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PM Yingluck says she bows to charter court's power


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"I try to look at them positively, let go, be patient and solve the problems prudently and carefully,

This is her treating the voters with contempt again by offering her hollow rhetoric that uses unquantifiable values as a benchmark of her leadership.

So prudence was not attending one rice committee meeting because thaksin wanted to distance your from the corruption in the scheme thus ensure longevity in your role. Turned out the opposite happened.

Solving the problems like pushing through an amnesty bill at 4am against the majorities wishes while spouting it will bring reconciliation to the country. Turned out the opposite happened.

Being careful was to stay out of over 60% of parliamentary sittings to ensure you did not have to deal with politics so you "let go" and imitated the foreign minister and travelled to India, Cambodia, South Korea, China, Bangladesh, Mongolia, Sri Lanka, Tajikistan, Pakistan, Maldives, Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait, Turkey, Hong Kong, Germany, France, UK, Sweden, Belgium, Poland, Switzerland, Italy, Vatican City, Montenegro, Mozambique, Tanzania, Uganda, Australia, New Zealand and PNG, Brunei, Indonesia, Laos, Burma, Vietnam, Singapore, Philippines and Malaysia. Maybe instead of being in an African country overseeing your brothers mining interests you could have been at home pleading with your brother over Skype not to transfer Thawil.

So the tax payer paid you to be rice chairman and you failed them. The tax payer paid you to try to bring reconciliation and offered you a "Peoples" bill that everyone accepted except thaksin and you failed them. The tax payer paid you to be the PM and not the foreign minister and you failed them.

BUT now we have to believe you when you say something sweet and flap those beautiful eye lashes.

Sorry yingluck. I am not a gullible supporter.

At least you could say Mrs Yingluck or are you a close friend?

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"We cant even find an answer today on how to bring the country back to democratic rule, she said."

Well, that's not quite true. End corruption. End nepotism. Obey the law. Rule consensually. Disband street thug groups. Allow economists to be involved in policy making. No blanket amnesties. The guilty go to gaol.

It won't be her decision anyway. She's guided and steered and string-attached-controlled from Dubai and her bodyguards, (Kittirat, Surapong, etc.),,,, a PM barbie girl, who has no say and right or opinion.... everything arranged and scripted in Dubai....

"everything arranged and scripted in Dubai"

That Thaksin must be a busy boy, running an entire country from Dubai and all on mobile phones and skype, whilst simultaneously running his own businesses and interests.

Sounds unbelievable doesn't it?

That's because it is. coffee1.gif

Then why do all the PTP politicians keep rushing to meet him....his charisma....or his cash/power?

Do they, all of them, rushing? Just how often has that happened? No, the accusation is and has been frequently pushed on here, that Thaksin is running the country from Dubai.

It's still complete boll.....................

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"everything arranged and scripted in Dubai"

That Thaksin must be a busy boy, running an entire country from Dubai and all on mobile phones and skype, whilst simultaneously running his own businesses and interests.

Sounds unbelievable doesn't it?

That's because it is. coffee1.gif

Then why do all the PTP politicians keep rushing to meet him....his charisma....or his cash/power?

Do they, all of them, rushing? Just how often has that happened? No, the accusation is and has been frequently pushed on here, that Thaksin is running the country from Dubai.

It's still complete boll.....................

Yes they do, lots of them, rushing to greet their (Pheu Thai) boss, allegedly only because they happen to be in the neighbourhood.

As for Thaksin running the country from Dubai, he has no need to do it from Dubai, a skype call from anywhere is sufficient.

Next of course we'll get the question on proving these statements. Well, just take a ticket to HK and ask the boss himself.

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"everything arranged and scripted in Dubai"

That Thaksin must be a busy boy, running an entire country from Dubai and all on mobile phones and skype, whilst simultaneously running his own businesses and interests.

Sounds unbelievable doesn't it?

That's because it is. coffee1.gif

Then why do all the PTP politicians keep rushing to meet him....his charisma....or his cash/power?

Do they, all of them, rushing? Just how often has that happened? No, the accusation is and has been frequently pushed on here, that Thaksin is running the country from Dubai.

It's still complete boll.....................

Yes they do, lots of them, rushing to greet their (Pheu Thai) boss, allegedly only because they happen to be in the neighbourhood.

As for Thaksin running the country from Dubai, he has no need to do it from Dubai, a skype call from anywhere is sufficient.

Next of course we'll get the question on proving these statements. Well, just take a ticket to HK and ask the boss himself.

How many, how many times?, just words on the internet with nothing substantial to say, of course I'm going to ask you to back it up, it's such a ridiculous claim. Another idiot dreamer who thinks you can run a country by telephone...................

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How many, how many times?, just words on the internet with nothing substantial to say, of course I'm going to ask you to back it up, it's such a ridiculous claim. Another idiot dreamer who thinks you can run a country by telephone...................

Well Thailand has an ex prime minister, now caretaker who thinks she can run the country from her face book

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

"We cant even find an answer today on how to bring the country back to democratic rule, she said."

Well, that's not quite true. End corruption. End nepotism. Obey the law. Rule consensually. Disband street thug groups. Allow economists to be involved in policy making. No blanket amnesties. The guilty go to gaol.

And the party hacks that have criminal records are band from holding any political or party office

What band? Rock band? Band aid?

Or "banned" perhaps?

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PM Yingluck says she bows to charter court's power

By Digital Content


BANGKOK, April 11 Caretaker Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra has stood firm that she did not dismiss the Constitution Courts power, but admitted that she was concerned with the upcoming judgement.

Admitting her anxiety over the courts ruling, the caretaker PM said she would accept the courts verdict as long as she is treated equally, using the same standards (as other politicians),

If we look at the mounting problems negatively, we can never solve them. I try to look at them positively, let go, be patient and solve the problems prudently and carefully, she said.

Referring to a statement by Democrat leader Abhisit Vejjajiva who called for her resignation from the caretaker role to end the political impasse, she said Mr Abhisit should be well aware of the imposition of the Constitution which requires a caretaker government and a general election after the House dissolution.

She urged the Election Commission to clearly announce its determination to hold a general election and called on Thai people to help the country move on under the law.

We cant even find an answer today on how to bring the country back to democratic rule, she said. (MCOT online news)


-- TNA 2014-04-11

this woman has really got the nerve!!! she's truly bi-polar!

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Do all the commentators here seriously believe that if she resigns anything will change in Thailand - the moral fiber of the country has been destroyed by greed and it will take many years to repair if at all.

Sent from my i-mobile IQ 2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Same old defence 'we Thai cut each other a break, let's forgive and move on, let me win another election and have a second chance to screw it all up again and return the country to a democratic proxy rule'.

No, let's have an unelected people's council run Thailand.

You've got an unelected criminal fugitive running it now.

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Bluespunk, corruption etc; I think just getting a government voted in will help, Thailand has lost so much money from the protesters causing havoc & creating dangerous situations . A country like this will take decades to stamp out corruption,if ever. Move forward ,have some one removed from the relevant politically party's explain to the "protesters" that this kind of action only hurts themselves in the long run. Tourism Thailands main industry has been hurt big time because of the protests,time for the force behind them to stop using the "little" people.

Voting a govt in is step one. PT won and formed a govt. That's as it should be. However then they utterly failed Thailand and democracy through their misrule and divisive manner of govt. They have no concept of good governance or consensual rule. The current mess is of their own making. Suthep is wrong as are his "solutions" but PT's manner of rule is the root cause of the current mess.

Right on.

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"We cant even find an answer today on how to bring the country back to democratic rule, she said."

Well, that's not quite true. End corruption. End nepotism. Obey the law. Rule consensually. Disband street thug groups. Allow economists to be involved in policy making. No blanket amnesties. The guilty go to gaol.

It won't be her decision anyway. She's guided and steered and string-attached-controlled from Dubai and her bodyguards, (Kittirat, Surapong, etc.),,,, a PM barbie girl, who has no say and right or opinion.... everything arranged and scripted in Dubai....

"everything arranged and scripted in Dubai"

That Thaksin must be a busy boy, running an entire country from Dubai and all on mobile phones and skype, whilst simultaneously running his own businesses and interests.

Sounds unbelievable doesn't it?

That's because it is. coffee1.gif

So "Thaksin thinks, Pheu Thai acts" was just a hollow election slogan, then?

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"We cant even find an answer today on how to bring the country back to democratic rule, she said."

Well, that's not quite true. End corruption. End nepotism. Obey the law. Rule consensually. Disband street thug groups. Allow economists to be involved in policy making. No blanket amnesties. The guilty go to gaol.

It won't be her decision anyway. She's guided and steered and string-attached-controlled from Dubai and her bodyguards, (Kittirat, Surapong, etc.),,,, a PM barbie girl, who has no say and right or opinion.... everything arranged and scripted in Dubai....

"everything arranged and scripted in Dubai"

That Thaksin must be a busy boy, running an entire country from Dubai and all on mobile phones and skype, whilst simultaneously running his own businesses and interests.

Sounds unbelievable doesn't it?

That's because it is. coffee1.gif

So "Thaksin thinks, Pheu Thai acts" was just a hollow election slogan, then?

Aren't they all.

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For this country to move forward, it's time for Yingluck and Abhisit to stop the verbal jousting and lip service to the masses. If they are really sincere about moving the country forward, I'd like to see them both start holding meetings to hash things out. None of their entourage, just those two.

Another option is for them to both disband their political parties and forbid both party members to be involved in politics for 5 -10 year. It's time for new people who really care about Thailand and Thais to move the real agenda forward.

I think you would do better to concentrate on Suthep rather than Abhist. A look into Abhist achievements with a minority government as compared to Yingluck's flops with a majority government would be a real eye opener for you. You do know the difference between Minority government and Majority government I presume. Along with the limitations of the one and the freedom of the other.

I'm watching hard talk on the BBC and one of the complaints about the world cup in Brazil was an expenditure of 12 billion dollars and some of it disappearing into corruption.

Puts the rice scheme into perspective

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Don't see how it compares there is money diapering all over the world due to corruption. So out of 12 billion dollars ten million disappear to corruption. A drop in the bucket compared to the rice scheme where almost half has disappeared. Some of it behind secret deals with other governments. Some of it yet to be revealed as the investigation goes on. Some of it to politicans who used their influence to build and store the rotten rice in and received their check for it every month while the farmers who grew it got nothing.

Also the BBC is the Fox news of Great Briton.

"Also the BBC is the Fox news of Great Briton."

Hardly! that'd be Sky news, given it's owned by the same douchebag!

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" ... the caretaker PM said she would accept the court’s verdict as long as she is treated equally, using the same standards (as other politicians) "

This is the big problem with Yingluck and Pheu Thai. They are not unequivocal when it comes to the judgments of the courts. There is always a " as long as " tacked on. Which means that Yingluck has not budged. Which means Pheu Thai has not budged. Which means the whole tension as to what Pheu Thai's reaction to the verdicts will be has not changed one iota. They seem to be preparing a narrative in advance, if they do not like the verdict of the Constitutional Court. And they are testing that narrative in public. The public - and the international community, unlike Pheu Thai - must therefore be unequivocal in their support of the judicial process and the judgments that are rendered from them. Period. There is no " as long as ". It's a period, Yingluck. It's a period.

Pheu Thai must state now - right now - that they will unequivocally accept the verdict of the Constitutional Court and the National Anti-Corruption Commission.

"Pheu Thai must state now - right now..."

Have you ever even been to Thailand?

"Period. There is no " as long as ". It's a period, Yingluck. It's a period. "

Um, written Thai has no end punctuation, though they informally like our question mark.

"The public - and the international community, unlike Pheu Thai - must"

Well, people will never let you think for them, and should not. Everyone agrees we should adhere to the rule of law, while simultaneously quoting Shakespeare "The law is an ass."

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Thaksin tries to run Thailand from Dubai but has failed dismally as he has employed a bunch of morons to do this such as Chalerm, Surapong, Kittirat and he has Tharit - mind you, having his ignoramus sister there to take orders doesn't help matters I'm sure!!

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"We cant even find an answer today on how to bring the country back to democratic rule, she said."

Well, that's not quite true. End corruption. End nepotism. Obey the law. Rule consensually. Disband street thug groups. Allow economists to be involved in policy making. No blanket amnesties. The guilty go to gaol.

The day the whole shin family is removed from Thailand, all corruption and nepotism will end in Thailand.

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I'm watching hard talk on the BBC and one of the complaints about the world cup in Brazil was an expenditure of 12 billion dollars and some of it disappearing into corruption.

Puts the rice scheme into perspective

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

No you are wrong Melyn. Dont you know that Thaksin and the PT Politicians are the only Corrupt people on this planet. . . . isnt that right DJJamie. TV Gerry and the rest of the "Sun shines out of Suthep's a@#$e" mob? wai.gif

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"I try to look at them positively, let go, be patient and solve the problems prudently and carefully,

This is her treating the voters with contempt again by offering her hollow rhetoric that uses unquantifiable values as a benchmark of her leadership.

So prudence was not attending one rice committee meeting because thaksin wanted to distance your from the corruption in the scheme thus ensure longevity in your role. Turned out the opposite happened.

Solving the problems like pushing through an amnesty bill at 4am against the majorities wishes while spouting it will bring reconciliation to the country. Turned out the opposite happened.

Being careful was to stay out of over 60% of parliamentary sittings to ensure you did not have to deal with politics so you "let go" and imitated the foreign minister and travelled to India, Cambodia, South Korea, China, Bangladesh, Mongolia, Sri Lanka, Tajikistan, Pakistan, Maldives, Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait, Turkey, Hong Kong, Germany, France, UK, Sweden, Belgium, Poland, Switzerland, Italy, Vatican City, Montenegro, Mozambique, Tanzania, Uganda, Australia, New Zealand and PNG, Brunei, Indonesia, Laos, Burma, Vietnam, Singapore, Philippines and Malaysia. Maybe instead of being in an African country overseeing your brothers mining interests you could have been at home pleading with your brother over Skype not to transfer Thawil.

So the tax payer paid you to be rice chairman and you failed them. The tax payer paid you to try to bring reconciliation and offered you a "Peoples" bill that everyone accepted except thaksin and you failed them. The tax payer paid you to be the PM and not the foreign minister and you failed them.

BUT now we have to believe you when you say something sweet and flap those beautiful eye lashes.

Sorry yingluck. I am not a gullible supporter.

At least you could say Mrs Yingluck or are you a close friend?

Just to point out, that in fact she isn't actually married, so to say "Mrs' would be wrong. wai2.gif

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I'm watching hard talk on the BBC and one of the complaints about the world cup in Brazil was an expenditure of 12 billion dollars and some of it disappearing into corruption.

Puts the rice scheme into perspective

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

No you are wrong Melyn. Dont you know that Thaksin and the PT Politicians are the only Corrupt people on this planet. . . . isnt that right DJJamie. TV Gerry and the rest of the "Sun shines out of Suthep's a@#$e" mob? wai.gif

Who is saying that they are the ONLY corrupt people on this earth?

All we are saying is that since forming the government they have attempted through several devious means (mostly illegal) to make it easier to enhance their corruption capabilities to the full!!!

Fortunately it failed and it has brought the whole pack of cards tumbling down. Just goes to show you that being greedy can get you into a whole lot of trouble!!!

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I'm watching hard talk on the BBC and one of the complaints about the world cup in Brazil was an expenditure of 12 billion dollars and some of it disappearing into corruption.

Puts the rice scheme into perspective

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

No you are wrong Melyn. Dont you know that Thaksin and the PT Politicians are the only Corrupt people on this planet. . . . isnt that right DJJamie. TV Gerry and the rest of the "Sun shines out of Suthep's a@#$e" mob? wai.gif

If you think I am a fan of Suthep, then you're not joining the dots correctly.

Anyone involved in corruption should be harshly dealt with without exception. Swiftly too.

I'd remove the statute of limitations on it too so that people such as Thaksin have nowhere to hide. If that also ensnares Suthep then bring it on.

Remember who supported the amnesty bill as well as those who opposed it!!!

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Same old defence 'we Thai cut each other a break, let's forgive and move on, let me win another election and have a second chance to screw it all up again and return the country to a democratic proxy rule'.

No, let's have an unelected people's council run Thailand.

No, let's keep it in the family...... the Shinawat family.

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Same old defence 'we Thai cut each other a break, let's forgive and move on, let me win another election and have a second chance to screw it all up again and return the country to a democratic proxy rule'.

No, let's have an unelected people's council run Thailand.

No, let's keep it in the family...... the Shinawat family.

They're all Sicilians around here, it's just that Thailand is much bigger which make the stakes higher.

A plague on all their houses.

Somebody needs to wake up with a buffalo head in his bed so this back and forth can finally stop. It doesn't matter who, just somebody. These people don't know how to stop, when or why. And somebody has to make an offer the other guy can't refuse. Or maybe the son can arrange a nice quiet dinner with the bull and also a police captain - call it even-steven. I know the perfect place.

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It'd be interesting to see what she defines as fair treatment. Negligence is a way of life for most Thai politicians, in most cases the courts wouldn't even blink an eye. On the other hand her negligence cost the nation an unprecedentedly high figure so it should be dealt more harshly.

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It'd be interesting to see what she defines as fair treatment. Negligence is a way of life for most Thai politicians, in most cases the courts wouldn't even blink an eye. On the other hand her negligence cost the nation an unprecedentedly high figure so it should be dealt more harshly.


I for one would like to the the convictions against Thaksin and Pojaman enforced as well as Red Bull boy and a host of others

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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