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I have just been watching channel 7 and was surprised to see a new style national anthem being aired. The reason I noticed was the amount of Thai flags in the video.

The song however was not the in the style you may expect oh no !!!

It can only be described as a bad version of a Live Aid song, you know the type, pictures of different stars singing different lines in a studio.

It also portrayed Thai people going about thier lives holding Thai flags, no Wai's or buddha images just the flag.

The realy surprising thing was the song was very much a pop song, very upbeat and certainly not the kind to stand still to and respect as an anthem.

Amazingly there was also a distinct absence in pictures of the King, or mabe this was intentional as I can't see His Majesty being overly impressed.

The time was at 5pm and not six. Just to set the record straight the normal Anthem was played at 6pm.I asked my Thai family and friends who said that this is the new proposed Anthem by the government to be shown at 8am and 6pm, they are trying it out first for comment, my Thai families comments were not supportive to say the least .

If you were a kid at school you may like the new option in the playground, although standing still when a pop song is playing may be hard to do. The more amusing thought of it being played Nationwide in the like of Army bases, parade grounds, businesses, police stations and parks etc is quite frankly to me at least, laughable and would look especially comical as the Army stood to attention at the raising of the flag to a pop beat.

I can't imagine how something as sacred as the daily Anthem and showing respect to the King and country can be in jeapordy from a second class pop song. Is this the latest Thai Rak Thai idea to modernise Thailand ? :o Oh Buddha I hope not !

Will someone please tell me I am completely wrong and this is just a local Live Aid, charity thing.


Write letters to the Editors of the Nation and the Post complaining. It sure sounds like another TRT ' good idea '. Apart from all else, one might wonder whether there might be more important things for the Government to be doing. :o


Well Johan this is an expat forum so I will have my say.

Sounds very suspicious to me. If Toxin is trying to undermine the Royal family then he will be in grave danger of losing any respect he may currently claim to carry. Seems like Toxin takes his lessons from the red book of rules from a certain northern neighbour......dont forget sir this is supposed to be a democracy and you already get away with murder. I cant imagine any Thai person wanting to change the anthem or to allow the King to be insulted.

Guest IT Manager

Write to Thairath in Thai, and complain.

At least they have the nuts to publish.

Well Johan this is an expat forum so I will have my say.

Sounds very suspicious to me. .............. I cant imagine any Thai person wanting to change the anthem or to allow the King to be insulted.

I also cannot imagine that.

But where are the comments of the Thais? We foreigners should first listen, what they think about that. I feel, we should wait a bit and let them speak first.

We here in Japan have a national anthem, which is not really appreciated by most Japanese, because it is referring to the Emperor and the former Japanese Empire. It should be changed, all Japanese know this and agree with that, but it was never done, and as a result, it is almost nowhere performed in public here in Japan and if yes, then without any text, just as instrumental music. -

This is the Japanese solution.

As I know the Thai people, there will be a solution about where nobody should feel to be insulted. As I read here in this forum, they are playing now both melodies, at different times. One is the new melody, but still not official - and one is the old melody, still official - so you can hear both melodies, every day......

For how long? Maybe one month.... or one year.....who knows?

Government in Thailand will be changed also from time to time.... other people with other ideas.....

Maybe this is already the Thai solution.


Whoever came up with the new anthem idea is a sick shit and ought to get shot.


It'd have to be the brains behind things like the Elite Card and 12 midnight closing of places of entertainment :o Nobody else would show such stupidity.


Are we talking about the national anthem ie the one played at 6pm or the royal anthem ie played at the cinema?



don't we all wish

that things do not change


when the going is still good

but sad to say my friends

nothing remains unchange

go with the flow

and soar with the wind

in the end

that's really all you can do

or else go find a new piece of land

and make it your own...

Guest IT Manager

I sincerely hope that you members are not suggesting that The Dear Leader and his little friend Purachai are anything but University Graduates and as such are very, very clever.. are you?


I sincerely hope that you members are not suggesting that The Dear Leader and his little friend Purachai are anything but University Graduates and as such are very, very clever.. are you?


I'll return my degrees to the institutes from whence they came :o

Well if Mr Toxin is an ardent student and admirer of Dr. M, the former PM of Malaysia, he will likely try to undermine the Roaylties just like Dr. M tried.

But in Malaysia the various Royal families (of the various states) were (and are) minor functionaries in a role created by the colonial oppressor (Britain) prior to independence. Each family takes the lead in turn and there is no vision of the entire state as it is an artificial creation.

Thailand has great love and respect for a Royal family that has devoted itself to bringing a stability and progressive channel of thought to a great nation, independent of any foreign colonial power.

What Britain left at the end of the colonial era was an infrastructure and approach to business and education imposed from outside, in order to benefit British trade. Thailand has done the same (or better) on it's own - thanks to the encouragement of the Royal family.


I seem to recall, that a charismatic European leader in the early 1930's adopted a new 'national anthem' that sidelined the nations traditional one. This new song was a rallying cry for members of his powerful political party, which at the time was consolidating its position by sweeping the board in local and national elections. He also, via his ingenious minister of information, had a weekly radio broadcast which allowed him to disseminate has brand of nationalism. His party had already outlawed opposition newspapers and controlled radio media. For those non-historians reading this site, the anthem was the Horst Wessel Song.

The sooner we get rid of that old dirge -God save the Queen (UK) the better :D:D:o

From your post-script I would say that 'Flower of Scotland' would be welcome.

For me - 'Land of Hope and Glory' is much better than the current dirge.

Why do we not have separate national anthems for the home countries? Happens at some sporting events, but not others. (Not just when we combine as Great Britiain, but if Wales and Scotland have the chance at half-way decent anthems - why not England?)


The Thais seem to have several "national anthems"

There is the one played on radio at 8am and 6pm.

That sounds like and anthem and praises Thailand.

Then there is the Cinema anthem.

There is a third that my son sings at the end of each school day. Pretty jaunty, and the kids sing with gusto, even getting a little ahead of the recording at times.

Now another, to confuse matters. TIT


it seems that we have quite a nice numbers of previous "figures" in politics in this world ...

some we will never forget, and some we would like to ...

are we just watching the raising of a "new" Thailand ?

a bit sad to be witness of this :o

with a "strong" leader, as megalomaniac as his predecessors in this exercise!

closer to what?

a nice mix of nothern asia ... inside europe in the 30's ... some personal amibitions,

a good coktail to build a "strong" regime ... isn't it called a dictatorship?



no matter what you think of the Thai national anthem and how it is played.....at least it doesn't contain such inane lines as "our home is girt by sea". :o

no matter what you think of the Thai national anthem and how it is played.....at least it doesn't contain such inane lines as "our home is girt by sea". :o

How is old Girt these days ? And in the Waltzing Matilda offering, the swaggy's name was Andy.

Andy sang as 'e watched and waited 'til 'is billy boiled :D

The Thais seem to have several "national anthems"

There is the one played on radio at 8am and 6pm.

That sounds like and anthem and praises Thailand.

Then there is the Cinema anthem.

There is a third that my son sings at the end of each school day. Pretty jaunty, and the kids sing with gusto, even getting a little ahead of the recording at times.

Now another, to confuse matters. TIT

Nope, there is (has been?) just one NATIONAL anthem. The one that is played at 8am and 6pm.

The one you hear in the cinema is the ROYAL anthem to honour HM the King.

Usually they play and sing the national anthem in the schools but most likely each school also has an own school song.

National anthem:

Thailand is the unity of Thai blood and body,

The whole country belongs to the Thai people,

Maintaining thus far for the Thai,

All Thais intend to unite together,

Thais love peace, but do not fear to fight,

They will never let anyone threaten their independence,

They will sacrifice every drop of their blood to contribute to the nation,

Will serve their country with pride and prestige-full of victory.

Chai Yo (Cheers)

Royal anthem:

We, Your Majesty’s loyal subjects,

Pay homage with deep heartfelt veneration,

To the supreme Protector of the Realm,

The mightiest of monarchs complete with transcendent virtues,

Under whose benevolent rule, we your subjects,

Receive protection and happiness,prosperity and peace;

And we wish that whatsoever Your Majesty may desire,

The same may be fulfilled.

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