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I have just tried to pay Skype so I can use the PC to phone service.

Here are some of their feeble excuses:

We're terribly sorry, but we could not obtain clearance for the transaction of your recent order with Skype. We've tried more than once, and with all methods available to us, but with the same result.

When we can't clear a transaction, it can be for various reasons --

among those are lack of available credit,

No I have plenty of credit

purchasing from a country which is restricted by our payment provider

You mean anything outside the USA?

if you're using what is called an anonymous proxy.

Yes I do use an anonymous proxy with a US IP address.

I have no trouble accessing my bank account in the UK though the Proxy.

Furthermore, to protect you and ourselves, we have very strict anti-fraud measures, which can sometimes cause a perfectly legitimate purchase to be refused. If this is what happened, we apologize again. A case like this is very unfortunate for you as well as for Skype, and we would like to tell you that we have assigned significant resources to continually improve our anti-fraud measures.

This is the biggest load of BULL SHIT I have heard.

I have no problem paying other accounts over the Internet,

including thier competitor, Net2Phone. :D

It is nothing to do with my bank, it is their payment service!!

Don't worry about it................

They are loosing business, but what does that matter. :o



As PayPal and Skype are owned by the same company, I would hope there would be no trouble in paying using that route.

They should give you an incentive to pay via PayPal as it is for all intents and purposes an in-house payment processor.



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