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Pheu Thai to meet the EC without preconditions


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Well, we know that Thaksin's personal lawyer is no legal source for what the Constitutional Court can or cannot do, any more than his outspoken client is. The Constitutional Court knows very well how Article 7 is worded, as well as Articles 172 and 173, and indeed all the articles in the constitution. It needs not take any cues from Thaksin's prime spokesman. On the subject of Article 7, how could it - in Noppadon's words - be " outside the scope of the constitution ? " It's in the constitution ! How can something that's in the constitution suddenly find itself outside of it ? ( Answer - when Thaksin doesn't like it. ) But Thaksin doesn't like most things that are decided in a court of law. Why should his attitude be any different now ?

This disingenuous acceptance of going to the meeting without conditions is terribly funny as Thaksin knows full well that Abhisit has already publicly accepted without conditions. That having been said, it surprises no one that Yingluck won't attend. She seems to be shielded from everything. It will be interesting to see who the " top executive " is that goes to the meeting, all the same. Surapong ? Chalerm ? Sadly, they are likely among the " top executives " that are being considered.

Yingluck will attend if she is allowed to use Skype. Which actually would be the only way to find out what Thaksin will have to say to the various proposals. We can be sure that there will be a constant running report to Thaksin and a lot of messages from Thaksin to the PTP spokesperson.

On the move by a group of people to propose the invocation of Article 7 of the Constitution to appoint a interim prime minister, Mr Noppadon said the proposal was beyond the scope of the Constitution and there was no justification for its invocation.

Well I am not a lawyer but it seems to me if he says it is beyond the scope of the Constitution. There would be no need to say that there was no justification to invoke it. If it isn't there how do you invoke it?facepalm.gif

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Whatever it takes there must be no election before reforms are put in place. The powers that be must ensure that the criminal giving his orders from his desert palace is told he is not wanted. If there is an election prior to the reforms then the past months of sacrifice of Kuhn Suthep and his people will have been for nothing and the curruption of the PTP will continue unabated.

The Dems must state categorically that they will take part in a new election subject to the reforms being put in place and it might be time to replace Kuhn Abhsit as the leader because he is tainted - rightly or wrongly - (wrongly in my opinion) by the events of 2010 and no matter what the court decides when they hear the charges against him the people of Issarn will never accept him, as in their eyes his is guilty because of the propaganda put out by the 'reds'.

I read the article in the Bangkok post.

Thaksin was talking like it was his decision to put no preconditions on the PTP participating in the talks. No one else was involved in the decision. He turned it into a plea for people to forget and forgive him. violin.gif I wonder at times if drunk.gif doesn't cloud his proclamations.shock1.gif

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PTP showing leadership... let's hope a new date is set for elections and the PDRC thugs are kept at bay

if the Dems do not fight another election it will be another nail in their political coffin

Showing leadership ?

I note however that they are not going to sent their leader.

Lets hope that PT can control their red thugs should any court verdict go against them, assuming of course they want to control them and not encourage them.

"Lets hope that PT can control their red thugs"

PAD-Dem's denigrating red shirts when they have never met one, but believe the agenda they are fed.

Talk about being out-of-control....Look no further than Lumpini for that.

So you are saying that if we want to see an out of control red we should look at LP - so they got there when they are out of control - you do realise that people have been going there shooting protestors. Are you suggesting that there is a connection?

The shooting in LP last night was a yellow on Yellow incident.

two groups of drunken guards were fighting and when a third group tried to stop the fighting one of them was shot by another guard.

Only good news is that no innocent bystanders were hurt this time.

how long will Bangkok have to suffer armed mobs in the street?

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OP - the snake twists and turns and still cannot find a way to break through. Do these people really expect us to believe this? Oh yes, maybe they understand gullibility better than I do. (A really BIGGGG lol inserted here.) This really is moving towards the metaphor "the last gasp of the dying dinosaur".

When Thaksin gets desperate to find a new angle to try to out-manoeuvre the anti-Shins, he calls in Noppadon, while his global minions (eg, Frysian boppe) vainly try to repel the formidable forces built up against him. But it's all twisting and turning (as per above). It never really seems to go anywhere. Despite being the so-called POWER in the land, the Thaksin forces seem to have absolutely no way to carry the "debate" forward. Nada. Floundering - and desperately so.

So, after this announcement, let's see how the antis and the Dems reciprocate. Likely - f'off. The EC is irrelevant - YOU leave, WE talk.

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Candidates for election should announce their reform platforms and then all THai people should be given the opportunity to vote for their candidate of choice. The candidates for pm will be elected based on their various reform platforms. We assume that the Thai news will press forward on this process so that Thais will understand what comes first, the chicken or the egg.

There is not just one set of reforms. There are a few different approaches to this. That is why each candidate should announce and clearly state their reform platform by the numbers. Then Thai people will know why they preference a candidate based on his/her reform platform and their ability to enact it. If this process is followed, it will begin to set a clear standard for Thailand to follow that will lead to a clean society and less manipulation of the reforms campaigned for.

The Thai people themselves should be involved in nominating candidates and their reform proposals. The reforms should come from Thais themselves not just politicians and establishment actors. The press should be helping out here. Without a Thai press sounding off on reform proposals and discussing the pros and cons openly, then candidates will never have an opportunity to be elected on the basis of their platform. The whole election is doomed before it goes any further.

It's up to the voice of the people through the press to start articulating a clear process to get to reform and elections. What are those reforms? It's not good enough to pontificate about all the problems in education for example. Tea money, low quality teachers, poor student department and discipline. Thais are great at pontificating all the problems. They should be, they created them for their benefit. Now it's time to articulate how to turn around the problems into solutions.

A good place for Thailand to start is law and order and a new police mandate. Law and order, violations/crimes should be spelled out clearly along with ramifications and punishments. Law and order should apply across the board to all Thais rich or poor, status or no status. If Thais can't get to first base with law and order and police mandate and reform, then nothing else they ever say or do will matter.

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Why not have a referendum on reform before or after elections ? Have say two weeks of televised debate and every party puts forward the reforms necessary, set up ATM,s to accept a ID no. so people don't have to go home to vote,no intimidation as they wont have to vote the village line and can vote at their leisure over say a week.No campaigning,no bullying.To me its the only way out of this mess.The dems should agree as their bitch about unfair electorates should be nullified and the ptp should agree because the vote is their mantra.

Abhisit proposed a referendum a few days ago, crickets heard from the PTP camp.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

So, there's your answer, Dems..... we take it you will attend also now anyway?

Can we get a positive response from the PTP leader in Thailand , instead of some over indulged trumped up lawyer from Thaskin Shinawatra, dictating what the PTP will do , it appears on the face of it , the PTP cannot make decisions, so you have just taken possibly a fatal step at reconciliation.

"reconciliaton'?...... With arrogant PAD-Dem's who denigrate their political opposites, fomenting hatred and driving more and more nails into their electoral coffin every day.....Reconciliation?....laughable and ludicrous...Electoral and Parliamentary Democracy will regulate matters..Forget reconciliation fuzzy-wuzzies..End of story..

You do realize that you do exactly that almost every time you post? denigrate, forment hatred?

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On the move by a group of people to propose the invocation of Article 7 of the Constitution to appoint a interim prime minister, Mr Noppadon said the proposal was beyond the scope of the Constitution and there was no justification for its invocation.

Article 7 is part of the Constitution, but proposing to invoke it is beyond the scope of the Constitution? So why does Article 7 exist?

Gotta be a lawyer to make sense of that statement...

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Whatever it takes there must be no election before reforms are put in place. The powers that be must ensure that the criminal giving his orders from his desert palace is told he is not wanted. If there is an election prior to the reforms then the past months of sacrifice of Kuhn Suthep and his people will have been for nothing and the curruption of the PTP will continue unabated.

The Dems must state categorically that they will take part in a new election subject to the reforms being put in place and it might be time to replace Kuhn Abhsit as the leader because he is tainted - rightly or wrongly - (wrongly in my opinion) by the events of 2010 and no matter what the court decides when they hear the charges against him the people of Issarn will never accept him, as in their eyes his is guilty because of the propaganda put out by the 'reds'.

Remove Suthep who is also tainted - rightly or wrongly - (rightly in my opinion) by the same events of 2010 as well from the political landscape and you may have some progress in dialog between the PDRC and PTP and resolution of the political conflict.

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Candidates for election should announce their reform platforms and then all THai people should be given the opportunity to vote for their candidate of choice. The candidates for pm will be elected based on their various reform platforms. We assume that the Thai news will press forward on this process so that Thais will understand what comes first, the chicken or the egg.

There is not just one set of reforms. There are a few different approaches to this. That is why each candidate should announce and clearly state their reform platform by the numbers. Then Thai people will know why they preference a candidate based on his/her reform platform and their ability to enact it. If this process is followed, it will begin to set a clear standard for Thailand to follow that will lead to a clean society and less manipulation of the reforms campaigned for.

The Thai people themselves should be involved in nominating candidates and their reform proposals. The reforms should come from Thais themselves not just politicians and establishment actors. The press should be helping out here. Without a Thai press sounding off on reform proposals and discussing the pros and cons openly, then candidates will never have an opportunity to be elected on the basis of their platform. The whole election is doomed before it goes any further.

It's up to the voice of the people through the press to start articulating a clear process to get to reform and elections. What are those reforms? It's not good enough to pontificate about all the problems in education for example. Tea money, low quality teachers, poor student department and discipline. Thais are great at pontificating all the problems. They should be, they created them for their benefit. Now it's time to articulate how to turn around the problems into solutions.

A good place for Thailand to start is law and order and a new police mandate. Law and order, violations/crimes should be spelled out clearly along with ramifications and punishments. Law and order should apply across the board to all Thais rich or poor, status or no status. If Thais can't get to first base with law and order and police mandate and reform, then nothing else they ever say or do will matter.

I am not interested in this until someone proposes land and tax reform.

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Once again we see Thaksin telling PT what to do and when and how.

More than a puppeteer, the ruler of Thailand from afar.

Is that a problem?

Ruler of Thailand from afar...Better than coup-maker rule from close by.

At least one has electoral credentials....the other one a swift electoral boot in the hind end, when they finally dared to hold an election. After they thought they had demonized Thaksin sufficiently to make him and his local political elements irrelevant.....WRONG!

Yes it is. Regardless of part electoral credentials - he's now a convicted crook on the run.It's clear to anybody he rules PTP. That in itself should be enough to impeach YL and her pretend government.

Democracy - vote for PTP and get ruled by a criminal fugitive, whose wants on many many other serious criminal charges, whose only defense is to try and cheat a bill through parliament that whitewashes himself. Thankfully, more and more Thai people can see through him and his gang.

But no problem, as you think all and every charge is just made up and political. Bollckus! Read the cases. Did his ex missus make a packet, you bet she did. Was he lucky to get away with the assets concealment "honest mistake", you bet he was.

Stop insulting us with your claims he's an honest, democrat with some legitimate claim to be the real PM of Thailand. He isn't - not on any count.

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So there is a pre-condition.

An election in 60 days not 90.

Pheu Thai to have party leader attend EC meeting

BANGKOK: -- The Pheu Thai Party has decided to have party leader Charupong Ruangsuwan attend a meeting on Tuesday with other parties and the Election Commission (EC) to discuss the proposal on a new election.

Pheu Thai Party spokesman Prompong Nopparit said Thursday that Charupong and the director on party affairs Bhokin Bhalakula would be present on Pheu Thai's behalf to push its proposal to hold a new election in 60 days instead of 90 days as proposed by EC member Somchai Srisutthiyakorn.

The party says the 90-day timeframe is too long and its proposal to hold a poll in 60 days is backed by 53 other parties.

-- The Nation 2014-04-17

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