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The simple pleasures of living - visiting Thailand


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Have really been doing this simple live / simple pleasure bit for the last 2 1/2 years now. No major up's and down's. Living in the rural haze of "may pen rai".

One day is like the day before. So I came to the conclusion, that I am basically spending my life in some sort of event-less waiting room. Waiting for the final curtain to fall.

Therefore, I decided to re-join the world and keep my dwelling here as an occasional weekend-retreat.

To each his own, as always.


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Ms. Som -- I, at least, certainly did not intend to give you a hard time. The biggest non-technical difference between an ocean and a sea, gulf, or strait is the presence of waves that have traveled hundreds or thousands of miles before reaching the shore.

So what..its still water

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I love the smell of burning mozzies - it smells like..........victory

I visited a famous monk many years ago who refused to wear mosquito repellent and would never kill any living creature. I always remember him when I think about zapping a mosquito.

OP, is it Thailand that makes you smile or is it retirement? I have worked most my life here and dream of retiring near the banks of a Scottish loch, although here would be fine too.

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I grew up in L.A., and the Pacific is definitely an ocean! I've lived near the Gulf of Mexico, and I'd say it's definitely not one. It's an energy thing, that's the difference, I do believe.

But here in Thailand, I love watching the people, esp the kids and the women, ummm, yeah, ESP the women. So delicate and graceful, so simple yet sooooo complex, like my wife. I love the food, too, and the sunrises and sunsets and cloud shows, and all the lush greenery and delicious smells, and the birds and lizards and ants. And the old women who walk around permanently stooped over, helped by their grandchildren, and I realize the stooping is a result of working for years in the rice fields... I love them, too. If I were one of them, I'd be proud.

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I love the smell of burning mozzies - it smells like..........victory

I visited a famous monk many years ago who refused to wear mosquito repellent and would never kill any living creature. I always remember him when I think about zapping a mosquito.

OP, is it Thailand that makes you smile or is it retirement? I have worked most my life here and dream of retiring near the banks of a Scottish loch, although here would be fine too.

I'm fairly close in age to my Member name ... so still a few more years before I'm pensioned off ... laugh.png

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OMG, the food!!

The tropical climate

The mai pen rai attitude

The friendly people

The "handsome man" calls

The adventure aspect

Also it's just so fun and interesting being somewhere so different but also quite similar to home

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OMG, the food!!

The tropical climate

The mai pen rai attitude

The friendly people

The "handsome man" calls

The adventure aspect

Also it's just so fun and interesting being somewhere so different but also quite similar to home

As I said before: To each his own!

The food: Standart 5-6 menues, must like rice.

The tropical climate: 9 months out of the year resembling a 24-hour finnish-sauna.

The mai pen rai attitude: Must like people with little sense of responsibility, reliability and things like "my word is my bond" are unknown.

The friendly people: Thai's approaching each other on a personal level = to smile is a "cultural-must". Otherwise Thai's don't smile much. At least not more than Europeans without a concrete reason.

The "handsome man calls": Clearly indicates that you are not living in Rural-Thailand. By doing this, the lady would be qualified as a "woman of ill-repute" with all the consequences.

The adventure aspect: Adventure is in the eye of the beholder.


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I have four dogs and my immediate neighbours 8 more in total. When they see me getting ready for the afternoon stroll and feed the fish in the pond, I usually get what I call (in my head) a patrol in strength maybe 7 or 8 come with me running ahead tails a wagging, I love it, chasing anything in sight. Putting around on my motorbike seeing all the locals doing their thing, continually amazed at how many pretty girls there are even in the ville

BTW I never really got the whole ocean/sea thing where does one start and where does it finish seems like a grey area to me

I hope you clear up all the dog poop that you trail around!

But betting you don't.

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I have four dogs and my immediate neighbours 8 more in total. When they see me getting ready for the afternoon stroll and feed the fish in the pond, I usually get what I call (in my head) a patrol in strength maybe 7 or 8 come with me running ahead tails a wagging, I love it, chasing anything in sight. Putting around on my motorbike seeing all the locals doing their thing, continually amazed at how many pretty girls there are even in the ville

BTW I never really got the whole ocean/sea thing where does one start and where does it finish seems like a grey area to me

I hope you clear up all the dog poop that you trail around!

But betting you don't.

He lives on a Farm ... facepalm.gif

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I don't know where you are ... we are on a Farm just outside of Bangkok.

WOW ... the sunset was impressive yesterday.

Sadly, my camera stayed in the drawer because the village water pump broke maybe 7 or 8 days ago and all the water pressure we get is a steady drip to fill an Urn and it's my job to bucket it around the various water points (loo, shower).


Here's an earlier Sunset at the Farm


BTW, congrats on the trivia win.

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