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Congrats to NancyL, new president of CM Expats club


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Oh, I think I know the programs you attended eletrified. Things did get interesting with the CMU language institute a few months after their presentation to CEC. And that "lounge singer" did a good job keeping up the CEC website too, but she's moved away from CM unfortunately. CEC has moved from the hotel where you enjoyed those presentations. We're now at Le Meridien and the snacks are better quality. Perhaps you can come again and share your ideas with me tomorrow to improve the quality of our programs so we can keep everyone awake.

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Oh, I think I know the programs you attended eletrified. Things did get interesting with the CMU language institute a few months after their presentation to CEC. And that "lounge singer" did a good job keeping up the CEC website too, but she's moved away from CM unfortunately. CEC has moved from the hotel where you enjoyed those presentations. We're now at Le Meridien and the snacks are better quality. Perhaps you can come again and share your ideas with me tomorrow to improve the quality of our programs so we can keep everyone awake.

Can't make it tomorrow NancyL, but promise to come again when we return from our annual - get away from the C.M. smog - beach vacation in a few weeks time. I will definitely make a point to say Hello to you. Like I've said a few times, I totally respect all your valuable time and input to the C.M. community.

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Congrats Nancy. The expat community needs someone like you more than ever.

I've not yet relocated to Chiang Mai but Nancy -- and the CEC -- have been terrific support and sources of new friends and useful information. I try to time my visits with the Ladies Luncheon, where the company and food is always top notch.

As for the couple of general CEC meetings I attended, both were very enjoyable specially where the new US Consul General regaled us with tales of dealing with demented, diseased and deceased. I got new respect for the diplomatic service after that. I also appreciated how, after one meeting, there were clinicians offering checkups + advice.... specialists in various services where we could seek information. Of course the companies were probably sponsors but to have all the services in one place, with no pressure to "buy", was helpful and convenient.

It sounds like many here know Nancy and what a good egg she is. Not many people would have the guts to lead CEC after the recent unfortunate events. She certainly shows more gumption that those who sling brickbats from the shadows.

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An inflammatory posts removed. I remind our memebrs of Thaivisa rules ...

9) Do not post inflammatory messages on the forum, or attempt to disrupt discussions to upset its participants, or trolling.Trolling can be defined as the act of purposefully antagonizing other people on the internet by posting controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.

10) Do not discuss moderation publicly in the open forum; this includes individual actions, and specific or general policies and issues. You may send a PM to a moderator to discuss individual actions or email support (at) thaivisa.com to discuss moderation policy. Members should not block contact with moderators or administrators. Doing so will result in suspension.

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Noble intentions aside (and not disputed), this sort of thing inevitably attracts individuals with something to sell.

Especially when it was set up by one. (p.s. probably a good idea to transfer the domain to a different person, or if not possible, get a new one).

Yes, indeedy, we're working on transferring the domain name, hosting service and all that other stuff that I barely understand. First order of business was to get our own mailing address. Got that done yesterday. As for the rest -- it's in progress. I can make modest changes to a website, the rest is a bit over my head.

At today's meeting, I'll explain how the Board has much work to do and I'll appeal for help. We need "do-ers" to step forward, to get involved, to devote time. It's easy to sit and comb a website to find all the faults (heck, I've done that already), but it's quite another to implement changes. If you know how to do that, please consider stepping forward and joining us.


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Best of luck with the renaissance of the CEC, and to you, its new leader.

Chiang Mai is all the better for a functional group like this, and I'm sure that you will be able to give it the proper direction.

Perhaps now it can become something that will attract rather than detract!

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Best of luck with the renaissance of the CEC, and to you, its new leader.

Chiang Mai is all the better for a functional group like this, and I'm sure that you will be able to give it the proper direction.

Perhaps now it can become something that will attract rather than detract!

Glad to see that finally the CEC is going in a new direction with a new leader.

Folk guitar, and others, have said it already, so I will only add my Congrats to Nancy and good luck with the reformation of the CEC.

I sincerely hope you, Nancy, together with the other Board members and the help of some volunteering CEC-members, will turn the Chiang Mai Expat Club into the club it deserves to be.

For those who are whining about sponsors of the CEC, I suggest you donate a certain amount per month so that the costs the CEC is making can be covered without the help of their sponsors. One problem solved. ^_^

And for those who were/are put of by the age level, careful with what you are saying, as one day you WILL be one of them, dozing of and all. ;):P

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Oh, I think I know the programs you attended eletrified. Things did get interesting with the CMU language institute a few months after their presentation to CEC. And that "lounge singer" did a good job keeping up the CEC website too, but she's moved away from CM unfortunately. CEC has moved from the hotel where you enjoyed those presentations. We're now at Le Meridien and the snacks are better quality. Perhaps you can come again and share your ideas with me tomorrow to improve the quality of our programs so we can keep everyone awake.

The Club is worth another try then? A few years ago I attended several meetings (tiny coffee cups so learned to pick up my own Starbucks along the way). I lost interest after paying the one day guest membership of around 200 baht to play a pub quiz game.
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I ask how does the system of running this club operate?

Does the club hold an annual general meeting and can directors be voted in or out by the members at these meetings?

Does the CEC have anything equivalent to a articles of memorandum?

Does the CEC publish annual financial reports so that members can see how their membership subscription fees are used?

Is it registered as a company and do all the club directors and anyone else involved with the club have work permits?

These are reasonable questions asked without prejudice and issues that I am sure the members would like to know.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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Your persistence at demanding financial and operational details of Nancey's work is to be admired, only if you are an investigative reporter for 60 Minutes or similar which we all suspect is not the case!

And from your previous posts, so many of them on this topic, you have been offered many times yet never accepted, invitations to attend meetings and to have the controlling board answer your detailed questions! Why is that, why are you only prepared to raise questions online and never in person, do you not have the courage of your convicted doubts or are you yet, simply, a troll by any other name?

I suggest a public meeting, a face to face that will clear the air on this subject and allow Nancy and her group to move forward without the stigma of your thinly veiled accusations - time to put up and stand down BJ or to shut up, what's it to be?

The theme of this thread is about the CEC and one of it`s directors, therefore I am asking my questions on this thread.

I am not asking for personal financial details of the CEC, or any other personal details of anyone, only how it operates, that any legitimate organisation should have no problems in addressing in the public domain and to substantiate that the club is run according to Thai law and on proper guidelines, for reasons that the fiasco that recently affected the club will not happen again in the future as a reassurance to it`s members or those considering to join. These are not trick questions and I`m not trying to be smart, just the basics that`s all.

or are the directorships of the CEC strictly a closed shop on the old boys network? For example; could I put myself up as a director and be voted in at an annual general meeting?

If all is above board and correct, than there is nothing I could do to discredit the CEC just by asking some basic questions? And that certainly is not my intention, never has, never will.

If you do not wish to answer and are reluctant to be open to everyone regarding how the CEC functions and operates, plus continue attacking me for asking for this information that I am sure many ex-pats living in Chiang Mai may wish to know, than fine. Good luck to all who sail in her.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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It will not suit everyone but I am sure Nancy will do as good a job as she can and that is much better than most people. I hope it does not take too much away from the potential even more useful project that she has done a lot to promote which does fill an unmet need even though there may be aspects which may not please all.

Good luck with your new baby Nancy.

Edited by harrry
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The Constitution of the CEC is on its website. I apologize that the financial statement hasn't been updated since June 2013, but we've had two treasurers repatriated due to health problems in the past six months. I think we've identified someone to be a new treasurer and should have the financial reports updated within a month or so.

BJ, I suggest you take the time to read the Constitution and then email me so you can come to a Board meeting to ask what questions may remain after you have read the Constitution.

At today's meeting we explained how we have openings on the Board and we need results-oriented, do-ers to come forward for consideration if they're interested in joining the Board. I'd hardly describe it as an "Old Boys Network", because so far most the people who have come forward to volunteer have been women.


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I think NancyL has made a very good start.

All the links to the company I mentioned in the OP, both old and new names, have been removed.

I also understand the British Legion is also having an attempt at a clean up.

As that organization was also thoroughly corrupted and infiltrated by the same group.

If any organization in CM wishes to allow any group of financial or investment people to link from their website, or operate within their meetings, I would suggest they are required to prominently display their THAI SEC registration number, so we can all see they are operating legally in Thailand.

Should any individual wish to use the services of a Financial or Investment group in Thailand, may I also suggest the first thing they do is ask those people, for their Thai SEC registration number before even thinking of conducting any business with them.

No Thai SEC registration number = No business with them.

I wish someone had told me that when I moved to CM over 5 years ago, it would have saved me, and many others, a lot of money.

Edited by FiftyTwo
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I'm aware of some leeching by association that took place at the British Legion Club some years ago, my understanding is that much of it related to offshore IFA's and I met a couple of them by accident, basically, roaming bandits.

I'm not sure how reasonable it is to compare the above with Lanna Care et al, one is targeted at assistance with wealth creation, by foreign IFA's whereas the other is aimed at health care in the latter years and repatriation, granted there is a range of possibilities in between.

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