it, but when I wind up this rap,

I end it. English is cuh-ray-zee!

For those that aren't aware, it's called a push bike because to move you push the pedals with your feet. Pushing doesn't have to be done with the hands only. Simple and logical.

Sent from my KFTT using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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If you want to take a stab at argument, use the words in front of you, and not your racist anti-racist creative writing.

I said, Mexicans working in restaurants, not expensive Mexican restaurants.

those prollobly have Thais working in the kitchen.

Many of the Thais are sending money to Thailand, as they are first generation immigrants

and they are not out in clubs, although 10% of them, prollobly are

Thai's cannot even say the word probably,

not that they would have to

So now you post an English word that you thinks all Thais cannot say after staying with a prostitute in Thailand for six months. Correct?

Thais can say any English word in the dictionary given the proper education. All Mexicans are not loud and there are Thai people who can say probably.

Why do you feel the need to stereotype people? I believe you have informed us that the fattest women in America are from Wisconsin, Mexicans are loud, Thai massage prostitutes are at the top of the prostitution ladder in Thailand and on and on. Why do you generalize/stereotype such outrageous things?

People are all different all the time. Try travel or education to learn some of the background and history of the places you so callously stereotype.

Actually in all reality, the fattest American women come from Philadelphia.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Its a whole nother category as people will compete to tell you, their local women are fatter.

the us has by far, too many, too visible

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If you want to take a stab at argument, use the words in front of you, and not your racist anti-racist creative writing.

I said, Mexicans working in restaurants, not expensive Mexican restaurants.

those prollobly have Thais working in the kitchen.

Many of the Thais are sending money to Thailand, as they are first generation immigrants

and they are not out in clubs, although 10% of them, prollobly are

Thai's cannot even say the word probably,

not that they would have to

So now you post an English word that you thinks all Thais cannot say after staying with a prostitute in Thailand for six months. Correct?

Thais can say any English word in the dictionary given the proper education. All Mexicans are not loud and there are Thai people who can say probably.

Why do you feel the need to stereotype people? I believe you have informed us that the fattest women in America are from Wisconsin, Mexicans are loud, Thai massage prostitutes are at the top of the prostitution ladder in Thailand and on and on. Why do you generalize/stereotype such outrageous things?

People are all different all the time. Try travel or education to learn some of the background and history of the places you so callously stereotype.

Actually in all reality, the fattest American women come from Philadelphia.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Its a whole nother category as people will compete to tell you, their local women are fatter.

the us has by far, too many, too visible

Wouldn't just put it all on the US, need to spend sometime in England or OMG, Norway! Sorry OP, just pointing out that in countries, aside from thin people humor talk, where there're many fat people, to the populace there are no fat people...just people.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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It is of course easy to mock a country which has taught it's people to learn by rote.
Free thinking, analytical thinking etc, are not encouraged in schools.
SO althought i find certain things frustrating, and some days are not so good, i remind myself of these things.

On the flip side, "we", the "westerners" of the world, are brought up to have free thinking, to question, to be individuals..so why is it that the majority of you, with such superior logical skills than the local Thai, end up doing the most illogical things. Brain left behind at the airport? You lot, unlike the average THai, have no excuse really.

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Everyone's actions are perfectly logical once you understand their motivation.

Just because you may think my priorities are completely out of whack - that just means we don't share the same values, not that what I do is illogical per se.

Then again, being STUPID is a whole other dimension, my actions may be perfectly logical but (in the common context here) I just don't see that I'm being fleeced, well in matters of the heart that's pretty common, sense often just flies on out the window.

But it's all logical. . .

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Wouldn't just put it all on the US, need to spend sometime in England or OMG, Norway! Sorry OP, just pointing out that in countries, aside from thin people humor talk, where there're many fat people, to the populace there are no fat people...just people.

Yes, Norway's a great example.

My SIL was a lovely 42 kg 17 year old when I married her sister.

Within a year of settling in Norway she had gained at least 15 kg, and now she's truly a whale, totally depressing.

But a lovely person and apparently happy, so no problem up to her.

She's offered to help set me up with a local lass to get a marriage visa and move with the kids to Norway, and I have to say I'm very tempted, it's a top-notch society, very well organized much better place to raise kids than my home country or certainly Thailand.

Just that she concedes they're all so fat, just don't know if I could handle that.

Plus those very long dark cold winters, almost worse to consider. . .
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Pointless claiming innocence on behalf of not learning because not taught.....is Thailand not doing the teaching ?

In regards to fat people in US and other Euro countries.....I believe that it is they that are responsible for the seas rising.....

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Wouldn't just put it all on the US, need to spend sometime in England or OMG, Norway! Sorry OP, just pointing out that in countries, aside from thin people humor talk, where there're many fat people, to the populace there are no fat people...just people.

Yes, Norway's a great example.

My SIL was a lovely 42 kg 17 year old when I married her sister.

Within a year of settling in Norway she had gained at least 15 kg, and now she's truly a whale, totally depressing.

But a lovely person and apparently happy, so no problem up to her.

She's offered to help set me up with a local lass to get a marriage visa and move with the kids to Norway, and I have to say I'm very tempted, it's a top-notch society, very well organized much better place to raise kids than my home country or certainly Thailand.

Just that she concedes they're all so fat, just don't know if I could handle that.

Plus those very long dark cold winters, almost worse to consider. . .

Funny, cold white winters are a love/ hate thing. At least for me. I miss the white thanksgivings or Christmases of New York & Northern Pennsylvania. But that was in visiting manner, tried living there, well North Penn & the act spending 4-5 hours digging out the car from hard packed ice did it in for me.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Thai people seem to be more pragmatic than illogical.

Not understanding what we are saying may be 90% of the battle

Them not telling us they dont completely understand us, the other 10%

Them knowing in a few seconds or a minute, we will be out of their space and they can get on with their day, the remainder

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Not long after it stops raining on any given day, my wife thinks it is a good time to water the garden.

Can you do better?

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

but the reservoirs are all full now so when would be a better time?

Point taken tho. 55555555555

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Here is one for the record books

An american is in Thailand, living with a native.

I became the subject of much consternation, as I apparently was the first person this girl met,

who wore shoes inside the house (house-moccasins)

and went barefoot in the grass outside,

and, laid in the sun, but thats another story.

the girl had to explain this to her mother, and to her friends, as none of them heard of walking barefoot outside, and then putting the shoes on, inside





the house had tile

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Here is one for the record books

An american is in Thailand, living with a native.

I became the subject of much consternation, as I apparently was the first person this girl met,

who wore shoes inside the house (house-moccasins)

and went barefoot in the grass outside,

and, laid in the sun, but thats another story.

the girl had to explain this to her mother, and to her friends, as none of them heard of walking barefoot outside, and then putting the shoes on, inside





the house had tile


you sound like me ('cept I don't sunbathe)

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Here is one for the record books

An american is in Thailand, living with a native.

I became the subject of much consternation, as I apparently was the first person this girl met,

who wore shoes inside the house (house-moccasins)

and went barefoot in the grass outside,

and, laid in the sun, but thats another story.

the girl had to explain this to her mother, and to her friends, as none of them heard of walking barefoot outside, and then putting the shoes on, inside





the house had tile


you sound like me ('cept I don't sunbathe)

ten minutes everyday in the morning with your eyes closed will do wonders for your overall health,

mental health included as the full spectrum of light enters your eyelids,

try it

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