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Poll says Bangkok governor Sukhumbhand underperforms


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Poll says governor underperforms


BANGKOK: -- Bangkok governor M.R. Sukhumbhand Paribatra had no impressive outstanding performance during the past one year in office and even underperformed, according to the latest survey by Bangkok Poll.

Bangkok Poll conducted survey of the Bangkok governor’s performance in the past one year from a total of 1,188 people aged 18 years up and with household registrations in Bangkok during March 21-24.

His one year term in office is due March 29 after being elected governor by over a million supporters.

Asked about his impressive outstanding performance in almost a year in office, 54.5% said he had no impressive outstanding performance while 45.5% said he had.

Of the 45.5% who said he had outstanding performance, 7.8% pointed to the additional deployment of CCTV surveillance cameras in Bangkok streets to provide security as his most impressive performance, while 6.6% said was the extension of the sky train route, and 5.2% was the expansion of green areas, public parks and sports grounds.

For satisfaction of the governor’s performance, they gave him 5.65 scores from a full 10 scores, down 0.27 score from previous survey conducted after sis-month in office. For making Bangkok as the ASEAN capital, they gave the governor 5.96 scores, while for making Bangkok a capital of happiness, he received 5.22 scores.

Bangkok Poll went on saying that as for the performance as Bangkok governor, he received 5.46 scores from 10, down 0.18 score from previous survey after six-month in office. Bangkok residents gave him 5.71 scores for devotion in work, and 5.25 scores for speed in problem solving.

Asked on whether Bangkok has made any progress or has improved in general aspect as compared with the previous period, 51.2% said Bangkok remained the same, while 34% said it improved and 14.8% said it was worsened.

With the question of whether they knew or not the governor has received a yellow card from the Election Commission, and an election for new governor will be held again, 60.9% said they knew about it, while 39.1% said they did not know.

The last question asked was whether what they thought would be the significant factor to choose the new governor, 54.3% pointed to individual, knowledge and capability.

13.8% said they would choose a non-partisan and neutral individual, while 13.2% said they would the candidate’s policy and 9.0% said they would choose the candidate from the party he is attached to.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/poll-says-governor-underperforms/

-- Thai PBS 2014-03-25

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Any poll can be done to get a desired result. This seems a case in point.

A normal performance is not what is asked for.

Outstanding is, and that is far above normal.

So he is not amazing during year one.

Most are not amazing in any given year.

I am sure a competing poll will magically appear soon with inverse results.

Edited by animatic
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Any poll can be done to get a desired result. This seems a case in point.

A normal performance is not what is asked for.

Outstanding is, and that is far above normal.

So he is not amazing during year one.

Most are not amazing in any given year.

I am sure a competing poll will magically appear soon with inverse results.

Well the only poll that really matters will be the new election for Governor and then people can make their feelings known. I know that is an alien concept for many people on this board, the ones that support suthep and his pdrc followers, but that's democracy for you.

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Any poll can be done to get a desired result. This seems a case in point.

A normal performance is not what is asked for.

Outstanding is, and that is far above normal.

So he is not amazing during year one.

Most are not amazing in any given year.

I am sure a competing poll will magically appear soon with inverse results.

Well underperform is just the best I ever heard of Thai politicians.

Means he isn't terrible corrupt, half the time drunk, put in his cronies only, isn't remote controlled from Dubai, etc etc

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Any poll can be done to get a desired result. This seems a case in point.

A normal performance is not what is asked for.

Outstanding is, and that is far above normal.

So he is not amazing during year one.

Most are not amazing in any given year.

I am sure a competing poll will magically appear soon with inverse results.

Well the only poll that really matters will be the new election for Governor and then people can make their feelings known. I know that is an alien concept for many people on this board, the ones that support suthep and his pdrc followers, but that's democracy for you.

Is there a slight hint that your government has UNDER performed.??? You speak of democracy--JOKE. get your priorities right first.

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Any poll can be done to get a desired result. This seems a case in point.

A normal performance is not what is asked for.

Outstanding is, and that is far above normal.

So he is not amazing during year one.

Most are not amazing in any given year.

I am sure a competing poll will magically appear soon with inverse results.

Well the only poll that really matters will be the new election for Governor and then people can make their feelings known. I know that is an alien concept for many people on this board, the ones that support suthep and his pdrc followers, but that's democracy for you.

Is there a slight hint that your government has UNDER performed.??? You speak of democracy--JOKE. get your priorities right first.

Well no actually, I was just agreeing with animatic that an opinion poll was not a reliable indicator of opinion and that in my view an election was, it being part of the democratic process that suthep, the pdrc and its foreign supporters on here, do not agree with.

Your opinion of whether or not the PTP has underperformed or not is totally irrelevant in a thread about the opinions that Bangkokians have about their Governor.

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Any poll can be done to get a desired result. This seems a case in point.

A normal performance is not what is asked for.

Outstanding is, and that is far above normal.

So he is not amazing during year one.

Most are not amazing in any given year.

I am sure a competing poll will magically appear soon with inverse results.

Well the only poll that really matters will be the new election for Governor and then people can make their feelings known. I know that is an alien concept for many people on this board, the ones that support suthep and his pdrc followers, but that's democracy for you.

Strangely all complains about wrongdoings of the government are marked as extreme undemocratic from you. You are never tired to point out that they are democratic elected and therefor it is the wish of the population...no matter what.

Now with the Bangkok Governor it is complete reverse...That he was just voted in with an overwhelming majority...most votes for Bangkok governor in Thailands history is complete irrelevant....

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Any poll can be done to get a desired result. This seems a case in point.

A normal performance is not what is asked for.

Outstanding is, and that is far above normal.

So he is not amazing during year one.

Most are not amazing in any given year.

I am sure a competing poll will magically appear soon with inverse results.

Of course.....these polls are completely fabricated by whoever initiates them.

But...in support of this useless piece of nonsense...most politicians in Thailand, all under perform....!

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Any poll can be done to get a desired result. This seems a case in point.

A normal performance is not what is asked for.

Outstanding is, and that is far above normal.

So he is not amazing during year one.

Most are not amazing in any given year.

I am sure a competing poll will magically appear soon with inverse results.

Well the only poll that really matters will be the new election for Governor and then people can make their feelings known. I know that is an alien concept for many people on this board, the ones that support suthep and his pdrc followers, but that's democracy for you.

Is there a slight hint that your government has UNDER performed.??? You speak of democracy--JOKE. get your priorities right first.

Well no actually, I was just agreeing with animatic that an opinion poll was not a reliable indicator of opinion and that in my view an election was, it being part of the democratic process that suthep, the pdrc and its foreign supporters on here, do not agree with.

Your opinion of whether or not the PTP has underperformed or not is totally irrelevant in a thread about the opinions that Bangkokians have about their Governor.

From what I've read, the EC has just petitioned the Court seeking a ruling that hasn’t yet been handed down. From your post, you seem awfully eager to over-turn an election when it’s the other team’s candidate. Don’t think you can have it both ways.

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Well the only poll that really matters will be the new election for Governor and then people can make their feelings known. I know that is an alien concept for many people on this board, the ones that support suthep and his pdrc followers, but that's democracy for you.

The bias displayed from you Red supporters is un-believable. From the tone of your post, next you will be insinuating that Sukhumbhand was un-democratically elected. facepalm.gif

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Women have accused me of that so I don't want to be too harsh on him on the drinking and under performing thing. However, and regardless of that; it was Thaksin who thought he could win the elections in Bkk with any monkey he'd taught to stand up. Well he didn't and while Sukhumband has probably under performed I'm sure that he could be reelected against any PTP opponent. Actually any monkey who has been taught to stand up straight could win the governor's election in Bkk against any PTP candidate.

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Any poll can be done to get a desired result. This seems a case in point.

A normal performance is not what is asked for.

Outstanding is, and that is far above normal.

So he is not amazing during year one.

Most are not amazing in any given year.

I am sure a competing poll will magically appear soon with inverse results.

Well the only poll that really matters will be the new election for Governor and then people can make their feelings known. I know that is an alien concept for many people on this board, the ones that support suthep and his pdrc followers, but that's democracy for you.

Is there a slight hint that your government has UNDER performed.??? You speak of democracy--JOKE. get your priorities right first.

Well no actually, I was just agreeing with animatic that an opinion poll was not a reliable indicator of opinion and that in my view an election was, it being part of the democratic process that suthep, the pdrc and its foreign supporters on here, do not agree with.

Your opinion of whether or not the PTP has underperformed or not is totally irrelevant in a thread about the opinions that Bangkokians have about their Governor.

Had you been stronger PTP---you would have been democratically elected in BKK so the underperforming may well have cost you the post.

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I can just imagine the survey.

Did the governor have outstanding service?



Before you've even ascertained whether the respondent even knows which prohectd you are even asking him about. Why is it outstanding or not? Couldn't projects have been good (

I swear these surveys are an exercise in trying to get the most one eyed answer.

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Any poll can be done to get a desired result. This seems a case in point.

A normal performance is not what is asked for.

Outstanding is, and that is far above normal.

So he is not amazing during year one.

Most are not amazing in any given year.

I am sure a competing poll will magically appear soon with inverse results.

Exactly.. These polls are a joke. On all sides.

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I think under performing is across the board in every avenue. My street lights have been out for 4 years. Just the way it is cos nobody in a position of control only seems to care about one thing, themselves...............coffee1.gif

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Any poll can be done to get a desired result. This seems a case in point.

A normal performance is not what is asked for.

Outstanding is, and that is far above normal.

So he is not amazing during year one.

Most are not amazing in any given year.

I am sure a competing poll will magically appear soon with inverse results.

Well the only poll that really matters will be the new election for Governor and then people can make their feelings known. I know that is an alien concept for many people on this board, the ones that support suthep and his pdrc followers, but that's democracy for you.

Yes, and the provincial governors should also be elected.

Wonder why the UDD leaders are all self appointed without any elections?

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Any poll can be done to get a desired result. This seems a case in point.

A normal performance is not what is asked for.

Outstanding is, and that is far above normal.

So he is not amazing during year one.

Most are not amazing in any given year.

I am sure a competing poll will magically appear soon with inverse results.

Well the only poll that really matters will be the new election for Governor and then people can make their feelings known. I know that is an alien concept for many people on this board, the ones that support suthep and his pdrc followers, but that's democracy for you.

I agree. The second sentence detracted from the first.

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Any poll can be done to get a desired result. This seems a case in point.

A normal performance is not what is asked for.

Outstanding is, and that is far above normal.

So he is not amazing during year one.

Most are not amazing in any given year.

I am sure a competing poll will magically appear soon with inverse results.

Exactly.. These polls are a joke. On all sides.

Polls, in my opinion, are much like a persons pulse.

The pulse can be affected by outside factors such as tobacco, alcohol, temperature, stress, diet, etc. The results are often used to further investigate the health of the patient.

Similarly, polls, can be affected by outside factors and may indicate the "health" of the subject at hand. It is often used, by those that are so inclined, to further investigate the "patient".

Neither pulse or poll are the end all of diagnosis, treatment or prognosis. Further investigation is warranted,

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How can the public not overlook his superior efforts to turn the city over to the PDRC for the last five months? He has made the streets safe from traffic by protesters blockading traffic, he has provided important public services and areas of rest to the protesters, and given local businesses the opportunity to put their employees on vacations as business dramtically dropped off due to Occupation Bangkok. No, the survey does not give Sukhumbhand enough credit for how much he has really over performed.

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Any poll can be done to get a desired result. This seems a case in point.

A normal performance is not what is asked for.

Outstanding is, and that is far above normal.

So he is not amazing during year one.

Most are not amazing in any given year.

I am sure a competing poll will magically appear soon with inverse results.

Well the only poll that really matters will be the new election for Governor and then people can make their feelings known. I know that is an alien concept for many people on this board, the ones that support suthep and his pdrc followers, but that's democracy for you.

well, that's assuming the Court of Appeal accepts the EC reasoning for yellow carding the governor. If not, no elections. If yes, new Bangkok Governor elections.

Now if ever there was a electorate ready for making their voice heard and wanting the "respect even after counting" and respect even if voted for another candidate, than that's the Bangkok electorate voting for a Bangkok Governor who takes care of Bangkok independent of a government promising a seemless cooperation when their candidate is chosen.

Now the last may be a real alien concept to some here.

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How can the public not overlook his superior efforts to turn the city over to the PDRC for the last five months? He has made the streets safe from traffic by protesters blockading traffic, he has provided important public services and areas of rest to the protesters, and given local businesses the opportunity to put their employees on vacations as business dramtically dropped off due to Occupation Bangkok. No, the survey does not give Sukhumbhand enough credit for how much he has really over performed.

How can the public overlook that the Bangkok governor did the same in 2010?

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Has everybody finished. Right, I'll say again, the only poll that really matters will be the new election for Governor and then people can make their feelings known. Of course some people on here don't seem to hold the election process in the same regard that I do. Flame away.

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Good to get a litmus test on what the population think between elections again. This poll suggest that Sukhumband is certainly not all that popular. I think the results of this poll would have been similar had the poll been taken during the Bangkok governor race in 2013 however.

Sukhumbhand was scrutinized for his role in the construction of the BKK Futsal Arena, which didn't even gain approval from FIFA for the purpose of hosting the 2012 Futsal World Cup. He also faced accusations of corruption in relation to the installation of fake security cameras in BKK amongst other dubious practices, though on a positive note one must not forget he also ensured the devastation of the 2011 floods was at a minimum which was complicated with having to work against yingluck who through her incompetence was counter productive to the effort. That fact alone would have pushed the DEM's to success.

Time for a new DEM in Bangkok. I say a DEM because the Bangkokorians simply cannot fathom the consequences of a PTP governor overseeing the region where the majority of the tax money is originated from.

thaksin said a light poll would have beaten Sukhumbhand in the governor elections. So that shows that the PTP forwarded someone less charismatic that a light pole. Well done Pongsapat Pongcharoen!

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