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Are thai people the most illogical people you have ever met?


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Time to go home once you start finding bad points.

No really - there are bad points in every place. If no one talks about them then those that don't know will never benefit from the experience if others.

Just because a place has bad points doesn't necessarily mean that the good points don't outweigh them.

Unfortunately there are other people who don't like anyone saying anything that is not positive. That is their prerogative of course.

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xcool.png.pagespeed.ic.jz1nB6CMOI.png When I saw the title of this topic I knew that it was going to be a very hot topic. Having lived in Thailand for 7 years,although having been gone now for quite some time this subject was one of the many that fascinated me. I refer to it a the "Irrefutable Thai Logic". When you first begin to experience it it is quite amazing. I used to have a lot more examples but two that come to mind was when a Farang was involved in a traffic accident where the Thai was clearly in the wrong . It was determined that the Farang must pay because if he had never came to Thailand the accident would not have occurred.

Another time there was some sort of contest at a hotel bar where tickets were given out with numbers . A Thai girl I knew was leaving and said here you can have mine. Later that night I won , her friends called her and told her that I had won. The next day she saw me and demanded I give her the prize because she had given me her tickets. there was no way to know who's ticket had won but she was convinced that I was cheating her and her friends all supported her position. I scoffed at first on principle that if she had wanted to win a prize she should have stayed. Being the bigger man and to avoid any ongoing conflicts I gave her the prize which was a free night at the hotel or something.

There are other examples but I think you get the point. I even experience this with my Lovely Thai wife of 14 years.

The Bottom line is that their point of view or Thai logic as it seems is the one that supports whatever is favorable for them!


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xcool.png.pagespeed.ic.jz1nB6CMOI.png When I saw the title of this topic I knew that it was going to be a very hot topic. Having lived in Thailand for 7 years,although having been gone now for quite some time this subject was one of the many that fascinated me. I refer to it a the "Irrefutable Thai Logic". When you first begin to experience it it is quite amazing. I used to have a lot more examples but two that come to mind was when a Farang was involved in a traffic accident where the Thai was clearly in the wrong . It was determined that the Farang must pay because if he had never came to Thailand the accident would not have occurred.

Another time there was some sort of contest at a hotel bar where tickets were given out with numbers . A Thai girl I knew was leaving and said here you can have mine. Later that night I won , her friends called her and told her that I had won. The next day she saw me and demanded I give her the prize because she had given me her tickets. there was no way to know who's ticket had won but she was convinced that I was cheating her and her friends all supported her position. I scoffed at first on principle that if she had wanted to win a prize she should have stayed. Being the bigger man and to avoid any ongoing conflicts I gave her the prize which was a free night at the hotel or something.

There are other examples but I think you get the point. I even experience this with my Lovely Thai wife of 14 years.

The Bottom line is that their point of view or Thai logic as it seems is the one that supports whatever is favorable for them!


After spending time in CA, the samem can be said about Mexicans.

No one makes more noise in a kithcen, or while cleaning, than a mexican.

at least the thais would say "solly"

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Edward de Bono would despair

Yeah!? And you can tell that guy to shut up, get back to singing his crappy little songs about Bloody Sunday and stop preaching to the rest of us.

Irish git!

I'm sorry but LOL Edward de Bono singing songs - Bloody Sunday cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif cheesy.gif clap2.gif clap2.gif clap2.gif clap2.gif clap2.gif clap2.gif

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Edward de Bono would despair

Yeah!? And you can tell that guy to shut up, get back to singing his crappy little songs about Bloody Sunday and stop preaching to the rest of us.

Irish git!

I'm sorry but LOL Edward de Bono singing songs - Bloody Sunday cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif cheesy.gif clap2.gif clap2.gif clap2.gif clap2.gif clap2.gif clap2.gif

He ain't real bright...but he can make lotsa noises and gets rule excited of photos of %&*$#ng gorgeous girls to make you shudder.

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Edward de Bono would despair

Yeah!? And you can tell that guy to shut up, get back to singing his crappy little songs about Bloody Sunday and stop preaching to the rest of us.

Irish git!

I'm sorry but LOL Edward de Bono singing songs - Bloody Sunday cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif cheesy.gif clap2.gif clap2.gif clap2.gif clap2.gif clap2.gif clap2.gif

He ain't real bright...but he can make lotsa noises and gets rule excited of photos of %&*$#ng gorgeous girls to make you shudder.

I somehow think he has to pay all the way............

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xcool.png.pagespeed.ic.jz1nB6CMOI.png When I saw the title of this topic I knew that it was going to be a very hot topic. Having lived in Thailand for 7 years,although having been gone now for quite some time this subject was one of the many that fascinated me. I refer to it a the "Irrefutable Thai Logic". When you first begin to experience it it is quite amazing. I used to have a lot more examples but two that come to mind was when a Farang was involved in a traffic accident where the Thai was clearly in the wrong . It was determined that the Farang must pay because if he had never came to Thailand the accident would not have occurred.

Another time there was some sort of contest at a hotel bar where tickets were given out with numbers . A Thai girl I knew was leaving and said here you can have mine. Later that night I won , her friends called her and told her that I had won. The next day she saw me and demanded I give her the prize because she had given me her tickets. there was no way to know who's ticket had won but she was convinced that I was cheating her and her friends all supported her position. I scoffed at first on principle that if she had wanted to win a prize she should have stayed. Being the bigger man and to avoid any ongoing conflicts I gave her the prize which was a free night at the hotel or something.

There are other examples but I think you get the point. I even experience this with my Lovely Thai wife of 14 years.

The Bottom line is that their point of view or Thai logic as it seems is the one that supports whatever is favorable for them!


After spending time in CA, the samem can be said about Mexicans.

No one makes more noise in a kithcen, or while cleaning, than a mexican.

at least the thais would say "solly"

Don't you get tired of the racial and national stereotyping after a while?

Do you really think the "solly" joke has anyone laughing.

We are all the same. No one makes more noise or speaks funny. You are only showing your own lack of travel and education.

There are a million Thai people in California. Go tell them "solly" jokes.

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xcool.png.pagespeed.ic.jz1nB6CMOI.png When I saw the title of this topic I knew that it was going to be a very hot topic. Having lived in Thailand for 7 years,although having been gone now for quite some time this subject was one of the many that fascinated me. I refer to it a the "Irrefutable Thai Logic". When you first begin to experience it it is quite amazing. I used to have a lot more examples but two that come to mind was when a Farang was involved in a traffic accident where the Thai was clearly in the wrong . It was determined that the Farang must pay because if he had never came to Thailand the accident would not have occurred.

Another time there was some sort of contest at a hotel bar where tickets were given out with numbers . A Thai girl I knew was leaving and said here you can have mine. Later that night I won , her friends called her and told her that I had won. The next day she saw me and demanded I give her the prize because she had given me her tickets. there was no way to know who's ticket had won but she was convinced that I was cheating her and her friends all supported her position. I scoffed at first on principle that if she had wanted to win a prize she should have stayed. Being the bigger man and to avoid any ongoing conflicts I gave her the prize which was a free night at the hotel or something.

There are other examples but I think you get the point. I even experience this with my Lovely Thai wife of 14 years.

The Bottom line is that their point of view or Thai logic as it seems is the one that supports whatever is favorable for them!


After spending time in CA, the samem can be said about Mexicans.

No one makes more noise in a kithcen, or while cleaning, than a mexican.

at least the thais would say "solly"

Don't you get tired of the racial and national stereotyping after a while?

Do you really think the "solly" joke has anyone laughing.

We are all the same. No one makes more noise or speaks funny. You are only showing your own lack of travel and education.

There are a million Thai people in California. Go tell them "solly" jokes.

If you do not agree that Mexicans working in a restaurant are the loudest at making noise, banging chairs and dishes and silverware, then you havent been in CA long enough to know.

The Thai's in CA, blend in with their surroundings and tend to stay together, in the back of their place of work congregating. They aren't in full view at clubs buying $14.00 drinks

the rest of your post can be reduced by the same ratio as your 1,000,000 thais in CA,

so I give your post a value of 1/10

Edited by Scarpolo
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xcool.png.pagespeed.ic.jz1nB6CMOI.png When I saw the title of this topic I knew that it was going to be a very hot topic. Having lived in Thailand for 7 years,although having been gone now for quite some time this subject was one of the many that fascinated me. I refer to it a the "Irrefutable Thai Logic". When you first begin to experience it it is quite amazing. I used to have a lot more examples but two that come to mind was when a Farang was involved in a traffic accident where the Thai was clearly in the wrong . It was determined that the Farang must pay because if he had never came to Thailand the accident would not have occurred.

Another time there was some sort of contest at a hotel bar where tickets were given out with numbers . A Thai girl I knew was leaving and said here you can have mine. Later that night I won , her friends called her and told her that I had won. The next day she saw me and demanded I give her the prize because she had given me her tickets. there was no way to know who's ticket had won but she was convinced that I was cheating her and her friends all supported her position. I scoffed at first on principle that if she had wanted to win a prize she should have stayed. Being the bigger man and to avoid any ongoing conflicts I gave her the prize which was a free night at the hotel or something.

There are other examples but I think you get the point. I even experience this with my Lovely Thai wife of 14 years.

The Bottom line is that their point of view or Thai logic as it seems is the one that supports whatever is favorable for them!


After spending time in CA, the samem can be said about Mexicans.

No one makes more noise in a kithcen, or while cleaning, than a mexican.

at least the thais would say "solly"

Don't you get tired of the racial and national stereotyping after a while?

Do you really think the "solly" joke has anyone laughing.

We are all the same. No one makes more noise or speaks funny. You are only showing your own lack of travel and education.

There are a million Thai people in California. Go tell them "solly" jokes.

Reacting to solly?

have too much to drink last night?

have you ever seen a Thai that can run two RR's in a rrow?

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xcool.png.pagespeed.ic.jz1nB6CMOI.png When I saw the title of this topic I knew that it was going to be a very hot topic. Having lived in Thailand for 7 years,although having been gone now for quite some time this subject was one of the many that fascinated me. I refer to it a the "Irrefutable Thai Logic". When you first begin to experience it it is quite amazing. I used to have a lot more examples but two that come to mind was when a Farang was involved in a traffic accident where the Thai was clearly in the wrong . It was determined that the Farang must pay because if he had never came to Thailand the accident would not have occurred.

Another time there was some sort of contest at a hotel bar where tickets were given out with numbers . A Thai girl I knew was leaving and said here you can have mine. Later that night I won , her friends called her and told her that I had won. The next day she saw me and demanded I give her the prize because she had given me her tickets. there was no way to know who's ticket had won but she was convinced that I was cheating her and her friends all supported her position. I scoffed at first on principle that if she had wanted to win a prize she should have stayed. Being the bigger man and to avoid any ongoing conflicts I gave her the prize which was a free night at the hotel or something.

There are other examples but I think you get the point. I even experience this with my Lovely Thai wife of 14 years.

The Bottom line is that their point of view or Thai logic as it seems is the one that supports whatever is favorable for them!


After spending time in CA, the samem can be said about Mexicans.

No one makes more noise in a kithcen, or while cleaning, than a mexican.

at least the thais would say "solly"

Don't you get tired of the racial and national stereotyping after a while?

Do you really think the "solly" joke has anyone laughing.

We are all the same. No one makes more noise or speaks funny. You are only showing your own lack of travel and education.

There are a million Thai people in California. Go tell them "solly" jokes.

If you do not agree that Mexicans working in a restaurant are the loudest at making noise, banging chairs and dishes and silverware, then you havent been in CA long enough to know.

The Thai's in CA, blend in with their surroundings and tend to stay together, in the back of their place of work congregating. They aren't in full view at clubs buying $14.00 drinks

the rest of your post can be reduced by the same ratio as your 1,000,000 thais in CA,

so I give your post a value of 1/10

More stereotypical nonsense. Expensive Mexican restaurants are quiet and cheap ones are noisy. Some Thais stay with other Thais some don't. Some Irish Americans stick together and some don't.

The stereotypical talk about race, nationality or gender is nonsense/bar talk.

Tell your Asian Charlie Chan jokes to someone else. You can google, "charlie chan asian stereotypes."

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And Showbags (and others), if you're dumb enough not to get the joke about Edward de Bono, I'll let 'blackjack' explain it to you.

Blackjack, you have the floor...

Suzuki GSX-R1000 L3 182 hp in-line 4 Superbike

oh...so now its a joke.....nice try ....but FAIL..

Stick to what you good at....vrrrm vrrrrm and complimenting 12yo's in your own certain style.

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He ain't real bright...but he can make lotsa noises and gets rule excited of photos of %&*$#ng gorgeous girls to make you shudder.

It's usually not a good idea to comment on another's supposed lack of intelligence with a post made up of poor spelling and errors in grammar.

What on Earth is your post about? Maybe you should actually try to compose a coherent sentence instead of relying on dozens of smilies would be a start.

I remember you from the 'Bikes in Thailand' sub-forum. Strangely, you no longer seem to post there.

I forget, who were you? The mincer who couldn't ride bikes with a manual clutch due to a lack of physical strength or the mincer complaining about loud pipes disturbing the macaques in Khao Yai?

Suzuki GSX-R1000 L3 182 hp in-line 4 Superbike

Edited by H1w4yR1da
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If you want to take a stab at argument, use the words in front of you, and not your racist anti-racist creative writing.

I said, Mexicans working in restaurants, not expensive Mexican restaurants.

those prollobly have Thais working in the kitchen.

Many of the Thais are sending money to Thailand, as they are first generation immigrants

and they are not out in clubs, although 10% of them, prollobly are

Thai's cannot even say the word probably,

not that they would have to

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Reacting to solly?

have too much to drink last night?

have you ever seen a Thai that can run two RR's in a rrow?

Yes, all the time - haven't you? Rolled r's exist in Thai as well, so it's not a difficult sound for a native Thai speaker.

Edited by rwdrwdrwd
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

He ain't real bright...but he can make lotsa noises and gets rule excited of photos of %&*$#ng gorgeous girls to make you shudder.

It's usually not a good idea to comment on another's supposed lack of intelligence with a post made up of poor spelling and errors in grammar.

What on Earth is your post about? Maybe you should actually try to compose a coherent sentence instead of relying on dozens of smilies would be a start.

I remember you from the 'Bikes in Thailand' sub-forum. Strangely, you no longer seem to post there.
I forget, who were you? The mincer who couldn't ride bikes with a manual clutch due to a lack of physical strength or the mincer complaining about loud pipes disturbing the macaques in Khao Yai?

Suzuki GSX-R1000 L3 182 hp in-line 4 Superbike

I think you need the reading and comprehension exercises....show me where i used lotsa smilies n such please ??

But here is one....'supposed'.....cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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xcool.png.pagespeed.ic.jz1nB6CMOI.png When I saw the title of this topic I knew that it was going to be a very hot topic. Having lived in Thailand for 7 years,although having been gone now for quite some time this subject was one of the many that fascinated me. I refer to it a the "Irrefutable Thai Logic". When you first begin to experience it it is quite amazing. I used to have a lot more examples but two that come to mind was when a Farang was involved in a traffic accident where the Thai was clearly in the wrong . It was determined that the Farang must pay because if he had never came to Thailand the accident would not have occurred.

Another time there was some sort of contest at a hotel bar where tickets were given out with numbers . A Thai girl I knew was leaving and said here you can have mine. Later that night I won , her friends called her and told her that I had won. The next day she saw me and demanded I give her the prize because she had given me her tickets. there was no way to know who's ticket had won but she was convinced that I was cheating her and her friends all supported her position. I scoffed at first on principle that if she had wanted to win a prize she should have stayed. Being the bigger man and to avoid any ongoing conflicts I gave her the prize which was a free night at the hotel or something.

There are other examples but I think you get the point. I even experience this with my Lovely Thai wife of 14 years.

The Bottom line is that their point of view or Thai logic as it seems is the one that supports whatever is favorable for them!


One good one was a raffle drawn on the winners of the world cup that didn't close on the first match.

All the entries were thrown into the same box from the first night of matches. Of course, on the final whistle they wanted to draw who had predicted it correctly, but 90% of the tickets in the bin were I correct.

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If you want to take a stab at argument, use the words in front of you, and not your racist anti-racist creative writing.

I said, Mexicans working in restaurants, not expensive Mexican restaurants.

those prollobly have Thais working in the kitchen.

Many of the Thais are sending money to Thailand, as they are first generation immigrants

and they are not out in clubs, although 10% of them, prollobly are

Thai's cannot even say the word probably,

not that they would have to

So now you post an English word that you thinks all Thais cannot say after staying with a prostitute in Thailand for six months. Correct?

Thais can say any English word in the dictionary given the proper education. All Mexicans are not loud and there are Thai people who can say probably.

Why do you feel the need to stereotype people? I believe you have informed us that the fattest women in America are from Wisconsin, Mexicans are loud, Thai massage prostitutes are at the top of the prostitution ladder in Thailand and on and on. Why do you generalize/stereotype such outrageous things?

People are all different all the time. Try travel or education to learn some of the background and history of the places you so callously stereotype.

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Checked in yesterday to a "resort." New place, 30+ rooms, maybe a year old. Attractive construction, lush and tropical grounds, nice atmosphere all around. One of the few places I've been here that's quiet. Sheep in a pasture next door.

Ate some good food, petted the lambs, went back to the room to get read a bit.

As usual, the lamp was unplugged (lack of logic right there), but at least, unusually, it was actually on a night table, bedside.

Moved the table, pulled out the bed. Nope. No plug. Not one, anywhere in the room.

But there was a bulb in the lamp.

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Checked in yesterday to a "resort." New place, 30+ rooms, maybe a year old. Attractive construction, lush and tropical grounds, nice atmosphere all around. One of the few places I've been here that's quiet. Sheep in a pasture next door.

Ate some good food, petted the lambs, went back to the room to get read a bit.

As usual, the lamp was unplugged (lack of logic right there), but at least, unusually, it was actually on a night table, bedside.

Moved the table, pulled out the bed. Nope. No plug. Not one, anywhere in the room.

But there was a bulb in the lamp.

the guy that was told to bring the lamp to the room, did his job

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Checked in yesterday to a "resort." New place, 30+ rooms, maybe a year old. Attractive construction, lush and tropical grounds, nice atmosphere all around. One of the few places I've been here that's quiet. Sheep in a pasture next door.

Ate some good food, petted the lambs, went back to the room to get read a bit

Sheeps in Thailand ? Can anyone elaborate ?

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Checked in yesterday to a "resort." New place, 30+ rooms, maybe a year old. Attractive construction, lush and tropical grounds, nice atmosphere all around. One of the few places I've been here that's quiet. Sheep in a pasture next door.

Ate some good food, petted the lambs, went back to the room to get read a bit

Sheeps in Thailand ? Can anyone elaborate ?



PS sheep is plural already, like moose, deer and fish

Edited by wym
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It sometimes very different from western world we have to take it or leave it.

First I understand the salesman about new bicycle and demo set if he put the paddle and let the customer try this unit cannot be sale anymore or have to reduce price, some manufacture did provide demo set but some didn't

Second the bus driver might get fine from police officers who standing nearby as no bus stop the driver cannot let the passengers out form the bus as some motorcycles might hits you too the fault surely will blame the driver.

Camping the other couple didn't think about sex but more on safety as if they get closer reason was if any robbing occour we able to look each other and not trying to 'Look each other'.

Sometimes we have to put on their shoes then we will understand the real explanation by not over stress ourself as life is short don't takes thing too seriously . In this minutes they are boarding the plane after few hours they are gone.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Checked in yesterday to a "resort." New place, 30+ rooms, maybe a year old. Attractive construction, lush and tropical grounds, nice atmosphere all around. One of the few places I've been here that's quiet. Sheep in a pasture next door.

Ate some good food, petted the lambs, went back to the room to get read a bit

Sheeps in Thailand ? Can anyone elaborate ?

Kiwi ?

Learn to pace yourself.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Checked in yesterday to a "resort." New place, 30+ rooms, maybe a year old. Attractive construction, lush and tropical grounds, nice atmosphere all around. One of the few places I've been here that's quiet. Sheep in a pasture next door.

Ate some good food, petted the lambs, went back to the room to get read a bit

Sheeps in Thailand ? Can anyone elaborate ?

Kiwi ?

Learn to pace yourself.

Say what? Answer in a comphrensible manner, or spare the effort.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Checked in yesterday to a "resort." New place, 30+ rooms, maybe a year old. Attractive construction, lush and tropical grounds, nice atmosphere all around. One of the few places I've been here that's quiet. Sheep in a pasture next door.

Ate some good food, petted the lambs, went back to the room to get read a bit

Sheeps in Thailand ? Can anyone elaborate ?

Kiwi ?

Learn to pace yourself.

Say what? Answer in a comphrensible manner, or spare the effort.

Not Kiwi.

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