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Nattawut calls on Army chief to express stand over Suthep's plan to seize power


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How many times do the politicians have to be told. The Military swears allegiance to, King Country and the Constitution. It doe not swear allegiance, to political parties, special interest groups or influential families. Many politicians care more about influential families, than they do King and Country.

Yes in general correct but I would add:

The Military swears allegiance to, King Country, Constitution and as well backs the Democrat Party and the Bangkok elite.

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The English translation I saw was a bit ambiguous, and could be taken a couple of different ways. However, he did clearly state that He - and he along - would submit the name of the next PM to HM and that it would then be countersigned by him, leaving little doubt that he places himself on the same level as HM, and that could be a big time problem for him. Not only that, but a lot of Thai, and not just Red Shirts, are not going to accept a PM that is "appointed" by Suthep, circumventing the Constitution. However this goes, I see nothing but bad coming from it.

That is only the way you yourself have interpreted it, and that us the way Khaosod reported it, which was by the way... just for red shirts, idiots and morons. Since that report the so called DSI was supposed to be transcribing his words and lay charges against him for 'treason' I believe. How long does it take for Thais to transcribe a speech made in Thai??.... That was also from a Khaosod report.

Of course Nattawut being of very aggressive attitude and seriously limited intelligence has embraced it and exploited it, and that is something only a moron would do.

My wife has since watched that speech on youtube and told me that it is all rubbish and he said nothing of the sort and his words were clear.

He actually stated that IF the government REFUSED to stand down EVEN if ordered to by the courts... which HE expected. The the police would not remove her and the ONLY other ways are for a coup which the army does NOT want and would play into the hands of the reds and Thaksin so they can start their civil war that they are so desperate for.

The only other method would be for them to seek that the sovereign power to be removed from the government and returned to the people by HM King and he would countersign the petition to the king on behalf of the people.

They would then be able to LEGALLY remove the regime PHYSICALLY.

A new neutral PM would then be nominated and put forth to HM King for a royal decree so that a neutral cabinet can be formed and reforms started.

Nowhere did he say that HE would personally appoint the PM. That was stressed with conviction by my wife... She said it quite simply was not even mentioned who would appoint the PM. He never once mentioned how the actual PM would be chosen or who by.. But even if the senate appointed it, he would forward it to HM King as a representative of the sovereign people.

THAT is actually what he said and those who speak Thai can find the link to the video on one of the other threads, I can't be bothered to look for it. I need to go out soon for beer and food.

But for those who are still clinging to the Khaosod version, you need to remove your head from your anus.... Nothing that comes from a Thaksin funded propaganda rag can be taken seriously.

Where are the DSI statements??????????? They would have been all over that.

My summary opinion. I see no fault in that statement from Suthep. If indeed the government defy the courts and refuse to move, and the police refuse to remove them..... then who else can do it without a military coup?..... The people would have to claim back sovereign status and remove this bunch of thieves by physical force instead.

If I were Yingluck, I would not go down that path.... it is a very dangerous road and you may well find yourself and your cabinet languishing in a prison for a long time, or worse, you may even be lynched if the mob lost it.

Dubai must be looking good right now.

Yes! Details are so important. If I say "I will kill you because my jokes are so funny you will die laughing, so come to my performance" and some reports that I said "I will kill you!", those are two very different things. Suthep indeed did say, if the government chooses to ignore the courts that he would sign a petition and submit it to the king. Good idea! Nothing subversive.

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The English translation I saw was a bit ambiguous, and could be taken a couple of different ways. However, he did clearly state that He - and he along - would submit the name of the next PM to HM and that it would then be countersigned by him, leaving little doubt that he places himself on the same level as HM, and that could be a big time problem for him. Not only that, but a lot of Thai, and not just Red Shirts, are not going to accept a PM that is "appointed" by Suthep, circumventing the Constitution. However this goes, I see nothing but bad coming from it.

which means he will have soverien power.

Only in the sense that he believes that the people have the "sovereign power" to submit a petition to the king.

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He asked for the "sovereign power" to name PM, cabinet. It is a takeover attempt and could not be characterized any other way.

The most telling feature of this is that neither he (Suthep), nor his mates, are denying it. That alone appears to be tacit approval from the PDRC that this is the message they want to convey. Putting himself in a position of counter-signatory to HM would have some serious repercussions I expect.

They have denied the accuracy of the Khao Sod report. It was denied fairly quickly too if my recollection of the timeline is correct. As someone else noted it's also interesting that the DSI are quiet since they undertood the onerous job of transcribing Suthep's speech (accurately?).

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Nuttawut "demanded" ,so not much difference

in my view.


Further, perhaps nuttawut might like to explain why the rtp are very clearly on the side of the man abroad, also nuttawut might ike to expain how / why this picture should be acceptable to the nation.

Perhaps nuttawut should be asked whether the rtp or any police force or any police agency should be seen to be totally focused on process with no hint or allegiance to a political party or a dictator.

His is answers could be quite interested and may be difficult for him to sustain when other / real examples of the current picture are thrown at him.

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Nuttawut demanded that Army Commander-in-Chief Gen Prahyuth Chan-ocha

I imagine Gen Prahyuth would like to tell Nuttawut where to stick his demand but being in his position he can't.

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do we know for SURE Suthept said he would ask to be sovereign?

yes we do. read his speach.

please provide link. Till now it would seem that there is a matter of how to interpret (the Thai text) and even Pheu Thai spokesperson Prompong is only alleging.

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Thaksin / reds / PT / UDD et al will never accept anyone who is chosen by someone who is not them as neutral PM so what difference does it make ? Suteb was stating that IF PT refuse to abide by the courts ruling, IF the courts rule that they should leave, then this was a way to try and force them to accept the ruling. In other words, he would try and push them out if they refuse to leave.

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The English translation I saw was a bit ambiguous, and could be taken a couple of different ways. However, he did clearly state that He - and he along - would submit the name of the next PM to HM and that it would then be countersigned by him, leaving little doubt that he places himself on the same level as HM, and that could be a big time problem for him. Not only that, but a lot of Thai, and not just Red Shirts, are not going to accept a PM that is "appointed" by Suthep, circumventing the Constitution. However this goes, I see nothing but bad coming from it.

That is only the way you yourself have interpreted it, and that us the way Khaosod reported it, which was by the way... just for red shirts, idiots and morons. Since that report the so called DSI was supposed to be transcribing his words and lay charges against him for 'treason' I believe. How long does it take for Thais to transcribe a speech made in Thai??.... That was also from a Khaosod report.

Of course Nattawut being of very aggressive attitude and seriously limited intelligence has embraced it and exploited it, and that is something only a moron would do.

My wife has since watched that speech on youtube and told me that it is all rubbish and he said nothing of the sort and his words were clear.

He actually stated that IF the government REFUSED to stand down EVEN if ordered to by the courts... which HE expected. The the police would not remove her and the ONLY other ways are for a coup which the army does NOT want and would play into the hands of the reds and Thaksin so they can start their civil war that they are so desperate for.

The only other method would be for them to seek that the sovereign power to be removed from the government and returned to the people by HM King and he would countersign the petition to the king on behalf of the people.

They would then be able to LEGALLY remove the regime PHYSICALLY.

A new neutral PM would then be nominated and put forth to HM King for a royal decree so that a neutral cabinet can be formed and reforms started.

THAT is actually what he said and those who speak Thai can find the link to the video on one of the other threads, I can't be bothered to look for it. I need to go out soon for beer and food.

But for those who are still clinging to the Khaosod version, you need to remove your head from your anus.... Nothing that comes from a Thaksin funded propaganda rag can be taken seriously.

Where are the DSI statements??????????? They would have been all over that.

My summary opinion. I see no fault in that statement from Suthep. If indeed the government defy the courts and refuse to move, and the police refuse to remove them..... then who else can do it without a military coup?..... The people would have to claim back sovereign status and remove this bunch of thieves by physical force instead.

If I were Yingluck, I would not go down that path.... it is a very dangerous road and you may well find yourself and your cabinet languishing in a prison for a long time, or worse, you may even be lynched if the mob lost it.

Dubai must be looking good right now.

he would countersign the petition to the king on behalf of the people

what people? you mean his minority thugs? he does NOT speak 'for the people' only in his dreams

I don't believe you are that ignorant and are just twisting it. He is obviously not referring to "the people" as individuals, but as a unit - insofar as the nation IF YL does attempt to stay on in defiance of the law, which is therefore in defiance of "the people" (the nation). In the same way as the courts are supposed to bring justice for "the people" and the government is supposed to govern for "the people" - not Somchai and Ying, not the minority, not the majority - the national as a whole legal entity.

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do we know for SURE Suthept said he would ask to be sovereign?

I came back to this thread to say one more thing . . . kudos to binjalin who (despite our very opposite views on things) has so far been the ONLY pro-Govt supporter to actually question whether Suthep actually said what Khaosod reported.

I could be wrong (and I'm sure binjalin will correct me if so), but I suspect that even binjalin questions the change in tone here despite the months of very, very carefully worded yet fiery speeches Suthep has been delivering on a regular basis. They are a complete contrast to the UDD/PT speeches as Suthep has always been extremely careful (for the most part) of what is said in public during these protests.

I also suspect that once this all gets cleared up, all those that jumped on this bandwagon will find themselves in a not very nice situation as Suthep et al are just waiting to see who else is going to put their foots in their mouths before taking action of a legal variety. Will be good to see Suthep take over the running of Khaosod once the legal cases are over and he's screwed them for every baht they have.

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How many times do the politicians have to be told. The Military swears allegiance to, King Country and the Constitution. It doe not swear allegiance, to political parties, special interest groups or influential families. Many politicians care more about influential families, than they do King and Country.

Yes in general correct but I would add:

The Military swears allegiance to, King Country, Constitution and as well backs the Democrat Party and the Bangkok elite.

How many members of this forum live in La La land

they make up fantasies quicker than my 5 year old daughter

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

How many times do the politicians have to be told. The Military swears allegiance to, King Country and the Constitution. It doe not swear allegiance, to political parties, special interest groups or influential families. Many politicians care more about influential families, than they do King and Country.

Yes in general correct but I would add:

The Military swears allegiance to, King Country, Constitution and as well backs the Democrat Party and the Bangkok elite.

La La land must be getting full

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do we know for SURE Suthept said he would ask to be sovereign?

yes we do. read his speach.

please provide link. Till now it would seem that there is a matter of how to interpret (the Thai text) and even Pheu Thai spokesperson Prompong is only alleging.

Since diehard can't write or punctuate English correctly, it's highly unlikely that he can read Thai.

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Nattawut is the ultimate opportunist. And he is also a hypocrite. Here is a man who endorsed a UDD platform in February, a platform that included secession. Has he been charged ? No. Will he ? No. Was he demoted ? No. Did Yingluck even take him aside ? No. Mr. Nattawut " I will take responsibility, my brothers " Saikua has taken a stupid remark by Suthep - which was twisted beyond recognition by a ludicrous domestic news agency - and is using it as a weapon against the whole PDRC movement. So the rally Nattawut attended that went after the independent agencies of the legal checks and balances, that called for ten million Thais to arm themselves with guns, and advocated secession - is all quietly swept under the carpet. The context that is always taken out of Suthep's remarks by Pheu Thai, the UDD and their supporters is that Suthep was addressing the question as to what would happen if the Yingluck administration did not accept the verdicts of the Constitutional Court and the National Anti-Corruption Commission. Pheu Thai and the UDD have sent strong signals that they would not respect such a verdict. If Phue Thai were to follow suit, that would unquestionably be a constitutional crisis. Would Suthep's silly suggestion be the solution ? Certainly not. But exactly what would happen if Pheu Thai refused to accept the verdicts ? Within three weeks we will know the answer to that hypothetical. But what we can be sure of is this - the UDD have publicly said they would not accept such verdicts. And Pheu Thai refuses to answer the question. That is the crisis that we're reeling towards - not a stupid remark from a man who really ought to have taken a break from public statements a long time ago.

I really like reading your Posts

It keeps me sane knowing someone in TVF has not developed La La Land mentality

10 out of 10 for your real life postings

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By law if the Prime minister and the entire cabinet are removed from their posts due to the constitutional court rulings the permanent secretaries of each ministry assume control and together can propose an acting leader until a new government is formed. As to whether they can push through any reforms I don't think they can.

I think Suthep should step back now and allow the legal system to function. The protests have achieved much in terms of raising the level of awareness of rampant corruption by the government and PTP. I think that is progress.

As much as can be seen in the inherent faults and weaknesses of democracy I think its time to let the people decide for themselves otherwise we're justifying the legitimacy of red shirts and idiots like Nattawut.

Edited by smileydude
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Humm...sounds fair to me. The Army chief was very quick to jump all over the red-shirts for hanging banners about the north and northeast separating from the rest of the country. He got really hot and bothered about that. It would seem Suthep was pretty blatant in his speech if you can believe the reports, so his transgression were as bad or have been as bad or worse that silly banners.

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do we know for SURE Suthept said he would ask to be sovereign?

I came back to this thread to say one more thing . . . kudos to binjalin who (despite our very opposite views on things) has so far been the ONLY pro-Govt supporter to actually question whether Suthep actually said what Khaosod reported.

I could be wrong (and I'm sure binjalin will correct me if so), but I suspect that even binjalin questions the change in tone here despite the months of very, very carefully worded yet fiery speeches Suthep has been delivering on a regular basis. They are a complete contrast to the UDD/PT speeches as Suthep has always been extremely careful (for the most part) of what is said in public during these protests.

I also suspect that once this all gets cleared up, all those that jumped on this bandwagon will find themselves in a not very nice situation as Suthep et al are just waiting to see who else is going to put their foots in their mouths before taking action of a legal variety. Will be good to see Suthep take over the running of Khaosod once the legal cases are over and he's screwed them for every baht they have.

There won't be any legal cases, the "Peoples Medium", equipped with " Sovereign Power" will just close it down. It's what Fascist Dictators do.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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If the only choice is between Nuttawut and Suthep, the country is beyond help. I think Suthep has done a good job pointing out the faults of the PTP government, he should go away now. Nuttawut is a liar, and a terrorist, he too should sink back into whatever hole he came from. There simply must be someone honest , respectable and capable of turning the ship around

Completely on the same page as you on this one ramrod. It's scary to think that the country is in a mess and yet even when the oust the current, hopeless PM there seems to be no one sensible and ready to take over.

i hear nothing form anyone about reforms, policies, structure, growth plans, social plans etc from anyone anywhere.

I fear that the Thai people are going to suffer years of poor leadership and corruption which is just holding back the country more and more.

I hope that there is someone capable of turning the ship around but like you i don't know who it is.

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If the only choice is between Nuttawut and Suthep, the country is beyond help. I think Suthep has done a good job pointing out the faults of the PTP government, he should go away now. Nuttawut is a liar, and a terrorist, he too should sink back into whatever hole he came from. There simply must be someone honest , respectable and capable of turning the ship around

One of them is a nutt of the highest order

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The English translation I saw was a bit ambiguous, and could be taken a couple of different ways. However, he did clearly state that He - and he along - would submit the name of the next PM to HM and that it would then be countersigned by him, leaving little doubt that he places himself on the same level as HM, and that could be a big time problem for him. Not only that, but a lot of Thai, and not just Red Shirts, are not going to accept a PM that is "appointed" by Suthep, circumventing the Constitution. However this goes, I see nothing but bad coming from it.

That is only the way you yourself have interpreted it, and that us the way Khaosod reported it, which was by the way... just for red shirts, idiots and morons. Since that report the so called DSI was supposed to be transcribing his words and lay charges against him for 'treason' I believe. How long does it take for Thais to transcribe a speech made in Thai??.... That was also from a Khaosod report.

Of course Nattawut being of very aggressive attitude and seriously limited intelligence has embraced it and exploited it, and that is something only a moron would do.

My wife has since watched that speech on youtube and told me that it is all rubbish and he said nothing of the sort and his words were clear.

He actually stated that IF the government REFUSED to stand down EVEN if ordered to by the courts... which HE expected. The the police would not remove her and the ONLY other ways are for a coup which the army does NOT want and would play into the hands of the reds and Thaksin so they can start their civil war that they are so desperate for.

The only other method would be for them to seek that the sovereign power to be removed from the government and returned to the people by HM King and he would countersign the petition to the king on behalf of the people.

They would then be able to LEGALLY remove the regime PHYSICALLY.

A new neutral PM would then be nominated and put forth to HM King for a royal decree so that a neutral cabinet can be formed and reforms started.

Nowhere did he say that HE would personally appoint the PM. That was stressed with conviction by my wife... She said it quite simply was not even mentioned who would appoint the PM. He never once mentioned how the actual PM would be chosen or who by.. But even if the senate appointed it, he would forward it to HM King as a representative of the sovereign people.

THAT is actually what he said and those who speak Thai can find the link to the video on one of the other threads, I can't be bothered to look for it. I need to go out soon for beer and food.

But for those who are still clinging to the Khaosod version, you need to remove your head from your anus.... Nothing that comes from a Thaksin funded propaganda rag can be taken seriously.

Where are the DSI statements??????????? They would have been all over that.

My summary opinion. I see no fault in that statement from Suthep. If indeed the government defy the courts and refuse to move, and the police refuse to remove them..... then who else can do it without a military coup?..... The people would have to claim back sovereign status and remove this bunch of thieves by physical force instead.

If I were Yingluck, I would not go down that path.... it is a very dangerous road and you may well find yourself and your cabinet languishing in a prison for a long time, or worse, you may even be lynched if the mob lost it.

Dubai must be looking good right now.

You mentioned "anus"! Are you into that?

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