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Ajarn Very Unwell


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My Good freind has been unwell... hence why he has not posted for some time

I can remember last year when I had a serious operation that the support I got from TV members meant a great deal to me.... Ajarn ..although not well himself bothered to call me while I was in hospital.. I need say no more

Everbody that knows him knows that he is a great bloke.. what he does not know about Chiang Mai is not worth knowing.

He is an exceptional character who keeps on bouncing back from health setbacks.. and I am sure he will bounce back from this one.

He will not thank me for posting this .... but if the good wishes of people that know him are posted here..I cannot beleive he will ignore the fact that so many of us care about him.. which will hopefully help him to recover from yet another setback


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"The Duke" was just asking me the other day if Ajarn was OK, because he had not seen him for a while. I will let him know that he is feeling poorly.

Is he at home or in the hospital?

Get well soon Khun L. Lek!

He's at home

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I have never actually met Ajarn but I've enjoyed several conversations with him on this board. I'd wondered why he had been so quiet recently. I sincerely hope his condition improves speedily. Good luck, Ajarn- looking forward to seeing you here again soon.


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Had a chat with Pauly yesterday, they'd just been to visit Ajarn and he's not doing very well. Also some help sorting things out would be very valuable, but apparenlty he's a stubborn old bugger when people actually have to help him instead of him helping others... P1p will check on him today, I really hope he can get Ajarn on a track to sort things out.

Good thoughts, vibes, wishes, prayers and all those things to Ajarn!! We need you back at the keyboard! :o



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Ajarn has been a real powerhouse of common sense and great information (and of course experience)on the forum and I for one would wish his a speedy recovery and hope to see him back again soon.

Well done also to TP ..please let him know we are all for him......Best wishes....R

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apparenlty he's a stubborn old bugger when people actually have to help him instead of him helping others...



Ajarn is not old.

He's a young sprightly lad of about my age... :o

ie. Fcuknig Ancient! From another of a certain age!

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