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Weather Warning: Tropical storms set to batter Thailand

Jonathan Fairfield

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"Chem Trails" have been used for many decades to trial new forms of infectious deseases, and must have be used here as I could not understand why my family (and especially me), came down with a very viralent flu strain to which I am normally immune. An ex US government operative told me that they now also spray to try and correct an imbalance in the "ionasphere," which was caused when experiments with the HARP project caused a reversal of polarity. (To my amazement, he showed me huge bombers in Austalia spraying tons of chemicals at twilight) .....

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makes one wonder about the planes that are constantly spraying the skies.

Certainly not to make it rain.

Please tell me you're not referring to "chem" trails?

Why should "gr8fldanielle" not refer to chemtrails? There are even government documents dating back to the 1970s regarding weather control. Maybe you are just ignorant of the fact.

I thought this forum was free for all, so let people have their say if they want to, or is this forum for like-minded people only? I wonder sometimes if it is free-for-all when I read the bitching and slandering that goes on on TV.

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I hear this same crap every year, floods in the rainy season and drought in the hot season. I do think some more reservoirs need to b built.....Duh....I do see a lot of them being built but still need more.........

It's because they build their dams in the wrong places. They choose the places to build the dams by finding where land prices are fairly cheap already, so that the wealthy contractors can buy up a lot of the land before construction begins Then the government buys the land from them at inflated prices. There are actually some very smart knowledgeable people working for the Irrigation Department (although they did make a disastrous mistake in 2012), but they have little influence over the process.

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I don't wish to split hairs, but from my experience, a tropical storm stems from a Low Pressure Area that forms over warm open water, feeds from the warm surface water before intensifying into a Tropical Storm, then then end product is a typhoon.

If I am correct, then these storms that are being warned of, cannot be tropical storms in the true sense of the word, hence rather misleading. Mention a Low Pressure Area or Tropical Storm in places such as the Philippines, Taiwan or even south China and the possible seriousness of the situation is hastily accessed.

Round about this time of the year, especially in Singapore, you can almost set you watch every day when heavy monsoon style rains hit. And I would suggest these monsoon rains are what Thailand is being warned of. I may be totally wrong tho

How about...a monsoon vortex...?

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I don't wish to split hairs, but from my experience, a tropical storm stems from a Low Pressure Area that forms over warm open water, feeds from the warm surface water before intensifying into a Tropical Storm, then then end product is a typhoon.

If I am correct, then these storms that are being warned of, cannot be tropical storms in the true sense of the word, hence rather misleading. Mention a Low Pressure Area or Tropical Storm in places such as the Philippines, Taiwan or even south China and the possible seriousness of the situation is hastily accessed.

Round about this time of the year, especially in Singapore, you can almost set you watch every day when heavy monsoon style rains hit. And I would suggest these monsoon rains are what Thailand is being warned of. I may be totally wrong tho

How about...a monsoon vortex...?

Coming soon, in late August, September and October whistling.gifwhistling.gifwhistling.gifwhistling.gif

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Useless to stick to this generalizing Disaster Department.

There is only one reliable source for weather forecasts and storm warnings: Thai Meteorological Department, they give excellent information, divided by area and cities, based on their meteo stations. They update every 4 hours and really quick, e.g. at 7.05 pm you can see the weather situation in an area that was measured at 7 pm. A real good service.

Here the link: http://www.tmd.go.th/en/province.php?id=23 Although this is for Udonthani, a simple click on another area and you are informed.

BTW for Udonthani there is no storm warning....

Plenty od red alerts in Udon province cheesy.gif

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"The public is requested to cooperate by using water economically".

I'll start doing that when they stop wasting millions of litres by cutting Songkran to 1 day, as a few sensible places do already. I'm with Finnomick on this one!,

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rickirs, on 21 Apr 2014 - 17:06, said:

The Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation is warning Thais of sudden summer storms during the rainy season. Who would have guessed we'll have rain during the rainy season? Thank you DDPM for your scientific insights. Next thing you know DDPM will be warning of a drought during the dry season.

It's an interesting name for a government body, but have they ever "prevented" a disaster or done much to "mitigate" any damage or other effects, of a disaster?

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Haven't seen it yet.... half the lies these weather men tell aren't true!

I think that you will find that 100% of the lies are untrue!!!

In Thailand, the translation of goh hok, as "lies" is incorrect. Please refer to them as kittifibs. Thais don't tell lies, they merely manipulate the truth.

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