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Child serial killer "Nui" spared from death penalty


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I just don't get this, a country that claims to value its children highly yet allows this man to live. As bad as his life will be in prison, he has forfeited his right to live.

As a father of two children I could not imagine how the parents feel. The death penalty is the only suitable penalty in this case.

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I realise photos can be deceptive, but looking at this photo and the CCTV photo, I get the feeling that they are two different men. Something about the shape of the head, neck and shoulders. Also the cctv guy looks a bit heavier, and has lighter skin.

It wouldn't be the first time someone has made a false confession. It wouldn't be the first time police have stitched someone up to get results.


When this story first broke, and the CCTV pictures were released, my first thought was "it is a foreigner." In the CCTV shot he looks heavy-set, tall, and white - characteristics which do not apply to "Nui."

But I later factored in that CCTV is not really good for colour or scale, for example he might just look big because he was walking with a tiny kid. But even so, I have some lingering thoughts in the back of my head that the perp in the CCTV was possibly not Thai.

I hope they have got the right guy, and he wasn't just confessing under duress, because of a mental disorder, or taking the rap on behalf of somebody else.

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One can but hope that this objectionable piece of human excrement will indeed suffer the equivalent of ''the death of a thousand cuts'' whilst it festers in the Bangkok Hilton.

People like this have a very serious mental health problem. Sadly, the brain is part of the human body and, just like your heart or lungs, things can go wrong with it. That's why respectable human rights organisations oppose the death penalty. Unfortunately lowlife people, even for cases of this appalling and vile nature, still call for people to be hung, drawn and quartered. There are many despots whom have committed vile acts against their fellow human beings, or encouraged others to do so. I can think of thousands really: people such as Mao, Pol Pot, Hitler, Thaksin, Saddam, the Taliban, Bush and so on and so forth. Yet people in the main don't call for their execution. But their crimes ended the lives of children, women, innocents all. Seriously, we should be looking at the mental health of people who commit crimes that go against human values (such as they are) and as a society, a global society, work out ways in which these people can be kept safely away from the mainstream. I know that all you witch-hunters out there will oppose my words, but I'm telling it as I feel it.

So cut off his head & let medical science investigate his brain; simple!

As I said, the lowlife will oppose what I suggest ..........

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capital punishment for or against it yes it's just that the death penalty is for a light sentence.
Let him rot in Bangkok Hilton.
beat up every day for the rest of his life he just kept alive so he does not die.
Then beat up every day for 30 - 40 years is an appropriate sentence.

The death penalty is too fast.

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One can but hope that this objectionable piece of human excrement will indeed suffer the equivalent of ''the death of a thousand cuts'' whilst it festers in the Bangkok Hilton.

People like this have a very serious mental health problem. Sadly, the brain is part of the human body and, just like your heart or lungs, things can go wrong with it. That's why respectable human rights organisations oppose the death penalty. Unfortunately lowlife people, even for cases of this appalling and vile nature, still call for people to be hung, drawn and quartered. There are many despots whom have committed vile acts against their fellow human beings, or encouraged others to do so. I can think of thousands really: people such as Mao, Pol Pot, Hitler, Thaksin, Saddam, the Taliban, Bush and so on and so forth. Yet people in the main don't call for their execution. But their crimes ended the lives of children, women, innocents all. Seriously, we should be looking at the mental health of people who commit crimes that go against human values (such as they are) and as a society, a global society, work out ways in which these people can be kept safely away from the mainstream. I know that all you witch-hunters out there will oppose my words, but I'm telling it as I feel it.

So cut off his head & let medical science investigate his brain; simple!

As I said, the lowlife will oppose what I suggest ..........

Because someone opposes your view does not automatically make them a lowlife (unless you have a mind like Hitler, Pol pot etc)

I oppose your views and I am not a lowlife.

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One can but hope that this objectionable piece of human excrement will indeed suffer the equivalent of ''the death of a thousand cuts'' whilst it festers in the Bangkok Hilton.

People like this have a very serious mental health problem. Sadly, the brain is part of the human body and, just like your heart or lungs, things can go wrong with it. That's why respectable human rights organisations oppose the death penalty. Unfortunately lowlife people, even for cases of this appalling and vile nature, still call for people to be hung, drawn and quartered. There are many despots whom have committed vile acts against their fellow human beings, or encouraged others to do so. I can think of thousands really: people such as Mao, Pol Pot, Hitler, Thaksin, Saddam, the Taliban, Bush and so on and so forth. Yet people in the main don't call for their execution. But their crimes ended the lives of children, women, innocents all. Seriously, we should be looking at the mental health of people who commit crimes that go against human values (such as they are) and as a society, a global society, work out ways in which these people can be kept safely away from the mainstream. I know that all you witch-hunters out there will oppose my words, but I'm telling it as I feel it.

So cut off his head & let medical science investigate his brain; simple!

Totally agree.Dr.Mengele,:scalpel please,oh sh*t there is nothing here.Ah vee ave discuvered a vacuum in the human skull.Oh vate,is it human


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I realise photos can be deceptive, but looking at this photo and the CCTV photo, I get the feeling that they are two different men. Something about the shape of the head, neck and shoulders. Also the cctv guy looks a bit heavier, and has lighter skin.

It wouldn't be the first time someone has made a false confession. It wouldn't be the first time police have stitched someone up to get results.


When this story first broke, and the CCTV pictures were released, my first thought was "it is a foreigner." In the CCTV shot he looks heavy-set, tall, and white - characteristics which do not apply to "Nui."

But I later factored in that CCTV is not really good for colour or scale, for example he might just look big because he was walking with a tiny kid. But even so, I have some lingering thoughts in the back of my head that the perp in the CCTV was possibly not Thai.

I hope they have got the right guy, and he wasn't just confessing under duress, because of a mental disorder, or taking the rap on behalf of somebody else.

How do you explain how he led them to the body of another victim?

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One can but hope that this objectionable piece of human excrement will indeed suffer the equivalent of ''the death of a thousand cuts'' whilst it festers in the Bangkok Hilton.

People like this have a very serious mental health problem. Sadly, the brain is part of the human body and, just like your heart or lungs, things can go wrong with it. That's why respectable human rights organisations oppose the death penalty. Unfortunately lowlife people, even for cases of this appalling and vile nature, still call for people to be hung, drawn and quartered. There are many despots whom have committed vile acts against their fellow human beings, or encouraged others to do so. I can think of thousands really: people such as Mao, Pol Pot, Hitler, Thaksin, Saddam, the Taliban, Bush and so on and so forth. Yet people in the main don't call for their execution. But their crimes ended the lives of children, women, innocents all. Seriously, we should be looking at the mental health of people who commit crimes that go against human values (such as they are) and as a society, a global society, work out ways in which these people can be kept safely away from the mainstream. I know that all you witch-hunters out there will oppose my words, but I'm telling it as I feel it.

So cut off his head & let medical science investigate his brain; simple!

As I said, the lowlife will oppose what I suggest ..........

"Lowlife will oppose", eh? How inflammatory. And what incredible arrogance. Not quite as you said, but there are certainly lowlife lurking behind keyboards in this discussion somewhere...

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These kind of people never change no matter what kind of prison they spend time in. The only thing that they should get is castration. Only if its no death sentience given. Just let them pee with a straw the rest of there life. Sooner or later he will be let out of prison anyway.

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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I realise photos can be deceptive, but looking at this photo and the CCTV photo, I get the feeling that they are two different men. Something about the shape of the head, neck and shoulders. Also the cctv guy looks a bit heavier, and has lighter skin.

It wouldn't be the first time someone has made a false confession. It wouldn't be the first time police have stitched someone up to get results.


When this story first broke, and the CCTV pictures were released, my first thought was "it is a foreigner." In the CCTV shot he looks heavy-set, tall, and white - characteristics which do not apply to "Nui."

But I later factored in that CCTV is not really good for colour or scale, for example he might just look big because he was walking with a tiny kid. But even so, I have some lingering thoughts in the back of my head that the perp in the CCTV was possibly not Thai.

I hope they have got the right guy, and he wasn't just confessing under duress, because of a mental disorder, or taking the rap on behalf of somebody else.

How do you explain how he led them to the body of another victim?

Maybe because the person paying him to take the rap told him. At least in prison he will get fed.

As has happened before, people get paid to take the rap. If his single name is as reported, ie that his surname is not registered, it's highly likely that he is very under-educated and poor.

His family get some money, he gets a meal every day without working.

Flimsy, I know.....but I just can't reconcile the two pictures.

Edited by Seastallion
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If there is no such thing as 'protective custody' in the Bangkok Hilton,

This sentence might be easier and cheaper than putting this guy on death row, while achieving the same result...

As far as he could get from an honorable crime..... Inside, they are very effective at taking care of such people...

how would you know ???? you probly never set foot in thailand........... if you had, you would know that thais are the type of people who would befriend him if he had enough money for a few ciggarettes regardless of the crime

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The man is clearly sick. It's sad that he won't get the medical treatment he needs to confront his problems, and that he will have no chance of reform leading to his having a normal life outside prison.

There is no cure for paedophiles that is what most medical doctors believe, they can never be trusted with children ever and should be put down like the rabid scum they are, even in prison they are segridated (in the west ) and form little titillation clubs recounting to each other what they did to the kids, ( from a friend who was a prison warden )

Why waste money keeping these low lives alive, spend the money on the victims help them get their lives back

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Well I'm pretty sure the inmates at the Bangkok Hilton are going to make this child killer's life a living hell when he's in there. He's going to wish he got the death penalty.

What makes you think that.... Money, drugs & connections in Bang Kwang rule the roost. You think that the rest of these scumbags will give a rats ass about him..

Now if you were prepared to line a couple of pockets then your best bet it tip a screw. Job done ASAP.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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In Thailand a drug smuggler who has the potential, through his drugs, to destroy the lives of people is given a death sentence, but a man that has already destroyed the lives of innocent children and left behind grief stricken relatives gets life in jail.

Lets hope he regrets living everyday that he has remaining on this earth.

Noone should get the death sentence in Thailand or anywhere else in the world. Its a barbaric form of punishment, along with prison conditions that are more physical punishment and revenge instead of protecting the society against new crimes.

There is no evidence that treating those who breaks rules inhumanly prevents crimes from happening in the future. There is evidence that where the society treat their criminals inhumanly they create a harder climate and a more violent society. The death sentence should be abolished and prison inmates treated humanly.

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If there is no such thing as 'protective custody' in the Bangkok Hilton,

This sentence might be easier and cheaper than putting this guy on death row, while achieving the same result... As far as he could get from an honorable crime..... Inside, they are very effective at taking care of such people...

how would you know ???? you probably never set foot in thailand........... if you had, you would know that thais are the type of people who would befriend him if he had enough money for a few ciggarettes regardless of the crime
I agree with Coconut on this. In farang prisons, it's common for a convicted paedophile to be spat upon (and worse) by other inmates. It's not necessarily the same in Thai prisons. A Paedophile in a Thai prison could just as easily become 'pu yai' (big shot, leader)

if other factors were conducive to that. Consider this: a man convicted of tax fraud and suspected in mass murder is the most popular Thai politician. He's also very rich and adept at conning people. Connect the dots.

Edited by boomerangutang
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In Thailand a drug smuggler who has the potential, through his drugs, to destroy the lives of people is given a death sentence, but a man that has already destroyed the lives of innocent children and left behind grief stricken relatives gets life in jail.

Lets hope he regrets living everyday that he has remaining on this earth.

Noone should get the death sentence in Thailand or anywhere else in the world. Its a barbaric form of punishment, along with prison conditions that are more physical punishment and revenge instead of protecting the society against new crimes.

There is no evidence that treating those who breaks rules inhumanly prevents crimes from happening in the future. There is evidence that where the society treat their criminals inhumanly they create a harder climate and a more violent society. The death sentence should be abolished and prison inmates treated humanly.

I say GUILLOTINE him or burn him at the stake... people who are of murder or sex crimes against children have surrendered their right to live. They need to die and come back as snails or some annelid.

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The man is clearly sick. It's sad that he won't get the medical treatment he needs to confront his problems, and that he will have no chance of reform leading to his having a normal life outside prison.

Really? You actually think like this? You are the clearly sick one. Do you have kids?

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No one should get the death sentence in Thailand or anywhere else in the world. Its a barbaric form of punishment, along with prison conditions that are more physical punishment and revenge instead of protecting the society against new crimes.

There is no evidence that treating those who breaks rules inhumanly prevents crimes from happening in the future. There is evidence that where the society treat their criminals inhumanly they create a harder climate and a more violent society. The death sentence should be abolished and prison inmates treated humanly.

Though I'm a Buddhist and Green Party member, I respectfully disagree. I think, if he's found guilty in proper court proceedings, he should be killed. Even if he has mental problems.

Here's a true scenario I read about recently: An American, 60-something was found in a back alley. Alcoholic, no friends, always self-afflicted with nightmares. Here's the main reason why he was in such sad shape: He was a corporal during the VN war. His platoon had 13 VN prisoners - probably just farmers and villagers, men and women. The Sargeant left the scene, and only said, "I don't want no f'ing prisoners." The platoon was ready to just keep guarding the prisoners, but the corporal (the guy who is a f'cked up alchie in the US ), was all gung ho to kill them all. He kept shouting and firing his weapon to get the others riled up. He succeeded, and all the prisoners were executed on the spot.

Now, are we to feel sorry for this man, who has been tortured by the nightmare - years since that incident? Not me. I think he deserves to be mentally-tortured for his dastardly deed - even if it was decades ago, and he (apparently) is remorseful.

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I realise photos can be deceptive, but looking at this photo and the CCTV photo, I get the feeling that they are two different men. Something about the shape of the head, neck and shoulders. Also the cctv guy looks a bit heavier, and has lighter skin.

It wouldn't be the first time someone has made a false confession. It wouldn't be the first time police have stitched someone up to get results.


When this story first broke, and the CCTV pictures were released, my first thought was "it is a foreigner." In the CCTV shot he looks heavy-set, tall, and white - characteristics which do not apply to "Nui."

But I later factored in that CCTV is not really good for colour or scale, for example he might just look big because he was walking with a tiny kid. But even so, I have some lingering thoughts in the back of my head that the perp in the CCTV was possibly not Thai.

I hope they have got the right guy, and he wasn't just confessing under duress, because of a mental disorder, or taking the rap on behalf of somebody else.

How do you explain how he led them to the body of another victim?

Maybe because the person paying him to take the rap told him. At least in prison he will get fed.

As has happened before, people get paid to take the rap. If his single name is as reported, ie that his surname is not registered, it's highly likely that he is very under-educated and poor.

His family get some money, he gets a meal every day without working.

Flimsy, I know.....but I just can't reconcile the two pictures.

That was also my chain-of-thought. I've never said Nui is innocent, or that somebody else did it. The CCTV pictures make me consider that possibility - but I have not moved over to that viewpoint entirely, only considered it.

Following the possibility that Nui took the rap, it is possible the guilty man is wealthy - possibly famous - and has offered large sums of money to Nui's family in exchange for Nui accepting guilt and showing the cops to the crime scenes - locations that the actual guilty man could easily have told him. Other incentives apart from a huge cash payment, could be possible threats to Nui's family if he said "no." This kind of thing happens around the world every day.

And again, I would not even consider this possibilty if the guy in the CCTV shot looked even remotely like Nui.

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Maybe because the person paying him to take the rap told him. At least in prison he will get fed.

As has happened before, people get paid to take the rap. If his single name is as reported, ie that his surname is not registered, it's highly likely that he is very under-educated and poor.

His family get some money, he gets a meal every day without working.

Flimsy, I know.....but I just can't reconcile the two pictures.

That was also my chain-of-thought. I've never said Nui is innocent, or that somebody else did it. The CCTV pictures make me consider that possibility - but I have not moved over to that viewpoint entirely, only considered it.

Following the possibility that Nui took the rap, it is possible the guilty man is wealthy - possibly famous - and has offered large sums of money to Nui's family in exchange for Nui accepting guilt and showing the cops to the crime scenes - locations that the actual guilty man could easily have told him. Other incentives apart from a huge cash payment, could be possible threats to Nui's family if he said "no." This kind of thing happens around the world every day.

And again, I would not even consider this possibilty if the guy in the CCTV shot looked even remotely like Nui.

I'm with you on that. Yes, it's what made me think about, as I said the photos do not look like the same man. Which is a worry. If the hypothesis is right, there's a dangerous scumbag out there who WILL do it again, even if he's smart enough to lay low for a year or two, he will re-offend.

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In Thailand a drug smuggler who has the potential, through his drugs, to destroy the lives of people is given a death sentence, but a man that has already destroyed the lives of innocent children and left behind grief stricken relatives gets life in jail.

Lets hope he regrets living everyday that he has remaining on this earth.

Noone should get the death sentence in Thailand or anywhere else in the world. Its a barbaric form of punishment, along with prison conditions that are more physical punishment and revenge instead of protecting the society against new crimes.

There is no evidence that treating those who breaks rules inhumanly prevents crimes from happening in the future. There is evidence that where the society treat their criminals inhumanly they create a harder climate and a more violent society. The death sentence should be abolished and prison inmates treated humanly.

There's a couple of things wrong with your reasoning;

The lack of evidence that harsh treatment doesn't deter and doesn't reform applies only to criminals incarcerated for a limited time and are released back to society. Yes, there is recidivism, and there is evidence of released inmates being tougher and more brutal on their release.

But this is a case where there is no hope of reformation, there is no chance of entering society ever again. He is simply a burden on society. Even if you take all thoughts of it being a punishment out of it, it is simply prudent to hang his arse. His punishment, if he were to be punished, would be that his death is painful shameful, humiliating, and without dignity. The punishment part is to be a deterrent to others. It's not revenge. Society needs deterrents as people are often weak.

Edited by Seastallion
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