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Natthawut claims Suthep will become supreme leader


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Nattawut is a clown and a jerk-off.

He goes on stage, incites people and encourages huge destruction in Bangkok and yet, somehow our country tolerates him???/

Honestly the man should be put into jail and the key thrown away for good.

You misspelled Nattawut.

It's S-u-t-h-e-p you are writing about.

That would be off topic, so I'm sure N-a-t-t-a-w-u-t was meant as he's in the topic.

UDD coleader "It's on me, let them come to me" Nattawut.

The thread topic is:

Natthawut claims Suthep will become supreme leader

Stop wasting my time.

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Your logic is somewhat faulty, my dear publicus. Since Nattawut mentioned the names, the public can only put faces on those who Nattawuth thinks might be in the Peoples Council. Your suggestive "PC indeed a Feudal Council" is based on the assumption that Nattawut mentioned the actually correct names of those who will be in the PC. No proof at all, assumptions wrong.

Mind you we would need to know more about the functioning of the Peoples Council and the structure below. The names given suggest administrative knowledge which may indeed be necessary but lower levels could gather / discuss the real reforms, wishes from the population, etc., etc.

So, no details, still anonymous as in no names provided, only guesswork.


uncle rubl

PS still wonder from what position Nattawut spoke. Could it be

- caretaker Dept Minster of Commerce

- Pheu Thai party list MP

- Pheu Thai party list member

- UDD co-leader

- UDD member

- concerned private citizen

Names are in the public discourse now rubl. The disclosure of specific names gives a clear knowledge and understanding of the demographic profile of those who would sit on the Council, in whose interest, for what purpose. The genie is out of the bottle now rubl so you might think of how you look to others as you try to put the genie back into the bottle.

you still don't get it, it would seem. The names are just given by k. Nattawut. That may give the public the opportunity the look up information on those named, but that doesn't mean a bloody thing. It's all in the mind of Nattawut c.s. that they 'accuse' others to fill a peoples council with for instance 'these names'.

now the genie out of the bottle has no relation to what may or may not become a peoples council . Still ask nicely and he may grant you three wisihes. smile.png

I accept this naming of names by Nattawut and his group as true. You think and believe that is foolish or ignorance. I believe Nattawut revealed names because he was chosen to be the person to make an important revelation about a top secret PCAD plan and design. I believe Nattawut has reliable information about the names he named, information that is predicated in reality and insider politics, culture, personal relationships.

I believe you can't see past your nose in this (and many more matters of everyday life). You are either playing innocent or you really actually don't get the realpolitik dynamics at work in this naming of names.

The naming of the names comes from Dubai, not Nattawut or Nattawut's imagination. You need to argue that Thaksin is wrong or that I am in league with Thaksin, neither of which would be accurate, true, viable. I doubt seriously you've ever smelled the coffee.

A lot of beliefs in that post… All top secret stuff that makes for a good conspiracy theory. I'm hooked…I want to know how your story ends now.

As I stated before the PTP substitute facts for beliefs. That you reiterating what I have explained previously deserves my thanks…So thanks.

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he is right.The only way to overthrow the government is a coup.

The only way to overthrow a POPULAR government is with a coup. With unpopular governments an election will suffice.

So popular that they had to had to form a coalition and now millions are marching against it..............popular that id say!!!!!!!!!

Actually they didn't have to, they had a majority anyway.

Maybe someone can correct me if I'm wrong but I think that some of the smaller parties just join whoever is in power regardless of policies.

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he is right.The only way to overthrow the government is a coup.

The only way to overthrow a POPULAR government is with a coup. With unpopular governments an election will suffice.

So popular that they had to had to form a coalition and now millions are marching against it..............popular that id say!!!!!!!!!

Actually they didn't have to, they had a majority anyway.

Maybe someone can correct me if I'm wrong but I think that some of the smaller parties just join whoever is in power regardless of policies.

Would be truer to say they will join anyone who is in power who will have them.

They are only there to suck on the tit of the country, taxpayer.

They hope that a major party will need support to form a Govt , if that happens they will demand choice ministries that can be milked for as much as possible as a condition of their support.

Why PT took them on when they didn't need to is open to conjuncture, possibly because they wanted as little opposition as possible for with the small (parasite) parties on their side it would be easier to get through the dodgy legislation they knew they were going to try to introduce.

And of course after being given the juicy portfolios they would be beholden to bow down and kiss the bum of the great leader in Dubai.

Edited by Robby nz
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Your logic is somewhat faulty, my dear publicus. Since Nattawut mentioned the names, the public can only put faces on those who Nattawuth thinks might be in the Peoples Council. Your suggestive "PC indeed a Feudal Council" is based on the assumption that Nattawut mentioned the actually correct names of those who will be in the PC. No proof at all, assumptions wrong.

Mind you we would need to know more about the functioning of the Peoples Council and the structure below. The names given suggest administrative knowledge which may indeed be necessary but lower levels could gather / discuss the real reforms, wishes from the population, etc., etc.

So, no details, still anonymous as in no names provided, only guesswork.


uncle rubl

PS still wonder from what position Nattawut spoke. Could it be

- caretaker Dept Minster of Commerce

- Pheu Thai party list MP

- Pheu Thai party list member

- UDD co-leader

- UDD member

- concerned private citizen

Names are in the public discourse now rubl. The disclosure of specific names gives a clear knowledge and understanding of the demographic profile of those who would sit on the Council, in whose interest, for what purpose. The genie is out of the bottle now rubl so you might think of how you look to others as you try to put the genie back into the bottle.

So who has actually confirmed these names?

Just as a reminder, the names Nattawut named as a possible successor prime minister include:

Army commander Gen Prayuth Chan-ocha (should a successful military mutiny occur), former Thammasat University rector Suraphol Nitikraipote, public health permanent secretary Dr Narong Sahamethapat,, former dean of National Institute of Development Administration Sombat Thamrongthanyawong, Constitution Court judge Charun Pakdeethanakul, Thammasat University lecturer Seri Wongmontha, former foreign minister Prasong Soonsiri, former Senator Chirmsak Pinthong, former senator Kaewsan Atipho, senior citizen Prawes Wasi, Thammasat University rector Somkid Lertpaithoon former finance minister Thanong Pitthaya. Private Sector’s anti-corruption organization chairman Pramon Sutheewong.

You know, the upright and uptight pearl button and high collar three piece suit society.

At any rate, who among them have stepped forward to righteously or clearly deny Nattawut's naming of them? Who among them have filed suit in court against Nattawut on any basis or have said they would? Have the police charged Nattawut with anything in connection with this naming of names?

Indeed, Nattawut has said that if anyone on the list denies being involved in the PDRC's scheme to seize government power, he would take responsibility for naming them in error. I mean, if for instance someone accused me of being a member of the KKK, I'd make some effort to show up the lunatic accuser as a liar and a lunatic, however, so far the named names remain silent, as do the PDRC, Abhisit, the DP.

IMO, if silence can be considered consent, then the viability of the named persons is by implication and inference confirmed. At least until and unless some denials begin to occur. I haven't heard any denials, at least not yet.

A good point but they've been named as possible cabinet ministers not PM. That wouldn't seem to work if Suthep is going to be supreme leader.

There may be reasons for not denying it yet, they may be deciding on whether to take court action. A lot of things are said here but never denied so it's not unusual. There's a lot of violence on both sides as well and it would help if the leaders on both sides condemned it but they don't always do so. It doesn't mean they condone it.

We have no idea where this came from as far as I know so we don't really know what the reason for the names is but it may just be possible names from that side. To use a football analogy in the coming World Cup England will have a squad of I believe 23 players one more than is needed for a game but that doesn't mean they can just all go on the pitch and play. The other teams will have their squads as well which will be chosen by their respective managers not by the England manager. If Suthep started suggesting people from the PTP/ Red shirt side I'm pretty certain they would complain and say that's their decision. If he started saying what names the PTP had chosen posters on here who support the government would be asking for proof.

These names may or may not have been put forward but it still doesn't explain how Suthep, a man who wasn't even leader of the Democrats, is suddenly going to become supreme leader even if he wanted to.

If the farmers think the PTP are for them I'm not so sure they're right.

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Names are in the public discourse now rubl. The disclosure of specific names gives a clear knowledge and understanding of the demographic profile of those who would sit on the Council, in whose interest, for what purpose. The genie is out of the bottle now rubl so you might think of how you look to others as you try to put the genie back into the bottle.

So who has actually confirmed these names?

Just as a reminder, the names Nattawut named as a possible successor prime minister include:

Army commander Gen Prayuth Chan-ocha (should a successful military mutiny occur), former Thammasat University rector Suraphol Nitikraipote, public health permanent secretary Dr Narong Sahamethapat,, former dean of National Institute of Development Administration Sombat Thamrongthanyawong, Constitution Court judge Charun Pakdeethanakul, Thammasat University lecturer Seri Wongmontha, former foreign minister Prasong Soonsiri, former Senator Chirmsak Pinthong, former senator Kaewsan Atipho, senior citizen Prawes Wasi, Thammasat University rector Somkid Lertpaithoon former finance minister Thanong Pitthaya. Private Sector’s anti-corruption organization chairman Pramon Sutheewong.

You know, the upright and uptight pearl button and high collar three piece suit society.

At any rate, who among them have stepped forward to righteously or clearly deny Nattawut's naming of them? Who among them have filed suit in court against Nattawut on any basis or have said they would? Have the police charged Nattawut with anything in connection with this naming of names?

Indeed, Nattawut has said that if anyone on the list denies being involved in the PDRC's scheme to seize government power, he would take responsibility for naming them in error. I mean, if for instance someone accused me of being a member of the KKK, I'd make some effort to show up the lunatic accuser as a liar and a lunatic, however, so far the named names remain silent, as do the PDRC, Abhisit, the DP.

IMO, if silence can be considered consent, then the viability of the named persons is by implication and inference confirmed. At least until and unless some denials begin to occur. I haven't heard any denials, at least not yet.

A good point but they've been named as possible cabinet ministers not PM. That wouldn't seem to work if Suthep is going to be supreme leader.

There may be reasons for not denying it yet, they may be deciding on whether to take court action. A lot of things are said here but never denied so it's not unusual. There's a lot of violence on both sides as well and it would help if the leaders on both sides condemned it but they don't always do so. It doesn't mean they condone it.

We have no idea where this came from as far as I know so we don't really know what the reason for the names is but it may just be possible names from that side. To use a football analogy in the coming World Cup England will have a squad of I believe 23 players one more than is needed for a game but that doesn't mean they can just all go on the pitch and play. The other teams will have their squads as well which will be chosen by their respective managers not by the England manager. If Suthep started suggesting people from the PTP/ Red shirt side I'm pretty certain they would complain and say that's their decision. If he started saying what names the PTP had chosen posters on here who support the government would be asking for proof.

These names may or may not have been put forward but it still doesn't explain how Suthep, a man who wasn't even leader of the Democrats, is suddenly going to become supreme leader even if he wanted to.

If the farmers think the PTP are for them I'm not so sure they're right.

The BP says the names are supposedly under PDRC consideration for PM, the Nation says for PM / Cabinet.

You spend a lot of time carrying on about a sport that bores me to tears, that I've never played nor do I watch due to the boredom factor that I find in it. If you enjoy the sport, along with the rest of the world, fine and good for you. For further reference, however, if you (or anyone else) might want to use sports analogies to me, I'd suggest (preferably) baseball, hockey, volleyball, in that order, please, thanks.

Suthep, the PDRC, Abhisit, the DP need immediately to make public this cloaked list of anonymous autocrats who would comprise the appointed unelected "People's Council" that unaccountably would have absolute rule over Thailand and which therefore has so many Thais and other democrats in world capitals and at the UN either concerned or alarmed.

There's nothing democratic whatsoever about a secretive appointed body whose membership remains known to only a select few aristocrats and oligarchs and which would impose on an entire country a "reform" agenda devised by a rump self-appointed clique of five-star hotel gangsters that direct and oversee a mob of street rabble intent on seizing state power.

As to your final point, that you're not sure the farmers and their families know what is right them, it sounds like you fit in very well with the PCRC and DP elites. BTW, you shouldn't misunderstand me when I speak negatively of elites. I'm not necessarily against elites per se, I'm just against your elites, and in this place, at this time, under extant circumstances. You know, the one percent. (The top nine percent after that seem like nice enough people, but I really don't know them that well either - and neither do you.)

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So who has actually confirmed these names?

Just as a reminder, the names Nattawut named as a possible successor prime minister include:

Army commander Gen Prayuth Chan-ocha (should a successful military mutiny occur), former Thammasat University rector Suraphol Nitikraipote, public health permanent secretary Dr Narong Sahamethapat,, former dean of National Institute of Development Administration Sombat Thamrongthanyawong, Constitution Court judge Charun Pakdeethanakul, Thammasat University lecturer Seri Wongmontha, former foreign minister Prasong Soonsiri, former Senator Chirmsak Pinthong, former senator Kaewsan Atipho, senior citizen Prawes Wasi, Thammasat University rector Somkid Lertpaithoon former finance minister Thanong Pitthaya. Private Sector’s anti-corruption organization chairman Pramon Sutheewong.

You know, the upright and uptight pearl button and high collar three piece suit society.

At any rate, who among them have stepped forward to righteously or clearly deny Nattawut's naming of them? Who among them have filed suit in court against Nattawut on any basis or have said they would? Have the police charged Nattawut with anything in connection with this naming of names?

Indeed, Nattawut has said that if anyone on the list denies being involved in the PDRC's scheme to seize government power, he would take responsibility for naming them in error. I mean, if for instance someone accused me of being a member of the KKK, I'd make some effort to show up the lunatic accuser as a liar and a lunatic, however, so far the named names remain silent, as do the PDRC, Abhisit, the DP.

IMO, if silence can be considered consent, then the viability of the named persons is by implication and inference confirmed. At least until and unless some denials begin to occur. I haven't heard any denials, at least not yet.

A good point but they've been named as possible cabinet ministers not PM. That wouldn't seem to work if Suthep is going to be supreme leader.

There may be reasons for not denying it yet, they may be deciding on whether to take court action. A lot of things are said here but never denied so it's not unusual. There's a lot of violence on both sides as well and it would help if the leaders on both sides condemned it but they don't always do so. It doesn't mean they condone it.

We have no idea where this came from as far as I know so we don't really know what the reason for the names is but it may just be possible names from that side. To use a football analogy in the coming World Cup England will have a squad of I believe 23 players one more than is needed for a game but that doesn't mean they can just all go on the pitch and play. The other teams will have their squads as well which will be chosen by their respective managers not by the England manager. If Suthep started suggesting people from the PTP/ Red shirt side I'm pretty certain they would complain and say that's their decision. If he started saying what names the PTP had chosen posters on here who support the government would be asking for proof.

These names may or may not have been put forward but it still doesn't explain how Suthep, a man who wasn't even leader of the Democrats, is suddenly going to become supreme leader even if he wanted to.

If the farmers think the PTP are for them I'm not so sure they're right.

The BP says the names are supposedly under PDRC consideration for PM, the Nation says for PM / Cabinet.

You spend a lot of time carrying on about a sport that bores me to tears, that I've never played nor do I watch due to the boredom factor that I find in it. If you enjoy the sport, along with the rest of the world, fine and good for you. For further reference, however, if you (or anyone else) might want to use sports analogies to me, I'd suggest (preferably) baseball, hockey, volleyball, in that order, please, thanks.

Suthep, the PDRC, Abhisit, the DP need immediately to make public this cloaked list of anonymous autocrats who would comprise the appointed unelected "People's Council" that unaccountably would have absolute rule over Thailand and which therefore has so many Thais and other democrats in world capitals and at the UN either concerned or alarmed.

There's nothing democratic whatsoever about a secretive appointed body whose membership remains known to only a select few aristocrats and oligarchs and which would impose on an entire country a "reform" agenda devised by a rump self-appointed clique of five-star hotel gangsters that direct and oversee a mob of street rabble intent on seizing state power.

As to your final point, that you're not sure the farmers and their families know what is right them, it sounds like you fit in very well with the PCRC and DP elites. BTW, you shouldn't misunderstand me when I speak negatively of elites. I'm not necessarily against elites per se, I'm just against your elites, and in this place, at this time, under extant circumstances. You know, the one percent. (The top nine percent after that seem like nice enough people, but I really don't know them that well either - and neither do you.)

You refer to elitists.

Some have said that elitists have funded terrorist attacks in Trat. Without referring to that statement please answer the next question. What is your view on who perpetrated those attacks in Trat mate?

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So who has actually confirmed these names?

Just as a reminder, the names Nattawut named as a possible successor prime minister include:

Army commander Gen Prayuth Chan-ocha (should a successful military mutiny occur), former Thammasat University rector Suraphol Nitikraipote, public health permanent secretary Dr Narong Sahamethapat,, former dean of National Institute of Development Administration Sombat Thamrongthanyawong, Constitution Court judge Charun Pakdeethanakul, Thammasat University lecturer Seri Wongmontha, former foreign minister Prasong Soonsiri, former Senator Chirmsak Pinthong, former senator Kaewsan Atipho, senior citizen Prawes Wasi, Thammasat University rector Somkid Lertpaithoon former finance minister Thanong Pitthaya. Private Sector’s anti-corruption organization chairman Pramon Sutheewong.

You know, the upright and uptight pearl button and high collar three piece suit society.

At any rate, who among them have stepped forward to righteously or clearly deny Nattawut's naming of them? Who among them have filed suit in court against Nattawut on any basis or have said they would? Have the police charged Nattawut with anything in connection with this naming of names?

Indeed, Nattawut has said that if anyone on the list denies being involved in the PDRC's scheme to seize government power, he would take responsibility for naming them in error. I mean, if for instance someone accused me of being a member of the KKK, I'd make some effort to show up the lunatic accuser as a liar and a lunatic, however, so far the named names remain silent, as do the PDRC, Abhisit, the DP.

IMO, if silence can be considered consent, then the viability of the named persons is by implication and inference confirmed. At least until and unless some denials begin to occur. I haven't heard any denials, at least not yet.

A good point but they've been named as possible cabinet ministers not PM. That wouldn't seem to work if Suthep is going to be supreme leader.

There may be reasons for not denying it yet, they may be deciding on whether to take court action. A lot of things are said here but never denied so it's not unusual. There's a lot of violence on both sides as well and it would help if the leaders on both sides condemned it but they don't always do so. It doesn't mean they condone it.

We have no idea where this came from as far as I know so we don't really know what the reason for the names is but it may just be possible names from that side. To use a football analogy in the coming World Cup England will have a squad of I believe 23 players one more than is needed for a game but that doesn't mean they can just all go on the pitch and play. The other teams will have their squads as well which will be chosen by their respective managers not by the England manager. If Suthep started suggesting people from the PTP/ Red shirt side I'm pretty certain they would complain and say that's their decision. If he started saying what names the PTP had chosen posters on here who support the government would be asking for proof.

These names may or may not have been put forward but it still doesn't explain how Suthep, a man who wasn't even leader of the Democrats, is suddenly going to become supreme leader even if he wanted to.

If the farmers think the PTP are for them I'm not so sure they're right.

The BP says the names are supposedly under PDRC consideration for PM, the Nation says for PM / Cabinet.

You spend a lot of time carrying on about a sport that bores me to tears, that I've never played nor do I watch due to the boredom factor that I find in it. If you enjoy the sport, along with the rest of the world, fine and good for you. For further reference, however, if you (or anyone else) might want to use sports analogies to me, I'd suggest (preferably) baseball, hockey, volleyball, in that order, please, thanks.

Suthep, the PDRC, Abhisit, the DP need immediately to make public this cloaked list of anonymous autocrats who would comprise the appointed unelected "People's Council" that unaccountably would have absolute rule over Thailand and which therefore has so many Thais and other democrats in world capitals and at the UN either concerned or alarmed.

There's nothing democratic whatsoever about a secretive appointed body whose membership remains known to only a select few aristocrats and oligarchs and which would impose on an entire country a "reform" agenda devised by a rump self-appointed clique of five-star hotel gangsters that direct and oversee a mob of street rabble intent on seizing state power.

As to your final point, that you're not sure the farmers and their families know what is right them, it sounds like you fit in very well with the PCRC and DP elites. BTW, you shouldn't misunderstand me when I speak negatively of elites. I'm not necessarily against elites per se, I'm just against your elites, and in this place, at this time, under extant circumstances. You know, the one percent. (The top nine percent after that seem like nice enough people, but I really don't know them that well either - and neither do you.)

What on earth are you talking about?

I spent 64 words talking about an analogy. I used football because although I rarely watch it I happen to know the team size and due to news coverage I thought I knew the squad numbers. If I'd used your suggestions I would have had to look it up but they would be just as good as an analogy related to the topic.

You spent 79 words telling me about your sporting preferences which has no relevance.

Since you seem to be having trouble understanding I'll put it another way. The people mentioned may be those considered suitable by that side which you may term as the PDRC and DP but not all would be able to take part. The other side, the PTP would obviously have their preferred participants which it would be their job to put forward.

I was only commenting on the OP which stated they were possible cabinet ministers not PM. I haven't had time to check the other sources but I've no reason to doubt what you say.

This is just a list which doesn't as far as I can see suggest that they would, on their own control Thailand. If that is their intention then I wouldn't agree with it for the very reasons stated above. It needs to be balanced. That's one of the reasons why it probably wouldn't work if reforms were left until after an election.

Nobody including you has explained Suthep, a man who has only ever been deputy PM would become supreme leader. Why wasn't he PM in the last Dem government or leader after Abhisit stood down.

As for the farmers I thought you had made reference to them know who was on their side but it seems I was mistaken. My apologies.

However I didn't say the farmers and their families didn't know what was right for them. I said if they think the PTP are for them then I'm not sure their right. It's just my opinion that the PTP haven't been as successful in helping the farmers as they should have been. The rice industry doesn't seem so good. It's picked up a bit now but only because the government has been forced to sell rice to get money to pay the farmers because it seems to have ran out before any protests and they forgot to borrow any more. The scheme also appears to have been mostly beneficial to others rather than the farmers.

Finally they are not my elites and I've never claimed they are.

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Just as a reminder, the names Nattawut named as a possible successor prime minister include:

Army commander Gen Prayuth Chan-ocha (should a successful military mutiny occur), former Thammasat University rector Suraphol Nitikraipote, public health permanent secretary Dr Narong Sahamethapat,, former dean of National Institute of Development Administration Sombat Thamrongthanyawong, Constitution Court judge Charun Pakdeethanakul, Thammasat University lecturer Seri Wongmontha, former foreign minister Prasong Soonsiri, former Senator Chirmsak Pinthong, former senator Kaewsan Atipho, senior citizen Prawes Wasi, Thammasat University rector Somkid Lertpaithoon former finance minister Thanong Pitthaya. Private Sector’s anti-corruption organization chairman Pramon Sutheewong.

You know, the upright and uptight pearl button and high collar three piece suit society.

At any rate, who among them have stepped forward to righteously or clearly deny Nattawut's naming of them? Who among them have filed suit in court against Nattawut on any basis or have said they would? Have the police charged Nattawut with anything in connection with this naming of names?

Indeed, Nattawut has said that if anyone on the list denies being involved in the PDRC's scheme to seize government power, he would take responsibility for naming them in error. I mean, if for instance someone accused me of being a member of the KKK, I'd make some effort to show up the lunatic accuser as a liar and a lunatic, however, so far the named names remain silent, as do the PDRC, Abhisit, the DP.

IMO, if silence can be considered consent, then the viability of the named persons is by implication and inference confirmed. At least until and unless some denials begin to occur. I haven't heard any denials, at least not yet.

A good point but they've been named as possible cabinet ministers not PM. That wouldn't seem to work if Suthep is going to be supreme leader.

There may be reasons for not denying it yet, they may be deciding on whether to take court action. A lot of things are said here but never denied so it's not unusual. There's a lot of violence on both sides as well and it would help if the leaders on both sides condemned it but they don't always do so. It doesn't mean they condone it.

We have no idea where this came from as far as I know so we don't really know what the reason for the names is but it may just be possible names from that side. To use a football analogy in the coming World Cup England will have a squad of I believe 23 players one more than is needed for a game but that doesn't mean they can just all go on the pitch and play. The other teams will have their squads as well which will be chosen by their respective managers not by the England manager. If Suthep started suggesting people from the PTP/ Red shirt side I'm pretty certain they would complain and say that's their decision. If he started saying what names the PTP had chosen posters on here who support the government would be asking for proof.

These names may or may not have been put forward but it still doesn't explain how Suthep, a man who wasn't even leader of the Democrats, is suddenly going to become supreme leader even if he wanted to.

If the farmers think the PTP are for them I'm not so sure they're right.

The BP says the names are supposedly under PDRC consideration for PM, the Nation says for PM / Cabinet.

You spend a lot of time carrying on about a sport that bores me to tears, that I've never played nor do I watch due to the boredom factor that I find in it. If you enjoy the sport, along with the rest of the world, fine and good for you. For further reference, however, if you (or anyone else) might want to use sports analogies to me, I'd suggest (preferably) baseball, hockey, volleyball, in that order, please, thanks.

Suthep, the PDRC, Abhisit, the DP need immediately to make public this cloaked list of anonymous autocrats who would comprise the appointed unelected "People's Council" that unaccountably would have absolute rule over Thailand and which therefore has so many Thais and other democrats in world capitals and at the UN either concerned or alarmed.

There's nothing democratic whatsoever about a secretive appointed body whose membership remains known to only a select few aristocrats and oligarchs and which would impose on an entire country a "reform" agenda devised by a rump self-appointed clique of five-star hotel gangsters that direct and oversee a mob of street rabble intent on seizing state power.

As to your final point, that you're not sure the farmers and their families know what is right them, it sounds like you fit in very well with the PCRC and DP elites. BTW, you shouldn't misunderstand me when I speak negatively of elites. I'm not necessarily against elites per se, I'm just against your elites, and in this place, at this time, under extant circumstances. You know, the one percent. (The top nine percent after that seem like nice enough people, but I really don't know them that well either - and neither do you.)

What on earth are you talking about?

I spent 64 words talking about an analogy. I used football because although I rarely watch it I happen to know the team size and due to news coverage I thought I knew the squad numbers. If I'd used your suggestions I would have had to look it up but they would be just as good as an analogy related to the topic.

You spent 79 words telling me about your sporting preferences which has no relevance.

Since you seem to be having trouble understanding I'll put it another way. The people mentioned may be those considered suitable by that side which you may term as the PDRC and DP but not all would be able to take part. The other side, the PTP would obviously have their preferred participants which it would be their job to put forward.

I was only commenting on the OP which stated they were possible cabinet ministers not PM. I haven't had time to check the other sources but I've no reason to doubt what you say.

This is just a list which doesn't as far as I can see suggest that they would, on their own control Thailand. If that is their intention then I wouldn't agree with it for the very reasons stated above. It needs to be balanced. That's one of the reasons why it probably wouldn't work if reforms were left until after an election.

Nobody including you has explained Suthep, a man who has only ever been deputy PM would become supreme leader. Why wasn't he PM in the last Dem government or leader after Abhisit stood down.

As for the farmers I thought you had made reference to them know who was on their side but it seems I was mistaken. My apologies.

However I didn't say the farmers and their families didn't know what was right for them. I said if they think the PTP are for them then I'm not sure their right. It's just my opinion that the PTP haven't been as successful in helping the farmers as they should have been. The rice industry doesn't seem so good. It's picked up a bit now but only because the government has been forced to sell rice to get money to pay the farmers because it seems to have ran out before any protests and they forgot to borrow any more. The scheme also appears to have been mostly beneficial to others rather than the farmers.

Finally they are not my elites and I've never claimed they are.

Just as a reminder, the names Nattawut named as a possible successor prime minister include:

Army commander Gen Prayuth Chan-ocha (should a successful military mutiny occur), former Thammasat University rector Suraphol Nitikraipote, public health permanent secretary Dr Narong Sahamethapat,, former dean of National Institute of Development Administration Sombat Thamrongthanyawong, Constitution Court judge Charun Pakdeethanakul, Thammasat University lecturer Seri Wongmontha, former foreign minister Prasong Soonsiri, former Senator Chirmsak Pinthong, former senator Kaewsan Atipho, senior citizen Prawes Wasi, Thammasat University rector Somkid Lertpaithoon former finance minister Thanong Pitthaya. Private Sector’s anti-corruption organization chairman Pramon Sutheewong.

You know, the upright and uptight pearl cufflinks and high collar three piece suit society

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you still don't get it, it would seem. The names are just given by k. Nattawut. That may give the public the opportunity the look up information on those named, but that doesn't mean a bloody thing. It's all in the mind of Nattawut c.s. that they 'accuse' others to fill a peoples council with for instance 'these names'.

now the genie out of the bottle has no relation to what may or may not become a peoples council . Still ask nicely and he may grant you three wisihes. smile.png

I accept this naming of names by Nattawut and his group as true. You think and believe that is foolish or ignorance. I believe Nattawut revealed names because he was chosen to be the person to make an important revelation about a top secret PCAD plan and design. I believe Nattawut has reliable information about the names he named, information that is predicated in reality and insider politics, culture, personal relationships.

I believe you can't see past your nose in this (and many more matters of everyday life). You are either playing innocent or you really actually don't get the realpolitik dynamics at work in this naming of names.

The naming of the names comes from Dubai, not Nattawut or Nattawut's imagination. You need to argue that Thaksin is wrong or that I am in league with Thaksin, neither of which would be accurate, true, viable. I doubt seriously you've ever smelled the coffee.

So, you think the names come from a criminal fugitive hiding in Dubai. The golf caddy who's not involved in little sister's government / cabinet. Now that could mean that Nattawut only spoke as UDD co-leader with the red-shirts so clearly evolved beyond Thaksin.


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Just as a reminder, the names Nattawut named as a possible successor prime minister include:

Army commander Gen Prayuth Chan-ocha (should a successful military mutiny occur), former Thammasat University rector Suraphol Nitikraipote, public health permanent secretary Dr Narong Sahamethapat,, former dean of National Institute of Development Administration Sombat Thamrongthanyawong, Constitution Court judge Charun Pakdeethanakul, Thammasat University lecturer Seri Wongmontha, former foreign minister Prasong Soonsiri, former Senator Chirmsak Pinthong, former senator Kaewsan Atipho, senior citizen Prawes Wasi, Thammasat University rector Somkid Lertpaithoon former finance minister Thanong Pitthaya. Private Sector’s anti-corruption organization chairman Pramon Sutheewong.

You know, the upright and uptight pearl cufflinks and high collar three piece suit society

From the list Nattawut got from someone in Dubai you mentioned. Someone who may or may not have an axe to grind with some people and someone who you think has good, intimate knowledge on who would be good as possible Prime Minister.

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