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I am looking specifically for autohemotherapy with ozone and although I've found one clinic in Bangkok, I was hoping to have a greater choice if possible.

Does anyone have experience with autohemotherapy here, or other forms of ozone treatment for that matter? Thanks.


Clearly you believe this treatment will assist you

Are there any scientific, peer reviewed , studies which have been published in reputable scientific journals available about this form of treatment/therapy ?

I would be interested.

Sorry I cannot assist with the specific query.



Not to be disrespectful - but why on earth would you pay ( probably heaps) for a therapy that has no proven benefit and could even be harmful.

I'm afraid you have fallen prey to the snake oil salesman



Go to Tasmania (West Coast) as there is a huge hole in the Ozone Layer and you can get as much Ozone reatment as you like for free..


I too am interested in ozone therapy. Preferably in Bangkok or Had Yai. I'd like to know if ozone generators are available in Thailand also.



Not to be disrespectful - but why on earth would you pay ( probably heaps) for a therapy that has no proven benefit and could even be harmful.

I'm afraid you have fallen prey to the snake oil salesman


Not disrespectful, just misinformed. The use of ozone in the context of hospital treatment is very common and its value is undisputed. The medical profession uses ozone for treatment of certain serious illness and dentistry clinicians use it regularly in cases of periodontitis, furthermore in cases of serious bacterial infection and in other complications. There are many case reports within mainstream medicine, such as in Pubmed article /pubmed/22825522 and also PMC3276005, if your capabilities extend to the use of such.

That notwithstanding, the question I asked was if anyone could provide details of local specialists, rather than the opinions of the uninformed.


There has indeed been some research indicating positive therapeutic effects of ozone therapy in certain conditions/situations e.g. healing of diabetic foot ulcers and removal of pathogens from food/produce. And there is research underway looking at possible other uses.

The problem is that the treatment is widely touted for doing far more than it has been proven to do (and more than any single treatment can do). In particular it is falsely claimed to cure cancer.

AFAIK the only places offering it in Thailand are "alternative" health care facilities/practioners and be advised these are not at all well regulated here. What you get may or may not really be ozone, and the person administering it may or may not have the qualifications claimed. Particular caution should be used regarding injectable forms. There have been deaths in Thailand associated with this.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy, on the other hand, is to be found in several reliable hospitals here.

  • 1 year later...

My sister had MS and she has been fully cured by OZONE THERAPY accompanied by super nutrition. She used NO chemical medicines.


Before you engage in an expensive piece of unproven and unscientific therapy bear in mind this.........Autohemotherapy is drawing blood from the patient and bubbling ozone through it, then reinjecting it into the patient. This is potentially dangerous or deadly


My sister had MS and she has been fully cured by OZONE THERAPY accompanied by super nutrition. She used NO chemical medicines.

the plural of anecdote is not data.


Sheryl - As far as I'm aware there are NO scientific studies that suggest "Ozone therapy" is in any way beneficial. What makes you suggest - "There has indeed been some research indicating positive therapeutic effects of ozone therapy in certain conditions/situations"?

A simple bit of O level chemistry will show that any increases in oxygen in the blood stream are minute compared to a single breath.

Besides that some of the methods are simple downright dangerous


There has indeed been some research indicating positive therapeutic effects of ozone therapy in certain conditions/situations e.g. healing of diabetic foot ulcers and removal of pathogens from food/produce. And there is research underway looking at possible other uses.

The problem is that the treatment is widely touted for doing far more than it has been proven to do (and more than any single treatment can do). In particular it is falsely claimed to cure cancer.

AFAIK the only places offering it in Thailand are "alternative" health care facilities/practioners and be advised these are not at all well regulated here. What you get may or may not really be ozone, and the person administering it may or may not have the qualifications claimed. Particular caution should be used regarding injectable forms. There have been deaths in Thailand associated with this.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy, on the other hand, is to be found in several reliable hospitals here.

O3 is similar to Chlorine in properties, just after reaction there will be only O2, H2O, CO2 or similar.

Great thing for water treatment. Great to kill bacteria and maybe useful for chronic diseases. But think of the O3 like it would be Cl2.....A lot risk if it is too much and even it is not it reacts with anything that can be oxidized.


There has indeed been some research indicating positive therapeutic effects of ozone therapy in certain conditions/situations e.g. healing of diabetic foot ulcers and removal of pathogens from food/produce. And there is research underway looking at possible other uses.

The problem is that the treatment is widely touted for doing far more than it has been proven to do (and more than any single treatment can do). In particular it is falsely claimed to cure cancer.

AFAIK the only places offering it in Thailand are "alternative" health care facilities/practioners and be advised these are not at all well regulated here. What you get may or may not really be ozone, and the person administering it may or may not have the qualifications claimed. Particular caution should be used regarding injectable forms. There have been deaths in Thailand associated with this.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy, on the other hand, is to be found in several reliable hospitals here.

O3 is similar to Chlorine in properties, just after reaction there will be only O2, H2O, CO2 or similar.

Great thing for water treatment. Great to kill bacteria and maybe useful for chronic diseases. But think of the O3 like it would be Cl2.....A lot risk if it is too much and even it is not it reacts with anything that can be oxidized.

Look at the chemistry.......hydrogen peroxide!!!

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