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New role eyed for Prem


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Steve, you miss.my point. Why are we here now?

Because the judiciary is so bent. I made no comment about who is right or wrong. A strong independent judiciary has had 80 years to be created ..Thaksin has been in power on and off for 10.

The first judgement on his assets is.probably the start of the whole problem. An expedient decision that this country has paid dearly for.

The judiciary is not bent!!!

If a red shirt admits to stealing a car in Chiang Mai, he goes to court and the judiciary find him not guilty and free him. is that correct?

Well that is what you are implying. If he is found guilty then it's an ammart conspiracy against him.

If Yingluck had acted properly and not been a serial liar and breaker of laws then she wouldn't have to worry about the courts.

She is always breaking the law and so she must spend some court time before being unceremoniously retired in disgrace!!

No but, certain types of people get to drive Ferraris around and squish policemen and do a runner. Whereas others go away for years. They aren't bent on a pro or anti yingluck basis, they are bent on a polotical basis to serve the day.

2 people commit the same offence, one goes away, one doesn't.

Edited by Thai at Heart
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Steve, you miss.my point. Why are we here now?

Because the judiciary is so bent. I made no comment about who is right or wrong. A strong independent judiciary has had 80 years to be created ..Thaksin has been in power on and off for 10.

The first judgement on his assets is.probably the start of the whole problem. An expedient decision that this country has paid dearly for.

The judiciary is not bent!!!

If a red shirt admits to stealing a car in Chiang Mai, he goes to court and the judiciary find him not guilty and free him. is that correct?

Well that is what you are implying. If he is found guilty then it's an ammart conspiracy against him.

If Yingluck had acted properly and not been a serial liar and breaker of laws then she wouldn't have to worry about the courts.

She is always breaking the law and so she must spend some court time before being unceremoniously retired in disgrace!!

No but, certain types of people get to drive Ferraris around and squish policemen and do a runner. Whereas others go away for years. They aren't bent on a pro or anti yingluck basis, they are bent on a polotical basis to serve the day.

2 people commit the same offence, one goes away, one doesn't.

I think it is disgusting that this Red Bull heir escaped justice and it is equally disgusting that the police can be bought off so easily.

This is why the police need reforming and that should be the number one task of the reform committee when it happens!!

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Steve, you miss.my point. Why are we here now?

Because the judiciary is so bent. I made no comment about who is right or wrong. A strong independent judiciary has had 80 years to be created ..Thaksin has been in power on and off for 10.

The first judgement on his assets is.probably the start of the whole problem. An expedient decision that this country has paid dearly for.

The judiciary is not bent!!!

If a red shirt admits to stealing a car in Chiang Mai, he goes to court and the judiciary find him not guilty and free him. is that correct?

Well that is what you are implying. If he is found guilty then it's an ammart conspiracy against him.

If Yingluck had acted properly and not been a serial liar and breaker of laws then she wouldn't have to worry about the courts.

She is always breaking the law and so she must spend some court time before being unceremoniously retired in disgrace!!

No but, certain types of people get to drive Ferraris around and squish policemen and do a runner. Whereas others go away for years. They aren't bent on a pro or anti yingluck basis, they are bent on a polotical basis to serve the day.

2 people commit the same offence, one goes away, one doesn't.

I think it is disgusting that this Red Bull heir escaped justice and it is equally disgusting that the police can be bought off so easily.

This is why the police need reforming and that should be the number one task of the reform committee when it happens!!

You think a committee is going to tackle this? This takes real legitimacy and years of effort. They will have to lock people up for corruption. Hahaha.

Dream on. So now you agree the courts are bent?

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NO!! the courts are not bent, they are doing a good and fair job.

What on earth has this case got to do with the courts anyway?? I fail to see the connection.

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NO!! the courts are not bent, they are doing a good and fair job.

What on earth has this case got to do with the courts anyway?? I don't understand the connection.

Why are the cases versus ptp racing along but those against the dems stalled? Why was AIS/thaksin mangled for the deal with Temasak, but DTAC not. What about various other companies all set up the same way as AIS avoiding the same problems The various disbanding cases against various parties. All similar but TRT always walloped.

I could sit here and write a list as long as my arm.

When everyone loved Thaksin, the courts bent over for him. Now they hate him, they are slamming him. Abhisit has got caught up in this politicisation of the courts with his silly murder charges.

Just because they catch Yingluck today doesnt prove that the system is not bent. It swings with money influence.

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NO!! the courts are not bent, they are doing a good and fair job.

What on earth has this case got to do with the courts anyway?? I don't understand the connection.

Why are the cases versus ptp racing along but those against the dems stalled? Why was AIS/thaksin mangled for the deal with Temasak, but DTAC not. What about various other companies all set up the same way as AIS avoiding the same problems The various disbanding cases against various parties. All similar but TRT always walloped.

I could sit here and write a list as long as my arm.

When everyone loved Thaksin, the courts bent over for him. Now they hate him, they are slamming him. Abhisit has got caught up in this politicisation of the courts with his silly murder charges.

Just because they catch Yingluck today doesnt prove that the system is not bent. It swings with money influence.

It is because Yingluck has done a massive amount of damage to Thailand's finances with this rice scam!!!

She is attempting to manipulate parliament to stifle the necessary checks and balances to forestall the massive corruption that would have followed with this 2.2 trillion baht loan and she is placing 'Thaksin's people' in as many departments as possible to allow for minimal resistance in perpetrating the corruption.

Look what happened to super 'Supa' when she spilled the beans on the rice scam. They tried to dig up dirt on her and get her transferred to where she couldn't expose what this government was getting away with (all of the lies, secrecy and deceit).

She has to be stopped as soon as possible to curtail and limit this damage - this is why it is so urgent and needs to be addressed!!

Any law that they don't like is ignored or abused - there, is that enough on the 'reasons' front??

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NO!! the courts are not bent, they are doing a good and fair job.

What on earth has this case got to do with the courts anyway?? I don't understand the connection.

Why are the cases versus ptp racing along but those against the dems stalled? Why was AIS/thaksin mangled for the deal with Temasak, but DTAC not. What about various other companies all set up the same way as AIS avoiding the same problems The various disbanding cases against various parties. All similar but TRT always walloped.

I could sit here and write a list as long as my arm.

When everyone loved Thaksin, the courts bent over for him. Now they hate him, they are slamming him. Abhisit has got caught up in this politicisation of the courts with his silly murder charges.

Just because they catch Yingluck today doesnt prove that the system is not bent. It swings with money influence.

It is because Yingluck has done a massive amount of damage to Thailand's finances with this rice scam!!!

She is attempting to manipulate parliament to stifle the necessary checks and balances to forestall the massive corruption that would have followed with this 2.2 trillion baht loan and she is placing 'Thaksin's people' in as many departments as possible to allow for minimal resistance in perpetrating the corruption.

Look what happened to super 'Supa' when she spilled the beans on the rice scam. They tried to dig up dirt on her and get her transferred to where she couldn't expose what this government was getting away with (all of the lies, secrecy and deceit).

She has to be stopped as soon as possible to curtail and limit this damage - this is why it is so urgent and needs to be addressed!!

Any law that they don't like is ignored or abused - there, is that enough on the 'reasons' front??

You think this is.about the rice thingamajig?

My lord you are naive. This is about who runs thailand for the next 40 years.

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Prem Tinsulanonda http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prem_Tinsulanonda

After all the demonizing of Prem after the 2006 coup and Prem being accused of pulling the strings of the mysterious 'third hand'. I can't see how Gen. Prem can be effective in this role (nor will Thaksin accept him) and that is why I think he will refuse to be the mediator. Dr. Thaksin will not accept anything less than one of his puppets being in charge and Suthep, who may be to only man in Thailand as stubborn as Thaksin, will not accept any Thaksin puppets in a future government. I am not saying this is democratic in any way, as both men abhor democracy. Dr. Thaksin has approached Suthep several times wanting to cut a secret, back-room deal but Suthep remains adamant on public discussions of the future of democracy in Thailand; besides, he can't trust Thaksin to abide by any secret deals. Would you?

So, Thailand will plod along with nothing changing except the days of the calendar until something dramatic happens. I expect the courts will precipitate the only changes in the near future.

You are assuming that Thaksin and Suthep need to be part of this. One is a convicted criminal and the other has charges against him. Why should they be part of this?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Well, Thaksin controls the PTP which can mobilize 45% of the electorate on a good day and Suthep leads the movement that has the whole country tied in knots since November. I wasn't aware of any other power players in this game. Please tell me, if not Thaksin and Suthep, who will make the decisions here? I suppose the acting President of the Senate could nominate a replacement, temporary PM for Royal Endorsement and that would bypass both T and S but I'm sure PTP would involve the courts if that was done. How do you think the issue of succession will play out?

I have to stay away from the issue of succession, but I don't think the whole country relies on just two people. There are many RS's that don't follow Thaksin and many non-PTP who don't follow Suthep. Then there is the whole question of whether democracy is right for Thailand given the numerous related problems. If it ends up not a democracy, then the 20-30% of the eligible voters (but still majority) doesn't matter. There are just so many questions that nothing is cut and dry.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

How do you think the issue of succession will play out?

I'm talking about the decision of who will succeed Yingluck as PM and that will be decided by either Thaksin or Suthep. Thailand will stay a democracy; the world community will put pressure for that to continue.

I don't know about the next PM after YL's apparent departure. Gen. Saiyud has already gone public on that side and there is a rumor on the other side.

On democracy, there is different types. In my view, the world community really doesn't care which type as long as there seems to be elections and there is stability. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) requires a trusted government and stability. I don't think stability will happen in Thailand until all political parties have access to voters to campaign without being shot at or roughed up. That doesn't exist now. Hence, the call for reforms before the next election.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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