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persistent cough, best treatment in bangkok


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How old is this lady? Is she taking any medications? Some medications (especially ACE inhibitors for high blood pressure) can cause a persistent dry cough But it is good to follow-up and find the cause and not just throw potent and possibly risky medications at the problem hoping to get a diagnosis and fix.

30 good question

her mom does not take good care of herself and now has more serious health issues.

trying to nip this in the bud

she is over weight and seems to be putting on more weight each year or so until i hope she gets fed up with it

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If you have lots of time and money for tests, x-rays, examinations, pills, creams, and cough mixtures, then follow the traditional medical path. But if you want to cure the problem yourself without any expense and without going anywhere, and you are open-minded, rectify the problem being experienced with the solar plexus chakra. It controls the throat in the endocrine system. You'll find plenty of ways to look after this energy centre on Google.

As for me, if I have a sprain or some ache or something, I do some chakra healing, send healing energy to the spot in the form of light, or I use the energy from old trees. You'd be amazed at what you can cure in these 3 ways alone. As for old trees, the energy they send you is amazing!

Actually i am GLAD you brought it up

This is a radical idea for some, but if you can heal all of your emotions i believe the body will follow.

We tried some but she fell asleep once and the second try i could she she was blocked and did not want to face, see or deal with it this way.

So i have to let her be herself with her issues just as you and i have ours.

It is up to us how much we want to heal ourselves?

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Any persistent cough lasting more than three weeks should be taken very seriously. Blood tests and a chest x-ray are a must and are standard procedure with GP's in the UK. In the majority of cases the outcome is not serious and and relatively simple treatment will cure it.However, it is sometimes an indication of something sinister which needs urgent treatment. Do not ignore it or mess about self-medicating.

I am perplexed after her second doctors trip still NO BLOOD WORK WAS DONE, no white or red count at the very least or liver function.


even though i told her many times

stubborn, ignorant, cheap or what???

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Why would you expect LFTS to be part of an investigation into a cough ?

And what do you expect "Blood work" to show ?

Take the woman to a specialist chest physician and get a proper diagnosis.

"Chinese medicine" or other Quack cures are unlikely to help.

Is she worried about her cough or is the anxiety all yours ?

The lady may be telling the Dr she has been " forced to attend" and that she is really quite well and OK

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If you have lots of time and money for tests, x-rays, examinations, pills, creams, and cough mixtures, then follow the traditional medical path. But if you want to cure the problem yourself without any expense and without going anywhere, and you are open-minded, rectify the problem being experienced with the solar plexus chakra. It controls the throat in the endocrine system. You'll find plenty of ways to look after this energy centre on Google.

As for me, if I have a sprain or some ache or something, I do some chakra healing, send healing energy to the spot in the form of light, or I use the energy from old trees. You'd be amazed at what you can cure in these 3 ways alone. As for old trees, the energy they send you is amazing!

Actually i am GLAD you brought it up

Never read such a crock of sh.......t in my life, get real idiots.

This is a radical idea for some, but if you can heal all of your emotions i believe the body will follow.

We tried some but she fell asleep once and the second try i could she she was blocked and did not want to face, see or deal with it this way.

So i have to let her be herself with her issues just as you and i have ours.

It is up to us how much we want to heal ourselves?

I will say again utter rubbish, black Magic white magic pre historic crap.

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I agree with the suggested post to get X-Ray, etc My Thai wife had persistent cough and it turned out to be cancer at the bottom of one lung. She never smoked. "Do not wait," get it checked out.

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She has already had a chest x ray and it was reportedly normal.

She hasd been several times to a doctor who has almost certainly listened to her chest, though we don't know the findings...but with a normal chest Xray quite likely lung sunds were clear.

There is no mention of fever. No sympotom at all mentioned other than a dry, nonproductive cough. Very, very common problem in Bangkok and usually related to irritation fro mair pollution or an allergan.

She certainl;y does not need liver functio ntests and if no fever, clear lung sounds and normal chest xray along with no sputum, she may not need any blood work at all.

If the cough is worse at night this would support thel ikelihood of irritation from post-nasal drip. In which case a good ENT can help.

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Prospective studies have shown that 3 conditions account for the etiologic cause of chronic cough in 92-100% of immunocompetent, nonsmoking patients with normal chest radiograph findings.[14] In order of frequency, they are as follows:

  1. Upper airway cough syndrome (UACS), previously referred to as postnasal drip syndrome (PNDS)
  2. Asthma
  3. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)


Should be noted that CVA cough variant asthma is asthma with only symptom being cough.

In a standard medical office setting (non specialist) it would be reasonable to start a trial of inhaled albuterol with or without an inhaled steroid. these are relatively safe and inexpensive as opposed to pricy asthma specific studies. If there is improvement it suggests asthma or RAD reactive airway disease. no improvement suggests another etiology such as UACS or GERD. This is in line with a common approach to suspected gerd, a trial of omeprazole rather than a battery of pricier tests.

Edited by atyclb
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She has already had a chest x ray and it was reportedly normal.

She hasd been several times to a doctor who has almost certainly listened to her chest, though we don't know the findings...but with a normal chest Xray quite likely lung sunds were clear.

There is no mention of fever. No sympotom at all mentioned other than a dry, nonproductive cough. Very, very common problem in Bangkok and usually related to irritation fro mair pollution or an allergan.

She certainl;y does not need liver functio ntests and if no fever, clear lung sounds and normal chest xray along with no sputum, she may not need any blood work at all.

If the cough is worse at night this would support thel ikelihood of irritation from post-nasal drip. In which case a good ENT can help.

Excellent response.

Minor correction: also she has a cold that comes and goes.

Some sneezing runny and stuffed nose and cold like sounding voice.

The cough remains the 'cold' comes and goes.

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