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Microsoft reminder: No support for XP from April 8


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I have no intention of upgrading my XP as this is typical MS scaremongering. All sorts of free (or cheap) software is available, most better than MS products. Firewalls, anti-virus, anti-malware, cookie & other crap removal - a quick Google search will provide you with so much information that you will have to choose. Various PC mags will provide reviews and recommendations. Plus the vast majority of it runs on XP because it is still so popular.

As for ATMs - they're not directly or indirectly connected to the internet, They are hooked up to your account on a mainframe computer via a leased line & front-end processor. The in-between local ATM pool computers and VISA/Mastercard lines are not via the internet either.

Again nothing but scaremongering to get people & companies to upgrade to an inferior system requiring more memory. Hence the WINTEL moniker.

How do you figure that letting people know (some of who are paying customers, many of who are not) that there will be no more support for XP is scaremongering?

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I have 40 years of research on my computers -- XP can read it all -- MS 8 will not -- I have tried Linux and it will do all I want and read it all with no problems -- except -- I have not found a way yet of printing out the forms for the 90 day and renewal of Retirement Visa in a correct format yet

Bye Bye Microsoft Hello Ubuntu

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soalbundy, on 25 Mar 2014 - 16:02, said:
singa-traz, on 25 Mar 2014 - 15:46, said:
johnnyloda, on 25 Mar 2014 - 15:41, said:

I have read somewhere that it will be a big problem for ATM machines because most of them still working on Windows XP that means that from April 8th the cash dispensers could be easily targeted from hackers

As if the ATMs are directly connected to the internet ... amazing the amount of nonsense you can read here.

How is it i can connect to my German bank if the ATM is not on the net?

Oh boy, you do need a lesson, it is because when you connect to your bank, you are NOT connecting to an ATM....

No my wise little friend but when i withdraw money from my German account i am using an ATM. However this has been explained by another post in a somewhat less arrogant manner.

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I have 40 years of research on my computers -- XP can read it all -- MS 8 will not -- I have tried Linux and it will do all I want and read it all with no problems -- except -- I have not found a way yet of printing out the forms for the 90 day and renewal of Retirement Visa in a correct format yet

Bye Bye Microsoft Hello Ubuntu

Ouch! After your announcement, Microsoft stock dropped by 60 cents.



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OK, so I'm going to ask those with the knowledge on here something that is causing me problems.

In a previous post I made I pointed out that I had a new ATM card from Barclays bank that works perfectly well when I purchase goods from Big C, Tescos, Global House, Thai Wasadu etc but fails completely to work in any known ATM here.

My bank says it's to do with the lack of the latest security measures for the card on their ATMs, if this is indeed true and supposing the banks do upgrade to Win 8 is that likely to resolve the issue as I am tired of having to get a free monthly cash transfer from Barclays to my Bangkok bank account.

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I have 40 years of research on my computers -- XP can read it all -- MS 8 will not -- I have tried Linux and it will do all I want and read it all with no problems -- except -- I have not found a way yet of printing out the forms for the 90 day and renewal of Retirement Visa in a correct format yet

Bye Bye Microsoft Hello Ubuntu

If you are happy with a Linux distribution that's great but out of interest, what format is your research in that makes it impossible for you to use a more up-to-date version of Windows?

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A lot of people in this forum seem to repeat things they have read on-line but don't actually have any experience of........regurgitating second hand, unverified information is of little use to anybody.

'Take the thing about ATMs still running XP and being "directly" connected to the internet, for example. Overstated or even misstated, yes. Someone who knows much about network security would have been unlikely to post such a thing, true. But still a relevant point, even though ATMs aren't really "directly connected to the internet" in any practical sense. There IS a PCI (Payment Card Industry) DSS (data security standard) requirement (6.2) that stipulates that all system components should be fully supported by a software or hardware vendor. True, a couple of bodies have proposed some compensating security controls. But there'd be no need to do so unless the continued use of XP does in fact expose some elevated level of vulnerability, even if to some exploits that actually require physical (rather than internet) access to the machine. So, the guy touches on something useful and relevant to the topic.

Yeah, people do sometimes just parrot things. 'Happens here at TV and on other boards all the time, particularly with respect to political issues. It's annoying. But if it results in more accurate and detailed info being shared in the end, it's all just part of the online forum experience & process. Thailand seems to have so many standalone ATMs around (where physical access is easier than outside a branch bank or inside a shopping mall), as well as its share of ATM-related crime & criminals. I wonder how many of these ATMs are and will continue to be running XP.

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I'm not on XP.

But is it just me who is sick and tired of all these up dates. Every week Microsoft send me updates for my Vista OPS. So every time they send them,they balls up my computer from Boot up.,which usually takes up to an hour for me to put right, <deleted> did I ask them to Fk up my Computer?

Now we can move on to: `Microsoft bought out Skype, now i'm sure i'm not the only one who had Skype Fcd up for several weeks,until they managed after several attempts to tranfer present subscribers,directories.

Having ballsed up my email account with some new wiz - bang hyper intuitive, which I have had no desire to use.Now the latest is another update of appearance,new way of arranging,a simple email system into a complicated,form of communication,which one is never sure if even the Email has even been sent.

Microsoft have never quite got it? the customer,doesn't want to incessantly, need to learn a new email system,or some new all dancing,singing and whistling,system,just so MS get richer,and remain in control of world computer business! My respect for Microsoft has been in decline for many years!

Message for Microsoft: We don't want Beta Versions of Operating Systems,we don't want updates,we don't want patch disks,we don't want excuses, for your previous errors.we just want something that works....just like the car we all buy,and if you have a problem,it goes back to be fixed! although Microsoft have never heard of a recall,for their own errors,how lucky can these people get?

The last I heard of Bill Gates,he was the Richest man in the world,and from the many complaints I hear of Microsoft, : The rich will continue to turn their back on those that made them rich.

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A lot of people in this forum seem to repeat things they have read on-line but don't actually have any experience of........regurgitating second hand, unverified information is of little use to anybody.

Such as...

Such as claiming knowledge of malicious files that will get past your antivirus software but not providing any examples, or saying that they have years of research that they cannot read on XP and not saying why. I just get the feeling that some people like to moan about Windows but in the absence of first-hand knowledge they just repeat things they have read somewhere else.

I could be wrong of course. They may simply not want to answer any questions or engage in a discussion. It's a shame though as that would actually be useful and this is after all a discussion forum.

Edited by inthepink
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A lot of people in this forum seem to repeat things they have read on-line but don't actually have any experience of........regurgitating second hand, unverified information is of little use to anybody.

Such as...

Such as claiming knowledge of malicious files that will get past your antivirus software but not providing any examples, or saying that they have years of research that they cannot read on XP and not saying why. I just get the feeling that some people like to moan about Windows but in the absence of first-hand knowledge they just repeat things they have read somewhere else.

I could be wrong of course. They may simply not want to answer any questions or engage in a discussion. It's a shame though as that would actually be useful and this is after all a discussion forum.

You have a point of course. But isn't that actually what TV is itself (as a news provider), an aggregator; a place where news reports from other sources are brought together and posted, without any original news gathering or investigation being done? Each of those sources (some more than others) gets ripped here to be sure, from time-to-time, by members who're unhappy with some particular content or other. But if all members were to suddenly stop "repeating" what they've seen elsewhere, it'd get pretty quiet around here I think. As in so many other aspects of life, it's simply up to the reader to discern the wheat from the chaff. The only offense being committed is by pretenders offering up stuff as if they had firsthand knowledge of it when they don't: that kind of goes with the territory, and the bluff always gets called.

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soalbundy, on 25 Mar 2014 - 16:02, said:
singa-traz, on 25 Mar 2014 - 15:46, said:
johnnyloda, on 25 Mar 2014 - 15:41, said:

I have read somewhere that it will be a big problem for ATM machines because most of them still working on Windows XP that means that from April 8th the cash dispensers could be easily targeted from hackers

As if the ATMs are directly connected to the internet ... amazing the amount of nonsense you can read here.

How is it i can connect to my German bank if the ATM is not on the net?

Oh boy, you do need a lesson, it is because when you connect to your bank, you are NOT connecting to an ATM....

I posted this news article, in another thread, on this issue.


I don't think it will be a doomsday, but I was very surprised to learn that a high percentage of ATM's, around the world, are still running on Windows XP.

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  • 3 weeks later...

this means better security from now on! as they (winXp and office 2003) will be out of the hackers think-box because hackers prefer to focus on most demanded products in market to have more potential of compromising.

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A lot of people in this forum seem to repeat things they have read on-line but don't actually have any experience of........regurgitating second hand, unverified information is of little use to anybody.

Such as...

Such as claiming knowledge of malicious files that will get past your antivirus software but not providing any examples, or saying that they have years of research that they cannot read on XP and not saying why. I just get the feeling that some people like to moan about Windows but in the absence of first-hand knowledge they just repeat things they have read somewhere else.

I could be wrong of course. They may simply not want to answer any questions or engage in a discussion. It's a shame though as that would actually be useful and this is after all a discussion forum.

I've posted numerous examples on TV of how ineffective most AV packages are these days; however, since you ask, if you give me a while I'll go and grab a sample of today's malware, scan it on a number of AV sites and show you the results.

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OK this is an injector that looks to have been first spotted yesterday. Just look at the list of Current AV engines that don't detect it.


Here's a Trojan that no-one appears to have submitted yet.


And here's one that was submitted around 5 hours ago.


I'm sure you get the idea by now, so I'll stop there.


Edited by Chicog
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I have no intention of upgrading my XP as this is typical MS scaremongering. All sorts of free (or cheap) software is available, most better than MS products. Firewalls, anti-virus, anti-malware, cookie & other crap removal - a quick Google search will provide you with so much information that you will have to choose. Various PC mags will provide reviews and recommendations. Plus the vast majority of it runs on XP because it is still so popular.

As for ATMs - they're not directly or indirectly connected to the internet, They are hooked up to your account on a mainframe computer via a leased line & front-end processor. The in-between local ATM pool computers and VISA/Mastercard lines are not via the internet either.

Again nothing but scaremongering to get people & companies to upgrade to an inferior system requiring more memory. Hence the WINTEL moniker.

You're totally missing the point.

When Target's entire Point-of-sale network was turned into a hacker's data collection system, access to their network was provided by a user at a third party email responding to a phishing email with an inappropriate click.

And unpatched, insecure systems on their internal network meant the hackers had time to focus on and infect every POS terminal they had. They eventually admitted that 100M users' card details were stolen.

Similarly, unless the banks are paying Microsoft for private patches (which many organisations are), then these systems (and ATM's) are open to infection.

it's not scaremongering, since the results are there for even an idiot to view.


Your protection against it is only your safe behaviour and checking your liabilities, especially in this part of the world.

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I have no intention of upgrading my XP as this is typical MS scaremongering. All sorts of free (or cheap) software is available, most better than MS products. Firewalls, anti-virus, anti-malware, cookie & other crap removal - a quick Google search will provide you with so much information that you will have to choose. Various PC mags will provide reviews and recommendations. Plus the vast majority of it runs on XP because it is still so popular.

As for ATMs - they're not directly or indirectly connected to the internet, They are hooked up to your account on a mainframe computer via a leased line & front-end processor. The in-between local ATM pool computers and VISA/Mastercard lines are not via the internet either.

Again nothing but scaremongering to get people & companies to upgrade to an inferior system requiring more memory. Hence the WINTEL moniker.

You're totally missing the point.

When Target's entire Point-of-sale network was turned into a hacker's data collection system, access to their network was provided by a user at a third party email responding to a phishing email with an inappropriate click.

And unpatched, insecure systems on their internal network meant the hackers had time to focus on and infect every POS terminal they had. They eventually admitted that 100M users' card details were stolen.

Similarly, unless the banks are paying Microsoft for private patches (which many organisations are), then these systems (and ATM's) are open to infection.

it's not scaremongering, since the results are there for even an idiot to view.


Your protection against it is only your safe behaviour and checking your liabilities, especially in this part of the world.

You mention many organisations are paying Microsoft for support, do you know if any third party companies are offering support, for payment, at the retail consumer level?

Edited by KhunHeineken
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I have no intention of upgrading my XP as this is typical MS scaremongering. All sorts of free (or cheap) software is available, most better than MS products. Firewalls, anti-virus, anti-malware, cookie & other crap removal - a quick Google search will provide you with so much information that you will have to choose. Various PC mags will provide reviews and recommendations. Plus the vast majority of it runs on XP because it is still so popular.

As for ATMs - they're not directly or indirectly connected to the internet, They are hooked up to your account on a mainframe computer via a leased line & front-end processor. The in-between local ATM pool computers and VISA/Mastercard lines are not via the internet either.

Again nothing but scaremongering to get people & companies to upgrade to an inferior system requiring more memory. Hence the WINTEL moniker.

You're totally missing the point.

When Target's entire Point-of-sale network was turned into a hacker's data collection system, access to their network was provided by a user at a third party email responding to a phishing email with an inappropriate click.

And unpatched, insecure systems on their internal network meant the hackers had time to focus on and infect every POS terminal they had. They eventually admitted that 100M users' card details were stolen.

Similarly, unless the banks are paying Microsoft for private patches (which many organisations are), then these systems (and ATM's) are open to infection.

it's not scaremongering, since the results are there for even an idiot to view.


Your protection against it is only your safe behaviour and checking your liabilities, especially in this part of the world.

You mention many organisations are paying Microsoft for support, do you know if any third party companies are offering support, for payment, at the retail consumer level?

I don't think any company *could* offer continued patching without access to the source code.

The British Gov't alone are paying M$ 5.5 million pounds to keep providing patches - must be a nice little earner!

Edited by Chicog
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I have no intention of upgrading my XP as this is typical MS scaremongering. All sorts of free (or cheap) software is available, most better than MS products. Firewalls, anti-virus, anti-malware, cookie & other crap removal - a quick Google search will provide you with so much information that you will have to choose. Various PC mags will provide reviews and recommendations. Plus the vast majority of it runs on XP because it is still so popular.

As for ATMs - they're not directly or indirectly connected to the internet, They are hooked up to your account on a mainframe computer via a leased line & front-end processor. The in-between local ATM pool computers and VISA/Mastercard lines are not via the internet either.

Again nothing but scaremongering to get people & companies to upgrade to an inferior system requiring more memory. Hence the WINTEL moniker.

You're totally missing the point.

When Target's entire Point-of-sale network was turned into a hacker's data collection system, access to their network was provided by a user at a third party email responding to a phishing email with an inappropriate click.

And unpatched, insecure systems on their internal network meant the hackers had time to focus on and infect every POS terminal they had. They eventually admitted that 100M users' card details were stolen.

Similarly, unless the banks are paying Microsoft for private patches (which many organisations are), then these systems (and ATM's) are open to infection.

it's not scaremongering, since the results are there for even an idiot to view.


Your protection against it is only your safe behaviour and checking your liabilities, especially in this part of the world.

You mention many organisations are paying Microsoft for support, do you know if any third party companies are offering support, for payment, at the retail consumer level?

I don't think any company *could* offer continued patching without access to the source code.

The British Gov't alone are paying M$ 5.5 million pounds to keep providing patches - must be a nice little earner!

On that basis, one has to wonder when they will stop supporting Windows 7. :(

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A lot of people in this forum seem to repeat things they have read on-line but don't actually have any experience of........regurgitating second hand, unverified information is of little use to anybody.

Such as...

Such as claiming knowledge of malicious files that will get past your antivirus software but not providing any examples, or saying that they have years of research that they cannot read on XP and not saying why. I just get the feeling that some people like to moan about Windows but in the absence of first-hand knowledge they just repeat things they have read somewhere else.

I could be wrong of course. They may simply not want to answer any questions or engage in a discussion. It's a shame though as that would actually be useful and this is after all a discussion forum.

I've posted numerous examples on TV of how ineffective most AV packages are these days; however, since you ask, if you give me a while I'll go and grab a sample of today's malware, scan it on a number of AV sites and show you the results.

I didn't want you to show me the results of online AV scans, they're not really relevant. I wanted you, if you would be so kind, to provide me with a link where I can download one of these malicious files and see whether it gets through my AV software. As the software consists of a lot more than a simple AntiVirus database and an on-demand scanner, I am thinking the results may be somewhat different - either way I'd be interested to find out.

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I didn't want you to show me the results of online AV scans, they're not really relevant. I wanted you, if you would be so kind, to provide me with a link where I can download one of these malicious files and see whether it gets through my AV software. As the software consists of a lot more than a simple AntiVirus database and an on-demand scanner, I am thinking the results may be somewhat different - either way I'd be interested to find out.

Well that's strange, because you accused people of "Such as claiming knowledge of malicious files that will get past your antivirus software but not providing any examples"

These online scanners use the same underlying engines and data that your desktop version does, so you can take it from me, your antivirus on its own is as useful as a fart in a spacesuit.

If you want 0-day virus samples on your email, I'd just pop into 4Chan and post your email address, along with a message along the lines of "You're all a bunch of w***ers and you'll never hack me!".


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You're missing the point I think. AntiVirus software suites don't rely on a database and scanner alone, as I pointed out before. They use behavioural analysis to identify malware so whether or not a certain AntiVirus scanner spots a bad file is of very little interest to me. You still haven't provided a single example that I can test. Of course, you're under no obligation to either but I thought it would make the discussion more informative. I'm not familiar with 4Chan so I don't know where to make such a post.

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Rules for computers have to reflect rules in real life.

As they say in Australia if it is not on it is not on.,.'

You have to take care when you play in real life....cover up....know who you play with and have an exit strategy.

With computers you have to play with safe equipment and XP is definitly not that.

You have to cover up with a good virus scanner and malware scanner.

You have to know you only play on safer sites.....and even there take care as what was safe yesterday may not be safe today,

You need an exit stratergy that will let you get out with the least possible loss and the ability to recover to as good a position as you can with effective backup strategy.

XP is no longer a safe playmate. It has outlived its useful life...a great system but time to say goodbye like we had to with Paperclip some years ago.

Edited by harrry
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You're missing the point I think. AntiVirus software suites don't rely on a database and scanner alone, as I pointed out before. They use behavioural analysis to identify malware so whether or not a certain AntiVirus scanner spots a bad file is of very little interest to me. You still haven't provided a single example that I can test. Of course, you're under no obligation to either but I thought it would make the discussion more informative. I'm not familiar with 4Chan so I don't know where to make such a post.

For someone who claims to know all about antivirus, I find it strange that you can't find a way to get yourself infected.

Fill your boots man.


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You're missing the point I think. AntiVirus software suites don't rely on a database and scanner alone, as I pointed out before. They use behavioural analysis to identify malware so whether or not a certain AntiVirus scanner spots a bad file is of very little interest to me. You still haven't provided a single example that I can test. Of course, you're under no obligation to either but I thought it would make the discussion more informative. I'm not familiar with 4Chan so I don't know where to make such a post.

For someone who claims to know all about antivirus, I find it strange that you can't find a way to get yourself infected.

Fill your boots man.


I wonder how many users here will think you are posting a good list and go to some of the sites expecting good things to see:)

remember everyone....if it is not on its not on and that applies to computer protection too.

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You're missing the point I think. AntiVirus software suites don't rely on a database and scanner alone, as I pointed out before. They use behavioural analysis to identify malware so whether or not a certain AntiVirus scanner spots a bad file is of very little interest to me. You still haven't provided a single example that I can test. Of course, you're under no obligation to either but I thought it would make the discussion more informative. I'm not familiar with 4Chan so I don't know where to make such a post.

For someone who claims to know all about antivirus, I find it strange that you can't find a way to get yourself infected.

Fill your boots man.


I never claimed to know all about antivirus, just making the point that there's a lot more to antivirus software than on-demand scanners. Cheers for the link.

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You're missing the point I think. AntiVirus software suites don't rely on a database and scanner alone, as I pointed out before. They use behavioural analysis to identify malware so whether or not a certain AntiVirus scanner spots a bad file is of very little interest to me. You still haven't provided a single example that I can test. Of course, you're under no obligation to either but I thought it would make the discussion more informative. I'm not familiar with 4Chan so I don't know where to make such a post.

For someone who claims to know all about antivirus, I find it strange that you can't find a way to get yourself infected.

Fill your boots man.


I never claimed to know all about antivirus, just making the point that there's a lot more to antivirus software than on-demand scanners. Cheers for the link.

More importantly, there's a lot more to malware than things Antivirus can detect.

There is no substitute for patching (Windows and applications).

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